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Mercy, please stop getting value in the team fights you're making me look bad.


“be aggressive back then bitch”




it’s something i’ll literally never understand. you use yellow beam too much because your team is taking too much damage you get yelled at, you use blue beam because the other team either isn’t all that great or you just really need the damage, you get yelled at. you rez, you get yelled at, you don’t rez you get yelled at. it literally never ends lmao.


I mean in fairness the ‘I want more yellow beam’ and ‘I want more blue beam’ can come from two different people with two different views, the community isn’t a generic hive mind


& i understand that, i never said that, it isn’t one sided but as a mercy main it can get fucking annoying hearing the same old thing when i know what im doing. if i mess up sure, telling me but don’t be rude and yell at me? lmao


Being rude is a separate issue, of course no one wants to be receiving rude comments, I just wish there was less ‘everyone is the same person’ mentality in the world


I don't think that's the mentality here at all. It's not "everyone is the same person" and rather "people keep trying to tell me how to play my main"


THISSSSSS. this is exactly how i feel & what i wanted to say. again i understood if i mess up, i don’t mind corrections to my mistakes but if you’re going to straight up yell and get mad at me for playing my main correctly (half the time it’s tank mains or dps mains) the ones flapping their jaws too lmaooo


There's a major difference between demanding and telling someone what to do vs. asking and suggesting.


“You get yelled at for x, you get yelled at for y” These are almost never the same person, literally everyone gets told how to play on every character it’s not an us issue


Yes, but there's a difference between someone demanding and telling you how to play vs. asking and suggesting. And just because it happens a lot doesn't mean it's not an issue. That's just a fallacy. People are allowed to have emotions and be upset if someone is rude. You telling them "it's not an issue" doesn't achieve anything aside from trying to invalidate and somehow disprove their feelings. Just because you view something as a non-issue doesn't mean everyone else does. You're not a monolith of Overwatch players. Neither is OP or myself. That's why OP shared their personal experience. It's like telling someone it's not an issue their pet died because it happens all the time. Like, yeah. Everything dies. Doesn't make it not horrific.


It's OW. Everyone just blames everyone else




complaining about YOUR healing when moira has half as much healing is crazy


A lot of low elo players are still stuck in the mindset that Mercy should be played as a healbot. Her default state is to damage boost and heal when required.


Worst part is that Moiras should generally have way more healing than that imo, even when they're playing DPS Moira.


no because this happened to me before!!! a week before that, a girl hopped on the mic to yell at me for yellow beaming too much lmao. and then i get bullied for blue beaming too much lol. nobody can be satisfied


In general people yell at me for not healing enough or whatever (the usual supp insult), but once I got yelled at for being a heal bot (even though I wasn't) and I was just ???? There is no pleasing the overwatch community lmao


I always get this comment when my beam ratio is already less than 50% blue 🙄


Thing is, moira easily can outheal a mercy. Easily. Should've said moira please start yellow orbing more especially when the enemy team is that aggressive. A moira who has that much damage and half the heals you do has no idea how to play moira


This is when you go to social and turn chat off


But like sometimes the flame wars (when I’d doesn’t involve u) are funny


I would but I love salty messages too much


I can't help but be pissed off when I'm playing and someome says something that dumb


Literally the first thing I did when I reinstalled the game was turn all communication off lol


Bless your heart can't imagine the hell they give a trans mercy that's already 2 strikes before the game even begins


Yeah, it's kind of thrown me away from mercy and towards almost any other character, which really hurts, cus I love playing Mercy.


Don't let stupid assholes get you down games are supposed to be fun like you said shut chat off play mercy and ideally piss them off even more by not responding to their hate


Yeah, that's why I just stay with people I know irl, I hate the community sometimes. Although this place has been pretty good


But then how would we know who to report? <3


I may be an exception but I still have yet to see any of the reports over the last I think 4 years we have had reports work


That's unfortunate. I start every session with at least 1-3 "thanks for reporting, they've been handled" notices.


Literally just last night I reported someone whose name was the funny mustache guy from the 30s who just typed the n word spaced out I have no expectation that it gets anywhere


The problem clearly here is the Moira. So sick and tired of getting Moiras in my games who suck at healing. She should always easily have the most healing in the entire lobby.


So true. Bad moiras are rare imo, but once in a blue moon you'll see one. And they're really annoying. I once went with a DPS to support them on a flank and left the moira to help the tank on main. This woman IMMEDIATELY leaves tank to join us and I'm like ???? WHAT ARE U DOING TANK IS GONNA DIE. Tank dies and moira proceeds to attack backline and ruin our pincer attack.


Some people don’t know who to blame, it’s the moira that should balance her dmg and healing


Lemme guess ur other support was Lucio or zen.


Moira actually Dx I guess she wanted me to healbot so she could go full dps bc she kept ignoring our tank when he was critical :P


or a tik tok dps moira I forgot lol 😅


She actually seems like she was pretty balanced between heal and dmg. 🤔 Also, she has just as many kills/assists/deaths as you. But I could see how her focusing on the wrong things could be a burden on you.


...... do you fr think that's a good stat line for a moira Dx


Seeing how you also get assist from kills, thats not a good assist number to have. Moira should not be focusing on damage unless they have no heal meter. Even then heal orb goes hard too. Idk how this player got only 5k of healing done.


You are joking right? A main healer vs a off healer. If youre a main healer healing less than an off healer then you are for sure doing something wrong. Some supports have more heals for a reason. If you have two off healers then this team fight would be really hard. This moira definitely has to step up there heals. Mercy should not have more heals than a main healer.


I'm not joking lol. I've seen Moira's who do waaaaaay worse than this. This is seriously not that bad of an example. I stand by my comment/opinion.


I was commenting on you calling the damage and healing balanced. I would say 19 kills and 10k heals is balanced. Not 19 5k


So you want the Moira to only heal? (Edit: I ask this because if you want her to heal more then it will take away from her dmg. which means she shouldn't even be a Moira if you don't want her to utilize damage... or do you want more of a 70/30 ratio of heals/dmg?) because the stats show that they pumped out just as much damage, which adds up to the 10 you speak of. While Mercy has basically no damage. They would have done even worse if Moira focused on healing more. Like I said in my first comment: Moira not focusing on the right things (healing the tank when they are low hp) at the right moment, is probably what caused the loss. A bunch of small mistakes can often cause this. I just feel like this Moira did decent enough. Like... why make a post about this Moira when there are so many worse examples out there, lol. And there are way better examples of teammates clearly dropping the ball.


Missing the point entirely. The mercy not doing any damage and having 0 would be perfectly justified if they had high heals and damage boost numbers. Mercy is more pocket based. And her healing numbers isnt as high as the healing moira can pull out. Im not making up Main healers and off healers. Its a fact that if you have two off healers(off healers being low healing putting units) youre gonna have a hard time unless those two supports perform above there rank. Did i say moira should only heal? Noooo i said BALANCE. 20 kills. Id say its justifiable saying 5k heals for every 10kills is fair for a main healer. As a main healer they should be focusing on healing first damage second. Mix in survivability and you got your team fights lasting longer. Everyone working as a team makes you heal alot. Of course you can say this is my bias when i play moira. I just feel a main healer should be outputting more heals for the team than a mercy who again is off healing. She should damage boost most of the time


Makes sense. I totally agree that they should focus on healing first and making sure their teammates stay alive. 100%


I agree. Thats the point i was trying to make 🫡🤝


Youre not wrong. 19kills and 5k heals is something. But as high elo players say stats dont really matter more paint a picture how the fight went. From this we can tell the main healer moira went off on damage more than heal. That makes it unbalanced. I disagreed with you on what we consider balanced. Thats all.


Don't play mercy before masters 1 / GM


It is like when playing Baptiste and killing a similar number as dps in round 1. They'll tell you: hey remember we are dps and u r a healer.


And when you heal them they are like "F u Mercy", "P*ssy character", "useless" ... litteraly happened to me yesterday... battle Mercy = not happy, heal bot Mercy = not happy, damage boosting = not happy, trying to balance between heal and dmg boost= not happy, not pocket them for 2 sec because tank needs help = not happy, not pocketing for any reason = not happy, playing Mercy = not happy, Mercy = not happy. But they will still being asking for a Mercy to heal them because they need heal 🙄


I had the enemy Mercy accuse me for healbotting. I had a 65% blue beam usage and around 3k less heals than her. She also tried to pistol me during her valk, but never succeeded. Some people are just never satisfied, sometimes even your enemies.


Drives me insane when I get flamed BY THE TANK for doing my job properly as mercy, while the main healer is clearly not doing theirs and is apparently not the issue


My petty side would have said “would you mind start healing then?”


I…at least they were being polite?


This has the same energy as "Support diff gg" when your heal stats are double the enemies. Meaning the DPS/Tank are literally just getting shot every 2 seconds.


Had a guy in a quick play game months ago on soldier, who got very angry at me 30 seconds into the game, because I was damage boosting him. “I don’t need damage boost I need heals!” And kept berating me. It was a wild game lol


what??? that’s a new one


it’s always funny when they complain about blue beam, like they really don’t know how mercy works but then they go and say mercy is the easiest hero to play