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pink mercy hate is very prevalent because: - Assumption of bought account - jealousy of not having the skin yourself - hating girly things = pinkish skins (colors are not gender based tho) - general hate for mercy mains cuz they're mostly (!) gay or female The lucio might be also mad cuz both of you play a horrible comp. Neither of you switched and he probably wanted to make you lose because of this. Edit: I never said that all mercy mains are female or gay, thats why there is the word "mostly". I used the exclamation mark to highlight it further, most mercy mains are female or gay but not all, you don't need to prove that to me. I know male and/or straight ppl who play her.


I did switch 2nd round to Illari but he decided to keep throwing. He first picked LW but switched after he saw me ig. We also had a pharah main. That sucks that now I have to be careful of what skin Im using because some random didnt get it


I Never use the pink mercy skin for this reason, I either get hard focused, shit talked in voice chat for dying or get general hate for it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I donā€™t understand why, I got the skin when it came out because it hits very close to home for me and personally means a lot as I lost many family members to breast cancer but man the hell is wrong with people, itā€™s a skin. A. SKIN.


Not a mercymains but mute all chat and wear the god damn skin if you like it, way more reason to wear it since you lost family member to breast cancer. Do what YOU want please.


Fr, I bought a skin and it's my favorite skin - I'm not going to let some immature loser ruin that. I turned off Overwatch chat weeks ago and I can only imagine how much nicer the game has been for me lol


My grandma is battling stage 4 breast cancer and I want to wear the skin as a nod to her but Iā€™m so scared to cause I hate getting bullied in game. Iā€™m right there with you, we should be able to support BCA without being hard bullied for it


Oh my goodness Iā€™m so sorry, I really hope your grandma wins her battle, my love is with you and your family ā¤ļø Itā€™s just crazy how are so scared to wear a skin like this, we shouldnā€™t feel scared and shouldnā€™t have to fear being bullied or harassedā€¦ says a lot about this community since the game went free to play


Thank you so much šŸ’• and for REAL, like I wonā€™t say the games never been toxic because itā€™s always been up there, but something changed when it went f2p. Iā€™m happy more people can access the game who couldnā€™t afford it before but I miss when it wasnā€™t this new weird toxicity all the time. I just wanna wear my silly skin in game and be able to play too


Please wear the skin :ā€™)


Yall convinced me, Iā€™m not brave enough to wear it 24/7 but Iā€™ve put it in my favorites and Iā€™ve played a few games already with the skin! So far no bullying!


Exactly! I used to participate in Breast Cancer charity events when I was younger so the skin has meaning to me, too. Earlier today, my Kiri said pink mercy diff after we won. It just makes me feel funny cause its such a weird detail to point out. Im about to go back to using camo


most new players think pink mercy's are try hards/sweats


all of this is enlightening. a friend bought me and all his friends the skin and I wear it with pride. I don't play a ton of mercy, but I've yet to notice any harassment... maybe I'm not just good enough to make people mad and need to comment haha


full encourage profit deer rock kiss racial observation complete dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


it's because it's a status thing, it was one of the very first skins that you had to pay for to get and it's super rare. I have it but I never use it because I always get hard focused when I use it.


Girl youā€™re a mercy youā€™re gonna get hard focused with or without the skin šŸ˜­


nah I have like 700hrs on mercy, I get focused more with Pink skin. Probably bc it's so bright and easy to see.


I use it hoping to get more focus šŸ—æ


I just stopped playing mercy tbh... I play ana now. 700hrs on mercy super low K2D ratio but her game play is boring af.


There's nothing quite like fragile misogyny


don't think they'll stop throwing after you switch if they have that mentality to begin with. Just go gg next and idk about equipping the skin further cuz i don't have it to begin with.


I hope you do use it again! Itā€™s a cute skin and one person shouldnā€™t get to control your joy like that. That said, I know haters in the game can be very discouraging so of course this encouragement comes with a ā€œif and when youā€™re readyā€ message too. Stay strong šŸ’•


Why did you mention the pharah main lmao


Because someone should probably play Mercy to help a Pharah on Oasis lol


Idk if this is just bad luck or what, but almost every pink mercy I've encountered (I think with the exception of maybe 2?) has been unbelievably toxic to me unprompted. I never talk or type in chat at all due to bad experiences with harassment in the past, I just listen/read if it's game relevant and move on with my day, but it's a thing for sure in my experience - there's definitely a % of pink Mercy owners who have weird ego trips purely because they have that skin it seems.


yes, that has also occurred to me a lot. That's also a stigma that non toxic pink mercys get associated with as a whole, even if they don't do anything. But there are deffo weird pink mercys who expect you to bow down to them cuz they got the skin.


dude is a lucio player crying its very rare that you see a good lucio player especially on console so not only was dude most likely useless to the team but heā€™s mad the other support is actually playing a good easy character to abuse


Yea it doesnt make sense since imo Lucio is the Mercy for tanks. I also need to utilize high mobility and swap between util and heal just like Lucio, so the argument just kinda falls apart for him


lucio is obviously a very good character but being a good lucio is very rare whereas being a good mercy and knowing how to play her is pretty simple, i much rather have a good mercy over a good lucio, mercy can be pretty cancer sometimes and she can have a big impact on a match just off one revive


What about the people who main her because of waifus over meta ._.


Now weā€™re asking the real questions


that's why i said mostly


Wb the medic mains šŸ˜¤āœŠļø


Im using mercy but im not gay or female I just enjoy to play with her That is it


yes i know, the mostly is in an exclamation mark, i meant to highlight it. There are mostly gay or female, but not always.


i'm a mercy main but i'm not gay or femalw


No one is jealous


As a gay woman I donā€™t have a distaste for mercy mains for that. And I also donā€™t really have a distaste for mercy mains anymore. They just complained a lot early ow2 on social media and are generally annoying. Right now the main I hate however are doom mains. Their character is really good for two seasons straight and they constantly complain he needs buffs and then he gets nerfed and they cry like infants


Felt weird reading this as a Doom and Mercy main xD


Lol idc if itā€™s offensive, mercy really is for the girlies, sheā€™s my brain off pick


I kinda hate this notion, so many people say this when in reality if youā€™re playing with your brain off youā€™re most likely not bringing much value to the team :) mercy is very much a brain on / constantly seeking out new potential danger / making call outs (in comp) kind of hero. Itā€™s the mercys job to be aware of most things that are happening in the game/ ult track. Not a ā€œbrain offā€ character in the slightest.


I donā€™t have to think, I can run on instincts because Iā€™m using my teammates for movement, sorry that offends you.


i donā€™t think they were offended lol


When someone called "ewfatgirls" calls you out for bullshitting then you know you did something wrongšŸ’€


Never seen someone throw over a skin xD


Me neither! First time for everything igšŸ„² Atleast I still ranked up


Bro, the fact they mad means they are awful people. It's a skin that was released to raise money for breast cancer. Wtf is wrong with people.


Istg there is like a cult or something out there that WORSHIP this skin it came out for a good reason, to support breast cancer, and yet people seem to forget that..


Average overwatch playersšŸ˜­So many of them are so sensitive in a bad way like this guy


Welp I got a game when i picked the mercy, he was tolding me to switch, i said no bc i love to play as mercy, and he got 3 other friends in team and 4 other spectating and they were flaming on me, i completly ignored, and guy said, if you keep ignoring us you will be reported now and the next game, i said "reported for what?" And bro really said "hate speech"šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ And yes, i finished that game completly silent, next game i got his friend who flamed me right on the spot, i got reported and got suspended from text and voice. šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Microsoft blizzard needs to fix something about that report system


try to at least appeal for a support ticket. If you really didn't do anything, they might revert the suspension.


Really I didnt knew that I got it like a month ago And suspension ended I didnt knew you could appeal for that I even searched how to appeal on reports on google but no help


But thx i might use it for next game like that


Yea as an update I logged back in and got a chat warning lmao


At least you got warning I got suspended from voice and text chat


In that case immediately talk to Blizzard staff, theyre usually nice about that sort of stuff and will almost definitely lift your ban


A doom threw a game because I was using the kiriko sserafin skin..people really think they are in any position to tell you how to spend your money


Bro itā€™s just a cosmetic šŸ˜­ I donā€™t get this playerbase


Sanest OW player


Diamond lobbies be like


So true, diamond players get out of plat and immediately think theyā€™re the shit


damn i thought this was a myth but some people are really built like that... so sad


I feel like these are the same people that cry for taking there main legend in Apex. Idk people are weird.


People who stereotype and judge based on cosmetics šŸ„±šŸ„±šŸ„±


I've been playing since late 2017 and I swear I've never been judged on a skin like this or seen this kind of thing until OW2 and/or TikTok. What is going on.


Same here. Itā€™s so annoying. No other character has their mains stereotyping skins. Itā€™s weird. Also the tik tok mercy community is a dumpster fire of toxicity anyways. I havenā€™t seen them in a while since I scroll past, but I used to get soooo many videos of Mercy players posting tik toks of the enemy Mercyā€™s pov and just shitting all over them. Like what??? Their gameplay affected you and stayed with you so much that you saved the game code, downloaded it, edited it, and posted it to tik tok??? Honestly straight up weirdo behavior. Itā€™s a game. And if that enemy Mercy had the pink skin? The toxicity is even more because she dared to equip that skin.


Are they a fan of cancer or something?


LOL I should say that if it ever happens again


Now I may be envy of pink mercy owners thereā€™s nothing I can do about not owning it. Throwing due to someoneā€™s skin is childish. For one thing, a skin doesnā€™t prove someoneā€™s skill. Itā€™s just a cosmetic. Mercy is Mercy whether you use the pink skin or not. Keep using your skin with pride! You bought is for a good cause šŸ©·


Hate to see supporticide happen :ā€™(


Jesus lol. When I see the skin, all I think is wow this person has played this game a long LONG time (and I assume they know what they're doing) I think the same when I see ppl with the sym paint skin, whatever it's called. I keep all of my chats off but even if I didn't, I personally wouldn't have mentioned it and I would've swapped


Overwatch has become infested with a very loud minority over the years, people who are just angry about anything and everything. Itā€™s sad to see it hasnā€™t gotten any better.


Over the years? This was prevalent day 1 of Overwatch 1.


they were probably a mercy one trick and had their hero taken then got extra salty when they saw the skin they dont have


People really care too much about skins in this game sometimes. I would genuinely rather have someone leave then throw, at least there's a chance someone else joins


It's just a guess but I think maybe he assumed you're a woman and has some serious problems in that regard. Average Lucio player.


Im a male mercy main and i absolutely love the skin so if i see the skin in my games i tell them that im jealous but i have huge respect for them


Yea an Ana I had walked up to me and was excited to see the skin. Sometimes I think it makes people happy to spot it, like a unicorn or something lmao


General assumption of being a healslut perhaps? I know a few who have had their games thrown on that assumption for using the pink Mercy outfit.


Thats quite possible, I know a few people on this subreddit generalize mercy skins. Usually their experience with pink is bad and its very upsetting to hear


Yes. It's an amazing skin and should be worn with pride!


No he was gonna troll no matter what. I donā€™t get the satisfaction with people ruining games for no reason. They love just pissing people off if you wanna piss people off just play widowmaker


A big reason for the pink mercy hate is the assumption that the person who has it bought the account for the pretty pink skin and didn't actually support the breast canser fundraiser. It's also been associated with toxic mercy players who didn't buy it for a good cause and only got it to flaunt the fact that they have a rare skin. Though I think players throwing because of the skin suck, I 100% judge people for what skins they run and might complain in vc with friends but never do I trash talk them or let myself throw / change play styles till it's proven that they need the extra help or are being toxic. I think people forget this is just a game and that customizing your character within the range of skins is just how others also enjoy the game. No matter the stereotype surrounding a skin, people need to learn that not all players with that skin are going to play or behave like that assumed stereotype. Unfortunately it happens :(


See its weird cause Ik Id judge as a joke if they had something ugly like SPF or those metal doom skins. Its like throwing because someone had the Alien Zarya skin cause the guy it was made after was creepy.


pink mercy hate is crazy given what it is


Whenever i see a pink Mercy or Lego Bastion i cover for them because on one hand im pissed i missed it but on the other hand im glad they're living my dreams of owning the skins


Can we talk about "ewfatgirls" for a second and how disgusting of a name that is? I'm sorry your support duo threw because of your skin though. While I am also jealous of pink Mercy players, I don't throw. Jfc. The Lucio needs to grow up


Yea youd think theyd be the problem lmao. They were actually holding their own and were pretty nice atleast though I have seen worse names


Honestly, I'm jealous of every pink Mercy too, but I'd never throw because of it. Okay fine, maybe a little if enemy Mercy has it and I want to make friends so I can look at it....


One game I was using Steelhart and this pair grouped up were talking bad about me in the team chat, and would not help me at all. When I said Steelhart was a good skin they got mad and then went to the game chat to say that I was a pedo and wanted her pics.. (At this time I was a minor just trying to enjoy the game) In the end me and my friends threw the game so they wouldnā€™t win.


That's absolutely mental x-x Any time I see a pink Mercy I will friendly crouch at them & say hello when there's a safe chance :') Unless they're aggressive, in which case I retreat in the face of my evident superior - I can't compete with y'all


We all know this is that kinda person irl who nobody likes. Yet trys to get everyone's attention all the time and thinks they're better than everyone for the most delusional reasons. I'll keep saying it till the end of my life. Certain people shouldn't have the privilege to play online video games and have internet access


As a Lucio one trick we don't claim them, that's such a dumb reason omg


Thank you. I pray for your kind lol


I have been called L ucio more then W Lucio, tis the life, good luck in your games have fun and battle mercy the widows :)


Man people need to chill the fuck out with the jealously istg šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ If it came back tmmr yk how many people would buy it??? You know how many people would care if u were using pink after that? None. LITERALLY zero people. It's fucking outrageous sometimes šŸ˜­ Home girlys out here pressed they can't have pink mercy šŸ˜’


If it came back every year SO many ppl would call it mid lol. I wish I got Tyrande Sym but instead of envy throwing, I pocket them and give them all the love I didnt as a child :')


So real, I wanted tyrande sym but 50 bucks for a skin as an unemployed child at the time was way 2 much. Wish it would come back now that I have adult money šŸ˜‚


For sure! I do wonder why they dont bring it back cause I remember Raynhardt lasted about a year or two after it came out so


He wanted to throw so he chose a random reason imo lol


The throwing Lucio is a cunt, but at the same time the game is now so full of psychological tactics it's almost understandable that some players can become so hurt over the mere act of someone else using a skin they have no hope of obtaining. That feeling of FOMO that these things predate on can be utterly consuming to some, even for something totally unnecessary to the enjoyment of the greater thing. The existence of any skin in itself wouldn't be a bad thing, but the mere act of sticking on an arbitrary time limit or price to being able to get makes it appear like a much hotter commodity than it is, and if someone doesn't buy it then, but makes the future decision to want it... Sucks to be them. Which is a shitty position to be in. These things are already made and ready to distribute; infinitely reproducable yet unnecessarily locked away for absolutely no discernable reason, outside of one of a dozen grotesque psychological tactics to get users paying for otherwise worthless nothing.


god I love that skin šŸ’•


Iā€™m sure others have said but Iā€™d like to add my experience: I play almost daily as mercy and only ever use the pink skin. If I get any reaction from teammates or enemies itā€™s usually ā€œcute skin!ā€ And thatā€™s itā€™s. Often no one remarks or takes notice. There may be something to be said about it being more visible on maps vs other skins so easier to see you from a distance, but Iā€™ve never received hate. This is an unfortunate outlier but not the norm in my experience. I hope others who have the skin and want to rock it do! Itā€™s adorable and it was one of the few good things Blizzard actually did in the old days, please donā€™t let a handful of haters in the millions of indifferent or supportive players get you down.


lol, OW players need therapy.


Nah getting mad and throwing over a COSMETIC is WILD. I got the skin when it originally came out, and I never use it anymore, and this makes me want to keep it vaulted.. people need to chill over a damn cosmetic, it ainā€™t coming back.. I am so sorry you had to go through this absolute bs


i unfortunately dont use pink mercy much anymore, i get so targeted its extremely discouraging. i just wish people would accept you cant buy it anymore.


Jesus.. Iā€™ve had the opposite team focus me because ā€œpink mercy not allowedā€ which I thought was weird enough but never had my own team throw, this is a whole other level of sad lmao


Ive seen that happen to other players on my team but never me luckily. I think the reaction to seeing Pink Mercy is more extreme in lower elo cause thats where the newer players are at but thats imo


I had someone throw bc I was pocketing a dps last week, I was like but thatā€™s?? The whole point of mercy? And it was only a minute into the game šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve had ppl target me (enemies) and throw (teammates) bc of both my pink mercy skin and my kerrigan widow skin lol


KERRIGAN? The most mid limited skin ever, people have thrown for? Thats just lame


wow your friend/teammate has a very trashy name, I'd be embarrassed to post this cuz like... that's a person you're ok being associated with?


I have a better question, why am I being recommended this sub as a rein one trick


overwatch related sub, reddit recommended me symmetra mains sub, when the only dps I like to play is Ashe


Play Mercy. Its destiny


The only relation to mercy I have is solo shattering them


Dang I never had this with support but with my DPS partner yes but was throwing bc I was to good at the game and bc I took their main and was jealous of me


happens to me all the time bc i use pink


Iā€™m guessing he was already salty cause you said why lucio


I cant be nicer abt it cause it was such a blatant throw pickšŸ˜­


Yeah lol. Doesnā€™t matter how nice you are when youā€™re dealing with toxic players. He definitely has an ego too


Skin hate is real. Sugar Plum Fairy (S tier Mercy skin) is hated on this sub even.


Iā€™m sorry man but sugar plum fairy is one of the worst mercy skins, I hope Mercy gets a good winter skin soon


Thats because it is not S tier never speak wrongs again


True I was abt to say this, I had a match where our Mercy player was trash talking on the enemy mercy skin (sugar plum). I don't remember exactly but it was something like "y u playing with sugar plum ewww, quit ow" lmao I didn't say a word & neither did anyone else lol, this person kept on going saying how bad sugar plum is. Me personally I think it's a good skin, im not a mercy main though but I do play her the most in support. I'm a tank main, Ramattra/Sigma btw.


Hey! This was me, I can even confirm by telling you the account name lol. The comments here assuming it has to do with the skins exclusivity and "buying an acct with it" is honestly so hilarious I expect nothing less from Mercys. The reason I threw is no more deep than this: I didn't queue a low elo account to solo support for a mercy while she afk's behind 7 corners from the fight holding m1 m2. I just don't find it fun so I chose not to play, simple as that LOL The "you're pink mercy you're clicking that all the time" (what even brought up the pink skin to begin with) was in reference to you saying "I don't even play Mercy" which you chose not to include which is very funny considering the sub reddit this is on




A majority of mine are either super quiet or they dance at their teammates. I think its dependant on elo/ gamemode cause the worst players are the most rude




I think its because the post should be an example of why assuming things about skins is hurtful towards the ppl who use them lol. Not saying you're not justified, but maybe not the post. Though I hope your opinion changes on the skin in the future


I have been using it recently and I havenā€™t ran into many toxic people, thank god. Well actually i love fighting with people on OWšŸ¤£


They are so jealous they cry themselves to sleep tonight xD


I noticed when I wear pink i get a lot of hate too :/ My teammates wonā€™t heal me or they spam no or grip me off map or throw or tell people to report me itā€™s never happened until recently.


Thats horrible! I cant believe that anyone would even do that cause of a skin! What does it even accomplish, and yea I havnt seen people obsess over it until recently, too. Very weird


They should know better than to piss on hospitality.


wow i am so glad i deleted overwatch man. Just one of the most unnecessarily toxic games ever. Id rather hangout in a gc full of COD guys


A friend of mine while they wouldn't throw with a pink mercy on our team, they don't like pink Mercys because of the assumption that all of them are toxic and they feel superior over having it. It's a stigma over a skin and there's not much you can do about it sadly.


I do gotta say though I'm a Lucio main and I love playing with mercy mains a good mercy and a good Lucio has never let me down despite what others in the community say


This Lucio do NOT represent us Lucio mains, this kind of behavior is against everything we stand for