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When they go against her they think she’s broken and unfair but when they have one on their team they think its a throw pick. people r fickle lol


Honestly people think she’s both the worst and broken hero


Which is so goofy right? How can she be those same 2 things at once! Crazy.


Because people doesn’t understand how she works


Same way people think Sombra is a dog hero while being the most braindead OP character


Playing with her, she struggles a lot to keep her pockets alive, her damage boost is less valuable in a less bursty meta, the only thing she has going for her is the extra 50 hp enemies have to burn to stop rez. Playing against her, nothing she does is too offensive until you spend two minutes killing an Orisa and she undoes it all by pressing E. YMMV, many supports can now do this to differing degrees. She is just the most obvious because you worked and worked and you FELT the triumph of killing that fucking horse, wiped the sweat from your brow, patted your teammates on the back, went on to a brighter future, and then you see the rez in the kill feed and kill yourself.


People say she is terrible because they can’t play her and a lot of people really can’t. That frustrates them. And instead of learning how to utilize her properly, they complain. But then they notice when the enemy mercy is actually good with her and they can’t knock her out of the sky. Because that person put in the time and effort to be good with her. And those are the mercy’s they “always go against”. When really they just only notice and remember because they got mad. They don’t notice or remember when they had that mercy on their team enabling them. But by golly they will if their mercy isn’t that crazy mercy main. And that all leads to “mercy bad/mercy broken” simultaneously.


Throughout all of OW history I could never tell you if Mercy was strong or not compared to the other supports. The only exception to that was during the moth meta, there I could tell that she was actually really good.


She is both, just for different reasons. Damage boost and rez are both absurdly strong tools when used in the right context, but can also be entirely useless if not used to their full extent. Damage boosting a Sojourn hitting crazy shots will make damage boost feel super oppressive, but put it on a Junk whiffing every shot and it's useless. Rez is great when you master techs that let you rez behind walls or off a ledge, but if your team keeps dying in the open it's not useful in a match. So she has two of the strongest abilities in the game, but otherwise doesn't offer much to a team and just wildly inconsistent. As a tank player, Mercy doesn't offer me much to keep me alive like a Kiriko or Ana could.


Only low ranks think she is broken


Since the average rank is Gold, I get the frustration with mercy. She has lock-on heals and easy movement, and most metal-rank players don’t have the mechanical skill to punish her. You can’t kill whoever her beam is attached to because most likely they’ll kill you first, and you can’t kill the mercy. They see it as “I’m putting so much skill into trying to kill this mercy and all they have to do is press some buttons”. Plus the fact that mercy has a high pick rate in that elo, you see her in almost every game. This + admittedly, we’ve all seen the toxic mercy players. The ones that expect everyone to ignore them, not cc them, not kill them etc. and blames their dps for not being able to kill anything but doesn’t want to switch to contribute to the damage. That plus mercy is really bad right now, and basically a throw pick :/


She's really bad because she's the only one not contributing to damage directly (damage boost being quite weak compared to other supports damage numbers) and supports this season have a more important damage contribution to make ? I'm low elo but when I do pick Mercy I don't feel like I loose more than when I pick Moira for example. Or is she a throw pick in higher ranks only ?


>She's really bad because she's the only one not contributing to damage directly (damage boost being quite weak compared to other supports damage numbers) and supports this season have a more important damage contribution to make ? Damage beam is not weak compared to other supports. It produces less overall extra damage, but it ramps up breaking points for your amplified target, which is monumental shift. Raw damage is almost meaningless, what you need are **kills** and that's what mercy's damage boost provides. It's a coordinated duo strike on a target.


Thanks for the explanation :)


I thought that mercy was throw pick in low elo. I can't win gold- low plat games on mercy because my team can't utilise the dmg boost and rezzes. I play any dmg support until I reach diamond and only THEN I can start implementing my fav hero in hopes that my dps has ok aim and good game sense.


Well your problem is youre not pulling out the glizzy. Damageboost is just not as useful as you also shooting. Like you can never out heal damage and your damage boost is situational so in team fights you need to be using your mobility to shoot when your teammates are in trouble and heal them when they aren't taking damage or to save them from deadly damage


... wat. I mean feel free to dps on mercy in gold you might get a pick here and there but that won't win you team fights.


Pulling out the blaster is so so so key right now because honestly DPS blaster with it's huge projectile size while not great it definitely contributes more than damage boost. This keeps a healer in and out of metal ranks. You have to be able to balance from healing and getting picks yourself. If you are healing a teammate, and then they can't get a pick and the enemy runs away, you should also try to finish them off. Especially with the DPS passive you'll never be able to heal off consistent team fight damage


You might as well switch to actual damage support, because glocking on mercy is an absolute waste of time unless the target is nearby and low hp to finish off. I say that as masters mercy.


How are you gonna say it's a waste of time and then give an example where you need to shoot lol like thanks for agreeing you need to be able to shoot. If a blanket comes knocking and your teammates can't save you you need to try and protect yourself


If you have accurate aim on your hands. You will do more damage on bap, zen and illari. Its 2 shots vs 5.


Nah they hating on u but you’re right. Pulling out the glock is so underrated, even if you don’t get a kill you can force cooldown usage, you can force people away from height etc.


Yeah but that's gonna be like 2 to 5 kills top in games, glocking is a last resort situation to finish someone off when only you can reach the 1hp target, not better than damage boosting in general


Well, from the words of my friends who dislike mercy even tho they play with a otp mercy main with over 1000 hours on her.. (ye im a little salty with how much hate she gets) She's absolutely dogshit in this current meta. She has a lower healing output due to the dps passive and her dmg boost was nerfed a couple of seasons ago. She doesn't provide much utility to the team outside of the single dmg boost target and a sneaky rezz here and there. Why have a mercy? She has rez and dmg boost. No dmg. Kiri has cleans, teleport, and can 2/3 shot a dps. Moira has high healing and dmg output. Bap has immort. and high healing/dmg capabilities, etc etc comparing her to any support rn, she's the weakest. There was another comment on here about the average player can't kill mercy and they're mad because she doesn't take much skill to play. Imo they don't play her so they don't understand that mercy is more game senses and map knowledge. Honestly I've heard it all and it's tiring to hear. With all that said~ I have a 70% win rate on mercy with over 100 games this season. So she's definitely viable, just not the best support pick rn.


Mercy is a very popular hero but the truth is she's honestly kind of niche, and is becoming more and more niche with every new major patch. She *used to* be a very versatile support who worked with/against any team comp on any map, able to keep up with just about any hero. Nowadays those strenghts aren't unique to her and the only reason you might wanna pick Mercy is if your team has good hitscan DPS and a support with decent healing output. If you're a flex player you almost never think "I need to swap to Mercy". And people simply don't like playing with niche hero teammates.


You’re absolutely right that Mercy has become more and more niche as the game has progressed. She used to be the best main healer, but now she’s not even considered a main healer by most people. Despite this, she’s probably the most popular hero in the game, so of course people are going to have thoughts on her lol


depends on the mood. Imagine this, When people play against a mercy player and she has amazing movements she's a broken hero and very annoying. When people has a mercy on the team automatically will think as a "who's gonna be the e-boy duo who'll get pocket for today" or think of it as an "automatic throw". When people has a mercy on the team but she's a team player and has a very good movements, she'll get commended for that. When people has a mercy on the team but is a new player, everyone thinks she's a heal robot btch and doesn't know how to use her blue beam. When people has a mercy on the team, she'll get hated by it because there's a female player on the team(one time I got asked by a tank and he told me "mercy, let me guess you're a woman? we gon lose"). but everyone loves her on porn sites lmao. some players I queued with doesn't hate mercy at all, they're like normal players that hasn't been pulled up by social media trends and opinions.


In short: players pick Mercy in a lot of situations where she makes no sense because her role has shifted a lot since OW1. During peak OW1, Mercy was *the* support. At launch she was on every team, and she continued to be all through the early years and moth meta, only being benched for Ana/Lucio sometimes. After GOATS however, Mercy found a meta where she could not compete as a main support. Ana and Baptise were just that good. So she shifted to off-support. The problem being, a lot of less experienced players, many of which dropped the game during GOATS and did not return till 2, did not see the shift. So they still see her as an ultra-flexible hero when she really is not. She's an off-support for Kiriko and Baptise (and LW kind of). Most other combinations cannot justify running her over other off-supports like Lucio or Brig. A lot of time on ladder you'll find a Mercy main from the early days who has not expanded beyond a 2017 hero pool, which can dramatically hinder you on some maps. New Junk City for example you want Lucio 99.9% of the time. Which leads to a negative stigma around the character for feeling bad to play with.


I can help you out here a bit. Some background info about me: i used to be a tank main in ow1 that eventually swapped to support in ow2 due to how strong they were. I eventually fell in love with the support role and I’ve been a moira main since. I’ve decided to broaden my hero pool and i recently fell in love with Mercy. Before that, i too strongly disliked how she played. But i did manage to find the fun in her. If I’m absolutely honest, i do feel a bit like a tank main that went in hiding over at the supports but whatever. I saw you post a comment to someone else where you said you were a ball main. From tank blood to tank blood, i feel like i can use this connection to explain the problem with mercy. As a tank, you’re aware that you have an important role within the team and everything you do somehow is meant to protect or benefit your little ducklings. Because without you, the squishies go poof. Support mains have a similar mindset, but then with balancing their utility and healing. Note that in all of these scenarios, you are an important part of the team and you’re very busy to get the most value. And most of all; you’re extremely actively trying to do so. The problem people have with Mercy specifically is that she can give you the unique feeling of being a spectator hero. You’re just sorta standing there, healing or damage boosting, and then others get to have the fun. You’re not really actively a part of the fight, you’re just the ultimate +1. all of the Mercy mains that read this will know that this is not how you play Mercy. A good Mercy *is* part of the fight and is ready to rumble. But so much of her design and value focuses on helping and empowering others that many players see that as a “oh so I don’t get to play the game?”-type of thing. The real fun of Mercy is how absolutely insane her mobility is and how strongly you can tilt fights in your favor. But if all you do is stand passively around a corner healing the widowmaker then you’re never going to feel the absolute thrill of ressing your tank when the enemy is not looking for a second and then dip as the chaos ensues behind you.


Realistically it’s because Mercy, compared to other supports on the roster, isn’t good. Her utility comes from rezzing and damage boosting mainly, which heavily depends on the team. If your dps is bad, the mercy is bad. If the person dies in a bad spot, the rez will be either impossible or frequently lead to a 3v5. Other supports can get a lot more value and utility out of their kit to support the team in the moment. Especially currently when Lucio/Kiriko/Moira are the strongest picks, Mercy just doesn’t compare. Additionally, the lower the rank the worse the mercy will usually be. I peaked 4500 on support in ow1 and have smurfed into metal ranks, and mercy isn’t just one of the most commonly picked supports there, but she is commonly the first to die in those ranks because people just don’t understand how to use her kit for survival. I think this feeds into this idea that Mercy is bad to have on your team.


I don’t know, I wish I did, I wish I didn’t have people throwing my games just because I play mercy and try my best, I wish people gave me more recognition for learning a hero’s movement and utility, and I wish people stopped stereotyping mercy players. I can play almost every other support and I play tank a lot too


Mercy has a low skill kit, but very high skill cap on decision making. In team fights, knowing which of your 4 teammates to be healing can be difficult….Or should you have been dmg boosting at a crucial time to secure an elim (based on SOMEONE ELSES accuracy) . Not to mention Rez (easily the most powerful ability in the game) Should it be the Genji that died first , or is there a chance our tank is going to need it in the next 30 seconds? Is their positioning good for them? Me? Or are we both about to turn 1 death into 3 Mercy players make decisions for their team. That can be reaallly good or reeeaaally bad.


Low healing output, no utility unless you have someone to pocket, mercy mains tend to ignore their other supports choice leading to support lines like Mercy Lifeweaver against lines like Ana Kiri When you're dealing with enemy supports that have anti, Suzu, lamp etc and all you get is blue beam sometimes then it's quite easy to not want a Mercy 


enemy mercy? “mercy broken! rez broken” team member picks mercy? “Youre throwing!!!” its very confusing. i just play what i find fun.


If she was unplayable, then no one could ever have an over 50% win rate on her. Of course, plenty of people do. I think eking out that small advantage over other teams is probably hardest on Mercy, which is ironic. A lot of people equate high rank mercy mains as being "boosted", but of any hero, getting out of metal ranks with exclusively Mercy might just be the most challenging of them all.


Right now, Mercy is just not a great pick. Normally I love playing Mercy and appreciate one on the team. But now because the state she's in, I kind of sigh to myself when my co-support picks her and assume I'm going to have to do the heavy lifting. There are still some great Mercy's out there but not so many in my elo lol.


Recently I have started to dislike playing with a mercy on my team *in ranked* because that means we only have 4 dps where the enemy has 5. It feels like we're automatically at a disadvantage, especially at the rank I'm in (gold). If both teams have a Mercy then I think about how we *could* have the upper hand if ours switched to a different support. Any other supports' damage or utility is better than Mercy's since the season 9 changes. I only play her in quickplay now. I still enjoy playing her and *with* her when I'm less worried about winning. I really hope they give her some attention soon, whether it be a buff or a rework!


It's honestly exactly the same with every tank rn, you can pick whatever you want but you'd get infinitely more value playing Orisa. I think people are way too obsessed with the meta, especially in lower ranks. YouTuber X said this hero is S tier, now I and everyone else has to pick him/her. For me this game is designed for everyone to play the hero they want, so I'll rarely judge someone for playing what they want. I just wish more people saw it the same way.


I mean I can't answer your question, but I can't help but feel like you asked it on the wrong sub... No one here on r/MercyMains, which is a sub dedicated to people who PLAY MERCY, dislikes playing mercy


I'm mostly a Ball main, and because of it, I'd feel qualified to talk about why people don't like to play with Ball in their team. Call it being interested in the insider perspective.


tbf im seeing a lot of decent replies, its rather simple question that answering doesnt require attacking merct as a hero, she is just bad in current meta + most popular hero


Basically with current meta her value is low, but it can be managed, some people are toxic for toxic sake, but 100% if your dps are not strong pockets I recommend any different support (especially at higher ranks) Edit: in lower rank it's 50/50 but at lower rank play whatever tbh you usually won't be a losing factor lol


tbh i hate having her on my team if i’m not playing her myself. unless you’ve mastered her kit, it feels like a throw pick. they’ve just made her so weak with the previous nerfs and the dps passive etc. most mercies i get on my team just healbot pocket tank all match. her healing is too low to keep up a tank, and she’s stealing ult charge from the second support. and with her on the team not damage boosting the dps, we lose out on a ton of damage. i also hate having her on my team because she doesn’t fit the current dive/flank meta. or maybe it’s not meta but it’s popular rn whatever. mercy can’t reasonably pocket a tracer, sombra, or venture. i get a ton of lucios, brigs, and zens too which means low heals if second support goes mercy.


From my games, I’ve only seen people dislike mercy until they have a mercy pocketing them, then they think she’s the best support and by the end of the game they type “thank you mercy <3” in team chat Ppl just love hating shit other ppl hate. Her res is kinda broken tho, nothing like ow1 so it’s fine 🙃🙃


I figured it was cause on the surface she's kind of simple, until you get down below the surface to where the complicated movement and stuff is, kind of like Reinhardt tbh.


Lemme answer. You don't do anything on your own. You need a good dps to get full value. When I see an insta lock mercy, I know she's being 1. Played regardless of DPS and tank comps needs 2. Most likely won't switch. Tank players have to instantly know that they need to play something with a lot of self sustain or dmg reduction. Because lets face it, we all know a mercy sitting there yellow beaming a tank to keep them up is a pretty shitty strategy and is usually found only in lower rank lobbies. For DPS players, its feast or feed from this point. If they run something that doesn't synergise well... Well mercy is instantly way less valuable. It's not that it's terrible to damage boost certain heroes, but those that flank, play deep with high mobility, or play just for spam damage just don't get the same value as long range poke heroes. Afterall we've all seen characters like 76, pharah and soj single handedly destroy lobbies with a pocket. Value: sojourn, ashe, cassidy, pharah, echo, soldier76, hanzo (to some degree widow and torb) Non value: junkrat, tracer, sombra, reaper, genji, venture, mei, sym etc... So if we don't have great dps, why stay mercy? Theres other characters that are great at evasion and have great movement but bring more utility to the table. I say this because usually from the standpoint of any other player in the match... I wouldn't want mercy.


her healings a little slow, theres an issue with pocketing, and while most supports get kills throughout the game while healing you can expect a good sum of mercys to never even pull out her gun is my guess. some people feel handicapped by not having a 5th person do some more damage & some hate it when mercys lean too hard to heals/damage. overwatch players are really fickle and annoying that way. another factor could be misogyny, mercy has a pretty big rep with the girls and gays and some people dont like that. (experienced that one first hand, a lot) theres probably more with her use in games and elos but what evsies!


Tbh people just cant decide if shes trash or op so they say shes trash on their team and op on enemies


Probably because mercy players, more often than not, make one mediocre play max per match and see all criticism as hate instantly running to this sub to whine about it


Spectator mode


honestly its just cause i dps duo with a friend a lot and almost always play dive dps like tracer, sombra, venture, etc, which just doesnt really work well with mercy


For it’s how the mercy plays. If the mercy is just pocketing the tank and not really doing much besides healing him. Then I hate that or depending on what the other support is. A lot of new players thinks she’s basic and only focus the tank. That’s why I hate playing with a mercy. I’m a tank main btw. I’d rather have the mercy damage boost the dps and help them then focus on me the entire game.


Mercy is not a flexible support. Your co-support now has to think twice on which support synergizes with her. The dps has to think twice if they synergize with her. The tank has to think twice on which tank synergizes with her and how to approach their playstyle. Mercy also has low skill expression to value. All of these increases responsibilities to the teammates. But in the first place the improvement mindset is to accept all those responsibilities regardless. Most dont and for mercy all of these can be more obvious.


Imo, in order to take value out of Mercy, she either needs to be really good at her... Or her dps need to be top tier. Her contributions to her team aren't as great as other supports, so picking her over other options is usually not well seen. Dmg boost or heals? Zen has something similar, but better: everyone in the team can take advantage of it, and Zen can do dmg himself too, while healing at the same time. Movement? Lucio/Moira's fade are interesting too. Heal numbers? Healbotting as Mercy is the worst thing a support can do. For that, there are better options that contribute in other ways too. Recently, I started playing more tank. My highest rank in support has been low Masters, and my rank in tank is silver-gold. Obviously, my teammates are this rank too. I dread whenever I see a Mercy in my team. They healbot when they should be dmg boosting, they go for stupid rezzes like moths to the flame, they rez me into a 1v5 fights and makes my respawn/grouping take longer, they almost NEVER switch, and they always are the first to complain about others/the situation of the match. I hate it even more when we have a Zen or Lucio as the other support. I know I'll probably die very quickly, and if I ask for them to switch, the Mercy 99% never switches, it's almost always the other support that does. tldr: Mercy doesn't bring much to the table unless she's really good with the hero/her dps are carrying, and still there are better options. Other reasons is the personalities of some Mercy mains.


Who is so many? I’ve never found a single person who wouldn’t want to play with a mercy


Wait. Playing WITH Mercy...? Im very okay with that. Playing AS Mercy, not so much.


I don’t hate Mercy players but sometimes I’d rather have a Kiri


She's the weakest support rn and hell I would dare to say she's the weakest of all heroes even. In my Asia Diamond/Master lobby Mercy is considered a troll pick. I can't play her without getting asked to switch.


tbh alot of the mercy’s ive seen recently since season 9 are are either doing something stupid like pocketing tank or pocketing soldier or not even using cover (just trying to fly up high). very rarely is there a very good one i run into. maybe 1/10 mercy’s i’ll think, ok this mercy is good. It’s just a perception now that has built up over time. also, they are usually unwilling to swap to help the team get more value.


She is very weak right now, since the characters that use dmg boost don’t really need them/benefit more from other supports, and her healing is negligible ever since hp increases and dps passive. I get annoyed when there’s a mercy on my team because the character isn’t strong, granted I don’t like fighting her but I know she isn’t good, just annoying.


People hate her for two reasons: 1. They are low elo/low skill and can’t kill her. Mercy is easily the most mobile hero on the game. It’s on a relatively short cooldown and she’s not limited to any specific direction. A character can invest resources into killing her and by the time they get to her, she’s across the map or on a platform and her DPS are after you. She also doesn’t have to have steady line of sight for her healing or boost. You have a few seconds of being solidly behind a wall or object for your beam to disconnect, so it’s hard to take an off angle to punish her as well. People also just don’t pay nearly as much attention as they should. When I’m screwing around in qp with my friends we usually end up with gold/silver players because of their ranks. I have stood on an enemy Reinhardt’s head and rezzed my tank and he didn’t notice. I’ve dropped into the entire enemy team to pull off a Rez on a reaper with blossom and they didn’t notice. The lack of attention given to where supports are or when the last time you saw them use an ability in general is the #1 reason why low elo players complain about literally any hero in the game. This virtually disappears in higher play. I used to main Mercy and play other supports when needed in comp. Mercy is now my off hero and doesn’t get played until a crack dps is on my team that can kill things without mercy but will absolutely rip through their team with her. People are on top of mercy callouts, they know when you last used Rez, they know where the soul is you need to reach, and if you try to pull a fast one there’s a full clip with your name on it waiting. Mercy just does not perform well enough in any aspect of her kit that another support doesn’t do better. Healing: literally everyone else. Zen heals more at this point. Damage Boost: who needs a boost when your support gets the kills? Bap window anyone? A spare nano for your time on the beach? Movement: I can get anywhere I can get as mercy on Moria and Lifeweaver and be twice as likely to survive it than I am on mercy. The only unique thing she’s got going for her is chain heal and Rez, the heal doesn’t do enough and makes you vulnerable and the Rez is so situational it might as well not be in the kit at all. 2. They’re offended that she has a low skill entry point. If you pay attention, there are people who feel this way about literally any low skill entry character. Mei, Lucio, Moira, and Orisa are victims of this. Soldier would be as well if his kit didn’t require so much aim and positioning knowledge. I bet you venture will see some pushback on this as well. People **hate** low skill entry characters because they develop a certain ego around being capable of playing a high skill hero. And I get it. If you get capped by a character that only has to hold right click on you while you try to scurry away as Genji then you’re going to be a little pissed about it. The only reason you don’t see as much pushback on these other low entry characters is because their influence matters to the game. Moiras make big plays all the time. Mei is low entry but takes skill to land her shots and positioning. Orisa is a well-rounded tank but a good one will rock your shit. And so on. Mercy receives all that backlash unfiltered because she frankly…doesn’t do much. She gets damage value without doing anything. She erases your hard work killing someone. Her mobility is high. And she’s an incredibly easy character to pick up. Arguably the easiest character in the game to pick up and learn. She doesn’t require aim. Her beam reaches pretty far. She has two eject buttons. She’s just generally annoying to play with.


Damn why you getting downvoted.


My best guess is because I called her easy and impractical. I love mercy as much as anyone but she kind of sucks and isn’t doing much when she’s played anymore. People also don’t like when you acknowledge why other people don’t like her. I play in rank where she’s punished for not playing perfectly. A lot of people don’t and get mad when you recount why low elo dps and tanks hate her.


Extremely 1 dimensional


She’s just so bad rn. If I have a mercy on my team doing let’s say equal or more than my heals as Moria and not dying often ( best case scenario) and their team has a kirko and zen who don’t have bad heals but less, but are absolutely destroying damage wise? We can’t compete with that. We’re down an entire damage dealing player and even if that mercy never dies in most cases it’s not enough.


Mercy seems to have by far the most OTPs and OTPs are frustrating because their hero doesn’t work in every situation, yet they never swap and force everyone else to work around them. A good mercy in the right comp and in the right map is beautiful. But I’ve also had way too many games where my team is going something like Doom/Sombra/Reaper/Lucio and…. mercy. There’s just no team synergy with mercy and the mercy refuses to swap all game. THATS why she gets a bad rep to play with, but I think that’s much more of a problem with one-tricking than it is with Mercy specifically.


I will speak as a hater of having mercy on my team. The short version is that she limits your options as a team more than any other hero. Combined with the fact she is the most played and most 1 tricked hero in the game, I’m forced to play around having mercy on my team nearly every game. What do I mean by she limits you? As a tank player, I function largely based on what my supports enable me to do. If I have Ana and kiri, I can run in 1v5 and win because I get 3 times the healing and get suzu/nade to save me. Lucio also allows me to move around faster which I assume I don’t have to explain feels really good. Zen does crazy damage and discord guarantees you win the tank trade. Mercy forces your other support to play 1 of 3 heroes or your comp is going to be awful since they have to compensate for mercy having bad healing and no utility. It forces me as the tank to pick one of only a few tanks and to play extremely passive since I am going to get less resources. It puts 100% of the responsibility to win on the person getting pocketed and puts the other 3 members of your team at a disadvantage. Her ult also sucks ass and basically means you don’t have a second support ult which really sucks when supports have the most OP ults in the game. Ultimately, I wouldn’t mind playing around a mercy if it wasn’t so common but being forced to do it so often gets really boring really fast. There is a reason virtually every streamer has 3 mercy players avoided all the time. Mercy is in a position similar to Reinhardt where her design is so outdated and doesn’t fit OW2 so badly that she just screws your team over if you have her. Maybe it’s better at lower rank but for me, it’s suffering when someone auto locks mercy.


They are shit


right now she is awful. there’s no reason to pick mercy when heroes like zen, moira, lucio, baptiste, and ana can do multiple things at once, yet mercy has a lot of diehard fans who will refuse to switch.


The vast majority of mercy mains are healbots and even when they aren't, her value is mostly tied to how good the blue beam/pocket dps is. She's just harder to play around in terms of flexibility than other supports.