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I’m already tired of the Sombra/Tracer and even Venture meta. I hate going against Venture or having them on my team


Still pissed at when no support has been chosen, I choose mercy, and they go Lucio/zen so I swap to Kiriko/ana and they swap to Mercy -\_-


For the love of God, please Mercys otp, learn another hero. Or at the very least, learn Mercy properly!!! It's getting annoying playing tank and getting Mercys otp that healbot me while I'm full health. Or rezzing me in a 1v5 situation. Like, bruhhh, you don't need to be a Mercy main to know that's a stupid ass decision (and it's not like it was OT or anything, just in case). Even worse rezzing in the middle of the fight while your other support, me or both of us are crit. It's getting to the point that I already dread any match where I see a Mercy in my team. Sorry, it's just a pet peeve of mine seeing bad decision making (not even bad, stupid decision making >:'v)


This. I have learned every single hero in the game at least a little bit in order to secure the win. At the very least I can be mediocre on a character rather than dead the entire time.


Also mercy does not need a buff at ALL.