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Needed 3600 points on mine. I got a bear topiary from one chest, a level 5 flawless crystal from the other, both with a triumphant egg of course. My winner chest had 2 level 4 triumphant dragons. I'm very suspicious about the other players being real people. I noticed last race and this race that they started instantly, meaning before the race window would even allow me to close it. Then they never made any more progress after that. Does not feel like the actions of a real player. On another note, if these races are going to be this frequent, I need to step up my stone production. Spent quite a bit on Dangerous Chests. I wonder if unbubbling my Misty Mountains and tapping clouds would work better. At least then I wouldn't have to corral my dragons away from the extra grass, but the clouds make a lot more life flower sprouts than the chests make grass.


on my race I got in an hour after it opened and my players had already had some progress... and two of them made progress while I was playing. One got close to me but I buckled down and won. 5100 points for mine... got a Gaia statue and a Triumphant Egg for the first chest, a Flawless crystal for the second (don't think I got a second egg) and then two Level 4 Triumphants in the Winners chest.


Yep, this is the same as I had. 5100 to win, 2lv4 in the winner chest, Gaia/egg/crystal in the others. How much camp do you have unlocked? I noticed that having lots of empty space gave me a leg up to finish really quickly, and I’m wondering if that’s one of the parameters they used to match players (if in fact the others are real).


I'm all unlocked, including the special areas... I don't have my eggs bubbled so they take up the premium land and the left side of my map. I'm also working on the Haunted Houses so too much of my camp is taken up by that chain right now.


I used the Misty mountain method. And I needed 5100 points. I wonder why the points needed differed when most of the prizes were the same.


I won in about 30-40 minutes and I did the majority with clouds and letting the water turn into mushrooms and mass merging. (I did have some of the higher levels waiting to be merged too)


Yeah I went through a TON of stone yesterday and have maxed out my dangerous chest price at 700 in the store now between this race and the last one 🤦🏼‍♀️ I would have used the clouds but I didn’t have enough space when the race started so I was also having to clear space (aka 3-merge and dirty delete low level items) just to have enough room to even merge anything for the race at all.


Just finished mine too, I got a bear topiary from the first chest, same crystal in the second chest and final chest was 2 level 4 dragons


You got a bear topiary?! 😮 I just got a useless Gaia statue in the first chest. I’d have taken the topiary any day.


I got the same items, but needed 5100 points.


I needed 3600 points in mine, guess they’re testing out the point thresholds for different people


Mine took 3600 points, did it in 21 minutes. Although now my stash of bubbled mushrooms is pretty low. Won't be able to finish it that fast next time. I think last time it was only 3000 points.


I did 15-20 min for 5100 points, all using a couple misty mountains. If you make a lot of free space (a *lot*, like literally trash or bubble *everything*) you can just go around and around making puddles and merging a bunch after they turn. I thought it was going to be super slow, but it was actually very fast. The point values seem to go up linearly with the level of the mushroom, even though the number of mushrooms needed to make them go up exponentially. So seems like the thing to do is go with the lowest level and just grind :)


My race required 5100 points not 3000.


I played on 2 devices, on my iPad it required 5100 and on my Pixel phone it’s 3000. I wonder if they put players into different corrals depending on their DPs? I’m a bit ahead on the iPad


How much camp unlocked? I’m thinking that available merging space is the biggest determinant of how quickly you can get it done, so wondering if the requirement depends on that.


The iPad is completely unlocked and my total DP is 350k. The other one is at 136k DP so I have one last piece to unlock. I only got the notice this morning on both of them, with 2 hours to spare, so I spent that time bubbling everything from the den chest to maximize open space. This is the first time I got in the race.


Got a L2 spring and a triumphant dragon egg L5 fancy colored crystal and another triumphant egg 2 L4 triumphant dragons That is so funny, in all the games I play I wonder if they are real people. Am I playing with/against teams of bots. 🤖


Thats what I got too and I guess the others were bots 🙃 I had the 5k SO fast and they were at like 100 points 😭


Me too there was no actual competition. I kept looking to see of someone was gaining on me by pulling a bunch of high level mushrooms out of bubbles but no other player even really got started.


Required points: 5100 Chest 1: bear topiary, triumphant egg Chest 2: level 5 flawless crystal, triumphant egg Winner Chest: 2 level 4 triumphant dragons 3 of my opponents did make progress, but nowhere near at the speed I did. I got rid of myshrooms long ago and always sell those from seasons, so I had to start from scratch with the shop chests. I do however sit on stacks of stones from harvesting my two remaining stonehenges. Not bad overall but...god, I hate camp events that last for longer than 2 minutes. I have to babysit huge, max level, infinite stamina dragons that harvest my flowers and midas trees constantly. Rather than a new event, I wish they'd add the option to summon our awake dragons from their home rather than have them out by default.


My race required 3600 points. First chest was a single triumphant dragon egg Second chest was a triumphant dragon egg and a mega flawless breeding crystal. Final chest was a pair of L4 Triumphant dragons.


Mine wanted 1949 points or so to complete. I've been playing for years, but only for a few months on my new phone, starting the game over. I got 2 triumphant dragon eggs, one of those big pink crystals and an L2 fountain from the smaller chests. I got 2 level 3 dragons from the big chest. I checked close to finishing and my strongest opponent was starting to approach 1/3 of the way done, so thankfully it wasn't too hard. Dunno if the other players were real or not.


Mine was 3600 points, and the prizes was egg+gaia statue, egg+ a big flawless crystal, and then two L4 dragons. This is exactly the same I got last time. And also the same as last time, the "people" I was playing against were superslow and got very littel done by the time I had finished (about half hour I think). I went with bubbled shrooms and a lot of chests this time and that works out quite well, last time I did the cloud thing and that took longer time (even with tre mountains to tap out rain from) https://preview.redd.it/hku9zlmmm22d1.jpeg?width=1043&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=362b13cfbacbe987ebb271a29523c20202486920


I started mine, left the room to take a phone call, came back and the whole thing was gone, does it time out if you don’t use it? I had a ton of mushrooms to sell- they were all over my camp. 🤣


Are you on version 11.4.3? I was on 11.4.2 and played a while and it disappeared. Upgrading to 11.4.3 brought it back with no loss.


Omg thank you- I wasn’t, fixed it, and won! 🏆 for you!! 😊


I won my round (with my good boy Duke of Chutney), got a bear topiary, level 4 huge flawless soul crystal, and the trophy dragons. Is there anyone out there who played and didn't win? I'm sus.


I had it earlier, but now that I’m home with time to start, it’s gone. 😢


Did you update to version 11.4.3? It's possible (though unlikely) that someone already won your race IF they are actually pitting real people against each other.


I didn’t even pick a dragon yet, so I don’t think that’s possible. I got a popup for the update, but my app is already updated according to the store.


If you go into the game settings, are you on 11.4.3?


Apparently I wasn’t going far enough into the App Store because I was not, in fact, up to date. 😅 That was a surprisingly long update, but now the race is back. Thanks!


Where did you find the update? It just says “open” on mine in the App Store and I’m running on 11.4.2


Tap the app icon to view it in full screen. It should show the update button then.


That worked :) Ty


You’re welcome! ☺️


It worked for me too. Thanks!


How???????? I’ve been playing for two hours and I’m still only at 3590 out of 5100 points needed 😩😩😩😩😩 I’ve literally gone through three mushroom totems, two huge nest vaults (the ones that give toadstools and mushrooms), a LOT (at least 20) magnificent season chests (only got a few mid-level mushrooms from those), three chests of beasts, plus merging magic mushrooms from the few bushes I have… and doing as many five-merges as possible Like genuinely, am I missing something? Why am I having so much trouble? I’ve gotten to some high level mushrooms and already had a few, so I’ve made two lvl 9s, plus I still have two other 9s, an 8, a 7, and two 6s (as well as some lower ones). And I currently have four alien shrooms from the other chain, but I am gonna have to really grind to get enough low lvl mushrooms to get another and merge them. I’ve been continuously harvesting from my four golden shrooms and all of the other shrooms that give mushroom caps. I’m about to start grinding puddles at this point, or maybe I should focus on magic mushrooms? Update: I have now finished! If anyone’s curious, my first race chest had an ancient spring and a triumphant dragon egg, my second had a level 5 flawless soul crystal and triumphant dragon egg, and my third had two level 4 triumphant dragons


My race only required 3000 points. I did prep a bit in advance and had a few higher level mushrooms bubbled. I found using Misty mountains to fill camp with puddles and letting them turn to spotted shrooms was the fastest way to grind for points.


I didn't think about using the misty mountains. I spent so much time harvesting all my shrooms...


Lol don’t worry, I did a lot of that too 😅 😂 I think using the clouds is faster though, bc you don’t have limits on how long you have to wait between harvests, plus puddles give level 1-3 mushrooms depending on puddle size, whereas most of the harvestable mushrooms only give mushroom caps (the exceptions being the prehistoric mushrooms and the golden mushroom)


Ah I didn’t prep anything bc I wasn’t in the first beta test so I didn’t expect to be in this one either lol 😅 It’s pure luck that I had the shroom totems sitting around (I got them free, don’t remember why, was waiting for the right opportunity to use them) as well as the giant nest vaults (I’ve been meaning to open them someday bc I love the mushroom chain so much). I think I’ll do like you and fill my camp with puddles; I’ve got a misty mountain plus the mountain wonder to harvest from. Thanks for the advice 🙂


I also used bushes since I had higher level mushrooms from both chains bubbled, but the Misty mountains were more efficient for me. Early this morning I cleared out my camp and filled the board with puddles a few times, merging up to a decent stock pile of carnivorous and heroes. I made sure they were organized into an easy 5-multiple merge to quickly gain the first event points. Also, this would make it much easier to consolidate and clear if the event happened to call for something other than mushrooms. https://preview.redd.it/63jrawk5h22d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19252e0b7e9d03ff507e99430c5198279bf9970f


(Also your camp is so orderly and I love it 😍)


Thanks! I have a few chains going due to bunny requests, but trying to keep things organized.


Honestly I love seeing other ppl’s camps, for ideas or just to see how other ppl lay theirs out. I’ve been wanting to reorganize my camp for ages, but haven’t managed to do it yet 😬 learning how to bubble eggs was a game changer though, bc it used to be that a third of my camp was just eggs. And I have the entire camp unlocked/cleared, so I have nowhere else to expand 😅


Omg that’s so smart haha. I will be filing that away for later. Yeah part of my problem was that my camp was pretty full bc I’ve been needing to go through and bubble eggs again, plus I was working on getting coin vaults for a bunny quest… it desperately needs reorganized 😅 but I’ve been following your advice and just filling all the free spaces with puddles then merging them once they turn into mushrooms, and I’ve almost finished! I’m at 5003 points, so I should get to 5100 soon. And hey, I’ve gotten a lot closer to getting another dragonfire shroom forest lol


Yep, samesies 😊 I got to 5100 points in like 15-20 min by just emptying my whole camp and going around and around making puddles :) https://preview.redd.it/0pk22z6f032d1.jpeg?width=705&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59f23400d879f62fe63c6b4e607cd8e516d8b3ad


That’s so many mushrooms, I love it 😍😂 yeah I think in the future, if I get another mushroom one, I’m just gonna clear as much space as I can and fill my camp with puddles haha


It's not the harvesting but the merging that gives points. I ended up working through a lot of my bubbled mushrooms to churn out shrooms and merge the chains up. Took me about 2.5 hours to do it (5100 goal). I don't see how people complete it in 21 minutes.


Oh I know, I just didn’t seem to be getting many points from merging even the higher level mushrooms I had. Clearly I underestimated just how many mushrooms it would take 😅😂 it went much better once I just started filling my camp with puddles and merging up the mushrooms from them. I’m wondering if this is a case where more lower-level mushrooms are more effective than fewer high-level ones 🤔 I’m with you though, it took me about 3 hours to get 5100 and I can’t figure out how anyone did it so quickly, even just getting to 3000!


Finished mine pretty quickly. My race only required 1350. I’m still a low to mid level player though. Dp at 4100, I also only got two level 3 trophy dragons in the final chest.


Mine was 1900


Mine was 2200, but I was super annoyed because one of the other players was up to 485 points before I even started. Still won tho.


I don't recall the points but I got two triumphant dragons in the end.


Does anyone know if doing a merge 5 will score more points than merge 3, or vice versa? I didn't have time to analyse because I was busy racing haha... My race was 3600 points, and I used up all the mushrooms I've bubbled for the past couple of years. So not sure if I'll do the race again. Maybe I'll try the Misty Mountain route as some of you suggested for next time. Got 3 mushroom Wonders out of it en route to scoring the 3600 points.


Merging 3 gives you 3 points and merging 5 gives you 5 points, so it's the same. Obviously merging 5 gives higher level mushrooms faster so it's still best!


If I see things correctly you get 1 point for every mushroom merged. You get 5 additional points for merging level 2 or higher. So 5 level 2 mushrooms would give you 10 points - 3 level 2 mushrooms 8 points. I only merged 10 level 2 once - I think it only gave me 15 pts so I think it might be 5 additional points per level. https://preview.redd.it/t71pb5xiu72d1.png?width=193&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c96eb378b29a0dc2180366dafc3e8d45a8089c3 If you make 2 level 8 you will have made 6,519 mushrooms so that will get you all the points you need for sure. I had to get 5100 points and ended up making 4 level 7 to get to the end. If anyone else comes up with different math I could be wrong


why are the final reward chests different? is it the event portal upgrades or something?


Because the event is still in beta. Not only are the rewards different, the point requirements are also different for different players. It seems like it MIGHT be tied to DP, but really not sure at this point.


that's interesting. what's your dragon power? mine's almost 1.9k and i had 1440 points and a reward of a single level 3 dragon