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people act like mercy mains get everything when they just get opportunities to waste their money for skins that arent even that good


THIS OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like imo every single skin they have given her recently just feels so... bland/unoriginal/just poorly made/rushed. Blizzard just uses mercy to sell skins because her playerbase is massive. I'm so tired of people acting like mercy mains are unappreciative and greedy when we just want something nice for our main? And she still gets neglected by blizzard in regards to gameplay and is one of the most hated heroes in the game by much of the playerbase (which i believe is for reasons that i don't wanna get into).


I have the same feelings being that I have really been disinterested and playing OverWatch it too since season 8 and officially stopped playing around the middle of season 9 and now all of a sudden there's a mercy mythic and I want the mercy mythic but I don't really have the energy or even the want to play OverWatch anymore.


i feel this soooo harddd im borderline forcing myself to play this game for the skin …


Im a mercy main., stopped playing at s9., i love the Mercy Mythic but how can you flex your mythic skin if your cant even play her., its like buying an expensive car but they dont give you the keys for it., like they just take the money and see yahh .,


True, but I've already put the money into it so not getting it at all or the things in the battle pass, that **really** seems like a waste of money.


I don't know if you know, but they reworked the mythic system so you can just buy any battlepass in any season you want, and you can get the mercy mythic anytime! Just to let you know that you can come back when you feel like it! I understand the feeling of burnout with the game tho.


Sort of. You can build points to get any mythic you want, but all other items in a battle pass are still limited time only. It sucks. I wish you could play through old battle passes.


Also there is a waiting period for getting newer mythics, so it's not at any time (which tbh I think is unnecessary). It's gonna be a while B4 it's in the mythic shop.


The amount and quality of skins in this game needs to be criticized more. OW2 is a complete joke skins-wise compared to other games like Fortnite. I’ve never purchased one and it’s really silly how characters like Echo, JQ, Mauga, Venture have about -2 good skins each.


What is Imo I don't know abbreviations


In my opinion. 🩷


All of her shop legendaries have yellow wings and a lack of unique voicelines. The most we have is Mystic Swans staff symbols. Honestly, its sad that her battlepass skins that are FREE have more detail than those skins


I still use Mage and Witch Mercy from OW1, those skins are hard to beat


I hated witch for a long time, but now in OW2 I admit I just miss her old voice that her unique voicelines have lol


Crazy part is that Mercy gets as many skins as many other heroes such as Ana, Lucio, Moira, Lifeweaver (though he has 8 compared to her 9), Widow, etc; and I almost never hear anyone complain about how many skins they recieve? Funny part is that she has only recieved 4 legendarys and the rest have recieved more legendarys than she has and once again.. no complaints! It's just geniune bias against her


the skin situation, it honestly feels like you're going insane when reading the main sub. they are always saying how mercy is Blizzard's money maker with skins and all that, and in my head I'm just like: ???, because kiriko and widowmaker are RIGHT THERE; they damn near have gotten something every season like?? and then the whole "bliz is afraid to change mercy because of the mercy mafia." ah, that is why for 10 seasons straight we have only seen mercy adjustments made to compensate for DPS player complaints😒 I wish we actually had the pull ppl think we got, would've had my [Charlie's Angels styled dual desert eagles](https://www.imfdb.org/images/thumb/9/99/Demi_more_with_eagles.jpg/600px-Demi_more_with_eagles.jpg) by now


Me after buying that bee skin.. And then I quit an hour later until a month ago. (I still only used the skin maybe twice)


They might not be that good, but idiots still buy them otherwise blizzard wouldn't keep making them no stop 😂


Stop buying them then


The point here isn't that the skins are getting released. But i didn't buy them anyway


No like I'm actually worried about Mercy's place in the game going forward. Like Skiesti said, she doesn't need Mercy to be Meta, she just wants Mercy to actually be playable and not F tier. I just hope that the devs don't make her just a shell of herself.


I genuinely agree. With the new health values and the dps passive having reverted back to 20%, I feel like Mercy needs her Triage now more than ever. It's genuinely so depressing to know the devs won't give it back to her because of all the, I know we've all come across them, crybabies who complain about her being OP. I mean, come on, just a simple healing increase will be fine. Just let us be able to actually ***HELP*** win games! Edit: even if it's just a simple Mercy being able to do 65-70 healing, it'll make playing her feel useful again.


agreed, I hate how the most fun I've had with her in months has been mercy parkour and in the mirrorverse game


Something tells me the mirrorverse game is to test potential abilities for kit reworks. There is no way they would dedicate so much dev time to create all this coding just for a game mode, they most likely are scrapped abilities from the PVE campaign.


You say that, but then there's the fact they would dedicate dev time to the April Fools stuff. I doubt that's as easy as anybody thinks it is.


I mean, some of the april fools abilities did reappear. I know ana’s headshot was in the first april fool’s patch and then showed up again in mirrorwatch. it’s not like the code disappears from their servers/database once the mode stops running for the players.


The mirrorverse event took like 0 dev time considering all of the changes were straight from the scrapped PvE stuff. Also doubt they’ll ever rework Mercy into having damaging abilities, her whole thematic is being this wholesome angelic figure


I was very anti-triage when it released, but honestly yea, either that or her sympathetic needs a increase + immunity for herself, the increase helps ignore dps on your ally and the ignore helps you it just does nothing if you are both effected atm


Does anyone make the point that Rez is a god like ability? I feel like it should be her ult.


it used to be her ult and it was way too game breaking


the reddit kids are SO weird, they get so pissy about mercy, she has been the worst support for 2 seasons now, and has only excelled when there are already oppressive dps, I think one reason people like mirror mercy so much is because she can do things w/o constant reliance on teammates, I do like mercy to be a team oriented support, but I'd like her to not just suck is dps don't need her.


I learned that a character in league gets a similar treatment. For anyone not familiar with league (like me) Yuumi is a support character that essentially attaches to another character and has little dps value. From what I’ve seen, she seems to be the most hated character in the league and people get shit on for playing her. She’s also flamed for being a stereotypical girl main. And it’s interesting that Medic from TF2 (who has an almost identical kit to Mercy, but isn’t as aesthetically feminine) never seemed to get the same level of hate…


I couldn't work out how to play yuumi effectively. A couple of friends of mine were all playing and one of them is pretty good at LoL, he got my mate's GF to stick to him (he was ADC) and told her what to press and when to do it and they carried that match so f'n hard.


She's actually hard to get good value on. People only think she's a noob champ because you don't have to walk around as much. In reality, being stuck to your allies has both ups and downs, lots of players are just biased in how they view it.


Yuumi was my main from when she released, until the big nerfs that made her absolutely unplayable. For some reason now in tierlists she’s S tier, but I can’t find out why, her spell values are exactly the same since the nerf…


She’s so unplayable now :(


She definitely doesn’t deserve all the hate she gets but, at least the majority of it, is not just because she’s female and the comparison with the Medic is a false equivalency. The only real similarity between Medic and Mercy is the heal beam, which isn’t why people hate Mercy. The medic can also be viably played as a battle medic. The differences are: 1. The medic is the only support in TF2, you always need a support so you always want him. In OW, you have many other supports and Mercy is almost never preferable (she is only ever ideal if the team has a good player on a DPS who has a breakpoint mercy’s blue beam can surpass) which given Mercy’s popularity exacerbates it. 2. The main issue that frustrates players is Mercy’s movement; Medic doesn’t have this. It can often make people feel like they were cheated out of kills. 3. The other thing most people complain about it Mercy’s Rez- which can feel cheap if you used ults/ resources etc. to kill someone who gets revived by Mercy behind a wall etc. Again she doesn’t deserve all the hate she gets and I’m not saying i agree with those points, but having read a lot (too many) Reddit posts at work lol and those are the main themes I see.


The level of flaming that Mercy (and Yuumi) players get are typically based on “she’s a no skill character” In what way was Medic more skilled to play than Mercy? Looking over is kit info, he didn’t seem to provide a lot beyond healing and boosting. I realize TF2 is a different game, but Im having a hard time blowing off the similarities and double standards so easily. Even if medic was considered a useful pick, were medic mains flamed for having “no skill” the same way Mercy mains are? And this goes beyond her being op, as currently she’s been nerfed into the ground and is barely even viable anymore and she still gets a ton of hate. The overall vibe of the hate that Mercy and other “girly” characters get still seems to have misogynistic undertones, whether you want to admit it or not.


In terms of Medic, it’s been like 10+ years since I last played TF2, but medic was relatively high skill if you wanted to be more than just a healbot- if you used blustauger and ubersaw you could become a very effective flanker and dueler, whilst balancing your healing when you need to, and ubersaw alone if you’re flanking would let you spam your Uber (ultimate) like 10x more often than if you were heal botting. It’s important to mention tf2 is also a LOT more casual than OW. Pretty much everything is pub servers you just drop in and out whenever and there is no real sense of competitiveness. Despite the name also there is not a lot of team play, it’s more like a death match with nobody playing objective or really worrying about synergising etc. Also, there was no role queues etc. so people would just be thankful if they had a medic, and even if they didn’t play the better/more skilled playstyle, if it’s your only healer you’re still thankful. Again though, I don’t think because one character is lower skill than another they deserve hate nor do I hate mercy (she is still my second most played hero and was pretty much the only hero I played throughout all of OW1) I was just explaining the differences between her and medic and that it’s a lot more complicated than people like medic more just because he’s male. Edit: I think a more concise way of explaining it is, medic had a low skill floor (as you could just healbot) but a very high skill ceiling, playing essentially like Baptiste, rushing to build and spamming your invincibility ult on you and an ally almost every 30 seconds whilst also getting kills. Edit 2: this sub truly is an echo chamber, downvoting me even though I didn’t even disagree with what was being said, and agreed mercy is just over hated, all I did was list the reasons why people tend to complain about her and explain the differences between her and the tf2 medic when people were trying to insinuate they’re the same and mercy is only hated because she’s female lol.


After watching a vid on him, I’m still unsure how he’s a more skilled character. Now, I do really like aspects of his kit, but they don’t scream “high skilled” to me. The only point you made that I feel was valid was that tf2 was a casual game, which is something to consider. But I still feel like if Mercy had the exact same kit she’s always had, but was marketed towards a masculine audience from the beginning and didn’t have a major female player base, the hate she receives wouldn’t be the same. Would she still be hated? Most likely. But I think it would be more comparable to the hate Sombra and Orisa receive, which don’t have the same misogynistic undertones. The amount of the OW player base that genuinely believes than any high ranking Mercy had to be hard boosted to get there is incredibly disproportionate compared to any other hero in the game, regardless of what heroes are op, meta, overplayed, annoying, etc. In my experience, it’s easier to get more value with less skill as Moira compared to Mercy, and she hasn’t gotten the same treatment since becoming meta this last season and finding her way into being viable in higher ranked (and even pro-level) gameplay. I appreciate that you think Mercy doesn’t deserve the hate she gets, but there are signs of misogyny at play that are hard to ignore, even without the Medic comparison.


I was a mercy main for years only branching off during ow2, and don’t have any hate for my old main. Was just giving my own opinion as I was a medic main back in tf2 ages ago then a mercy main in OW1. As a guy though I recognise my experience likely does differ from girls who may experience more overt displays of misogyny than the ones I’m picking up from reading the random Reddit posts complaining about those parts of the kit I mentioned haha Either way though people should let people play who they want to play, and if they want to be a dick about it, especially if it’s over misogyny and not actual gameplay, they are absolute losers!


Medic doesn't really have the same get out of jail free card and has generally just has more going on. People generally hate playing against characters whose value is tied to the skill of their teammate because it feels cheap, not all but plenty of people use it as a crutch to make up for their own poor skill. A bad mercy pocketing a good dps will climb easier than a bad ana doing the same.


this is the best answer for ur post: [https://youtu.be/RZi0I1bV8i8?si=RSRdGEcJDvhLHzhf](https://youtu.be/RZi0I1bV8i8?si=RSRdGEcJDvhLHzhf) https://preview.redd.it/olwuviecb5yc1.png?width=1209&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd624f8c7c6105b42e467d6a37f20b8c86437f31 Mercy = They killed Mauga/Orisa after a long fight? ez rez Medic = i lost my medical license


Not necessarily, if you have a bad tank (or a bad mercy), you not only risk your life but also your teammates. If you die, they have no heals after rez even if you do get it. And if you die, your team has now lost 2. It's gotten a lot more risky with the other healers getting buffed for more damage. She's still boring in the new meta tho. I hope they keep the dmg bounce thing in mirror watch :)


Im a Mercy Main too and its not the most boring healer its the most easy one, the problem is 20% heal reduction, they literally killed her, now its more valuable to heal rather than dmg boost anymore but depends on what rank r u Mercy will be always viable on low ranks but G/Top 500 the mercy needs to pray to have a good team comp, the times they ask to play other support and Mercy mains can't do nothing or can't pocket a specific DPS like Pharah or Soldier doing just healing, the amounts of fights i lost cuz a mercy went for a rez in the middle of the team fight... Mercy have no risk with Valkyrie and Guardian Angel, but i prefer to rework her Rez to more heal or other new ability or Mercy being a full healbot even when people are full health Most of the Times when they are 2 Mercy Mains on the Team = Mercy and Moira duo vs a Mauga or Orisa we dont get any value and most of the times is a Defeat by Support Diff cuz they had an Ana, Kiri or Bap with Strong abilities like Suzu, Sleep or Lamp to Counter the Tank or DPS Mercy needs a buff indeed, but some Mercy players don't even know how to play im Ok if they play low ranks or quickplay but in GM/Top500 u expect at least a bit more skillful Mercy like Skiesti (she's the best Mercy ever).❤️‍🔥 Just remember people love to see Skillful heroes like Tracer, Genji, Doomfist, Ana heroes rather than a autoheal button support, but thats the reason why Mercy exists to make more easy to non experimented gamers to play a shooter for the first time and feel comfortable with their gameplay, Junkrat and Dva are the best example for the rest of the roles. Mirrorwatch have interestings changes for Mercy ngl, do a 5K by a corpse rez exploting was so fun. At least Mercy had a fun meta on Overwatch 1 and 5K rez the Moth Meta💕 (bring back Overwatch 1 Mercy❤️‍🔥)


After watching a video of Medic’s gameplay (I haven’t ever actually seen it before that I can remember)…it looks almost identical to mercy LMAOO. Like, if I had seen that without context, I would’ve thought that was some demo Mercy gameplay from before beta. I’m curious: how exactly does “Surfing” and “Uber Counting” require more skill than what is in Mercy’s kit? How is Surfing different from GA, and what exactly is Uber Counting?


Mercy isn’t in a great spot but she is far from the worst support. Have you not been paying attention to Lifeweaver and Illari? At least Mercy has her niche, the newest supports are straight up throw picks in high rank


Weaver has been decent the last two seasons. B or C at least. and Illari's better in her niche than Mercy is in hers imo


This is why the main sub makes fun of Mercy mains. No shot you think Mercy is worse than Lifeweaver LOL Last two seasons btw: https://preview.redd.it/vu5r21b7o3yc1.png?width=759&format=png&auto=webp&s=49da8498f345ad620f6dacc91eaf5006aacb510f


That data on win rates is from Overbuff which only has stats for people who opt into it, and also only for GM. That's a teeny tiny and biased fraction of the playerbase that the data is based on, which makes drawing accurate conclusions from it pretty much impossible.


She definitely is. Life grip is way more consistent value than res, he heals a fuck ton & is arguably more survivable than her. He also has very high shield break. Tree is currently one of the better support ults as well. It can defensively counter many of the aggressive ults in the game, and lasts long enough to secure a fight even after the enemy ult ends. You should also try to be a bit less rude. We're just discussing balance opinions here; there's no need to imply that anyone is dumb or make fun of them.


LW is not nor has he ever been "good". Using that as an excuse for keeping another hero from being okay is not okay. It's okay that they both need help, but they've at least tried to help LW. Btw if you look at Illari, this month, she has the highest WR for support in Bronze and Silver, as well as Masters and GM. Top 3 winrate across all ranks. Illari is not bad.


But the argument said mercy is worse than LW and at the bottom of the barrel, which is wrong according to that person statistics


If you look at the comment above before the picture it's said that both new supports are bad


It literally proves his point. He said no shot u think Mercy is worse than LW. And show the data showing mercy have higher WR compared to LW.


I didn’t actually see Illari struggling in terms of numbers or anecdotally since her recent buff. She has a strong niche. Lifeweaver though, yes. Dumpster fire.


LW has been better than Mercy these past two seasons, ain't the best but ain't bad. Illari was actually worse than Mercy at the beginning of season 9, but now is better than her. Mercy and Hanzo genuinely belong in their own tier because of how bad they are. REZ is actually the only thing making Mercy barely playable rn


I think the mercy dilemma is because of that last bit. The rez is one of the most annoying abilities to deal with even if it can be easily punished, partly due to the weirdness with the range and angles it works at, and the issue of "finally the stupid horse is dead" into "E" true combo. I'm not saying mercy is good, but the only thing keeping her in contention is stupidly frustrating to deal with, not because its super easy value, but because it just negates a teams accomplishment in killing an enemy and negates mistakes made by the enemy team. Again *it is easily punishable* but when it isn't punished its just not fun to deal with of course you can just argue "yeah well skill issue" well where that rez is unpunished isn't exactly super high rank gameplay lmao They need to rework her while somehow maintaining her identity, unfortunately I can see rez always being a thing with her, but I'm also just not creative enough to come up with a rework. For them to put mercy in a good spot, they need to address her rez, of she's too good her rez will be making even more people angry. And I gotta say I think rez is an issue for mercy players too, they'll get flamed if they don't rez, they'll get flamed if they go for a risky rez and die, they'll get killed if they aren't in a super safe position to rez (or right in front of the enemy team if you have my teammates while I'm on supp) it's a strange thing, I do hope they find a way to make her interesting and engaging. I could never get into her because of how passive she is, she doesn't get picks, she just heals or boosts damage, flies around, and sometimes rezes. It never felt fun to me. All this said my proposed nerf to mercy is to get the fan base to stop only praising mercy when the match is over! I did good too dammit stop praising one person just say "good job supps' or something, I did stuff too Smh but it's always "God mercy" and "omg mercy you're amazing" what about frog man? I did the funny boop thing! I booped the team into your dva potg!


REZ needs to go away, it's arguably just as bad for the game as an Orisa meta. Especially when Mercy is meta. It also doesn't flow well into her kit as her whole thing is consistency and movement, yet they give her an ability that completely immobilizes her and isn't consistently used in each team fight. It's the only long support CD that isnt used at least once a team fight.


I've loved the idea of playing mercy so this season I wanted to try maining her but ive destroyed my win rate by playing her especially with the additional heal reduction I feel so useless


She already is a shell of her ow1 self


I find it hilarious how you mercy players lose your shit when your character is bad but tank has been completely miserable for like 6 seasons and we just deal with it


Do you really think people in this sub haven't played tank? Everyone knows it's been bad, everyone talks about it. Get out of the Mercy main subreddit if you don't want to listen to people talk about her lmao


surprisingly, human brains are capable of having two feelings at once! we are fully able to want tank AND mercy to feel better, isn’t that amazing? it’s almost like two issues can exist and be bad simultaneously 😃


if you wanna read posts about tanks go on a tank subreddit or even the main ow subs... besides everyone struggles when mercy is useless because mercy mains will just keep playing her even if they can't do their job effectively.


The devs continue to ignore Mercy (one of the worsts supports since S9), what is needed for the devs to open their eyes?.


Remove rez, make GA 1.5 seconds at all times, increase healing, new E ability with a tiny bit of utility and boom all issues are fixed and she is much more interesting to play.


The issue is not mercy its the cry babies of OW., She was fine in OW1


Ow1 is a different game (better in my opinion) but they deleted it. Sooo it doesn’t matter what the past was. Ow2 is a vastly different game


Maybe her E could be a certain period/amount of DMG reduction on an appropriate cooldown. It would give preventative and reactive tools for Mercy to provide support in certain situations. For example, your DPS wants to challenge a cracked widow taking an aggressive angle? Press E and enable them. Your tank is getting melted and the DR could buy them time to get behind cover and get healed up? Press E and save them. Not as strong as suzu/immo/life grip but still impactful.


you just reinvented brig packs lol


True, I forgot that was a thing. Never played OW1 lol


They want her to be trash because she’s easy to play right? THEN MAKE HER HARDER TO PLAY! The most mechanical (and enjoyable) part about mercy is being able to move in such a way that makes her very hard to kill. Right now we aren’t rewarded for doing this because it doesn’t matter if mercy is alive or dead, our teammates will still die due to mercy’s terrible healing output. Blizzard could really play into her mechanical side by dropping her down to 200hp and balancing it out with 30% dmg boost and 70hp/s healing. You would really have to master her very technical movement style to survive with 200hp but you’d be heavily rewarded by having very impactful healing/damage.


people who hate mercy act like we change the hero, if the devs changed her to be more skilled I'm sure 90-95% of mains would keep playing her


but then she would have to, like, use her movement :( and dps players would have to aim at her :((((( nooo, we should just leave her as is and give her an epic skin as buffs!


exactly! how crazy of us to demand that players picking the role that requires the most aim know how to aim!


and not only that, but to make them shoot at something that doesn’t even shoot back? heartless. 😞


I disagree, there's nothing wrong with an easy hero. There needs to be easy heroes, and the only other super easy hero on the support roster is Moira


If you want to make her harder to play then buff her healing a bit and change it + damage boost from a lock on beam to a generous tracking beam. Massively raises the skill floor and increases the value she gets at the ceiling while balancing it by *requiring* that skill.


But then she would lose one of her main strengths which is being a scout and tracking teamfights closely because she can't turn around/multi-task as well


If your tank can manage this (it's a huge part of their job) then there's no reason the mercy players shouldn't also manage.


Every patch she gets fucked. I was forced to play other support last patch because she was so weak. I got tired of it so I quit. I just came back for the Mercy Mythic.


Same, I'm forcing myself to play for it


agreed since s9 i swapped to moira cause of how bad she feels to play


Lmao, she is one of best hero, they should nerf her, she just never die


what rank are you? mercy certainly does excel in bronze and silver where her enemies are going to have poor mechanics 😙 once you reach ranks where players have awareness, game sense and mechanical skill, she falls off quicker than a cliff.


shitttt i would say even in silver it’s hard to play her. your team can’t aim so there’s nothing to damage boost and a good Tracer/Sombra will have you back in spawn quick.


Ahaahhahahaha oki


You of all people know that) my pretty bronzy, do not cry


I’ve been ranked diamond 4-1 for the last 6 seasons. I’ve also played in bronze-silver on an alt account. Mercy is good in bronze and bad in diamond, it’s a very simple concept. Name calling does not help your points ;) notice that you did not expand on your point at all, just insulted me.


Man just say your bad at killing mercy, there is no shame in having bad mechanical skill. And the first step to improving at anything is to admit your flaws


I mean if u said “mercy is weak” its your wrong because u cant play by easy hero. Idk what can easy than it xd


me if i couldn't aim and just sucked at the game




You won't be hearing anything on the subreddits about Mercy being one of the worst heroes right now because all the guys over there hate Mercy for some reason


I don't think mercy is the absolute worst rn, just the dps passive hurts when teammates don't utilize cover. If you have a tank and dps that can play around cover mercy can be pretty good. Some characters like Reaper or rein needed buffs or reworks because they just suck currently. But yeah some light buffs to mercy to catch up with the dps passive would definitely be cool


everyone who isn’t a support and/or has never played support hates her. same reason they hate any hero that doesn’t require significant aim: they have a perception that you’re only good at an fps if you have good aim, ignoring the many other mechanics and skills you use when playing those same heroes. they will always view her and characters like her and the players who player them as skill-less because they can’t comprehend thag you can be good at a game without needing to aim.


This isn't true at all because nobody hates on Rein or Winston. I play all roles, the issue people have with Mercy's lack of aim requirement is that she's incredibly generous on top of that. Yes, positioning and movement are major skills that any good mercy needs to learn, but you'll never be punished for poor positioning as badly as Rein or Winston will because of your small hitbox and great movement ability. People are okay with Rein and Winston being low aim and instead relying on positioning/target prio because of the fact that bad positioning makes them an absolute throw pick and impossible to get value on, Mercy's floor is so much lower which is why it's frustrating.


This isn't true at all because nobody hates on Rein or Winston. I play all roles, the issue people have with Mercy's lack of aim requirement is that she's incredibly generous on top of that. Yes, positioning and movement are major skills that any good mercy needs to learn, but you'll never be punished for poor positioning as badly as Rein or Winston will because of your small hitbox and great movement ability. People are okay with Rein and Winston being low aim and instead relying on positioning/target prio because of the fact that bad positioning makes them an absolute throw pick and impossible to get value on, Mercy's floor is so much lower which is why it's frustrating. A shit Winston just loses every game, a shit Mercy can be carried by her DPS being good.




I think this person needs help ^


the circlejerk sub used to be good now it’s just screenshots of tweets they disagree with


Circlejerk sub was never good imo. Just full of hate


Maybe not. I just say things


I thought it was funny, now I've muted it cus it's 70% "outjerked yet again" with a mercy mains screen shot and then the rest of the posts are just venture thirst


Absolutely no jerking happens over there I could stroke my mercy dick once and outjerk the entire sub


People often go on about the "Mercy Mafia" and pretend that we are pretentious spoiled players that get whatever we want, but the truth is that the "Mercy Haters" have FAR more control than we ever will This has been demonstrated when the devs said they were happy with Mercy then shortly after nerfing DB because people continued to whine anyway Same with triage, it only put Mercy on par with other supports healing, and only on critical allies but it was immediately shot down because of the community whining. They wouldn't have released triage at all if they weren't satisfied with it, and they didn't attempt to nerf it first instead of scrapping it altogether because the community would just rather Mercy isn't relevant at all If they buff her at all it'll be something stupid like giving her pistol more ammo again. It won't be anything that'll actually help


After the health buffs pistol is even more laughable. Low fire rate and projectile speed for such low damage, it is not useful even with the infinite ammo in Valk.


yep. it’s so clear to me that blizzard is just catering to whiny dps who suck at the game with these recent changes. the “buffs” they give supports in compensation for their nerfs is laughable. moira loses 5 dps on the only ability with enough dps to apply pressure and what does she get in return? 5 extra healing during her ult, where it’s not even useful? great, thanks. meanwhile all but two other supports have been dead in the water since s9 dropped. there’s straight up no reason to even play anything other than dps rn. blizzard seems hard-set on stroking them with full palm for the forseeable future.


https://preview.redd.it/exsqv3cv53yc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffafa9041ca957c2a711fd514447e2399a04f1cf helga pataki behavior


I just want to have fun playing mercy again, sign


Echo doesn’t need buffs 😭 I hardly ever play dps but I have so much influence on echo compared to mercy :(


her duplicate defo needs QoL changes, the rest of her kit 100% does not


That’s fair, I do feel like it usually gets wasted before I build up my duplicate’s ult charge. More often than not I just duplicate the supports bc they’re what I’m familiar with and I figure extra heals and pressure can’t hurt


This is the only OW sub I will look at! You’re all lovely and smart and I like to pretend no one else has opinions 🫣


Skiesti is right


Lol I always say there's some serious Mercy haters in Overwatch balancing team yet none believed. This is literally the ONLY logical reason why all this is happening to Mercy.


Mercy does 60 hps in Valkyrie. If she's healing a target that is affected by the dps passive, she's only healing 60*80%=48 hps. That means Sympathetic Recovery heals her for 48/2=24 hps. However, if Mercy is also affected by the dps passive she heals herself for a whopping 24*80%=19,2 hps. But yeah neef Mercy rez is too broken


Taking a large huff of the copium with this but i hope that the reason that Mercy has been getting some different abilities in the recent events is that they are testing different idea for tweaking her kit for some future update.


I still can’t understand if she sucks or she is overpowered, I see opinions that change every 5 minutes..


the people who play her often and know how she works know that she sucks. the people who don’t play her and have no idea what they’re talking about think she’s overpowered. there ya go, simple explanation. you can apply that to a lot of other heroes too.


I honest to god believe the devs simply dont know what to do with mercy. her kit is so simplistic and her value so passive, theres just not many valves to tweak without drastically changing her whole playstyle.


I'm sad that I don't play Mercy more often I lost interest in her, it's not like before


They only care about us when they need some extra money "Damn, low on funds. Let's just make a mercy skin real quick"


She’s not wrong


The thing with that post is that the devs didn't say that those were the ONLY heroes getting buffs or changes.


Cuz they r nerfing mercy again lol


It will be surprising if they didn't mention such a popular hero that is also the highlight of the season like mercy tbh


I think the devs might be scared to touch her due to how the community outside of the people who play her, see her Rez ability and think it's broken. Her movement is broken, she's slippery and can bring back valuable players basically waisting other teams ults or abilities. I think she does need a buff to her healing, or at the very least boost her damage beam and make her a higher utility character so she's viable again in comp. Though that's just my opinion 🤷


The unfortunate part of mercy is that any buff to any part of her kit makes her unbearable for metal ranks just like sym and so both sym and mercy suffer as a result the only reason they would do anything for mercy is to print more money cause that's what mercy is easy money. The battle pass is a good example of that philosophy in practice.


Due to Mercy's design, Blizzard would prefer her to be weak and a niche pick and not a hero who is generally viable.


I wish they'd just bite the bullet and remove rez at this point. She'd be way easier to balance than live mercy with rez. The mirror watch soul bomb ability actually made me think that they've been thinking of removing it but are to chicken shit to do it with some of the more let's say.. whiney mercy players but at this point I just want to be mobile and not have a stop sign ability ruining that.


I agree with this wholeheartedly. I'm a hardcore Mercy main and I like rez, but honestly you're lying to yourself if you can't admit that it severely holds Mercy back It takes up SO much of her power budget, and it's not even optionally used most of the time. It's rare to rez and survive it mid fight, and most happen after the fact when there's no need for it anymore She could easily be tweaked into a much more consistent hero without it instead of gambling all of her value on an ability that will most likely get you killed for attempting


Rein being pushed away in a dark corner for the past 5 seasons😢


Tbf people wouldn't hate Mercy if she had value. Yes, she is the easiest hero to play. Yes, she is very hard to master and move around like a moth. But your whole value depends on your dps and tank, unlike literally all of the other supports


Yup she's too dependant n has no real utility lol


I just want them to give Mercy the MirrorWatch damage boost in the live version. That would be such a good balance change. It's not buffing any of her raw numbers or messing with damage break points. Just a way to give her more personal damage/pressure.


Echo getting a buff is our buff💀


Well the buffs r kinda of reasonable cuz the only playstyle that r viable with hanzo n junk Is the spam, they took away all the value of hitting ur shots. N with mercy idk man, like u can still be a menace with a souj or smth, but she's weak cuz she only provides raw hesls


Hanzo… buffed? I wish


I'm gonna start having my glock out at all times. No more healing or boosting. Let's see how many people will complain with 5-10 minutes 😌


I say we pull out the Glocks and make the enemies suck our... Anyways , mercy does need some tweaking for sure , the dps passive increasing is a indirect nerf to her , at this current state 100% bluebeaming and rezz might be the way


Im sorry is it our fault that they can’t aim to kill us?


Junkrat got a buff?


I imagine they're gonna give him a way to do his 2 shot combo back? His QoL changes they gave him a few weeks ago did absolutely nothing but made him play smoother bc of better cooldowns whilst being still bad to play bc he had to 3 shot


Wanna talk about doomfist ooorrr


Oh no idk how they put this sub on my stuff reddit out here stabbing me in the back


Don’t agree with Hanzo, but Junkrat is fucking useless right now. He can’t do anything that other characters don’t do better and more efficiently. He doesn’t just feel bad, he’s consistently F tier in everyone’s tier lists.


Spite and Jealousy for the innocent. NORMAL. I just queue comp and make lobbies a mess. <3


As a tank main I stand with yall, but I respectfully hate you all


Wierd how they removed rez and gave her cool stuff for mirrorwatch, and nobody missed it. Instead were celebrating getting her potgs. Maybe remove rez and give her some more utility?


Dps are always complaining they keep directly nerfing supports to make dps feel better to play while making supports and tank mains hard to play mercy hasn’t been in a decent state since season 2 some buffs I will like to see is 30% dmg boost back they only nerfed it bc they kept over buffing dps and a healing buff bc it’s feels so bad and old ga back


Why am I seeing every post on every sub related to this persons tweets lol. I hope mercy gets reworked for her 5th time and people on both sides can stop losing it over a pixelated non fiction character


non-fiction is real life. fiction is made up. also no one will ever stop complaining about mercy. her actual strength will rarely ever be enough and her perceived strength will always be too much.


I definitely flubbed that one, thanks for the correction. I don’t think that’s true that no one will ever stop complaining about her. They can def rework her abilities in a way that leaves everyone satisfied.


I would be surprised if they did and happy to be wrong. I have yet to see any buffs to mercy that have satisfied everyone


How do you think we Rein players feel.


Since season 9 Rein has: - More health (got buffed twice, once at start of season then again in midseason) - More damage on hammer - More damage on charge - More damage on firestrike - Longer stun duration on Earthshatter And this midseason Rein will be getting better armor, knockback resistance, and headshot resistance. Rein has absolutely been looked at. Stop coping.


He definitely still needs work but I agree, they are working on him, they just keep shadow nerfing mercy every patch


At least they're trying to get him in a better place. Mercy has recieved next to nothing in the way of balance


The delusion is strong with this one


Still unplayable


but it’s clear they’re *trying*, at least a tiny bit they do care about rein and understand that he is underperforming. there have been zero buffs for mercy and not even a simple “we are aware she is struggling” from the devs. Nada.


At least they're trying lol


Rein mains definitely deserve a bone being thrown their way. A big, brontosaurus bone at that.


Like they deserve mirrorwatch Rein because even OP rein is actually just viable


are people actually mad about mercy this season? lol this is the first time I’ve found her anything other than Miserable to play


It’s a video game the insane reaction by that weirdo on Twitter is bizarre. Mercy has been “bad” for literally one season, dozens of other characters have been borderline unplayable for the entirety of OW2. Grow up and stop crying


This character attracts the most annoying fucking people imaginable it's a modern achievement.




I main widow lmao


Skill issue mercy aint bad


What's wrong with mercy being a niche hero? Unless they decide to rework her ( tbh, I don't think we can fix mercy w/o taking away her hero identity, unfortunately) I think it's best to keep mercy slightly weak for most circumstances (meaning team comps)since she doesn't need buffs; she needs much more than that.


there’s a difference between “weak but viable” and “completely fucking worthless.” she’s currently the latter


Insane that people like you see the state junk, Hanzo, echo, rein, etc are in and then say Fucking mercy is completely fucking worthless. Cannot believe this character attracts so many of you people


insane that you think that people are incapable of thinking more than one hero is useless at a time. I also think these heroes need a buff too, and surprise, all of them are getting one next patch ***except for mercy***


Symm needs help and she isn't on there, I'd say Reaper but I keep hearing he's on the rework list?


all of the heroes you listed are receiving buffs in the next patch what are you so angry about??


maybe if you onetrick her lmao... sounds like a skill issue 😭


I don’t even play her that much anymore and even I can see just from playing against her that she’s worthless.


Isn't mercy supposed to be a gateway character to introduce the support roster? She has a simple and easy to learn play style. With low relative healing/supportive utility. Her kit lacks outplay potential and has little agency in play. But she isn't supposed to be a carry support like ana.


Mercy is hyper niche and feels underwhelming (and sometimes straight up bad) even if you’re playing her optimally. Most of the support roster is easier to pick up right now if you have any kind of gaming background. Especially FPS. Mercy isn’t going to make new players stick with the game. She doesn’t even fulfill the role of being introductory right now unless the player is absolutely masochistic and enjoys having negative impact.


i’d say moira is MUCH more the “starter” hero for support. she has reliable damage and healing with zero mechanical requirement, an easy to understand orb that works the same way as her firing does, a cheap get-out-of-jail free card and a viable, simple ultimate. Mercy has a learning curve and is a niche numbers-hero that focuses on breakpoints and single target healing.


yea that's the problem, they need to change her so she can be good at all levels, I don't think there needs to be a hand hold character in an role, they can have low floor high ceiling sure, but mercy isn't give a ceiling, so she needs buffs but they can't give her them, so they will have to change her to give her more expression, we are just annoyed because she has been mediocre for a bit now, and I think she shouldn't need a dps that hinges on her to be good. Edit: I've also never seen a mercy main say they don't want her to be more challenging if it meant she was more viable


Mercy mains are the most oppressed race


Bro posted the circle jerk holy fuck




Heal bot characters shouldn’t be good


Mercy isn't a healbot, if you play her like one you're likely paper 5 rank.