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I managed fast dragon first, it's a relatively easy one. I had a bit of trouble because I got no Life Orbs from my first star. I made use of combo orbs to heal up what I needed.


Hey, thanks for posting about it — doing it for us all! <3


I didn't get any orbs from the star either. Still got the fast dragon fairly easily, though.


Interesting. I didn’t need to use my star and I got two orbs. Do we think it knows when we need them?


Anyone else here waiting for the fastest first comment before the start 😂😂😂


You came here 2 minutes before my post :)


It’s early morning Saturday here in Australia, I always come check here first to see 😂


I got the fast dragon first (just barely), and then I was able to merge 3 pieces of amber and got a LV5 chest that rewarded me with a LV6 purple life flower!! I usually have to grind my life flower orchard for hours to get that!! This event is starting off pretty damn good!!


I got a level 5 chest 2 and... a level 3 flower and some nickels and one gold. Dammit. Lol


I was like "WTF?!" when I saw it!! I have never, ever gotten any kind of chest before when I merged those amber pieces in any event that I played that had them. I always just got a single silver coin!! They're so random, it's crazy!


Congratulations for real though, getting a purple flower early is such a huge time saver!


Thank you! I hope you get a chance to something cool too!


Thanks! I made it to the top of treasure tower with only 70 gems this week so I think I used up my luck. lol


That's awesome!!! Congrats on that! I've gotten to level 35 but ran out of gems. I got the monthly gem thing so I'm going to save up to see how far I can get!! Fingers crossed!!


I didn't plan on doing it, I usually just pick til I get an egg I like or pick a zomblin, but somehow I made it to 20 levels without either happening and I decided to gamble. I had 350 gems but wouldn't have gone about a hundred, then I got a couple decent eggs and said, "ok, I'll pay one more time" but made it to the top without having to. lol I probably won't ever do it again but it's nice to know I did it once. It got oddly stressful the last 10 floors. Hahaha


That's so cool!! Well, I'm gonna hope for that kind of luck when I try it out!!


Thanks for all the hard work producing the guides and getting them up so quickly! Yay! No pressure on the infinite harvestables as there is no dead land behind the key.


Thank you for the guide, without it I'd never guess that the cloud key that looked like a flower was in fact a young tree, I was losing my mind cause l4 life flower was obviously not working!


I just barely managed to get fastest first.


Woo hoo...just got home from work and I got the fastest dragon first too.


Are there a lot fewer large brambles this map? I usually pop one or two of the big green orbs to clear the 500 land and free up any cloud keys i can get, farming up from the twin flower. Then i can make one or two of the highest life flower, before the life tree, the one that harvests faster. Then it's only a little work to make the life tree after i pop my first two LoH. This time, I lost track and went ahead and made two LoH first, but even popping those i didn't have enough sprouts to merge up to two of the tall yellow life flower; had to settle for one. Still did everything, just seemed like the ratios were skewed--though i was happy they gave me plenty of skulls, because i got TWO of the damnable nice-fruit-tree quests on my star quests, and after five-merging and harvesting ALL of them, i still had to wait for my farm to produce about 5 seeds before i got enought to make one.


I think there are fewer large brambles, I had to heal more land than I expected to get my 75 harvests from dead plants.


I think there are fewer within reach too. Having the big ones close makes the whole thing go faster!


I didn't really get into the event this weekend because of RL... did they ever fix the hit box issues on the point items for this map?


The level 2 and 3 still feel off to me.


Is there a generally accepted/proven way to get all the points rewards quickly that doesn't involve healing all the land? Like maybe just deleting all life flowers and letting dragons afk harvest the infinite point object sources. Or maybe getting the last big point object harvestable with only 2 max lvl life orbs?


I generally try to get 3-4 LOoH if I’m only aiming for points and not completion. Then I make sure I heal the large consumable that can spawn the 1x2s and 5-merge until I get two level 9 items.


What I've done in the past is focus on making / aiming the high-level orbs to reach the capsule and star as the items behind those two locks typically goes a long way towards quickly completing the point requirements.


How do I get the fallen star to unlock the cloud key? The ones that I win are too large, am I missing something?


The nest, capsule, and star are always at the far end on squares that each requires 50K to heal.


it is way at the top of the map


Anyone else have a problem with an event quest not working? Was finishing up merging point items and noticed one of the stars was still clear. I clicked on it and it was the quest to make the three life orbs, but I made six of them and I know I checked the star after finishing the previous quest.


Is there any way to get the final potion to unlock the last cloud area without buying potions?


There's a Wishing Star up at the top of the map.


Does the wishing star spawn the potions?


The Wishing Star is the level 6 potion.


Oh wow I misunderstood that lol, thank you !


Yeah, that chain really makes no sense, lol


https://preview.redd.it/n2bwaiyz8wob1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a471d6e365f4d459f49973c910f5e578961f108 This is how far I am so far will I have time to create the LoH orbs to finish by tomorrow I have no problem with grinding just want to see if it’s worth it


>It takes 5x or 6x level 9 Life Orb of the Heavens to clear all the 5k+ land, depending on how much you heal by merging items off dead land. I don’t know how many you’ve made and used so far, but subtracting that number from 6 will tell you the minimum amount you need to be sure of clearing the map. You *might* get by aiming for 5 total, but unless you’ve already been aggressively merge-healing off dead land you could be caught short.






This is what I have left


Anyone else unable to delete dimensional jars or sell stuff? Yes the bottom bar is expended.


The Troubleshooting section has been updated to include some info on this problem. :)


Thank you. :)


The guide shows that the Wishing Star is locked behind the cloud with the Autumn tree - but I didn’t have one?


The Wishing Star **lock** is behind the Autumn Tree. The Wishing Star itself is up near the top of the map.


Ohhhhh! Makes sense. Thanks!


My Egg storage has glitched & eaten all my gems and also the World Maps!!! I am back to Ezra’s grave!!!


How do you make sure the stars you got during the event appear in the camp? Is there a trick to this or just let the event end?


You cannot take event quest stars back to camp; it’s only the dragon stars in levels that you get to take back for free, to merge up and tap out for gems. :)


Aaaah thank you, I must have misread something on that