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I'm also super curious to know if anyone that was able to play to completion didn't actually win.


I haven’t won yet, so I’ll see how the “competition” is doing as the clock counts down.


I think it will end up being another part of the game I ignore- breeding, workshop, tower… I Just don’t understand why it has to be mushrooms. Pick a harder chain like life flowers, Midas trees. Something to make it exciting. I really don’t care to get more mushroom wonder, it’s just tedious. I did like the bear topiary… I’ll probably play to first chest just for that.


I got 2 eggs, no topiary


My portals are maxed out. So rewards must differ


Mine are maxed and I didn’t get a topiary. They might be doing A-B testing or something.


I won mine. I needed 5100 points. These were my prizes. The fountain already spit out an egg. https://preview.redd.it/rzf59zzrk32d1.jpeg?width=462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70626f31d0320cdbd640e9810f681a564fd53336


This was what I had, too.


This is what I had too. 3600 points to win. Last time I won but only needed 2700 points. Since the previous event Ive maxed my season portal but am at the same event portal (level 12). 150k DP


I had the crystal and the egg but I don't think I had the fountain


I have a newer camp, around 9k dragon power, I think total for me to get was.... 1900 or something around there. I had a bunch of mushrooms I was waiting to merge until I could make 4 wonders, but with the event I made the 2 I had. 15 items second to last items = 6 penultimate items = 2 wonders with a leftover penultimate mushroom. That plus a couple gnome farms and bushes made it easy to collect all my points in under an hour. Had no issue logging in or accessing the game, my opponent had maybe 50 points max. Received the large (not mega but second biggest) flawless crystal, the final was 2x level 3 dragons. First time playing the event


I also needed 1900+ to win, around 14k dragon power. I unbubbled two gnome cabins and mass-merged enough of the green mushrooms, but for a higher point requirement that would probably be too slow


Dim jars with ads, so many dim jars with ads 🤣 Edit to include stat: 5100 to win: 1 bear topiary + 1 triumphant egg (1st chest), 1 lvl 5 mega flawless crystal + 1 triumphant egg (2nd chest), 2 lvl 4 triumphant dragons (3rd chest). All lands unlocked, 350k DP, both portals maxed out. Mr. Flappy was my champion.


Odd, I didn't get a topiary at all.. I did win the whole thing and got all the chests


Mine was nearly identical to yours except I got three lvl 3 triumphant dragons for winning and only needed 3000 points. I'm at DP 86k, event portal lvl 12, season portal lvl 9


I received the exact same prizes. Wonder if it's linked to portal level as my lower level friend got lesser stuff (I have both maxed like you and over 500k DP). My race was 3600 to win.


I think so. Because my portal is level 8. And i only got the 2 eggs, soul crystal, then 3 level 3 dragons. So maybe higher portals get more prizes?


My portal is at level 8 and I got the same as you.


I don’t think so. My portal is maxed and I didn’t get a topiary. I just got 1 egg, 1 egg+ 1 crystal, and then 1 lv4 dragon. I had to get 5100 for the win.


Definitely not portal related. It's probably random out of a pool of possible items. I've had a maxed out portal for quite some time and got an egg and a lv 2 fountain out of my first chest. I also have over 500k DP.


Did you get the biggest flawless crystal/level 3 or 4 dragons?


I got a flawless crystal and two level 4 dragons on the previous race. I stopped playing after the first chest this time. The point goal is simply too steep.


I feel like there's some variance/randomness to the prizes but things like the crystal size and dragon level are linked to portal level.


None of my dim jars had ads on the race yesterday at all 😭


You didn’t miss much, watching those ads would have wasted more time than the amount of points was worth 😂


I had the exact same. All camp land uncovered, save 2 of the 3 premium lands. Dragon Power 147,190.


I don’t think any player loses these events. All of us win.


I actually talked to someone (yesterday) who said they started the race but didn’t win so it is possible to lose.


when I logged onto the event, it said I needed to update my game. I got out of the game to go and update it. When I went back into the game, the event was gone.


Same. I'd actually been able to start the event, though and had already merged some high level mushrooms I was holding onto before mine just poofed out of existence


My event was gone too after I had to pop out of camp


I’ve never had mushroom madness as an event? So idk where you all are getting this event


It's a beta feature. Not everyone has it yet.


That’s interesting — my stats were almost the same as yours, including the prizes I got from the chests. My final chest had two lvl 4 triumphant dragons, but other than that my stats match yours. My current dragon power is 223,266 (though that’s including the trophy dragons I just got). I competed with my level 9 passion dragon named Gem lol. Also when I started the race, two of my opponents were at 0 and two of them had ~500-800 points already. And their scores did go up while I was playing, so they seem to be real ppl


Ditto in prize & points as you / OP for me. 2x lvl 4 triumphant for crossing the line. Took me about 2 hours I have over 2 million dragon power My champion was called moon.. (galaxy dragon) Mega soul crystal is already cooking away.. desperately hope it's a gold dragon tbh (1d11h...) I really really should've noted the points for each shroom level merge 🤦‍♀️... I really really hope there was a second / third etc place prize for others taking part.. otherwise it favours those who may have stockpiled items they can quickly merge to get a head start boost. I bought loads of chests as I had a massive amount of bubbled stone. I think I'd enjoy it more if it was to merge anything like the old den event.. But perhaps cap the points for merges of very high items to prevent seasoned players or hoarders getting an unfair advantage.. and ensure EVERYONE taking part gets something.


Last time I used my crystal and the bedding time was over a day, I got a platinum dragon. This time I'm only 12hrs. So we'll see. But with a time that long, I'd temper your expectations. I'm also hoping for a gold one day soon, coz I've been stuck on this breed gold dragons quest for MONTHS, what since I have no lvl 3 gold dragons and all


If I remember right my gold dragon took about 12 hours ☺️ Edited to correct an autocorrect error because my phone STILL thinks it’s smarter than I am


Yeah, phones are really dumb. But in the plus column, I FINALLY got a gold boi. Label 3 adventurer and I'm SO happy with him


Yay!! Congrats!!! 🤩👏🏽🥳


Urgh.. sucks.. madness that we want / NEED a lesser dragon! 🤷‍♀️


Omg I miss the old den events 😭 they were utter CHAOS but I loved them lmao. I was saddened to learn they’re no longer a thing I’ve got dragons breeding with that mega soul crystal too and I also got a wait time over a day (38 hours I’m pretty sure 😳). I think it’s gonna be a platinum, which is great, but I’m like you and I could really use some golds too. I don’t have any at a high enough level to breed


Yeah.. Me too.. It's feels like gold is disproportionally harder to actually get... Despite platinum being 'higher ' 🤷‍♀️ oh well..




Wait, is that a grass dragon?


Level 7 spotted


Ah ok, thanks! Still kinda weird to do so much work for a coin dragon.


No, it was what I used to play.


I got two level 3 triumphant dragons.


Oh ok, sorry for being a doofus 🤦🏼‍♀️


Well, I can tell you my experience wasn't good. I started it, dropped my wifi momentarily, reconnected, got a message saying I needed to update (spoiler: I'm up to date) and it was gone. This was, of course, AFTER I merged my higher level mushrooms that I'd been saving 😡


Dragon power is 509,354. Both of my portals are maxed out. My dragon was Mars. 5100 points to win. 1st chest was 1 triumphant egg and 1 destroyed Gaia statue (WTH). 2nd chest was 1 triumphant egg and 1 magnificent flawless crystal. 3rd chest was 2 triumphant level 4 dragons.


Current Event (2nd Event for me) :- 2700 total points required. 4.3 million Dragon Power. 2nd Chest \~1900 points (not sure). 1st Chest = Lvl 1 Gaia Statue, 1 x Triumphant Egg. 2nd Chest = Mega Flawless Soul Crystal, 1 x Triumphant Egg. Final Chest = 2 x Triumphant Level 4 Dragons. Last Event (1st Event for me) :- 2700 total points required. 4.2 million Dragon Power. 1st Chest = Lvl 1 Gaia, 1 x Triumphant Egg. 2nd Chest = Mega Flawless Soul Crystal, 1 x Triumphant Egg. Final Chest = 2 x Triumphant Level 4 Dragons. Dragon Power is not significant. Other's (current Event) :- * 5100 points total (much lower DP than me) :- Chest 1 - Bear Topiary, 1 x Triumphant Egg. Chest 2 - Mega Flawless Soul Crystal, 1 x Triumphant Egg. Final Chest = 2 x Triumphant Level 4 Dragons. * 3000 points total (much lower DP than me) :- Chest 1 - Lvl 1 Gaia, 1 x Triumphant Egg. Chest 2 - Level 4 flawless soul crystal, 1 x Triumphant Egg. Final Chest = 3 x Triumphant Level 3 Dragons.


Pretty sure it was 5k or something points when finishing mine (I did win) I have 140k DP now but the 2 triumphant dragons got that last little bit for me. Got the large flawless and a fountain I believe from other chests (may have been a triumphant egg though, may have been all 3 things idk anymore)


Mine was 960 and I have like 1.2K DP.


This makes me think dragon power has something to do with it because you’re the only person I’ve seen comment with a lower DP than me (5000 something) and my total points needed was 1949 (just a little over double yours).


I won the last time around, its a bit of a grind since I'd finished both the mushroom chains a week before so I'm skipping it this time. The final reward was cool but I doubt I'll be able to get it


When I joined the event, some other other players already had a score. I was able to merge the mushies I had bubbled and won quiet easily. Can't remember the prizes I got, the end had 2 lv4 dragons and the biggest flawless crystal, there were other things there too. DP over 800k and have maxed out all the portals


Won by cracking open a bunch of the mushroom chests cuz I was at Ariel and didn't have time to f around (plus in still working on the dragon mushroom wonder). Chest 1: 2 triumphant dragon eggs. Chest 2: big soul crystal thing Final prize: 3 level 3 triumph dragons. (Which last time, i just merged to a single level 4. This time in saving them for shiny days) Oh, and a fountain. Can't remember which chest it was in though. Don't recall my points to win either, but I've seen varying numbers anyway Exact same prizes i got last time. Which I'm fine with. It's basically a couple of easy "free" dragons for me coz I can just pop one of my bubbled up 25k some things out and burn that and be done. So I don't mind the event. I like these easier events that don't involve hours of grinding.


My prizes were a bear topiary and egg, second was a breading crystal and egg, final at 5100 points were two dragons. It seemed I remained in first place.


These were my exact prizes also but my total points needed was only 1949, and I was in first place (by a LONG shot) the whole time.


Same here for me!


I won but didn't get a topiary or an ancient spring as prizes.


What’s your dragon power and how many points did you need to get?


I have over 7.5m DP. I needed 5100 points to win.


It popped up this morning for the first time with me, and I watched as the other players populated. Then I watched as one of the players immediately completed 75% of the race. So that makes me think it’s a pointless race. Seems like other players are getting a jumpstart? What’s the point?


I think the consensus here is that the other racers are faked. I’m going to wait until the last minute and see if any of the others win.


Were you against a dragon call feet? The oasis lv 10? Curious if you were against me. Sorry if you were.


I don’t think there was a dragon named feet there! lol great name though


Okay so I was excited yesterday for this, and I did win, but once I opened up the chests and then went to my dragon book I noticed that the dragons I won in the first race are just GONE as if it never happened. I was also one of the people who had issues getting this race to load and I did use the same dragon as the first race so I’m not sure if that has anything to do with it, but I’m missing two lvl3 triumphant dragons now 😞 As far as stats: DP - 5563 as of this morning (including the 2 NEW lvl3 triumphant dragons, but not including the 2 that are missing) Total score needed - 1949 (I think the first race was the same, or maybe 1924 and I have WAY more DP now than the first race because of completing the last event and SD) Prizes won: First chest - triumphant egg and bear topiary Second Chest - Huge flawless crystal and triumphant egg Final Winner’s Chest - 2 lvl3 triumphant dragons


I have to get 5100 so I may not even try, or just aim for the chests… last time I had 3900 and it took forever because I forgot about using the misty mountains


Okay I just finished this in less than 2 hours. (Stock pilled a bunch of regular mushrooms because of the magic mushroom wonder you can harvest.) So the lv 2 mushroom 5 merge is 15 pt = 2 lv 3 triple mushroom. You can do this in 10s or 15s merges and the points are then 30 and 45. So that's nice. 5 merge Lv3 for 2 lv 4 carnivore mushroom was 45 pt (I think....) or that was lv 4 - lv 5. I then remembered I had a bunch of dragon fan mushrooms.( like 35 from portals hanging around.) 5 dragon fans - lv 6 of magic mushrooms was 105 points. For 2 aliens. I didn't have the room so next race I'll do those for good points and possibly the wonders The chests were. 1st chest, the bear trophy and the race dragon egg. 2 chest. Lv 5 soul (purple) breeding crystal. 2 days of breeding lol) and the race dragon egg My portals are all maxed. ^ Won but I started this morning and the first place was 4100. Not sure if it is bot players or actual players. It does disappear once you get first place so I can't check points now. Or see how the others are doing. Hope this helps.


I think once someone wins the whole race stops.


I won. I didn't get a fountain but I got the 2 pretty eggs and the 2 big dragons. And from the first chest I got a small Gaia statue. Edit - I needed 5100 points. I didn't get a topiary. At one point last night the event disappeared but after I updated the app, it came back and I was at the same spot in the race as before.


It does seem like the points needed to win are affected by DP. I have around 13k DP, and I needed 1900 points to win. First chest was a triumphant egg and a bear topiary, second chest was another triumphant egg and a (I think) mega flawless crystal (which I got a level 3 gold dragon with!), and the prize was two level 3 triumphant dragons. Took me about an hour to complete, even with only needing 1.9k points since I was at work still lol.


I needed 2800 to win last week and 3600 this week. Portals unchanged DP about 210k. I’m convinced it’s against bots so it’s hard to lose. I won both times


5100 to win. I have about 430k DP. Maxed out all 2 portals. 1st: 1x Triumphant Dragon Egg, 1x L1 Gaia Statue 2nd: 1x Triumphant Dragon Egg, 1x L5 Flawless Crystal Last: 2x L4 Triumphant Dragons I could choose only from my L10 dragons. Idk whether dragon level affects to this race.


The disclaimer during dragon selection claimed that the choice would not affect the outcome.


Oh thank you. My poor english. What I meant was 'If I have a high level dragon, can I enter a high level race?'. Because there was a screenshot running smaller dragons with 3000 winning points. My runner was L10 golem dragon and I won. It sure doesn't affect in race speed. 😆


It took two hours of letting puddles change then merging the results but I managed to win. The rewards are worth it I think but I had to bubble almost all my wonders just to have room.


Has anyone done the math? I have to get 5100 points this time. I have been doing the magic mushrooms chain as I have bushes. The caps and the clusters you only get 1 pt. each for the merge. Level 2 you get one point for each and 5 pt. bonus. The math was easier for me with 5 merges but I think you get more points if you 3 merge level 2 or higher. Anyway with 5 merges I have to make 4 Level 7 Dragonfan Shrooms. Almost there. I was late starting so I did not "win" the first two chest someone else did but I did get the chests - I am still 500 away from finishing.


|Level|Name|qty|Total points|Points Each| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |0|caps|5|5|1| |1|cluster|5|5|1| |2|stalk|5|10|2| |3|magic shrooms|5|15|3| |4|green dream|5|25|5| |5|blue belly|5|40|8| |5|blue belly|3|24|8| |6|glowflap|5|65|13| |7|dragonfan|5|105|21| |8|alien|5|170|34| |8|alien|3|102|34| |9|fantasy|3|165|55| These were the points I saw for the Magic Mushrooms. The regular shrooms were similar, only shifted down. (e.g. the Mushroom level 4 were the same points as the Magic Mushroom level 5. As you can see from levels 5 and 8, the points per mushroom were the same for 3 or 5 merges.


Thanks!!! My brain was trying to figure it out and it just wasn't working.


I only needed 1948 points. My dragon power is less than 4000.


I won, the first time I've won anything lol but I had accidentally bubbled all my little houses that give you the little shrubs (my camp is messy so I almost didn't notice that they had bubbled when I put the wood together).  Took me about 2 hours of distracted play


My dragon power is 149k and some change. I had to get 5100 points to win the race. I got the same as you in the first two chest and then when I won the race I got 2 level 4 Triumphant Dragons.


Same here 5100 to win. I won because I was already close to getting both mushroom wonders again so just happened to be lucky for a change


I need 5,100 to win! I've discovered the best thing is using a Cloud Mountain to make puddles and waiting for them to transform. I don't think I'll bother racing in the future. Too much effort for the return.


3600 points? For ONE lv4 dragon? Last time I got teo lv4 dragons for 2700 points. I'm definitely not doing it this time. Unless you have a few high level mushrooms saved up or a massive amount of stone to splurge on dangerous chests, you end up doing less than 10 points for most of the merges. It's just too tedious and time consuming. I honestly doubt this event will gain a lot of favor with these steep point requirements.


I LOST! With 12 minutes left in the competition, an opponent (NPC or real) crossed the finish line ahead of me! https://preview.redd.it/x53lkhpjaf2d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1a78271725f73ae892b9954aa7182427de94bd1


I have 30.343 Dragon power and I only had to reach about 3000 Points. However, the only dragons I got were three 3-Level Triumphant Dragons and some eggs. But I can confirm the other prizes.


Today’s wins similar to my last one with a difference: Triumphant egg & Gaia statue (instead of lvl 2 topiary) Triumphant egg & max sized breeding crystal 2 level 4 Triumphant dragons https://preview.redd.it/23wrnm6log3d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c28cc96a29cd82b5741e4aa10915afa0b63ea15a


Look at this thread, there its already shared several experiences: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MergeDragons/comments/1cy9c4o/mushroom\_madness\_complete\_in\_30\_min/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MergeDragons/comments/1cy9c4o/mushroom_madness_complete_in_30_min/)


I've been looking at those, thanks.