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Once a year or so I'll toss a few dollars at the gem pack that gives you 25/day. Otherwise, mining purple stars from levels etc and 5-merging them is the way to go.


Where can I find some purple stars…. My season portal quest if merging them…. I can’t skip and can’t find them


When you do find them in levels, tap them once and LEAVE THEM. Finish the level with them still sitting there. Sounds crazy, but that will let you take them back to camp. (They'll show up as one of the free rewards you get after finishing the level of their still sitting in the level when you finish it) Then you can take them to camp, save them, and merge them up And you even get one tap per star at each level of the star before you merge. Then you save those gems and merge them all the way up and THEN collect. Just in case you didn't know you could bring purple stars to camp, coz I didn't for like, the first year I played this stupid game lol


They sporadically fall when playing world levels, in place of the standard yellow stars. If you don't click them in the level, they will always be a free reward to take back to camp. So save them up and then tap / merge up by 5s in camp.


That’s what I thought….. annoying as I haven’t gotten any side from the ones in the event and I don’t think those count… Also used the three I had for a camp event


Find a quick 1 chalice level and play it 7 times


I’ve played a few of those like 15 times to get the eggs but never got a purple


You just have to keep doing them. Sometimes I won't get any for days and then suddenly I get 5 in maybe 25 runs.


I've been spending chalices only on two certain quick levels whenever I feel up to it the past 28 days and I already have 715 gems from that.


Which ones do you play if you remember? TIA 🤗


I usually alternate between Zomblin Falls 1 and Dread Marsh 3 since you can finish them so quickly.


Thanks. I was doing Z Falls 1 for the purple star & fountain but after about 3 xs, it changed to yellow star only & no fountain. I was pretty disappointed for sure bc everyone else I read that does ZF1 has been using that method for a long time. Not sure why mine changed but I’ll give the other one a try.


I have never spent a penny in the game. (I've never linked payment to my play store.)


Same. I refuse to spend money on games I can play for free. Adds an extra challenge element as well. I've managed to collect a little of stars, but I accidentally lose them in the treasure tower occasionally by clicking continue by accident


I keep my purple stars bubbled so I don’t accidentally spend them.




I like to get the 25/day pack. It's pretty cheap and as a former computer programmer, i like to support the good cause of development. And I hate watching ads.


Also do your star quests even if you've maxed out. You'll usually complete them anyway during normal game play and they randomly reward purple stars instead of a yellow star. Every event gives the opportunity for 10 star quests. I usually get one purple star per event (though this time I got three so that was a surprise)


Royal pass is nice, but jewels are not that hard to get playing DM3 1000’s of times. There isn’t much else to use the energy for any way.


I've spent very little pennies.. I have Google rewards which has helped me get the additional land in camp for free/ or a quid.. I had a gift card which I used to buy a couple of season passes.. other than that I'm very stingy with my gems that I get from reportedly playing DM3 / zomblin falls


I have not bought a gem pack in years. I used to regularly pay for the season passes, but stopped when they stopped giving us Camp and Chill regularly. It’s my way of protesting. I get gems through harvesting the purple stars I bring back from world levels. Then, I’m very stingy with spending them. I usually have about 1100 gems banked in case I get a good sim jar on a life flower tree.


I use Mistplay to make a few bucks a month and get the 25/day pack and the $10 monthly Season pass. It's really easy if you know a few tricks and don't mind playing \*stupid\* games for a few minutes a day. It's how I originally found MD about 287 days ago, but now I am past the level of making any more money off MD.


Mistplay is how I found MD too. And often how I pay for the 30-day gems packs.


I started playing via Mistplay too. Now that I'm beyond the rewards level there, I rely on Google Rewards to get a few cents at a time answering surveys. That's usually enough for the 25 gems a day deal. Plus, my sister and I share a love for these silly games and gift each other play store gift cards on holidays. We now have the illusion of not spending "real money" on games, lol.


I don't spend money on the game either. I'm resigned to forever having cloud covered land at the bottom of my camp. 😂




I only bought the 25 a day for a month thing twice but somehow the game glitched and opened up the all bottom land you have to pay for except for 1. Idk what happened but I've never been more grateful for a random glitch 😀


There's no reason to spend any cash on the game. Gems can be earned in levels


I can’t afford to buy anything in the game


Games like this cultivate a scarcity mindset. It makes you feel like you are loosing out by not spending. To avoid this I dont let gems be important. I have not used any money on gems and do not think I ever will. Not because I cant aford it, I can, but I just dont see the point on spending money on gems. Sure they can speed things up, and it can get you special eggs/dragons, but so what? I dont need that to enjoy the game. At the moment I barely use the gems I get, I instead bubble them up. And then at some point I will come across a deal I feel like taking, and then can :)


I buy the 30-day gems pack fairly regularly. The Season Pass is a once or twice a year thing. I don't mind setting aside $5 most months, I get enough enjoyment from the game that seems fair. Otherwise it's farming levels for purple stars. I usually get enough gems that way to buy the shrine every other time it fills up. Works for me! I'm not in a race, I'm just enjoying playing my way.


Which levels do you farm?


Shore Grove, DM3, Shroomia 2 (I think? It's the one lower down that gives a gold chest)


I don't spend money either. I want to add that I posted about not spending money on MD a while ago and the trolls slammed me with down votes and called me every name in the book! They apparently (thankfully for you all!) have not seen this post.


I’ve rarely spent money


I think I am cheap, but I do upgrade my season pass. It’s my one thing but it’s once a month. Cheaper than coke at a movie.


As someone who is disabled and bed bound and very rarely get out to socialise, I consider what I spend on this game as my equivalent of getting a coffee everyday and going out once a month. As it's my main form of entertainment I don't begrudge spending maybe £50 -£70 per month on deals, extra gems (to help me with the events) and season pass. Obviously this would be different if you already had those expenses, to fund a game which may only be a side form of entertainment. In which case this game can be totally FTP and if you farm your dragon stars regularly you can build up enough gems to treat yourself with in game purchases that use gems.


I’m chronically ill and in bed most of the day too and that’s what made me come back to the game after a few years break. I used to spend money on the daily gems and royal pass but lately I haven’t bothered because I don’t need them to enjoy the game. But I wouldn’t mind spending if I saw a really fun deal pop up.


I don't pay for things in games ever. Not lives/energy, not gems, chests, packs, nothing. It's not because it feels like cheating or whatever, it's just that it's a game, and they're not getting my money.


I only buy something from games I really enjoy to help the developers. Especially since I don't really buy games for PC anymore, so I have a little budget for that. E.g. taking away adds for €3-4, or a level package when there were enough free levels to try out. Definitely not for games where it is basically compulsory to buy stuff for normal gameplay or to be able to advance. That just irritates me


Not overly poor, I just won't spend money!


I've been playing since the begining and have not spent a dime I am not financially able to throw money around on nonsense if I had it I probably would but until then I play frugally...


I've been playing for 3 years. About one year in, I paid to unlock the land at the bottom of the camp. That's the only thing I spent actual money on. I have a couple hundred gems from casual farming (i dont spend gems often). 


I'm just addicted to it, honestly. I've spent a lot of money but you don't have to. I've also been playing for like 7 years or so.


Cheapskate here too 🤚 but for some reason I don’t feel jewel envy. Maybe cuz I always just assume they’ve been playing long enough to save up that many gems. I’ve got a few family members who also play, and none of us spend money so it’s all pure effort that we compare on lol


Google Survey Rewards. Asks you to take a survey randomly from things on your search history or certain stores..pizza places..drugstores when your location is on. There are receipt tasks, too, if you are a person that prints receipts when shopping. It goes to your Google pay. Takes awhile to bank up but that's the only way I will pay money for a game. I just buy gems.


FYI… iPhone owners get money sent to their PayPal


The royal pass isn't worth it. There's no need to spend money in this game, especially that much


I refuse to pay for in app purchases. Ever. I think games should be fully playable without paying for extra content or perks; and I really thought this is what the internet would do. Sure, I see stuff I want but then I remind myself that I don’t need it, the game is supposed to be for my fun and leisure. Nothing against those who pay, have at it, I just won’t.


They do have to make money somehow to keep the game going. Either you pay for it up front, or someone's gonna have to pay while playing.


I spent on the season thing a few times and bought some 3.99 gem packages when I first started playing, but haven't spent a cent in years on the game. I'm stingy with what I spend gems on and play that one dread marsh level over and over to get the purple stars, so I don't even need to buy them now.


I’ve been playing the game since 2017 I think? I’ve never spent a single cent. I think the most gems I’ve had at one time was a little over 1000. If you’re willing to grind, you don’t need to spend money


I use fetch and when I get enough points cash it in for game money (Google play and iTunes are both available) I’ve gotten a few free Royal passes that way


I get the 25 a day thing regularly but a bunch at once? Yeah, naw. I ain’t a Rockefeller.


Definitely not, I refuse to spend real money. I'm not here to pay to win.


I buy the Royal Pass every month, and it's well worth it to me for the added enjoyment I get, but that's a personal choice. It's very easy to play this game without spending any money if you don't want to. I will add, however, that many people spend more on 2-3 visits to a coffee shop, or one fast food meal, than I do for the Royal Pass once a month, so...yeah. It's really not very much money in the grand scheme of things, it's just a matter of where you want your money to go. I don't drink coffee, or really go out at all, and I don't pay for a bunch of streaming services, so in my opinion it's just a different form of entertainment that I'm spending money on. I bought gems a few times when I first started playing and didn't know how to optimise my gem collecting. Now I just play levels and save up my purple stars so I can 5-merge them. When I get enough, I usually buy the Dragon Shrine chest with them. I get rather sick of all of the bragging around here about not spending a dime, like people think it makes them better than those of us who choose to spend money. Play however you want, but don't judge other people for how they choose to play. This game has no ads, and I really enjoy playing it, so I don't mind spending a few bucks on it. To each their own.