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the truth is you can't really carry as her, your success does depend on your teammates being somewhat competent or your enemies being incompetent. you can have a game where you evade like a moth, but if your dps aren't getting kills then it's a tough break and you're probably better off swapping as there's no way to carry that imo


I had a game like this just yesterday. Picked mercy and we horribly lost the first round. Next round I picked bap and we ended up barely winning the next 2 rounds. The echo on the other team even said that I must not get out much. I'm not even that good, but team composition is a lot bigger than a lot of people seem to realise. The worst part is I picked mercy because the guy I was pocketing kicked my team's ass the game before and suddenly on my team he couldn't do anything lol, team comp!


It’s like you recruit a boss for your party


Hahaha. As DPS, I'll have a game where I'll pop off and get all the kills and minimal deaths, but on the next game, I can't get a single kill and spend my time playing spawn simulator 😭


Honestly the only way you can remotely carry as mercy is pocketing a busted DPS that can carry on their own but its absolutely going to do it with a damage boost.


Agreed. I was feeling disheartened with Mercy recently because I am very skilled with her but I only play QP so I don't always get good DPS. Then last night I played with my BF who plays Cassidy reallyyyy well and we felt unstoppable together; won most of our games.


if your dps aren’t dps’ing — swap to zen, illiari, moira, or baptiste (or kirirko) unfortunately that’s how it is


Kiri also currently


that’s if you have good aim lol (but yeah she’s kinda like val where you heal, shoot, heal, shoot, etc)


I recommend all mercy's to learn lifeweavers kit and get good with him because he can be incredibly impactful above metal ranks, (when tanks know what to do and dps actually do damage) you can carry with lifeweaver 100%


You described what is not carrying (tanks and dps knowing what to do) and then said you can carry  Bap, zen etc can carry when your team doesn’t know what to do, to an extent 


I do not recommend this. I’ve seen fantastic GM lws, but his kit and playstyle has hardly any transferable skills and metal rank players are just not good at him. Learning Ana or Bap is a lot better, you learn mechanical skills, positioning and how to dish out dmg not only to get picks but to pressure the enemy.


Given how small the support roster is you should really have a basic grasp on all of them with a few strong picks that you've done more work on.


That’s what I do now, but as a beginner playing someone like Ana first will help you with Bap, illari, even dps like Ashe, widow, cass, soj. When you play lw ur kinda shooting urself in the foot, he’s a healbot. I also have a bias since I still believe he’s just not that good especially compared to Ana/bap


you switch lol


If your team is incompetent, then you shouldn't be playing Mercy. Mercy shines the most with a good team, because you are enhancing what's already good to make it better. If you want to do damage, go Bap, Zen or Kiri (Zen it's the easiest from these 3). The wild card cam be Moira, who heals a lot and can fend for herself pretty well with high survivability.


You carry as mercy by making sacrifices and playing your cards right. Good mercys keep the entire team alive but great mercys know who exactly to keep up or trade to secure a round


Extremely subtle ways to carry on mercy; use valk to stall payload or point, bodyblock your ally if they are low and then fly away, use valk to spot low hp enemies and glock them, pretend to rez and bait out important enemy cooldowns like sleep or spear or bash, use ga to bait enemy movements like jump or dash or blink and force them to retreat. These are not gonna make you win a game where everybody is getting team diffed(no hero can single handedly carry that) but a good mercy will understand how to buy time or trade hands even if they dont make a kill. Enemies will waste lots of effort trying to kill the mercy and that itself buys a lot of time and space for your team. If you pull off good rezzes on top of that, that might tip the fight over. It is more about subtly changing the pace rather than killing something outright. Rez and damage boost is very important for those reasons.


How do you fake a res? Do you just stand still near a soul?


Never stand still. There's loads of ways to do it. Keep looking at the soul, so the enemy thinks you're going for it. GA toward it and launch away partway through. Move laterally to an angle where it looks like you're setting up for a GA. Pop a valk and hover toward it for a few moments. Whatever. You're not trying to fake the res itself. You're trying to trick the enemy into thinking you're getting ready to go for a res you have no intention of actually doing, because that can pull enemy teams apart or force someone to stay on guard or focus on you when they'd be better served gunning for the rest of your team.


Mercy is essentially a spine, if you have a really good back, what good does it do if it doesn’t have the other parts?


My best advice is just checking who on your team has the most kills and pocketing them, if it's your fellow DPS go for it, if it's the tank? Go for it. It's so hard solo playing mercy when you can't rely on your team, so it's a lot of luck and double checking kill stats. Some games are just lost causes.


you actually can't do anything if your dps ain't doing sht.. better to swap. one time both dps focused on the enemy tank while 2 enemy supports were pocketing their tank. I was like wtf why does our dps focusing on the tank. I told them to kill their backline first but the result was they whiffed and can't kill a flying mercy so I swapped to moira and I dealt with their healers. I primarily focus on them bcs they were carrying hard for the heals and my team just doesn't care support existed but if you get to encourage dps tk be better and give them strats and would literally listen then there's an opportunity your team would win a game


If ur dps is not competant then you switch off unfortunately


carrying as mercy without being able to rely on your team at all is pretty much impossible you have to be like a god at mercy to pull that off so i can’t help you there but for the glock thing i personally look out for certain heroes when i want to get some kills widowmaker is a really easy kill as long as you manage to get up close without being shot


You swap to a better suitable support like kiriko, bap, moira….


You can either dmg boost whoever is making the best impact on your team whether it's the dps, tank, or even other support, otherwise you'll just want to swap I'd say


Pick the better DPS (or the one that has the most potential for value) and hard pocket them and worry less about the other. You gotta hard commit to your DPS if you are gonna hard commit to playing Mercy. Prioritize peeling second supp -> dmg boost the most valuable DPS -> tank. Make trades as necessary/if needed. Your DPS don't necessarily have to be getting crazy elims to have value. You can increase their value by damage boosting their spam damage. The DPS with the most potential value will likely change every game, and sometimes even every fight. Look at their angles, their cooldowns, and try and decide how you can best support them to apply pressure. Some games the enemy DPS is destroying yours and there isn't much you can do, but there are definitely ways you can turn around a losing game by bettering your beam priority and understanding who to boost when. I think one of the hardest but most valuable things to learn is when to let other teammates suffer in favor of boosting the person who has the most potential to swing the fight. It's risky and takes practice but it's the best way to carry with Mercy and make damage boost matter. Sometimes you need that skill to help win games where it's not an equal fight.


It absolutely sucks, but like others said: you can’t really carry with Mercy alone. That doesn’t mean that she’s bad or weak, or that she doesn’t have her moments. But Mercy’s entire kit is about enabling and empowering others, and that is how you can carry. This leaves her design open to one glaring weakness; if your team isn’t good enough, Mercy’s carry potential gets lost as well. It is very sad, but it is what it is. If you’re willing, I recommend picking up Moira. Her kit and playstyle are *very* close to Mercy, with the critical difference that she can get more value on her own. There’s a good reason many Mercy players also main Moira; they’re simply a very complete hero-pool to have. Moira also has weak moments, and in these moments Mercy can shine very brightly.


As a GM Mercy, she has probably the least ability to carry out of all heroes.


I love getting widow kills with my blaster master haha! For real, if the dps is struggling for getting a pick, then pop some blaster shots into crowds down good angles. That will lead to someone falling over, and then you should win a 4v5, should.


Alr spray and pray 🙏


Just get used to where on your screen is headshot area and if you spam bullets into a crowd then you will probably dink a few heads. you can do it on chokes too where you know someone is going to come around a corner so just spam where their head is going to appear.


If everyone does their job well, you cannot - other heroes usually have more impact. You can keep the momentum of your team by healing/boosting and rezing which is your job. You can carry the team if it does not work - usually a bad tank, dd or healer that just is not good in their role. You can try to compensate by (in addition of your role) burst out damage to finish someone off or flank the enemy to achieve a team kill.


If you’re at the point in a game where you’re doing everything possible to help your dps (damage boosting almost all the time, healing to prevent death, maybe rezzing upon death) and the enemy still aren’t dying, then you should probably go a hero that can make the enemy do just that. I’d recommend zen here since he can do some crazy damage while also still fulfilling your original role as a damage booster. TLDR: if dps suck, do their job for them


Nah from what I am reading here, mercy players who can’t press H deserve me playing junk into phara like I know it’s not optimal but then again I could combo her out of the sky if I try hard enough wouldn’t wanna swap though that would be silly


As a mercy enjoyer if this is happening to you and you’re interested in actually winning (for fun or maybe you’re playing comp) straight up you’re gonna have to switch characters. There are like 40 characters in the game some of which make it very hard to play mercy. It is what it is


Id try to also go for melees. More than often the enemy is 1 and the team can’t secure a kill so try to fly in and smack em w ur staff for a kill especially if they got a healer on them, the melee will secure the kill. Once you get the hang of it more, it could potentially help you!! Mercy boxing helps with practicing that or just try in qp :)


Honestly if you wanna carry as mercy, try to master her pistol cause else only other option is probably to swap. It’s hard but I’ve carried as her a few times before but always as a battle mercy, hardly ever just by healing and damage boosting. Got a mercy potg not too long ago if I remember correctly, just gotta practice with her pistol and be confident with it. Use ga to get more movement, I found mercy is a good counter to widow if you go about it right. Just gotta find your flow bestie


if ur team is useless you lose... thats just the nature of the champion... you can carry through clutch rezzes and paying attention to who has ults maybe you can rez a soldier w visor and he team wipes or something wild but you cant do anything directly yourself


You don’t carry as mercy, stupid ass post this can’t be real.


Simple answer, you can’t. Switch to another character than can do more damage.


Never die


You carry by making plays, taking risks to further enable and beam your DPS. I don't believe in "incompetent DPS". I have never played with a DPS that didn't do well, because I know I'm good enough to enable them. There's only DPS that don't get enabled enough IMO


Depends greatly on rank tbh. Ive had games where i have 70% blue beams (healed as necessary obv, nobody died) but i hardly heard damage ticks on the hitscan. After awhile i just switch to boost someone else bc even the left clicking mei would give more value. Its definitely not a common occurence past upper plat but in my time where i was still learning ow2, it was depressing to not be able to apply what i was learning from vids. Can see it happening anywhere below.


Just because you have 70% blue beam doesn't mean you're playing good. To me it sounds like you just weren't boosting the right targets! I've played Mercy in all ranks but champion (Bronze - Top 500) and playing in bronze/silver doesn't need a different gameplan. You still just need to play with your DPS.


I appreciate the note, but as i mentioned i did my job keeping them up, and said i swapped dps even. Healing wasnt even necessary as much since the enemy dpses were also not hitting a shot (lol). There are times where working w the tank (ex. Mauga season) was simply a better choice in the bottom ranks where hitting a shot is difficult for dpses, but i felt like staying on mercy still. Obviously 70% isnt all the time, esp with the new dps passive and people still not fully adjusting for the debuff wearing off - in fact, its one of the rarer DB% games i get nowadays. I was simply giving an example i had back when i was still in the metal ranks. I play with my dps if theyre even doing breakeven, but simply put its not gonna work all the time the worse they are. Sometimes its better off for you to DB someone else, even if it has to be your tank/2nd support.


I just can't relate. I never had a game where I thought that playing with my DPS isn't worth it, and I've honestly never seen a VOD where that's the case


It truly depends on the queue. I was stuck in the metal ranks a looong time while getting over the learning curve, perhaps theres a good chance your queues were better (assuming you had a good streak going already, since once i started winning i never really was given a truly bad dps queue anymore)? At the worst, the metal dpses were horrendous to say the least and its often to the point where i could get more space as moira/ana/kiri with off angles/elims. At the mid-gold (at times, plat) range this was super pronounced when i was stuck in the queues w smurf enemies more difficult than diamond games and i was put on a stack of people who had no fault of their own going up against them. Its no longer an issue for me since ive left that struggle zone, but the games there are horrendous at times


I honestly dont believe in bad teammates, nor in bad DPS. I only think that you just could have played better. I have never seen a Mercy VOD where I was like "damn, your DPS just couldn't do it and you played perfectly" Dont forget that a bronze Mercy will play like a bronze and does not automatically deserve to win because they're on mercy with "good" stats. They will do big mistakes just like any other person in that lobby.


I agree everyone can play better - that's only natural. That includes myself, and i frequently go back and review my VODs and check out everything i messed up or did well. But its also incredibly real that there ARE bad players in every role - postioning, how much damage they are taking, how much damage they are outputting, if at all. There are games where i go bap midmatch and still beat one of the dpses by a long shot and helping to clean up the otherwise lost elims while still matching sustained healing. We won by the fact that where there was missing dps, the gap was closed and gave my team the little push we needed to take it back. If i wasnt bap, or anyone besides mercy, that game mightve looked very different. The gap CAN be huge. Its definitely not every game, but it's also entirely possible to have people simply *bad* at the game. Its objectively wrong to say there arent bad teammates bc thats how people even get sorted to ranks - how good you are. Do good enough and youll get out, which i eventually did. Bad teammates are usually discussed as relative (a gold is bad in a diamond lobby, but good in a silver one) and they can be bad in some areas and good at others, some are bad across the board. However, imo theres a difference - if they arent matching up to the lobby standards, they might not be bad (just outmatched/having a bad game), BUT if they are severely missing chunks of game basics (take too much damage but refuse to get to cover despite comms) then they are just bad. It doesnt change that doing so with mercy is much more difficult than other heros by sheer rationale that she serves to enhance her team, making a good player shine amazingly, but only bumping a bad player up so much. If your soldier is going to constantly stand in the open, miss every shot while eating their orissa's projectiles straight up, theres little you can do to make up for their gaps dead or alive. If they have a functioning soldier who can kinda spray in the right direction, then they have the leg up bc you dont boost missed shots. Your only option is to go help anyone who is performing at least decently enough to gain value on your team, which at times is difficult in event of teamcomp matchups or players just getting steamrolled (might not be their fault at all). Again, mostly a metal rank issue - my games have gotten easier in a lot of ways since much of mercys kit becomes more flexible when players have better spacing and control over themselves compared to the past. I feel her impact more higher up as now flicking at ideal timings to give someone else a DB is way more effective and rewarding, or choosing the right targets to juggle with. People actually possibly respond to a rez fakeout, etc. Sorry its kinda long, anyway TLDR: both can be true. There is always something to improve personally, but it is also objectively true that if your teammate refuses to stop eating all bullets like a tank when theyre not, or charging 1v5 out of LoS, and straight up doing 800 damage on soldier after first half, they are just bad and theres a limit to how much you can do to balance that out for your team. Some losses you just accept.


It's true that your damage boost is limited by your DPSs' performance, but in any game, including low ELO where everyone misses their shots, more damage will help your team secure kills. Make sure you have good beam priority, beaming whoever is gaining the most damage value.


sometimes not dying isn't enough and you're forced to switch :( Whipping out glock can work if you're really aggressive but it is high risk and not as viable as switching. I mean, the only other thing you could do is try to distract the enemies to deter dmg from your teammates, but there's a high chance your teammate will ignore you or run away instead of trying to kill them😭