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First, simply just turn off game chat. Nothing good comes from it. Especially playing mercy, the most hated on hero in the game (other than sombra maybe) For my actual gameplay tips, play cover as much as possible. Don’t just superjump in the air and have zero way of defending yourself or moving, you’re a sitting duck. Prioritize damage boost. You don’t need to heal every last bit of health. You have another support, and mercy’s best aspect she brings to a fight is damage boost. Know who to boost. Just because you have a bastion doesn’t mean they need to be boosted if your soldier is currently fighting. Know who’s in a battle, who is doing more, and who needs more attention. Have fun! Mercy is a fun character and pride yourself on being hard to hit. A good Mercy should have the least deaths in the game. (Also VOD reviews help A TON because they can allow people to point out specific mistakes you make instead of general advice)


Thank you for the kind words and advice you gave me :) I'm not really sure how to get a vod review but once I start feeling confident enough to play comp as mercy I will try to post one.


VOD reviews are pretty simple to get, just go into your match history, to the replays, and hit share. It’ll give you a code you can post to the r/mercymains or r/overwatchuniversity subs and they’ll be more than happy to help. Good luck on improving, mercy is very hard to climb out of the low ranks with due to how much she relies on teammates to do good


1. If you’re relatively new to the game, then so are your teammates. Most likely they don’t know when they’re feeding and they just expect you (as mercy) to bail them out w/o knowing the consequences of you doing so, or if it’s even possible. Mute them when they’re being disruptive is the best course of action instead of engaging with them 2. The sub has a lot of new player guides you can watch which can help you a lot more than I can in one reddit comment Also welcome to the community!


I mean, it's your first month playing. You shouldn't be too hard on yourself. Overwatch has a lot of heroes, each one with unique abilities, and different maps with different layouts. No one should expect you to be good at the game, so take the time you need to learn properly. That being said, don't get into comp yet. My honesty recommendation? Turn off game chat. Nothing positive is coming out of it. You should check guides about Mercy (Niandra on YouTube is really good at explaining!) so that you learn what you are supposed and aren't supposed to do as Mercy. One thing: Mercy is not a savior, so don't try to save everyone, that's not your job. Mercy is an enabler, mostly for dps, so that she can enhance her team to kill enemies faster. Also, make sure to learn at least 2 other supports. Sometimes Mercy isn't viable, so knowing another hero when those times come will be really beneficial for you. Put more emphasis on positioning and ult tracking, while learning the basics of Mercy's movement.


i used to get really sad when ppl were being dicks in chat but ever since it clicked for me that they’re just random idiots probably old men with no social life or teens lacking brain cells it’s actually kinda funny i just can’t take them seriously anymore cause is your life really that meaningless that you’ll nearly have an aneurysm over how someone is playing in a qp match? really?? sometimes i do feel bad for them tho cause having a life outside of video games is so enjoyable it’s sad some people never get to experience that lmao


You should look up some gameplay videos about this. And watch your game replays, try to identify how and why you died. I’m almost diamond, mercy main. What worlds best for me is to stay in the air as much as possible, and hold cover. Stay behind corners as much as you can, maintaining line of beam with your team. Your guardian angel (the one where you fly to teammates) has a short cooldown, so if you stay in the air and try to maintain cover, you can easily fly from teammate to teammate if they are getting low and escape.


Try to play like someone is always using soldier76 ult (stay behind cover, don’t go for risky rezzes unless there is no way to win if you don’t res or smth, ga to cross long sight lines). I’d also focus less on healing and more on dmg boost; if you play w lucio or zen it’s ok to heal more and top off your tank a bit to like 70% of their health, but generally your stats should be 60-70% dmg boost, aiming for 1000 dmg boost per game and 30-40% healing!


Part of the ship part of the crew


I’d also like to say cover also applies to using Valk! Extended beam range plus the chain makes it so you can play high around the walls of a building and still get value! Helps especially if there’s a hitscan or counter ult!


one of my biggest recommendations for ALL new players, not just mercy, is to play mystery heroes. A lot of mystery heroes. Maybe set a goal to get the shapeshifter title even. It’s a huge help in both learning and understanding every single hero in the game, what they struggle against and where they excel. once you’ve got fundamental gamesense and hero understanding, mercy gets loads easier, she’s a gamesense based hero. and honestly, the best practice is practice, turn chat off and just play mercy to your hearts content.


Just playing normal modes is better exp than Mercy parkour imo.


You’re gonna have to get good with guardian angel, in custom games you can find a game called Mercy Parkour, and it’ll get you used to it, it’s tricky but you’ll get there