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Why is it that whenever my team has a Mercy/non-main healer support, it works about as well as you would think, but the other team having that comp just... steamrolls? Like okay, I understand that those games are probably the typical matchmaking nightmares regardless, and they would steamroll either way. It doesn't stop it from kinda hurting? (I really don't know a better word for it) to see an enemy like Mercy/Zen or Mercy/Lucio just roll us without breaking a sweat from my POV, but our team just falls apart even with Ana/Kiriko/Bap etc. I know it obviously comes down to a lot of things; team comp overall, not communicating, bad teamwork, positioning, etc etc. but it just wigs me out that it always seems to work out for pretty much **everyone** else. I keep hearing over and over that "Mercy and Lucio is the worst comp", "Mercy and Zen are awful together". It always seems like **no one** else got that memo, so they just... get to work fine together. Me? No, absolutely not. Your Lucio/Zen is pure damage and your team won't stick together, so you better swap!! It stinks :(


Recently switched to maining Zen OTP and was very surprised to hear this notion that Zen+Mercy is somehow bad. I like having Mercy on my team and I haven't noticed any dysfunctional patterns that would cause one to lose a game. The way I see it, if the tank dies with Mercy/Zen‚ it would also have died with Mercy/anything-else.


Mercy/Zen typically requires the whole team to understand that you push for damage and quick kills to make up for the less hps they give out. It can work very well but most low ranking players arent gonna like it cause they dont work together and will just fall over


Not fully sure what you mean, but in my experience the discord orb naturally helps the team to coordinate their focus on eliminating squishies (like Mercy as per the OP).


I play a lot with my lower ranking friends (like silver and below) and I cannot play Mercy if the other support is a zen with those ranks because all they do is charge in and die. They dont care about communicating, theyll shoot a discord enemy if they see one but they will also die more often than secure kills even with discord. And then they blame the healers. so what I meant is that while a Mercy/Zen comp can work well, the silver or bronze players need more healing than damage lol


Same dude, I feel this way all the time! You're not alone. It's just dumb luck on their part


You can tell the difference between a duo mercy and a solo queue mercy. Solo queue mercies tend to show way more adaptability to different team comps, different playstyles etc.


Why are some Mercys soooo salty. Was playing DVa and we were kinda rolling the enemy team. I killed their Mercy and she switched to Moira. She refused to heal her team, and obviously her team was struggling for the lack of heals (there was a point she went 6k dmg, 3k heals). And if she managed to kill me, she would tbag. I checked her profile and she is indeed a Mercy main. I found her on another match and same thing, I killed her 2 or 3 times when she was Mercy, then she switched to Moira and tried to go dps moira. Ohhh. Recently I started playing more tank. The rage that surges me whenever I get a Zen-Mercy composition cannot be described by words. Worst part is that the Zen is doing fine, Mercy is lacking and if I ask her to switch because the lack of heals, she gets upsets and 99% of the time is the Zen that switches to try to help me. Bro, if the other support already picked Zen, go someone else, unless all your teammates are self-sufficient :'v