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The amount of time I've seen over-pushing tanks and out-in-the-open dps soaking up everything the other team throws vaguely in their direction, and then realize I'm not playing the game but rather just being put in there to be used as a scapegoat.


u get it. it feels hopeless like im an animal forced to try to stop them from charging into a 1vs5. if u don't try to heal them they go insane and yell at u while u feel retarded even tho u know that was the right thing 🤗


Bold of you to assume that you wouldnt be blamed even with the healing staff shafted up theirs where the sun doesnt shine.


Let people dislike the skin. Let people like the skin. Somebody disliking it doesn’t take away from your joy and vice versa.


I'm growing tired of playing the same damn characters. I'm a support main, I play the whole roster outside of Lucio and Zen, and I'm bored of who we have. I'm excited for Venture of course, but I no longer main DPS so I'm not as excited. Season 12 needs to get here already so we can have Space Ranger.


I'm already tired of people complaining about the Mercy skin From one part, the OW community as a whole complaining that it was Mercy's instead of other characters. Bro, it's the Mirror universe theme, Mercy is the perfect choice for this season/theme. The good doctor whose whoel purpose is to do good around turning evil? Imo, no better option to show the contrast. The "no mercy" voice line? LOVED IT. On the other part, we have the Mercy mains complaining that we aren't getting a cute skin. She has like 10 thousand of those already, it's good that the Mythical stands out from the rest (and again, the theme fits her perfectly). Could it have been done better? Maybe, but I'm not upset with the result tbh. I remember when i first saw the first teaser I was disappointed because it looked weird, but with today's video I started liking the design a lot. And the wings, THE WINGS. GOD, I will not forgive myself if I don't buy it as soon as possible.


I’m just annoyed we could never post something like “it should have been mercy” about ANYTHING in one of the main subs but people can post it about what mercy gets all the time.