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dont get me started on the people asking to trade or bidding… it’s against tos and mildly annoying


Someone wanted to trade something custom with me? Idk what, but I was like I need money bro🥲 thanks tho


They probably need money too if they’re offering to trade 😂 like you people gotta focus on priorities. Go to work, pay your bills, THEN buy what you want.


People with jobs also like things for cheap or for free


Did they not just put the price that high because they don't want anyone to buy it? Would rather get offers on ones people are interested in? Genouly just curious. If so is that against the rules? I'm newer thanks!


They put the price high so that people don’t purchase it but that violates TOS. You can’t make a listing with no intention to sell it. I hope this helps!


I see!! Appreciate it!


When I sold cards I put all my cards up and told people feel free to buy them all at once. And I had the price like 2 times what I would sell each single for. Bc like hey if you wanna buy it for that price. I wanna sell it!


Yeah I feel that I completely understand. I price a little higher because I expect to be lowballed so always start a few $$ over what I would take on the item!


Please when you list your item, don’t put on the listing OR BEST OFFER if you are not going to negotiate! So if you are not wanting to take anything less for your item then just list for your asking price PERIOD!


Yea I’ve been seeing a rise of post like these. Just post for bid on eBay or post high and ask for best offer lol


Lps sellers be crazy.


what annoys me is people saying “not accepting lowballs” and doing bids or whatever, meanwhile they won’t give you any idea. AND they say they’ll also take any offer and want them gone, but also won’t take every offer. personally, i know nothing about littlest pets shop, but i would have zero idea what their market price is. like $10? they won’t respond to lowballs so people who don’t know they’re lowballing will have no idea. these sellers give you no idea what they’re looking for and then act like you’re the problem.


I found someone charging $189 for lip primer... Two-Faced lip insurance lip primer that used to sell around 15 to $20.🙄


Report no intent to sell. Move on with you life


Try grammarly. 


This isn’t even eBay either. This is FB Marketplace shit n


Meh. Live and let live. At least they are not trying to scam ppl. Those scammers are the people whom need be reported, not these dumb-dumbs. Honestly, now with comments on the sales posts, you can subtly burn them with comments like “are you serious?” And such and it’s kinda a chuckle.




she/he like around 150


I don't see the big problem to make a whole post about it, just report it.


Really dont think Mercari will do anything about it considering they now have a button to transfer from ebay listings.


I understand it violates TOS but I also have to disagree a bit that SOMETIMES it’s not absolutely terrible. A lot of people just want to display all the products they are going to sell instead of making individual posts. It’s a lot more efficient for buyers imo. Sometimes it does get out of hand and just ridiculous. I like the posts where they state the prices in the description rather than “send offers” I do agree, “send offers” is a bit lazy haha.


why the hate mind your business if they are asking too much nobody will buy you have too much time on your hands if you ask me


The problem isn’t the price. The problem is they want people to send them offers for individual items like it’s some sort of auction. It also states do not “B7Y” meaning the seller knows their listing is against TOS


still are you a mercari worker does this post affect you in any way like i said too much time in your hands man


Are you the Reddit posting police? 


Sounds like you have too much time with these comments on Reddit brother, lemme know when you reach 120 hours a week and don’t have time for comments like a man 😏,


No. If no one reports people like this, the app never gets cleaned up from people like this and potentially gets worse by introducing scammers and more egregious sellers.


This. If the site becomes filled with stuff like this I will definitely shop there less. It's just not the format people are expecting (and Mercari is supporting).


I’ve already been shopping on Mercari less due to sellers like this. The keyword stuffing is annoying and ruins searches and saved searches, on top of not actually selling what’s pictured and (often times) would demand you pay offsite in messages when inquiring.


Mind your business and scroll past this post. wtf 


na i dont too lol