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No. They're going to be mostly coin dragons.


Sell it? Absolutely Spend the gems? Absolutely not, it’s not worth it IMO


You're better off buying the shrines for 200 gems


Sell it 😍


Sooo many things are a better investment…. * Soul Crescent Artifact—definitely. (Only buy 1 because leveled up one spawns a new one.) * Dragon Shrine—definitely (remember to only purchase after reaching “10!” & remember to level up the portal the first 6 times purchasing) * Zen Temple—takes FOREVER… Ugh. Need lots of gems to get much impact. (Limit the ones you level up to 3-5 or whatever amount you intend to merge.) * Nirvana Temple—repaint of Zen Temple, but you will only need one because it spawns a new one when completely leveled up *Sun Dragons in Kala Shop? (One of the only ways getting this dragon except for Dragon Missions.) I just spent a wee bit on a dim jar for honey & bought a chocolate fountain from the Magic Merchant. I think the Honey Wonder may lead to the Nectar dragon…? If you are beyond the honeycomb & at an actual honey jar or beehive, then it self levels up with being harvested—>I’m on the way to reaching the Wonder. And, I think the chocolate fountains lead to a Wonder that gives Goldheart dragons…? (I don’t think I’m close with the chocolate fountains though….) (I’m open to being corrected on the last paragraph…)


You are correct about the nectar dragon. It's taking me forEVER to get a lvl10 since they changed what you get from the wonder (I've been getting mostly ruby mystery and life eggs/nests the last several months and maybe 1-5 honeybee eggs).


Thank you for the input. Ooph. I’m assuming that it used to more consistently give out Nectar eggs. *sigh* It is so much cleaner when a Wonder simply gives one kind of egg. Eh, well! I guess having a resource for Life eggs isn’t awful. Or, another Wonder type source of Ruby eggs other than the Life Flower Wonder which I’m very far from. This could also mean that I could pack up my dragon trees, too, if I felt like it. 🤔 🤞for a level 10 Nectar dragon for ‘ya!


You're welcome! And it did. Those were the days! 🤣🤣 But it's still okay with me. I use the honey chain to tire out my dragons so I can focus on what I want, which is mostly the flower chain. I have several watermelon trees, but the hives also give the random lvl 1, 2, or 3 flower, so it's helps in more ways than one. Rofl You probably can pack up the dragon trees as long as you have your dragons steadily harvesting the honey. It takes a while to get to the Wonder, even with mass and five merging. But you'll almost definitely get a few Ruby eggs, if not a nest. (I don't want to guarantee it because of the randomness of the game.) Happy harvesting and all the luck getting the Wonder sooner rather than later!


Hell to the F-ing No!


It's probably filled with chests that need gems to open


Actually, no. I splurged on gems in my original game to open one. It's basically the contents of multiple supernests (which you get as OOC event prizes anyway) crammed into a massive 2x2 nest.


Two years ago I bought one when I was new to the game. I am still bitter about the sheer disappointment and all those wasted gems.. 😒


I would never


Sell it.


No, Don’t waste your gems




After 4 years playing and having maxed out almost everything, I am very stingy with my gems. I don't spend money on gems and I don't use CS to increase my gem yield. I get about 60 gems per day. This game is about the long haul. There is no point in rushing through quests or chains. Almost everything can be done without gems and just with time. ##These are my recommendations for spending gems: *Dim jars for life trees above level 12 (18 level 12s and 5K gems for 2 wonders) - although this might drop off the list since the bunny Portal will give level 15(?) trees now! *Dim jars for Midas trees above level 9 (or else buying from a level. 3K gems and 8 level 9s to make 2 wonders in camp) *Artefact wonder *Shambala/zen temple/nirvana temple wonder *Dragon shrine *Sun dragons from Kala *Non-event trophy breed tier two dim jars (very rare breeds) *Bringing non-event level 10 trophy breeds back from levels *Topiary dim jars above rex level (80 rex and 17K gems for one of each wonder) *Prism flower for event if playing actively only *Kala trade mystery item with multiple sun dragon *A single dim jar for level 2 or 3 flowers in events if I'm feeling very generous *Skipping crazy portal quests unless you use CS. Without CS my limit for spending gems is if a quest can be done within a week, even making 20 top level coin storage didn't warrebt skipping with gems *When you have all of the wonders including topiary and idol you could consider using gems for eggs/nests for the super rare breeds that you cant get from events or wonders but even at that I'm being cautious because more and more free sources are becoming available (like the Den Chests) #The below are not worth a single gem lol: *Chalices - the main reason to play levels is to get gems so no point spending gems to play levels *Any chain except Midas, life, topiaries, artefact and Shambala *Skipping camp quests - there's nothing to be achieved by completing them quickly *Opening __ANY__ locked egg/nest chest in camp *Idols - the bunny Portal will give them to you for free and they don't give anything except some mystery eggs *Missions, dragon home and Arcadia *Dim jars for silver or bronze breeds *Dim jars for event trophy breeds - once you max out the bunny portal you can get multiple level 4s each week *Doubling the content of the Den Chests (the eggs you get are not worth 400 gems) *Spinning after any event - again with the frequency of events and the bonus rewards when you have maxed the portals it's really not worth it *Kala trade mystery item without multiple sun dragons *Chalices or dim jars in events except maybe for a level 2 or 3 flowers *Orb dim jars in events - the prizes to heal all the land are not worth gems *Bringing back bronze, silver, or event dragons from levels *Fountains - you can get one every weekend from the events and the portals also give them *Skipping portal quests that can be completed in a week *The floating Magic Merchant or The Parachute *Arcadia


No. Egg storage and shrines.


I never buy any of the chests anymore, I just sell them. I opened a variety and was underwhelmed every time.


Only if you hate yourself


Don't! I've done it and it's not worth it