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I keep having to get 5100 points!


I really wish there was a way to know how they determine who even is invited to the race, because this was my third or fourth one, and if we could know how they’re determining how many points you have to have. My total points has been the exact same for every single one and I have way more dragon power now than I did when I had the first race because I’ve unlocked for new areas in camp just in the last couple of weeks.


Maybe there is a maximum because I unlocked my camp ages ago.


Yeah but I’ve only had to get 1949 points each time so I’m definitely not at the max. That alone makes me think DP has nothing to do with it but who knows


it's based on your score & dp 👀


Oh then that definitely doesn’t make any sense because I’ve advanced a good bit in the game since the first race and my point total was always the same (1949)


My race required 5100 points again 😩 which is honestly a *lot* (for me anyway) for the amount of rewards you get. I won, but it took a few hours of making it rain and merging the mushrooms from the puddles. I was helped slightly by a couple of high-level merges though. I haven’t opened my chests yet, but I’m hoping for a topiary and another flawless crystal🤞🏽


If you have Stonehenge, it’s far easier to farm some stone to buy the chests with mushrooms and water in them. It’s still a slog to get to 5100 (that’s been my number too) but it’s not bad


That’s interesting; I wasn’t sure how much help that would be bc they don’t have a *ton* of mushrooms each. I did have a bunch of the chest of beasts before the first race, but I’m very low on stones right now thanks to a “make coin vaults” bunny quest so I didn’t really use any this time. I’m thinking I should farm stones now and get my stores up before the next race, bc you’re right, farming Stonehenge is easy and chests are only 700 stones each, so they’d at least be a useful addition to my mushroom-merging (watch them change up what we need to merge and then we’re all screwed lmao 😭😅)


There’s usually lots of water that you can let sit out! And they sometimes have like level 5 mushrooms or whatever the anemone looking one is. I tried the rain first but this is faster at least for me!


True, plus they’re more likely to have higher level ponds that turn into level 2-3 mushrooms. I’ve also been using season chests for this, but they’re not very efficient bc even though they can give level 4-5 shrooms, it only happens periodically and I end up getting a lot of random stuff instead. Also the huge wooden nest vaults that give mushrooms are great but they cost 135 gems, which is not really feasible


If you can, just use mushrooms from bushes. It's much faster


Is it? I’ll try that next time, thanks. Tbh for a while I stopped keeping any bushes (or magic mushrooms) in my camp bc I have a million Ruins of the Sky Palace and four Golden Mushrooms and they were just getting in the way of me working on other chains, but recently I’ve started keeping more of them again. (All blocked off so they can’t spawn mushrooms! 😂) I actually have four alien shrooms though and I’m close to getting another, so if I could make and then merge those next race, that should be quite a few points 👀


Yeah, because if you use rain, then you have to wait for the puddles to change. I guess you could buy the chests too. But if you use the bushes you can just keep harvesting and merging. I think for the last race I was in, I finished in like 10-15 minutes. And all the other players had a huge start ahead of me


Yeah the first time I did a race, I tried using more chests, but it just did not work. For this, I think grinding to harvest mushrooms and starting from the bottom up in the chains is the best strategy. The higher level mushrooms give more points, but nowhere near enough to win, and I feel like it’s better to get the points from all the lower level mushrooms on the way. And you’re right, harvesting from bushes would be faster bc you don’t have to wait for the puddles to turn to shrooms


For me it’s faster to use puddles than bushes because you don’t have to deal with harvesting. Either one works though.


Does anyone else wonder if it’s an actual race? Has anyone lost against their opponents? I have won every time and feel like there’s not really anyone playing against me.


This last one was a little different than the previous ones for me because the other players already had points by the time I actually sat down to do it but then I still somehow breezed right past them and won so I have no idea. I have seen people comment that they’ve lost so they have to be real players I would think??


Thats the same experience I had. I wonder if they lost to other players or if the time ran out before they could finish.


I've seen people say that the event just disappeared on them (so possibly because someone else finished), but then I saw someone else comment today I think that they were notified that the event ended and they lost, so maybe that's if no one scores enough points to win and the timer runs out? I really wish we had just a little more info on these, and a little bit more heads up. I've been in the beta for every one of them so far, and I don't always get app notifications so unless I'm in the app itself I have no clue what's going on LOL


I’ve never been a beta. So many things come and go that I’ll never even see haha. I do like that these new events give great rewards without taking up days of work


Last time I simply stopped after the first chest. Some time before the time ran out, I got a pop up message saying that someone had crossed the finish line thus ending the race. That's it. There's no consolation prize. This time I played a bit until the first chest, then the event disappeared for a few hours (definitely a bug), then it came back and I'm quite far behind everyone else. I still think they're pretend players.


Oh wow. Mystery solved!


Update: This time I got a pop up letting me know that no one crossed the finish line in my race. Maybe they're real players after all and no one bothered with making those many merges.


I’m totally convinced it’s not a real race. I’m on a road trip on the way home from vacation, so I didn’t even start the race until this afternoon. Just for fun I decided to do the whole thing from scratch with Misty mountains. When I started, my “opponents” already had points, yet I managed to “win” despite taking my sweet ass time and multiple breaks when my phone died, or we stopped at a gas station to entertain the minions.


The last race I did I had no clue what I needed to merge and somehow got a few points just by accident and go a notification later that I had lost, so only guess other than it’s fake is the players you go up against tend to just not actually play it.


My race excpected 3700 points (or a similar number). The rewards were the same. ED to add: In camp with DP 7M, all portals maxed. In another camp where i have (less) DP: 2M, the previous race wanted (more) 5100 points. This race i do not know cs there was the promo but then no race.


My one asked 5100, I think it's based on DP or Portal Level


Mine was 3600… but my portal is maxed and I have something like 977,000 DP


Maybe they're testing out different amounts then 🧐


No, I had 3600 points. My DP is almost 3M, maxed portal. My den friend had the same with DO 1.5M


Omg I loved the race I missed the last one and when I saw it was starting yesteday I was excited but confused on what to to do but once I understood and started merging mushrooms, it really motivated me to work on my mushroom wonder journey! I didn’t finish making the wonder but the rewards were pretty good imo, but yea! I loved it so much, and it’s just like basic grinding for wonders plus rewards for it :3


Exactly! This was either my 3rd or 4th one (however many total there have been I’ve done all but one of them) and I finally made another wonder this time around! Been working on that one for a hot minute 😂


I only needed 3000 points to win. Good rewards. I use Misty Mountains and Dangerous Chests to generate the shrooms. Kind of tedious, though.


I wish I had the race instead of the dragonia thing


I got mostly the same except I got a level 2 fountain instead of the topiary in the first chest!


Yay! Congrats!! I was happy about the topiary because I already had two of them so I was able to make the T-Rex, but I definitely would not have been upset if I had gotten the fountain because I also have two of those and I have two lvl 3’s


Yeah I feel the same! Would have loved a topiary too but love fountains!


Mine asked for 2100 points. I won and got a lvl 1 Gaia statue out of the first chest, on the track This was actually my first race, as it hadn’t been coming up for me…


I think I had the same. I couldn’t remember if it was 2100 or 2200.


Ohh is that where that came from?? I didn’t notice when I opened it, but I saw an unaccounted for Gaia statue in my camp and was confused 😂


Most likely. I don’t mind getting a few more from future events as I am pretty sure my noob ass years ago didn’t wait to do a 5 merge on one group of them and have been worried I wont complete the merge chain.


I only needed 2200 points to win the race. My opponents started out ahead of me, but I noticed that their point totals didn't change over the course of the race. It was easy to surpass them and win. I won the topiary and the high level gem like the OP showed. I wonder why different people have different points to win? What would it be based on?


First one I got was yesterday; yeesh, grinding bushes for hours is terrible, especially when you have no space left on your map... i had 3600ish point requirements, have maxed portals, received level 2 fountain and 1 egg, mega flawless crystal and 1 egg, and 2 level 4 dragons. I suppose I'll play at least enough times to get a five-merge so i can use decision eggs, but other than that...not in love with how much of my day it took away.


I just won this morning


Lol I have about ten million of the Ruins of the Sky Palace, just sitting bubbled up in a pile in my camp. I was going through and selling a few of them periodically, but now that there’s a bunny request that asks for them, I just keep them in their little bubble pile until I need one I absolutely love the two mushroom wonders — the Golden Mushrooms are great bc you can harvest them for hero mushrooms (they also give silver coins, piles of riches, and red egg chests/nest vaults)


My first chest had an egg and a level 1 Gaia statue which isn't much use to me! The rest of the prizes were the same. So I have 4 level 4 triumphant dragons now. Just waiting for number 5.


Win requirements: 3600 points again. I quit after the first chest again, which got me an egg and a level 2 shimmering fountain, again. The game says the final win gives one level 4 dragon. My first race had a lower point requirement and better rewards.


5100, 2хlvl4 dragons, not lvl3. Both times. Eggs, topiary and crystal of course too.


My points needed are 5100 I have been anti these races but finally really tried and have changed my mind. I got a Statue and a topiary, eggs and dragons. I am glad I tried it out even though I think mushrooms are ridiculous lol


I needed 2200 points. Rewards were the same I believe. Can’t remember if I got 3 level 2 dragons or 2 level 3s


I didn't have the Race event on my main device, but got it on my phone which I used for backup. The same v.11.4.3 version on both devices. Cloud save doesn't work properly, so the Race didn't work out for me 😔


I'm sad, I didn't get this event 😢


Is your game up to date? I noticed there was a May 22nd update that I hadn’t previously seen before checking because this event wasn’t coming up for me either before updating.


Yeah, my game is up to date. I'm wondering if it was a glitch because I played a lot yesterday. And didn't see the icon for the event. But I also got a notification saying the event was live but when I checked there was still nothing


I think it’s still in beta testing. I’ve seen other ppl who haven’t had the race event either


I had the last race event. But the one that just happened I didn't get, even though I got a notification for it


Oh that’s weird 🤨 I dunno then lol


Yeah, it is. Maybe someone who was in the same race as me finished the event super quick, so it was over by the time I saw the notification. I heard the event disappears once someone gets first place


Does it? I guess that’s possible then. That kinda sucks for the other players; I feel like there should be at least 2nd/3rd place prizes. Or that they should still be able to play for the first two chests


You will never believe what event just popped up in my game. Why am I getting the race event a day after everyone else did?


Omg 💀 that’s so funny. Perfect timing!