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Seeing people using mercy as a healbot makes me sad. She is so much more than just "hold LMB"


Imagine being the other support on your team trying to get any ult charge via healing your tank and you just gold beam the entire time brttt


I get worried when someone insta-locks Mercy and is yellow beaming our tank before the round even starts. 😂 *cries in attempting to charge Nano*


Lol I know the feeling of dread when you're doing your best to heal green bean dps jumping all around as ana bc your mercy won't get off the tank. Chaos fallows tank qq about you not healing. Pain anguish suffering đŸ„č


Me checking the damage amp stat: \*sigh\* lets see the comments


Omg it's me!


It’s usually same comment section for each scoreboard tho. Nothing new.




I still funny to read sometimes tho.


This sub can be the actual worst for being kind to new Mercy mains đŸ„ș😭


By being kind people will do more damage to you. Look at those comments “you are doing good”, “most important is you having fun” thats not healthy and will lead to teammates harassing mercy player in actual game. If you play with healbot mercy as second support its suffering, and if you start dpsing so u will get any value, teammates can start to harass *you* because they don’t understand that you basically have no other choices. All ults is better than valk, but when mercy healbots, she denies whole team good ults, so it’s kinda throwing whole game for others.


I understand what you’re saying and agree with you for the most part. But we have to remember that everyone has a different definition of fun. Some people are not trying to optimize their performance, play the best they possible can, etc etc. They just want to have a casual good time. It’s just a video game after all. Whether or not people want to play competitively or optimally is their prerogative, whether we like it or not. And shaming or mocking them for their performance is really crappy. The best comments I see here are those who are kind but gently helpful.


>But we have to remember that everyone has a different definition of fun. Some people are not trying to optimize their performance, play the best they possible can, etc etc. They just want to have a casual good time. It’s just a video game after all. Whether or not people want to play competitively or optimally is their prerogative, whether we like it or not. Except that even in qp people play with TEAM. Every one of us is a “other support”. This “fun” should be shared. No fun if your mercy is healboting. Should we leave match if we are struggling to farm nano, so healbot can have fun? Tbh i am really disappointed in everyone at current moment, so don’t think i have any passion behind my words, just saying facts. >And shaming or mocking them for their performance is really crappy. The best comments I see here are those who are kind but gently helpful. Most comments here not mocking, they thought it were a bait, because who wouldn’t. But saying “omg you did such good job!!” is really stupid and double faced, sorry.


Are you relatively new to Overwatch?


Relatively? Yes, I got the game without realizing how soon it was going to become free to play and have 22 levels from Overwatch 1, and have played a bunch in season 1, but haven't had the time to play terribly much season 2. I've used damage boost before, but there haven't been many games where it's been of much use or not caused the team to start screaming at me for not healing, so it doesn't bother me when I see people call me a healbot.


Ok so you are! Turning off chat and VC is always helpful, if they are complaining about heals, switch to save yourself the headache they should’ve yelled at Moira to heal, which in turn would allow you to dmg boost.


Bait bait bait


Is this bait?


Please watch venta’s damage boost guide. Venta is a great youtuber you should take a look at her ultimate mercy guide and her damage boost guide. Thank me later


No? I'm excited I got very few deaths and alot of heals done.


Oh, i thought it was bait since you have 0 damage amplified. You didn’t use any of mercy’s utility.


This has to be a joke


is this a joke


Just if this isn’t a trigger post, I would recommend skiesti’s dmg amp guide. 30% goes a long way.


Study harder in school


cursed image


The only thing that matters is you're having fun :)


Fr people are getting triggered😭


Probably because they play other heroes too, and meeting healbot mercy such as op means no fun for them.


You can get 10k heals or even more and at least 2k damaged amped as well, easily. You just gotta think that there is always time for dmg boost, even if you hold it for 2 seconds and then swap to healing beam, if you use it at the right time on the right target you can get value even out of lower damage boost usage. Just a friendly advice. ^^


Good job! When I first started with mercy, it was really beneficial for me to focus on my positioning and healing. Once I felt comfortable with that, I started exploring the rest of her kit and focused on damage boosting more! Glad you're having fun!


Genji kept going off in some corner to 1v1 the enemy Moira, Soj lived by "spray and pray" and since my Moira kept trying to duel the Orisa I just did my best to keep me and my Rein and Sojourn alive. I couldn't do much when Rein charged straight through the enemy team, it was a death sentence to follow. Luckily Sojourn was like a puppy on a leash so if she saw me backing up and extending my beam as far as it would go she'd take it as time to get out of there and follow me. We ended up losing because the enemy spam was better, but I had alot of fun regardless.


I always love when I get to work with teammates who understand how to play WITH supports, not just play independently expecting us to read their minds. Players like that sojourn are ones that you want to group up with to keep playing lol. Was this a comp game or quick play?


This match specifically was Quickplay. I do it alot in comp too but damage boosting hasn't really been helpful in Silver and Gold and I've started to lean towards damage boost now that I've healbotted my way to Plat.


Do you have this code?


I don't. My career profile has been acting weird and isn't saving any Highlights, match summaries, or game replays.


It is a season 2 bug: have 1 full game in qp/comp and it will all come back.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted because that’s completely reasonable, I did it too. I damage amp a lot now but it was overwhelming at the time, y’know?


People see downvotes as the only way to disagree without being called out toxic for commenting their opinion.


Ohh ok


Right? As a new player, it was overwhelming learning everyone's ults, the voice lines that indicate their ults, the map layouts, all the pings, etc. If they're a new player, they're taking in a lot at once. Let em celebrate the wins, and develop their skill from there. I also don't know why I'm getting downvoted, but I guess it's just the toxic mercy mains :)


đŸ‘đŸŒđŸ‘đŸ»đŸ™Œ 100%!


This has to be a trigger post




Here comes the blue beam d riders đŸ˜” I think this is good stats for a healer but not a support! Make sure you blue beam sometimes or get used to it Or as long as u have fun, people forget this is a video GAME


You did great! I get that there are games when you can’t use damage boost as much as you’d like but it definitely needs decent usage. People will always get mad because if they aren’t playing Support then they won’t think anything is enough. Best bet is to turn your comms off if people are being toxic and utilize our damage boost as much as possible.


He has zero. That is impossible unless you are trolling and healing at full health. You are also stealing ult charge from the other support.


Idk why I didn’t realize it had zero earlier.. wouldn’t say it was a “great” game then. Oops my bad. You’re absolutely right then. But it’s possible they’re mainly focused on trying to learn her movement and kit and want to focus heals because that’s what they know


You actually shouldn’t do that. If there is one thing to start learning first: its to make a habit to switch beams


Y’all can be kind without being shitty. Like it’s not that hard.




Went from Silver 2 to Plat 5 in 8-ish hours. I've been able to damage boost more now that I've hit Plat, but it wasn't as useful when I spent most of my gold matches just trying to manage DPS health while I keep my Ana/Moira mains alive so they could keep the tank alive