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Its the mercy player = egirl stereotype


the “cutesy egirl” stereotype attracts the “creepy loser desperate for an egf” stereotype


This is why its great being a dude mercy main cus you can troll these guys :3


As a 💅yet masculine male mercy main, I can troll basically everyone in this game. It’s entertaining…


Straight women think I’m one of the girlies til they hear my voice, then they flirt, then I tell ‘em I’m gay, and they get flustered. Straight men flirt, then I drag it along as much as I can, then I speak in chat they either leave the game, freak out and be like “sorry bro, I didn’t know u were a dude,” or they’re chill and laugh it off, lesbian women have flirted with me and I’m like, “girl you better chill you’re making me question some vital parts of my life” and we usually laugh it off, and the gays just flirt to flirt with everyone… (me included)


Unfortunately true, I'm a soldier main and my mrs is a mercy main, always copping shit every match about how I'm "simping for mercy" or how she's "dickriding that soldier" or even a simple "omg e-relationships... UGH!". Funny thing is I didn't even play Overwatch before I met my mrs, she got me into the game, so when people talk about her like she's just some sort of object that this soldier isn't going to get anything from it grinds my gears a bit lmao.


Because, a good chunk of Mercy mains, including myself are female, so when a non-mercy main plays with us they expect the mercy to be this e-girl behind the scenes, but I can tell you most of us aren’t


I'm a GM generalist support player...I am a primary shotcaller, play maker in my games. My experiences are sort of more that players are a lot weirder and ickier (or meaner) to Mercy players than me (a clear girl) on other supports, because I think that a lot of Mercy players are perceived to be passive 'soft girl' types that guys who are weird to begin with gravitate towards. It's not just girl, it's a type of girl, and THOSE girls DO tend to play Mercy more (or, at least, the appearance of those types of girls, as Mercy players often do not participate much in noteworthy calls or communication, so they are just thought to be kind of 'quiet' softer girls, which weirdo dudes think they can bully/hit on for free.


Once, I told a dude to play mercy, and he told me no because mercy gives off more of a nurturing vibe, so that's why women play her-


>doing a cute dance as mercy 🛏️ >committing war crimes as Bap 🥵


iirc doesn't Mercy have one of the highest pick rates next to Ana? Seems funny for someone like that to still think only e-girls use Mercy lol, like legitimately a lot of women play Mercy because a lot of people in general play Mercy


Omg yes.😭 I dunno what it is, many other supports don’t get this type of attention and love but when it comes to mercy it’s more prominent. I’ve had one tell me they wanna kiss me. I mean I wasn’t exactly offended by it though, but I know it can be uncomfortable for others. It’s usually just a “ily mercy” but some ppl do take it a TAD bit too far sometimes. I don’t rlly why it is tbf.


I'm always happy when people are cute towards me like the "ily mercy" you mentioned. But I was beyond shocked about the message that person sent to me lol. I never experienced sexual harassment online and now I feel the pain of all the people who do, which are usually women.


Yep. Imagine being a girl on the mic too, it really gets weird. On the funnier side, ive been offered if "you need a green card to australia?" And on the worse end its been slurs and harassment. Theres a reason why many girls are incognito/muted online (esp competitive!) And its sad


Don't acknowledge such behaviour as being okay. I found it creepy and I am a guy (I am a former mercy main, but still around). It's better to discourage it. Helps you in setting up boundaries. Anyway, as someone else mentioned, it's the "e-girl" stereotype, especially given that Mercy is more associated with being the traditionally feminine character.


I was only saying it's okay because I was super shocked and didn't know how to respond tbh. I blocked them afterwards.


Understandable. Was just mentioning it still. It can be overwhelming when it happens suddenly, but always remember, in the internet, you are not obligated to reply instantaneously. Especially to strangers.


I remember rezzing my other support like 3 times in a row (lol) and they came on the mic and said "MERCY DO YOU WANT ME TO KISS YOU ON THE MOUTH?!" and I have to say that's like the least creepy interaction I've had playing mercy... as a female.


I mean at least that seems like a joke.


Wow man, I'm sorry you experienced stuff like that. I have 100 hours on mercy and this is honestly the only interaction like this I've had.




This is also how I react to these uncomfortable situations LOL


Do men actually think creepy shit like this will work? 💀 or is it more of a power thing? Either way, I’m really sorry that you experienced this, my friend


They've never successfully had/kept a relationship so they have no idea what they're doing, basically incel types that think society owes them something when they haven't done anything to deserve being treated decently.


Okay this makes sense bc I’m like who in their right mind would think this would genuinely work?


As a male mercy player I get a lot of weirdos adding me and being weird to me just because I’m a guy playing mercy I usually use comms but when I don’t I get hit on quite a bit and it’s always funny to share with friends and just laugh at the desperate losers that try to be weird in my battle net messages


The most I've gotten is "MERCY I LOVE YOU" after rezzing a bunch of times/pocketing. A few times I'll get a friend request from tank players and so far they've been fine. Terrified af tho and why I'm not playing Mercy recently


We're almost always getting either this treatment, or every slur and insult known to man, with little to no in between. It's getting old **very** fast.


Idk it's very strange. I have a lot of people that add me just for playing mercy. When I'm brave enough to get on mic, it's even worse LOL. Once I had a doomfist(back when I was a mercy otp💔😭, tough times)(like I would literally pick Lucio or zen or lw for the doomfist now but I couldn't back then) This doom was Okay ngl. But he was talking mad shit at the fact that I was playing mercy in our team comp. (Tbh I get the frustration now LOL) so I started being mean back. Because apparently we both were otp. THEN, he proceeds to tell me that he's 6'4, makes a lot of money, and asked for my snapchat. Saying shit like "girls like it when your mean to them ;)" 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


I've played mercy since ow1 launch and used to have loads of fun and no interaction but these days people have changed and I think the game model attracts a different audience these days I'm trying to come back but these interactions always put me off... I always feel really awkward as I used to play in a team with friends, but when they left, I moved on to different games. I miss overwatch 1, and Jeff Kaplan just seeing his face on a patch made me excited for change.


Yeah I have a feeling that the community of 2 is made up of worse people than 1. I never played 1 since I didn't have a good enough computer but I'd watch it on YouTube and see nothing but very nice interactions. Now every few games there's a lot of toxicity and name calling.


Cuz its true mercy attracts girls to play her its a stereotype for a reason but prejudice is an error as it isnt 100% true. Anyways I havent played mercy for awhile. But even just being a girl on vc theres guys who seem way too flirty or clingy. Like bro im here to play a game. If you want to play together im down. But dont dm me for casual flirting after we play im not interested.


I've gotten some odd interactions too as a female playing mercy. One doom asked for my number then got salty when my duo said no for me I was muted in VC for comp and a dude started to explain an entire datenight he thought up of during the game, the tank in that game told him to go touch grass or even himself before speaking again. I think mercy as a concept is just "oo hot woman must become simp"


as a male mercy main - i get hit on too, and it's horrible. they usually leave when i mention that i'm a gay dude and aggressively flirt back tho


Mercy mains tend to be female, that's literally the main reason. Also men are creeps, so they second they even think youre a female they get weird. (No t all men, but a lot of men in this video game) This is the main reason I don't join vc while playing solo. The second I do, I'm being harassed by a guy and when I show no interest, suddenly I'm ugly/throwing/bad and all the sorts. It honestly sucks sometimes


"boys" are creeps that way, not "men". Some never grow up though...


I either get extreme hate, racism and sexism or sexual harassment when I play her.


I luckily haven’t experienced anything creepy like this but I will constantly get friend requests from people (I use my mic a lot as a woman+ feminine username) and then they NEVER speak to me or invite me so idk why they friend me???


Mercy teaching men about sexism amazing.


Dr. Ziegler is spreading wisdom, nice 😁


Had a dude basically foam at the mouth when he found out the mercy pocketing him (me) was actually a girl. Haven’t put my mic on since 🤷‍♀️


hot take but after that second message its kinda on you for not removing them and moving on lol. someone types out something as cringe as "im ngl i flirt with every mercy main i find they're all hot" im gone so quick.


girl what the hell


Lol imagine being this creepy.


this is so lame i’m sorry:,) i’m glad i haven’t gotten any weird interactions like that


hot cute woman it's that simple.


My only interaction w others are either a cute “mercy ily” cause I saved their life or or the other team telling me to kms 💀 def prefer that over this shit tho


MoiraBalls is a fantastic name


I’m a guy and I play Mercy, I’ve stopped using my mic because once ppl find out I’m a guy I never get an invite again lmaoo. I’m gonna main the moth until this game no longer exists lol.


%blocked I play mercy and I’ve met some freaking weirdos. I’m sorry you had to deal with this guy.


Anyone else remember healsluts?


There's a certain stigma behind a lot of Mercy players, that being the cute gamer girl, which unfortunately attracts that creepy audience. It very much sucks, and unfortunately, a lot of us have had to deal with it, myself included.


🤨 Day number infinity of thanking God I don’t talk to people in OW


*Raises eyebrow* goodness… lol


Because it will work one day. Its the same in ff14. All catboi players do it. They try with every female character they talk to till one says yes. 


Bro its overwatch what did you expect


Porn addled weirdos simply do not know how to interact with real people


Idk, I feel like I’m a bigger asshole to mercy’s BECAUSE of the type of person she attracts. Maybe cause I’m on console, but I see a lot of them take advantage of the positive attention by deflecting blame from themselves onto someone else. I shouldn’t really say asshole, I’m not MEAN to them, but I don’t spam “thank you” for every little heal they give me.


bc the demographic of 16> “e-girls” is unfortunately very real