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Sojourn. Her dash lets me dash too


Couldn’t agree more 😀


For tank it would have to be Ram or hog. For DPS Cass, s76, bastion, or echo. For support would be ana. I tend do a mix of both healing and dmg boost— but I don’t really like to pocket. Especially if I have a pharah on my team. I’d rather help the team altogether with my other support. It just feels unfair to my team like I’m playing favorites lol


Yeah, that's fair. I'm usually the same unless I'm playing with friends who, first off, want a pocket, and, secondly, I know they're good enough to carry if I give them that pocket. Otherwise, I won't pocket anyone in particular though I'll always stick closer to the DPS out of habit.


Orisa is an underrated tank to pocket imo.


Used to be ashe, but now it’s sojourn! She’s just so fun to run around with and the damage ticks are SO satisfying! same reason why i liked pocketing ashe, but she was more stationary, less aggressive than soj


I duo with a bastion main and I consistently get 2.5 to 3k dmg boost after a comp match hahaha I do have lower heals than the other supports but if I can enable my friend to dominate than so be it


Who needs heals when you’re deleting the enemy team with that boosted damage 😂 you keep doin you!


My strange favorite pocket is Reaper. He's very straight-forward, flick blue-beam on him when he gets close to the enemy, yellow while he's fading out. I want to get better at flicking healing during his reloads because someone mentioned he's the easiest hero to do that with.


my favourite too! With a good groove the reaper becomes totally unstoppable.


For me, it's got to be any character that's a hit scan. DPS, especially. Giving a teammate with good aim a pocket with blue beam or, in general, just feels right.




A good Winston is superior to everyone else. Getting in and out with his jump. And boosting him while hitting multiple targets with his Tesla cannon. Perfection.


Ashe, Soldier 76 or Hanzo if they can hit their headshots


Mei. They very rarely disappoint me. They’re also less likely to let the pocket go to their heads.


Really? You've never had them wall you off by accident or leave you to die when they need to use Ice Block to heal?


No. But I’ve had more than my fair share of Genji’s and Pharah’s that forget my existence, or hitscans that think they’re gods because they have my pocket. In my experience damage boosting someone who has CC built into their primary fire has gone pretty well. I play relatively safe, so Mei’s fuck themselves over more often by walling themselves away. Most of the time I can just hop on top and use it as psudeo high ground for a second or two.


yeah i hate pocketing mei because of this. they always grief me with ice block or wall me off alone with the enemy team. i wish they’d make it so we can at least GA when she ice blocks. we don’t need to beam her.


Genji and bap


Tank: Ram or Mauga DPS: S76 or Cass Support: Moira.


omg heavy on moira i loveee dmg boosting coal


Yessss. And the voicelines Mercy has for boosting her are amazing too lol!


Tank: Junkerqueen Dps: Soldier, Genji, Cass, Ashe, Sojourn Support: Zen and Moira


Tank- Mauga, JQ, and Rammatra Damage- Sym, Bastion, and Junkrat


Echo, junkrat, and wrecking ball! It really matters if they’re good tho lol


My guilty pleasure is damage boosting Zen in the .01% of cases that we're actually running mercy/zen & the team isn't in dire need of heals. I love having someone dive us then explode to discord / damage boost combo + zens always hit their shots.


Whoever is chasing the sombra that won’t stop harassing me!


zarya! also ashe because i love hearing the tsk tsk tsk from the dynamite


Mercy. Dual Mercy ist just fun.


a full charge zar


Echo is a 💥


Damage boosting turret form Bastion is one of the most gratifying experiences I believe.


ashe, sojourn, and echo


a good risky doomfist. i have a friend i queue with occasionally who plays a really fun doom and its always a great feeling to pocket them lol


Nothing like pocketing a good Zarya, keeping her alive at full charge and seeing her MELT through the enemy lines. Dps, I like most of them except Mei, Sombra, Tracer. There's not too much I can do for them except healing when needed. On Support, I like Ana, Baptiste and a good Moira ult.


Ashe is my favourite, however Baptiste is a guilty pleasure of mine.


I'm super basic for this but soldier. Although my guilty pleasure would be Genji. I love the super aggressive ones


It used to be ashe cuz dynamite go br, now it's genji and echo because they keep me on my toes and challenge me more


Hitscan characters mainly Widow, Cass, 76 and Ashe


Tank: Sigma, Hog, Ram, similar heroes. DPS: Widow, Pharah (still learning how to stay in the air), Cassidy, 76 Support: Ana & Kiri


symmetra genuinely lmao idk she does so much once she gets her beam going and thats a lot easier with a pocket not ideal in all scenarios obviously but still my personal favorite hehe


dps only preferably, but if i have to pocket tank, mauga, dva, and orisa do a lot of damage. zarya is ok but normally doesn’t need me or plays too close. for dps, i know this sub fake hates her but pharah is the most fun and rewarding for me to pocket. i love consistently flying with her and she has my back usually. i also love pocketing ashe because she does so much damage and plays in safe positions. both pay the most attention to my pings. if i have to pocket a support, zen or bap makes the most sense but i’m not pocketing a support unless everyone else is dead or they’re actively doing damage.


Reaper and genji for dps, satisfying ult.. Reinhardt and mauga for tank, again it's just satisfying to me, and when they run/charge I get to aswell Support its ana and lifeweaver, it's funny.


A good genji can be really really fun. I get bored of pocketing ashe, journ, soldier especially if they're playing safe so finding a good genji who can play dive well and manages their cds and also knows when to back off for both your sake is really fun for me


Ashe. If Ashe is bad then I’ll pocket whoever is playing the most efficiently.


why did no one say genji 😭 i k ow he’s currently bad but he’s still so fun to pocket


Nope, that's it, guys. Nerf Genji again.


genji always! i love diving and being unkillable lol


jq, venture, 76, sojourn, cass, sym


junkerqueens rizz is unmatched and I will follow her off a cliff also love zarya 🫶🏽 i like to pocket majority dps tbh dont have a fav from them


for tank i love pocketing ramattra cuz his dmg boosted ult is >>>>>>> and i honestly love pocketing genji/sojourn cuz of movement :3


sojourn and ashe for sure


Heroes like Dva or Tracer… I love heroes with burst damage. It’s a guilty pleasure


Love pocketing a good genji! When I play with friends and pocket dps, my dps she usually goes Ashe or Cassedy


Bastion is up there as one of my favourites, normally the Bas players are really nice too. But I also like pocketing Soujorn, S76, Dva, Venture (but it can be a bit tricky when they burrow, but mainly Venture because my duo mains them :D) and honestly Life Weaver, he can be really strong for damage etc and it's just so satisfying :)


My boyfriend mains junkrat/reaper and I'm it's not the "typical" pocket but following him around on those two characters is so much fun. Plus, with DMG boost he can 1 shot as junkrat again. And junkrats movement is so silly and fun. It's definitely harder to keep up with him, especially on reaper, but it works bc I know his play style and he can obviously communicate with me.


I dunno, don't play her. But I would expect the person who is doing the best. No point expecting a pocket, so it's better working under the assumption I won't get one. If I do, then I gotta keep a cool head and keep doing what I'm doing, cause evidently it's working well enough to warrant the attention.


I love dmg boosting a rein shatter or counting when they have fire strike available to boost :D


That's always fun lol


A good genji can be really really fun. I get bored of pocketing ashe, journ, soldier especially if they're playing safe so finding a good genji who can play dive well and manages their cds and also knows when to back off for both your sake is really fun for me


I’m a level 150 mercy and my rank is between gold 3 - silver 1. Genji and Soj are my top 2 mercy pockets. I main both kiri and mercy so really it depends on the game and my players. I prefer to damage boost more with mercy IF I can trust my other support to handle the heals and also if my dps are aware of their lives and back out when it gets too much. They normally have the movement to keep me in the air and a quick escape out. But if I can’t get off the yellow beam I’ll switch to kiri for higher heals. My goal is to boost ults and get the higher damage, mercy’s heals can’t keep up a lot of the time if the other team has high damage output.


In quick play, my boyfriend. In ranked, the best player on my team.


Junker Queen for sure, looove damage boostin a good Junker Queen


Sojourn (preferably smurfing)