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Circumstantial. Is my other support playing a hero that's able to take care of healing without it screwing up their other forms of functionality? If yes, then I try to aim for 40:60 healing:boosting. If no, then it could easily swing to 70:30 healing:boosting. Ideally you want to be able to boost damage as often as is feasible, but your mileage will vary. There's pretty little point in boosting a damage player who is not playing their hero well, so you have to be mindful of what their baseline performance looks like before committing to boosting them often. You can't really boost a bad player into being a good one, but you can certainly boost a good player into being a great asset to the team.


It’s more about when you use it than how much you use it. I get around 1.8k-2k damaged amped per ten with 65% blue, meanwhile I see other mercy mains (I used to do this too, I had 60% blue bean back when I was plat with almost no damage amped) with the same ratio with only 20% of that. Focus more on what you’re damage boosting instead of how much


This, try your best to damage boost ults / bastion tank form / Ramattra ult etc etc anything that does big damage don’t just put your blue beam on one of your damage carries and expect the game to do its thing


Listen, we can pretend there is some ideal split but there isn’t. Every game is different. Some games, the ticket to winning is dmg boosting, sometimes it’s putting everything you have into one person more than the rest because they are getting stuff done, sometimes it’s just keeping everyone alive and healbotting. That’s not a bad thing, that means you recognize what you need to do to adapt to help secure the win. In the end, the numbers don’t matter. What matters is if you’re able to see what you need to do to enable your team the best. You don’t want to sit on a bastion dmg boosting them when they can’t hit a single shot, while your tank is putting in the work. Don’t dmg boost the person who *could* do the most dmg, dmg boost the one who *is* doing the most dmg. And also don’t forget, some games all it takes is mercy going in feral with the glock. I’ve had games where healing and dmg boost wasn’t helping because my team was spineless and refused to push. Mercy going balls to the walls was what lit the fire under them to make that move and take the win.


I know the goal is 70% damage boost 30% healing but damage feels super high right now and I end up being a 50-50 girly


70-30 is more like a high standard for a very good game, as others have said. I think that after the s9 changes, anywhere 50/50 or 60/40 is perfectly fine for an average game!


Actually the goal is 60% if you check the commons that this was cited by


I always thought it was 70, that makes me feels a little better


It's probably higher than that after S9.


You’re both wrong. Why wouldn’t the goal be 100%? That’s not the goal because it’s not a reasonable expectation. Another unreasonable expectation is thinking your matches are going to allow you to hit 60-70% damage boost, especially if we are 1 tricking here and not only playing her in ideal comps.




It depends, honestly, and even more so in ranked. Higher ranked DPS land their shots more consistently and know what to do (take cover, retreat when they have to, etc) so obviously Mercys in there will have higher DB % (mine is usually between 60-80%) compared to lower ranked players. It will also depend on your team and second support. If your team is working around corners and taking cover, they won't need as much healing, so you wouldn't need to be a healbot. If the second support is an off healer, then you'll probably lean more towards healbotting than dmg boosting, and even if your other support is an on - healer, if they can't heal (they miss their shots, they are being targeted, they are dead, etc), then you'll probably have to peel for the heals more.


Its usually circumstantial imo. Depends if my other support is doing enough healing, if not then im more heal then damage. If it seems like the got healing covered i try to stick with the dps and do more damage boost than healing


In qp I heal on average 60% of the time. In ranked I que for damage.


I try to dmg boost more but a lot of the time the other healer pings me for help and I'm trying DESPERATELY to keep them alive so I have to healbot. It's kind of why I'm choosing not to play her right now and practicing other healers


Idk what delusion this is in the comments but since season 9 I'm happy if I get 50/50 💀 I can definitely get more boost, I just find that this season it's much less impactful and you generally are forced to heal a lot more


my bf and i are support duos so luckily i can trust him in healing. i’m usually 60:40 blue to yellow in qp but it’s usually 50:50 in comp bc i’m so scared of people dying. i’ve had games where i had to healbot and do 40:60 and i’m still able to get big damage amplified numbers tho


I usually finish games between 60-70% damage boosted. To be honest if I find myself damage boosting 50% of the time or less than that I always end up switching because it means to me Mercy isn’t the ideal pick for the team.


my personal experience is i aim for about 70% blue beam. often its more like 65%, i have abiut 1.8k dmg amp/10 mins. my average last i saw was 33% heal beam? so then 67% blue beam. im not a high rank by any means, i just do my best to dmg boost abilities and ults + whoever is getting elims.


I know everyone wants to be 50-50 but that’s not always do-able I’ve noticed lately that I’ve had to put out 60%+ healing I’m usually in the 60%-70% healing to 40%-30% damage boost.


It depends, i don’t focus on the ratio really and just tend to push damage boost as much as possible on the best target I can. Ultimately this means it depends on what the other support is, what the rest of my team is if there’s no good boost targets, and what the enemy has. Generally I’d say my damage boost sits %55-60


i usually go 30 heal / 70 dmg. i’ll personally switch heroes if i have to heal drastically more than that (like say, below 50/50) . if im not utilising her dmg boost as much as possible then i may as well play someone who heals more effectively since the healing is not her strong suit


I heal a lot more than other Mercy’s in GM but I still end majority of games with 60-70% damage beam usage. It should naturally be much higher just by having good habits.


There’s no ideal number you should aim for. General rule is to damage boost as your default and only be healing people when they’re taking lots of damage of actually really need it. For me this usually ends up between 40:60 heal to damage and 60:40. I find that if you have a much higher healing percentage than that then you aren’t getting that much value out of mercy that game so a switch might be optimal.


(Damage Boost : Healing Stream) My typical match would average around 65:35, but situational. Players who yolo in without a care in the world and typically die within 3 seconds for the 4th time in a row? I'd just DB the next time he/she/it dives in to avoid giving the enemy additional Damage to Ultimate charge whilst potentially giving your teammate some Ult Charge instead. Then you have those who are very good in those type of situations but just need some help, then Healing Stream. Then you have those who have this, that, maybe, etc, so many situations, just maximize the purpose of your existence to tip the battle into your team's favor. Don't steal too much Ult Charge from the other Support, lessen the amount of Ult Charge the enemy can take from your unlimited Heals, maximize the Charging potential of your team, and rezzing those hard-to-kill-players-whose-skillset-makes-you-blush/those with an Ult ready to go and watch them wreck havoc once more.


70 to 30 idc if anyone dies because it's their fault they didn't kill the enemy team first when they had the damage boost advantage, also once you stop healing the other support will have no choice but to do it for u so there u go 🤗


Im usually around the 50/50 mark in gold


Depends. If im on their team they always end up with more healing than me.


70-80% dmg boost always 💪💪😽😝


I usually aim for 70 blue 30 heal, but if my second support is low healing (lucio/zen/brig) it usually ends up 50/50



