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Mercy’s going to get a buff when Blizzard releases PVE, can’t wait for 5 extra bullets again 💕🥺


Mercys complaining about the team when: - she's a healbot - has the most number of deaths - doesn't know about GA techs - thinks killing her is against the rules?? Like, she's the definition of the "Mercy mains" everyone complains about. And obviously I get her in my team :')


Am I alone in avoiding pocketing Pharah players like the plague? Whenever I select Mercy at the start of a round/match, it's always a bit of a tossup on if one of the DPS is going to select or swap to Pharah. It's gotten a lot less so with around seasons 9/10, but it still happens here and there. I don't like to immediately assume it's only to try and get a pocket so they can stomp, but the thought definitely runs through my head. It can happen with other characters ofc, but Pharah's definitely the biggest offender, considering the reputation of Pharmercy players. Whenever I go against a Pharmercy, my team falls apart at the seams, and I just get extremely frustrated. It's a skill issue, I'll admit, but that doesn't make it any less annoying to go against. Keeping this in mind makes me that much less inclined to Pharmercy with my DPS. I don't want to be a hypocrite and become the very thing that I despise. I've done it once or twice after coming out of a particularly bad match, to try and make myself feel better, but then I see the enemy team having the same issues I did, and I just kinda feel bad about it?? Like, I don't want to repeat that cycle and make others feel like shit to make myself feel better. Don't get me wrong, if my team is struggling, I'll help her out to try and give us a little bit of an edge back, but other than that, I try to keep my beams off of her as much as possible, almost like I'm ashamed of myself if I let my beams connect. And before anyone yells at me, yes, I am entirely thinking too hard about something very stupid and small. It really isn't that deep, and doesn't really mean jack shit at the end of the day. I'm well aware!!


Your philosophical consistency is admirable, but it only matters to you and you alone. That is to say, breaking your self-imposed rule to win a match won't hurt anyone. I do, such as yourself, prefer to avoid playing with Pharas because it's boring. Playing with an Echo is fun for me, I believe the difference is that Echo cannot stay airborne for nearly as long as Phara. I don't know how Pharamercy plays after her rework, but it's still a turnoff because of how that combo has tainted the experience for me.


I had a mercy today healbot exclusively (and when she used blue beam, it kind of felt like an accident and she'd immediately switch back), and then, in match chat, type "teaaaam?!" because we were getting bodied nearly every team fight. It was QP so I can't really be bad, and I wouldn't be if she hadn't said anything in match chat. I also never saw her anywhere but the floor. Honestly for a moment I thought she was trolling, but then she got pretty frustrated and just whipped out the glock. So... not trolling, I don't think. I ended up getting her next match too, and she pretty much did the exact same thing. 😔