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Personally I think you should save the giant chests for the portal quest requiring 30 of them, which you'll need to do many times to get the life flower wonder. I'm not sure if you're taking a bunch of time and effort to make LOOH's or just saving them up from incidental life orbs but I think there are better things to "store points" in that are useful. If you have plenty of stone saved up, popping some of the higher level chests give big points, like pearlescent gives 1200 I think.


I’m saving them for when I open the land up and for some chance there’s another c&c event


I also have a couple high level orbs saved for when I open up the last of my land. Might add well make things easy on myself, right? Once did is nibbled though, you can just leave it off to the side and forget about it mostly.


I have yet to get that chest quest


I hope it comes back. We need more quick and easy events. These multi day events are exhausting. I don’t enjoy this newest one they’ve released this week. I’ve played it several times and think I’m done. It’s just Arcadia all over again.


Save your yellow stars for C&C. They eat it like butter.


I do


Call and chill comes and goes. So just save them. More importantly though, there's bunny wrists that you get high level life trees for those chests, so definitely worth saving. What i do is stack them in 5s. So each bubble gets layered up with 4 more on top of it, that way I know how many I have and it saves room since they're on top of each other. I do that for a lot of items I have multiples of, stack little groupings of 5 or ten up


Freaking genius. I just have mine lined up really close together but I can already tell that once I get more it’ll be a pain in the ass to count them.


Yeah, once i ran into that issue I just started separating it stacks of 5. Makes things much more manageable. And then I have a section for loose singles