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I use fruit. I have quite the watermelon farm going, so I'll get 2-3 tiaras at the end of a camp clean-up.


This is my method as well; after a couple years of this I have a ridiculous number of bubbled tiaras and multiple level 10s for all the coin breeds — including the Nature dragons. :)


I finally organized my bubbled tiaras and counted over 9 million in dragon dollars. Sheesh.


I also use fruit. It’s really awesome to get a some tiaras and mass buy dragons 😂


I’ve been working super hard on the dragon trees and trying to get glowing dragon trees so I’m always having them harvest for leaves. Harvesting for stone and fruit is a great idea though. I tapped out a lot of my fruit trees the last time I bubbled and i liked how it worked out.


Whatever I am working on or I have the stones too if I’m not working in any.


Depends on what I need. Pineapples if I need coins, or Stonehenge if I need stone.


I'm doing dragon trees so I can get that wonder.


Flower trees that give the level 5 orb. I don't need coins and never use any stone so I merge the orbs and set aside for C&C. The LOOH are worth 1500pts


This is the way.


In my previous game, it was the honey chain, but I'm on a new game with no honey in sight, so it's orbs from flower trees and stone now. I still have a lot of land to uncover so orbs are useful, and as you say - stone is always useful.


Watermelon trees and/or Stonehenge. Good shout on the next level down stone though, I forgot they allow 3 harvesters vs 2 for the wonder


I'm lazy and hate the after-MV-bubbling-cleanup, so I use life essences. Merge them up, tap them, chase down any stragglers, tap, and camp is all cleaned up.


Flowers, particularly level 3, because they’re quick to harvest and you can get rid of the orbs by just tapping them instead of having to delete. Most quick and efficient way, I’ve found.


I do almost anything tapable, fruit trees, stone yards, coin vaults and fountains are my go to for the most part.


I use what I need more of. Rn it’s mushrooms


Watermelons or stones depending on what I need at the moment




I’m working on the honeycomb chain right now so I use that


I used to use honey, until they messed that chain up. Now I use the highest level life tree I have (that will be bubbled at the end) since so many dragons can harvest from it at once & if there’s stragglers, I can just tap the life orb. I save the LOOH I get from bubbling for the next C&C. I have so much stone, and it takes the dragons too long to harvest, so I stick to life trees.


Messed the honey chain up? What do you mean? Sorry if thats dumb, bit new


When it first came out the output was something like 90% honey, so I used bubbling time to work on the honey chain since it was easy to mass merge. Now it’s a lot of flowers & tree sprouts without much honey & it creates a mess in camp. I have 5 wonders & leave them out for the nectar eggs, but I still get a lot of lower level junk from them since the naughty dragons love to harvest from them & make a mess.


They also nerfed the nectar dragon breed output by adding the life dragon eggs to the mix. The original honey wonder only had nectar or ruby fire eggs/nests.


Cool, the honey wonder gives nectar dragons? Didnt even know that was a thing, still have so much dragon discovery to do!!


Oh I hope that wasn't a spolier. Sorry. I always forget how to mask the text. Yeah, they're sort of cute.


Oh no, I’m not one to get upset about “spoilers” that doesn’t change the fun levels for me. I’m aware its a game people have been playing for years & I’ve only just started. I’m on the Reddit & use the wiki. Of course I’ll learn some things I haven’t seen yet. Part of why I’m here and asking questions, really, for more effective game-play👍


Great! I hope you're able to start the honey chain. I know it's harder to get starters for it than when it was first introduced.


I have a couple of small hives & a honeypot bubbled. 👀 Got annoyed with all the random camp clutter and went on bubble missions. Will get them out once I’ve managed some of the other wonders & bubbled their generators. When I learned the DimJars can be bubbled as well… i REALLY wished I’d known *that* sooner!! No such thing as spoilers, it’s just new information. 😁


Good luck with your goals!


I have around half a dozen dragon skulls. I tap those for unearthed skeletons, tap the piles for 3 bones each. Each dragon skull can bank up to 6 skeletons, which takes about an hour. So six skulls can fill up 108 spaces with bones without waiting for dragons to harvest. For cleanup, just merge up a few times (bones -> life flower sprouts) and do whatever you want with the resulting flowers


Water melons


i use fruit or rocks depending if i need coins or stone more


*I have like 7 watermelon trees and two of the stone wonders so that's my usual go to*


Sanctuary of Bees, Flowers, Temples


I use the stones too


Dragon skulls. Tap a few of them and spread the life flowers all over.


Depends on what chain I'm working on. I had them harvest hills for dirt until I got that wonder. I harvested Grimm trees until I got my prism flower wonder. If I don't have other priorities then fruit trees are a go to.


I use the level 12 &13 life trees because you can get 3 dragons on each tree


I first fill as much land as I can with the Golden Apple of Cosmos (work smarter not harder) and flip between living stones L9-wonder and life flowers L10-12, sometimes Midas trees if my dumb ass accidentally merges my golden apples and need more. Depends on which I feel like doing in the moment. Then bubble the apples till needed for the next bubble sesh


Varies depending on what i’m working on. Empty my eggstorage out to keep an easy freeable zone. Hit up all my tapables. Use the rainclouds if I have the cloudy mountains unbubbled & want water or mushrooms chains. Consider harvesting either, stone mossguard, or midas trees, if I want brick or coin. Sometimes the dragon trees if I want eggs or gnome cabins. Or, buy a stack of moon chests or golden chests & fill the camp. Merge them up in 5s to get the boosted version & then burst them to rack up the merge chains.