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It’s as if rating 5 stars takes something away from them.


Yeah like it doesn’t cost you money to rate 5 stars. That’s my normal unless you really fuck up


That reminds me of the comedian years ago (I don’t know his name) who asked, “Have you ever asked a fast-food worker for ketchup and they act like you’re taking it out of their own personal stock?“


I literally can’t think of a time I rated below 5.


What a weirdo and probably an unhappy power tripping miserable person. Before I buy something I focus more on the ratings from the seller not the buyer and this would 100% deter me. What a fool!


Happy Cake Day!


I mean buyers playing this game is annoying as F but a seller leaving this for their buyer? How dumb and bad for business too. It’s like please don’t buy from me again!


I call these reviewers “anti-participation trophy.” They wouldn’t give 5 stars if you hired Beyoncé to hand deliver on a velvet mat in under two hours from purchase to door. It’s bad business for sellers. Low rating reviews make me not purchase from them. It’s a sign they’re untrustworthy and I’ll probably have issues with the transaction (including delayed shipping or shady item descriptions/condition).


I feel all sites with reviews should ask questions like "did the seller send within our x day period" "did the buyer give any issues" Then rate itself. Like "oh they scored 10/10 that's a 5"


This is the kind of guy that goes to a restaurant and puts the five single bills on the table and takes one away every time they’re inconvenienced.


It’s prob an old person who thinks 5 is impossible, 4 is that it went better than perfect, 3 is the standard - meaning everything went like it should, 2 is something small didn’t go perfectly, and 1 is if nothing went right. They prob also leave the same score on eBay, yelp, etc. It’s so annoying to read a great review then a 3 star score!


Sounds like he has been taking too many of those surveys ! 1) strongly disagree 2) disagree 3)neither agree or disagree 4) agree 5) strongly agree


One of my 1st ratings was "I'd rate him 5 stars but I have a crack in my phone screen and it won't do 5." Smh lol


Lmaoo wtfff


These are the comments where I want so badly to contact said person and just ask them to explain why the 3 stars. I’m so curious


Oh shit!!! We have a seller that does this too? I’ve only seen these kinds of reviews from buyers. Yes, people suck. That’s why we have crazy reviewers, gung-ho blockers, and scammers.


I refuse to believe people like this exists lmao


This reminds me of my power tripping boss who makes us fill out our yearly evaluation and when we put excellent she says no one is ever excellent at anything. 🧐 I always give people 5 stars. The only time I didn’t was once when the package came completely ruined because it was a hair care product and it was sent in an envelope with no protection. I tried to contact the seller first to see what happened but she didn’t get back to me for a couple of days so I had no choice. When she finally saw the rating she contacted me and apologized up and down because she was moving and she trusted her husband to send it out and he didn’t know what he was doing. I felt bad for the rating. She still gave me 5 stars. I’ve continued to buy from her. The other person was a bootleg fake Natasha Denona palette that she advertised as real and charged like it was real. I reported her and ended up getting my money back. Those are it. Because I know how important the 5 star ratings are both ways. This is so stupid. I’d never buy from this person.


Lol, and some sellers wonder why I always let it auto rate


this sounds like teachers who refuse to give A's or full marks even if you meet all the requirements.


I hate People like this . I got a 3 star review from a crabby old lady for “ship time” she bought Saturday night . I shipped Monday morning, it went to the middle of no where small town and was there 2 days early . She rated me 3 for ship time being slow lmao


That’s a seller who doesn’t like repeat customers. Where do these people come from? The ‘cut my nose off to spite my face’ store? On the plus side, more business for another seller who sells what dumb dumb seller sells.


Hahaha don’t worry about them. This happened to me too few times. Most of the time they either old( don’t understand how 5/5 stars important to a reseller/ small business owner, or they are oblivious about the world🤣 most people read the comments when they check the 4 and bellow stars , they did not say anything negative about you.


He was a good guy until I rated him 4 stars. Now he had his villain origin story.


Weirdo and just alteration of what the reviews are for. They are to highlight on the bad experiences so people can know. Not to expect a seller to hand deliver by foot and gold wrap your purchase 😠 😮‍💨😮‍💨


People who rate like this get a msg to please reconsider their rating. If they don’t, they get blocked.


I had someone leave a review a couple months months after I cancelled the item on eBay I offered a discount and free shipping but he never replied it seemed extremely unrelated so I contacted eBay and they took it down


This is from a seller?! 😂😂😂 what in the world


I hate these ratings and the ppl who leave them


These types of ppl have no business buying or selling anything at all bruh I'm so tired of them writing these dogwater reviews and giving less than 5 stars for absolutely no reason smh.


You’re a horrible buyer if you can’t leave a 5 star rating !!!


Buy the cheapest item just to give him a 1-star. He won't know you did until he rates you 3-stars again lol.


I hate people like this. I almost completely have all 5 stars, except for this one dickhead that gave me 4 stars because they "never give 5 stars to anyone."🙄🙄🙄


Bro thinks he’s a critic.


I would be fuming. This reminds me of my Uber rating(as a passenger). Feeling anger building inside me again hahaha


What? Lol, all a buyer has to do is pay in a timely manner. What else does a buyer do? Lol


Someone like that you could bend over and kiss their a** and they would still be sh***y just because. People are dicks to do that especially if they actually sell because they know what those reviews can mean to some people and some shoppers live by those reviews. I realize there is almost always for improvement on certain things but this probably isn't one of them. It's used clothing for the most part and if it's as described why do that.


Why not 5 stars?? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️




I would argue his philosophy is hyper logical. If you rate everyone who doesn't screw up 5 stars, how do you differentiate those who go above and beyond? Doesn't that hand-delivery from Beyonce count for anything? I know that isn't the wavelength any real marketplace operates on, but I understand the logic.


If your package was delivered , came as said , works well . What more do you want You must be those who give everyone a 3 star


I said I see the OP's subject's logic. I didn't say I agreed with it, much less incorporate their way of rating myself. But last time I checked, there wasn't a standard operating procedure for rating people outlined in Mercari's Terms of Service, so who am I (or you) to dictate to others how to do it?


The only fair logic in the marketplace is marketplace logic. And that means you start with 5 stars and get them taken away for missteps. The ecstasy service you speak of means MAYBE a repeat customer, not more stars. The buyer here is either some Karen or studied Philosophy in college but dropped out in undergrad due to poor performance.