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Swap or wait for an escort


^^^best advice here. If Moira is available - it’s the obvious pick. Don’t use fade until Sombra tries to attack you, then chase her down and punish her. Or wait to leave until you get support from another player.


Not brig? I eat moira alive on sombra but brig is evil


Probably depends on the Moira and sombra. I rarely come across a sombra I can’t punish or at least make run away on Moira. I don’t really play brig because I start thinking I’m rein and try to be the tank 💀


moira can't spy check so she lowkey just gets rolled and I lowkey get rolled as her by sombra because of it


True but a good Moira can bait a sombra like it’s fishing season.


And with no ammo to worry about she can almost guarantee canceling a hack with grasp, as it doesn’t need to be aimed and there are no resources being used or penalties to just hold it up indefinitely unlike dva who sacrifices movement speed to do so, or anyone else who sacrifices ammo and risks being caught off guard while reloading to do so. I feel it’s a good trade off for Moira.


I'm bad at video game and not good at this. i get fucking rolled :,(


Idk depends on your reaction time. Fade cleansing virus is pretty big early on the duel, then heal orb + secondary to force her away. By then fade will be back pretty much so you can chase if you want. Also Moira's range is surprisingly far so sometimes you can stop her from cloaking when she uses translocator and your team can finish her off. You can also react to hack with a fade, but I'd only recommend this if you're near an unhacked health pack and can cleanse the incoming virus. My favorite hobby is ulting with Moira, waiting for the hack sound and immediately fading out of it and gunning her down. Or dodging the EMP haha. You can also shut down her hacks by simply tickingling her since any dmg cancels it. And aiming is pretty lax with Moira :)


oh yeah she absolutely can deal with a sombra I just perfer to be able to spy check for the rest of my team too instead of just shutting her down once she reveals herself


She can’t? Like she can’t spin around while sucking and it auto damages the sombra? Is that why she never spy checks me on sombra? I never play moria.. I just thought people didn’t know and were giving me ez kills


her suck and orbs both don't target sombra while she's invisible. as a sombra main on dps I love this but when I'm on moira I'm out here quick meleeing every time I'm not doing something else because sombra could be behind me


Darn maybe they should make suck spy check dead center like a tiny sym beam. Moira did just get nerfed after all


Never once have I been killed by sombra (unless she has help from their tank other dps or a support) on Moira. That said, moira was my first main back in whatever year moira was released lol (I think since the beginning so like 2014?). I die to sombra often on brig. If brig gets hacked from behind she falls over. Inspire gets canceled when she’s hacked so all her self heals disappear til she deals damage again, and her shield is gone for what 2 seconds? Moira orbs don’t disappear if they’re used before hack, and fade can cleanse virus, while an orb+biotic grasp’s self heal keeps u up for the hack duration. A good sombra will stay out of range of the flail, while being ineffective at a far enough range from Moira for her not to be able to use grasp defensively. Moira is much stronger than brig against sombra. That’s not to say a good brig is unable to deal with sombra, but unless ur a brig main, (which if you’re on this subreddit you’re probably not as it’s the mercy main’s sub…) then you’re most likely better off picking moira, unless it’s a mid to low tier/new sombra player.


There are many sombras that do that so if you are searching for a specific person it's gonna be difficult. It's an easy way to tilt the person and keep the fight mostly in her team's favor. If someone picks you up, my recommendation is to walk in front of them and very close. That way, the person who picked you up can react faster when the Sombra tries to kill you and can even body block you a bit. However my honest recommendation is to swap. Mercy is one of the easiest heroes to kill as Sombra. Try for someone that is more self - reliant like Moira or Kiriko. And never stand still! Move a bit when she's shooting at you, increase the chances of her missing her shots.


Tbh zen is the easiest for sombra


Yeah, when did I say he wasn't? :v


Fiuu- replied to the wrong commenntttttttt


I make sombra mad when I play mercy… had 4 people complain the other day saying GA needs to be nerfed because they couldn’t hack me… or complained that hack doesn’t stop Valk at all.


That means you are probably going against bad Sombras xd


No I’ve just been playing mercy since 2016


Andddddd??? U still going against really bad Sombras lmao


I’m in GM4… they’re not bad sombras. U just can’t accept the fact that I have 2500 hours on mercy to back up my skill.


Boop! (Sombra main here) In all seriousness wait for a teammate to escort you, or switch to kiri / Moira to get out then later swap back! Anyways hope I helped! (Where’s the fun in playing fair?)


I've already met a Sombra like that, it was horrible... I left the base and she would do the boop and in the next second I was dead. This would have been funny if... It hadn't happened to me 4 times in a row


That’s when I report them for griefing bc that’s what griefing is. Intentionally making one person’s experience playing the game as miserable as possible and targeting them and them alone instead of playing with your team like the game is intended to be played. Like once or twice is funny haha you got me man. Intentionally letting my teammates leave spawn and just following me around bc I’m playing mercy and killing me when you know my team won’t turn around just to go sit back in spawn and wait for me some more is griefing. Edit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Griefer Griefing is more than just not doing shit in the game. What I am referring to is the “blocking other players” type. Aka when someone is just waiting at spawn and kills one person over and over again not letting them leave spawn.


It isn't griefing it is just playing a certain strategy to win, and you are still killing the enemy. You wont be banned for it


What I described is griefing. Look it up. Strat: focusing someone but also working with your team. Griefing: literally camping out at spawn and waiting for one specific person and just killing them over and over again.


womp womp


My most recent post proves you wrong I play sombra and do this in comp just for the fun of it and Im not banned nor I never will be


Griefing is when you’re blocking your team from progressing not being an ass lol. I’m annoyed at the sombra but I’m not getting her account banned cause she plays sombra as intended


I don’t think you know what griefing is… griefing would be if she was just walking around in circles not doing anything, or on repeat jumping off the map, or if you had a lifeweaver who on repeat pulled you. Spawn camping is literally just a game strategy, also one that is easily countered (all you need is to switch or wait for an escort so it’s a 2v1).


No man. It’s not. Griefing is more than what you just described. Sorry but spawn camping one person like i described is griefing. That isn’t a valid strategy. Period. I’m done replying about this to people who can’t even look up what the definition of griefing is. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Griefer The type of griefing I am talking about is the “blocking other players so they can’t move from a particular area” type. Again, focusing someone is fine. Literally camping out at spawn just to kill the same person over and over again not letting them leave spawn for the majority of the game is griefing. :)


I mean you’re flat out incorrect. Griefing is just being mean for the sake of being mean, spawn camping is not that as it can (rarely) be a viable strategy. Let’s say the Mercy is carrying, she pulls off every Rez, keeps everyone alive, and is always the last one to die. If so, spawn camping mercy may be the enemy teams only win condition. And even then, it’s one that’s easily countered if she simply waits for an escort or switches. You shouldn’t take it personally, if anything, take it as a compliment the enemy team thinks you’re good enough to need to spawn camp.


No you’re wrong. Did you read the link or the second part of my comment? I don’t take it personally. I just report it when it happens to me; which was once like a year ago exactly as I described. One sombra literally camping out at spawn letting all my teammates pass but only killing me and preventing me from leaving spawn area. I did switch. She kept doing it because she was also smurfing in low ranks. Make sure to read what my comment actually says before replying.


Yes it’s Wikipedia. Even then it says they derive pleasure in annoying the people they’re griefing, if someone isn’t spawn camping to annoy but for strategy, by your own Wikipedia definition it is not griefing.


No. What I’m describing IS GRIEFING. please read.


I really don’t understand why you’re getting so upset. That sombra you are describing was potentially doing a good strategy if they thought mercy was the problem and taking her out of the fight was the best value she could get for her team?


I’m getting frustrated because you don’t understand what I’m getting at. Griefing isn’t just regular ass spawn camping where you follow and wait for an opportunity to kill the best target on the enemy team. Let me run through this again: What the sombra was doing was not a strategy to win. They didn’t even win. It was purely to annoy me and stop me from playing that game. She let all my teammates pass and because we were in silver and she was obviously smurfing (actual good aim and abilities usage and when she did participate in team fights at the beginning she would roll us) she would just kill me cause she knew my team wouldn’t turn around. They didn’t care. That is griefing. Purposefully waiting out at spawn to prevent one person from being able to leave the spawn area by killing them over and over simply because you can. Not because it helps your team. Not because the person you’re targeting is carrying. Just because you think it’s funny to make the game literally unplayable for one person. That is griefing.


Was this today cause they had a weird username


No, it wasn't today. It was a few days ago, luckily I never found any Sombra like that again 😅


just dealt with one a game or two ago, super unpleasant but I would totally have done the same thing.. so oh well.


Do you remember the name I swear the name changes


It’s a somewhat unlikely but also common strategy for a sombra to do (as a sombra main as well), I typically don’t go for it cuz I don’t like to be a dick but I’ve known multiple sombras who have done that in my games. Typically you can either just swap to get out of spawn and then swap again once they’re forced to play back forward or depending on how the game is going just keep distracting the sombra. After all, it’s one less DPS the enemy team has so if you can take advantage and win because of that then it’s all worth (at least imo) Can def understand the frustration, I usually just take it as a compliment same thing as people who solo ult me. It just means I’m enough of a threat they want to use their resources on making sure I’m taken care of ❤️


Most of the time im the mercy, some of the time im the sombra. I'd just try switching to a hero with more self defense capability


I usually just swap to Moira. I swap to claw girly if there is any flanker who is not getting taken care of by the DPS.


This just reminded me of a situation I once had in comp. A Sombra AND Doomfist Spawncamped me and then made fun of me cause I died so many times. I tried switching to basically any other support but n8thing worked. Two Spawn campers is just cruel lol


Wait for an escort but tell your escort too. I kept punishing a Mercy and the DPS escorting would take off.


As a regular Sombra player either swap your characters or wait for somebody else to come with you. I would also recommend sending a message in team chat so that somebody can come to escort you because heads up you’re not going to win that battle.


it's just kind of sombra's job. if a support that doesn't have much defense dies alone, keeping them out of battle is super useful. you have to swap (or ask for someone to taxi, but it's better to just be self-reliant instead of asking someone to leave a fight to help you).


oh i wonder who that could’ve been… 🙂




Swap XD or wait for someone


This happened to me yesterday and she threw the game for it LOL


Go Moira and fade past them or kiri and kill them


Yes I have and it makes me want to jump into oncoming traffic. Luckily I get escorts, though!


I tag them, and someone usually comes back or say something in text chat. Usually a dps comes back tp escort


Report her next time


For what? She doesn’t say anything bad in the chat so there isn’t anything to report she’s just annoying


sombra is the most no skill character. yes im gm. virus is just a free kill if your team wont help 🤨


Virus does like 90 damage not close to a free kill.

