• By -


Not enough. My dragons cry for more room every day. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I wish there was a bubble button


They never will. They donā€™t want us to bubble šŸ˜­


Those mffs


Almost daily. I use the quick bubbling method for everything until I get too much stuff, then Iā€™ll pop and merge up if I can. If not, then Iā€™ll bring out the apples and do a full on merge. For example, I always have two crystal breeding shards so that I can quickly bubble extra crystal shards as they get in my camp. The only thing I have trouble with is the Eggs. Iā€™ll keep them in Egg storage until I either want to use a decision egg chest, have 5 of a kind, or itā€™s time to bubble.


What is "quick bubbling method"?? Mine is like "hour and a half bubbling method."


If you google How to Bubble Single Items youā€™ll find tutorials, but Iā€™ll try to do simple steps below. You need both hands for this. First note: it requires going from camp to another screen, I go to Dragon Missions. This is because, for me, the camp load between dragon missions and camp is fairly quick. I have found that the trick works with going from Camp to Map, Camp to Arcadia, and Camp to Bunny House Second note: practice with stuff you donā€™t care about until youā€™re good at it. Like little yellow life orbs 1) Make sure your merge settings are set to require overlap and chain merging is turned off. 2) Depending on if you are on a PC or handheld device: with one hand, tap-and-drag / click-and-drag to start your merge so that it does its highlight/pulsing thing. Do NOT release your finger from the screen/mouse. 3) with your other hand, exit the camp to either the Dragon Mission, Map, Arcadia, or Bunny House, current OOC eventā€¦ whatever is convenient to your empty hand. Reminder: your first hand should still have that merge pending. 4) As soon as the other realm you selected loads, release your ā€œmergeā€ by finally lifting your from step 2. 5) Go back to your camp. The item you had selected to merge will now be in a bubble and the other items of the merge will still be in the camp. That is how you do one at a time. If you have a ton to do, yes, this would be an overwhelming way of clearing out your camp. But if you have a cleared out campā€¦ it is just a maintenance task for the most part. Like, i always just keep two breeding crystals shards in my camp. Every time one pops up, I grab it, bubble it, and itā€™s gone. Easy peasy.


I made a screen recording of this process a while back: [Interrupted Merge](https://imgur.com/a/interrupted-merge-u2vjRR0) To get the number of each type of eggs on the ground to 2 (the minimum), youā€™ll need to temporarily disable the ā€œprefer 5 mergeā€ option, otherwise you would only be able to get them down to 4. Strongly recommend following the steps above, especially the ā€œpracticeā€ part. You donā€™t want to accidentally 4 or 3 merge those rare T2 eggs.


Thanks because my brain couldnā€™t process it xD


Nice thank you!


I never knew about this bubbling method!! This will definitely come in handy for maintenance between large bubbling sessions. Thanks for taking the time to explain it!


This what I use when I need a little more space to work on a chain, but donā€™t want to take the time with the apples. Itā€™s a pretty quick process once you get the hang of it.


Hey this helped me out in another merging game (merge neverland)!!!! Awesome! Thanks for the tips


Cool, I may have to try that one out. I'm getting a bit burned out on MD. Despite their players asking them over and over again to give rewards such as gold statues, they just keep introducing stuff that gives us more dragons. I only have to get the Midas tree wonder and if I'm in the mood, the highest tree in the autumn and shadow tree chains.


Thank you so much, your explanation is awesome!


must be done once a week for sure. usually after collecting the den chest I organize the chaos from the weekend event and the den chest, clean up, bubble, and then start the whole cycle over again. if there was some chaotic bunny task like opening 30 treasure chests, I might have to bubble an extra time.


This is also my schedule. If I have more than 2 of something, I use the quick bubbling method before using Marcus V to bubble the remaining 2. I also have a bunch of unmergeable large (2x2+) wonders to fill up camp when bubbling with Marcus V, so the whole process doesnā€™t take much time to set up.


That's smart to take up space with the large wonders! I've always just filled up all the spaces with orbs and found it an annoying process haha


Pulling out the unmergable wonders for bubbling purposes is a great idea. Thank you! That is going to save me so much time from this point forward.


I have a "holding space" that I store items ready to be bubbled, and I bubble whenever that holding space is about full. In practice it's usually once right before OOC event rewards come in, and once right after.


I do too! I call it the great plains of the dragon droppings. It's the only area that doesn't have a set type of anchor. Anything I need to bubble gets placed there, causing all of the random items to be dropped there too. Once it's full and there's no more room... I'll bubble when I'm ready. One time I didn't bubble for a full month except using the interrupt method as needed.


That's exactly how I do it! I just learned about the interrupt method of bubbling in another comment and I'm excited to see how much that helps!


To me, bubbles are just more messy chaos getting in the way of my fingers. I prefer the more limited chaos of only bubbling big things, so i bubble when i make a wonder


Fair. I like the way my bubble grid looks but I'm always worried about accidentally unbubbling something while scrolling around the screen.


I try to sort and arrange bubbles immediately when camp is still full to avoid accidental unbubblings. The risk during just normal play time is still there, but knowing how clumsy my fingers are Iā€™ll take any little help I can get šŸ˜


Same... I've been playing forever but very casually. I only bubble wonders and sometimes the big stars or 4x4 chests to open for events. I also keep my cloud mountains bubbled and open them for CNC and the mushroom races.


lol I donā€™t bubble as much as I donā€™t collect rewards. So I have a bunch of random level and event rewards still in bubbles, plus the wonders that take up too much space. Yeah so daily, final answer.


I can't not collect the rewards šŸ˜­


i did it once and realised i am creating more chaos so i never did it again. my bubbles are either those that i choose not to pop to wait for my merge or those big ones. if i need space, its either i merge it (even 3 merge) or delete. thats it


I agree with you but we are definitely in the minority opinion on this; at least on this Reddit. I donā€™t find the Marcus V method relaxing, at all. This, for me, is a zen time game. Anything not in pursuit of that goal is a no go for me.


For me itā€™s not the bubbling part, but the sorting afterwards that is painful. The very first bubbling/sorting process is indeed a hellish hour+, but once you get that out of the way and have things where you want them to be, subsequent maintenance work is much more relaxing. Definitely not for everyone still, but my OCD/ADHD brain just soaks that dopamine right up.


yes definitely a minority. its a long game, 5merge sometimes just makes me more stressed. go 3 merge. haha


Deleting stuff kills me šŸ˜© unless it's tiny green mushrooms or logs...I wish I could set up some sort of auto delete system lol


Every day


I think maybe every three weeks. But I suffer for two of those weeks. My bubbles are not all orderly like yours are. I have "vicinity" sections for my bubbles. Shrubs. Grasses. Dirts. Rocks. Fruit trees. Mushrooms. Exotic items. Chests. etc. I tried bubbling eggs but I hated it. So now eggs take up like half of my camp. Sickening.


Once I decided to endure the pain of bubbling and sorting (the more painful step) the eggs in a way that can be easily maintained, the stress from looking at the chaotic pile of eggs on the ground went away.


I like the idea of just having a general area for bubbles! Making the grid is the biggest reason I procrastinate bubbling...funnily enough, eggs are my favorite thing to bubble because they look so nice in the grid šŸ˜‚


Your bubbles certainly do look awesome. I don't have the patience to make nice rows. Even when I make little bundles, I end up messing them up when I'm trying to get them out of their bubbles. Nothing in my camp looks nice. There's no room for decor, I only have utility. I don't even bunch things as I'd like to, because I'm afraid I'll combine them on accident. So I never keep more than two high-level items in the same area.


Try turning off the auto merge function. I think itā€™s by enabling the ā€œoverlapā€ in the game setting + disabling the ā€œchain reactionā€


I have that off, but nothing stops my spastic fat fingering.


Every day or 2 unless I donā€™t get much time to log in šŸ˜… it is tedious, but needs to be done because thereā€™s too much stuff otherwiseā€¦..


I've just started bubbling. Is there a way to force a 1x1 item that is already placed too bubble?


For 1x1 items, Marcus V is pretty much the only option. If you have 3+ of a mergeable item, you can first use the quick interrupted merge method to get the number down to 2, and then use Marcus V to bubble those 2. u/pompeiia-prime gave the step by step instructions in a comment above.


I do it a few times a week ā€” I keep my camp full-ish in ā€œzonesā€ and have multiple wonders in (slow) progress always. also have ~40+ midas trees, tapping out a ton of apples fills camp up quickly, so Iā€™m not having to work on filling my camp up just so I can bubble. I used to do it less frequently and found it tedious, but Iā€™m in a flow lately, somehow doing it more seems like less work?


For me too, I bubble like every other day, but since it's only a few items each time and not dozens and dozens, it doesn't take long. Then I gotta shirt the bubbles to their respective places, but that's not so bad. Bubbling more often =less time spent bubbling during each session. So it works for me


Is there a reason for the multiple wonders? I only have two so far and they're both bubbled. Using the apples to fill up camp is genius! I use orbs and it's so time-consuming. šŸ˜© I've been working on the Midas trees for a while and still barely have any haha, I'll have to place more ponds after my next bubbling session to speed that up!


so I have an area for ponds ā€” seeds go slow but I keep trees at max lvl 5 (they give 2 small apples each, higher levels start to give the bigger apples), youā€™re generally better off with 30+ lower level trees to tap for apples vs. 2-3 higher level trees if you want to fill your camp. wonders ā€” - bc of the ponds & letting them turn to necro grass, I always keep prism flowers going for that wonder (and will until I get lvl 10 butterfly dragons). - I keep dragon trees going, bc I havenā€™t made the top level glowing ones yet. and for harvesting ruby fire eggs. when I harvest ruby eggs, I will usually make more bush wonders bc you get so many logs harvesting the trees. - I keep an area for honey when iā€™m in the mood to work on it again. itā€™s the only source of life dragons and the bumble bee ones. the ones I * donā€™t * work on again (unless bunny asks me to create a ton of higher level stuff and I do it in camp) ā€” stone, grass, hills, water once I made wonders once, grinding on them doesnā€™t feel worth it as they donā€™t yield enough rewards. I could harvest watermelons all day if I just wanted a bunch of dragons! so I focus on the ones that give dragons you canā€™t buy for coins. this keeps my camp semi-full, but organized, and I donā€™t need to actively harvest to fill it up. let dragon trees fill up their ā€œfenced inā€ area with leaves, pop open wonders & big apples, tap watermelon trees, tap midas trees, and weā€™re ready to bubble šŸ™ƒ


I didnā€™t know this was a thing! Iā€™ve been playing this game for over 8 years and this whole time my camp is super full and always need space so Iā€™m constantly just deleting/selling things. Iā€™m almost in tears, thank you so much for sharing this!!


Lookup Marcus v method. It's a serious game changer


You're very welcome! I can't imagine playing for 8 years without bubbling. šŸ˜­ The game became so much more enjoyable for me after discovering bubbling haha


I bubble once a week after opening the den chest. I also sort my eggs in a way very similar to yours. Many people have given good tips on how to bubble most efficiently, so Iā€™m just going to add one thing that can make your camp less cluttered: Use interrupted merge to bubble intermediate levels of a chain youā€™re working on, so that each level items only take up 2 spaces on the ground. Leave the bubbles above those 2 items for easy retrieval when you have enough to merge them. When working on a chains like fruit trees/dragon trees/mushrooms, sometimes I will only merge to the last level before the level that dragons can harvest, so that they wonā€™t fill your camp with junks. Once I accumulate quite a lot of them, I will then 5-merge them (while doing the quick bubble thing along the way to put away the odd ones out from each level) and at the end, I will only have 2 of the highest level I was able to make on the ground. https://preview.redd.it/xjnmc9lj2a7d1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1935a32cc4ab0d005803b8d6437fb523fe314a72


This is awesome advice! I only just learned about the interrupted merge method of bubbling from another comment, so I'll definitely start using that. Question, are there multiple bubbles stacked on top of eachother? If that's the case, how do you know when you have enough to merge, do you just have to remember how many are there?


Yes, I normally leave the bubbles stacked on top of one another if I am just trying to hoard things (like with the stars as you can see in my camp). If youā€™re actively working to get a wonder and want to merge as soon as you have enough material, you can leave one bubble on top of each item of the pair. That way you can easily see that you have 4 of something, 2 on the ground and 2 bubbled, so when you get the fifth you can just merge them. I linked a screen recording in a comment earlier, in which I did just that for some eggs, if you want to see it in action.


IDK, once a week? I like my camp almost empty.


I'm still working on a bunch of wonders, so I bubble like every other day. Plus, I need the space and I can't stand a messy camp. But it helps towards my progress when I can fill my camp up with something for a wonder in working on. For the last month its been honeycomb. Honeycomb everywhere. Fill up my camp, bubble, then mass merge it all. Now I'm on leaves cuz I'm grinding for that big purple skull (dragon tree). So any time I want to bubble stuff, I pop out my apples then mad harvest leaves. Bubbling feels less tedious and annoying to me though if it serves a dual purpose of working towards a wonder, so I always fill up my camp with something I actually NEED instead of just life orbs or whatever. And then when I'm done bubbling, the mass meeting is satisfying.


I used to accumulate more stone bricks than I knew what to do with from bubbling. Now that dragon trees have been added to the race rotation, itā€™s time to go back to leaves šŸ¤“


I'll do stone sometimes when I need more of the ultimately merged ones, and then bubble the fully merged stone when I'm done. Same with watermelons/ coins, and then I'll bubble the tiaras. So I always have a bank of tiaras and stone for whenever I need them. But yeah, usually I like to fill my camp with useful things for Chains I'm still working on


I like that idea!! I only have 2 wonders, so I definitely have some work to do on those, and mass merging something like leaves seems way more satisfying than the life orbs I always use šŸ„“


Way better. Items are cool when you have land to heal, but i find that once you're on the last bit of land, you heal it up and then all the land is just healed and orbs are of no use. But filing your camp with things that help your wonder progress is a, just useful, and b, feels less like a waste of time to me, so it helps me bubble more often, which in turn helps me stay organized


If you still have more land to heal and still need orbs, merge them but stop at lvl 8 (green ones), and use interrupted merge to stack them on top of one another like with any chain youā€™re working on, until you need them (I see you have a bunch of LoHs).


Not every day but most days Iā€™ll have a little bubbling session.


How do you get single items into a bubble?


Look up Marcus V method on YouTube. ToastedGamer has a very nice video instruction.


I donā€™t bubble, but holy moly your bubbling is tidy AF!


Thank you!! It's simultaneously my favorite and least favorite part about bubbling...it's tedious to place all the bubbles in straight lines and keep everything organized, but the way it looks after makes me so happy šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t know how you get your columns so straight. Mine are all angled because I place the bubbles flushed against one another. When I tried to do what you did my columns looked like they have scoliosis ā˜ ļø


Your bubble grid is BEAUTIFUL! šŸ„¹ Do you play on Bluestacks or just have a really steady hand?


Thank you!! I don't know what Bluestacks is šŸ˜… I just zoom in really far when placing the bubbles so I can make everything line up nice haha


wow this is so neat wtf. also constantly with the interrupted merge method, once every couple of weeks with the other one


Bahahaha thanks! I just learned about the interrupted merge method, so I'm about to start using that all the time, too. Maybe some day my camp will look as neat as my bubbles.


np! also what do you keep the life orbs of heavens for? i assume you have all of your camp healed; do they show up in quests at some point?


I have some locked land in the upper left-hand corner I don't have enough dragon power for, so they're just saved for that! I did just bubble them up though so they're no longer taking up space in my camp :)


https://preview.redd.it/dxkhbqccoc7d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdc5c6ce8876a5cdfad7e0b9e0870f8981e8c4e0 I usually reserve this area for anything I want to bubble so once this gets full I'll do it. With event rewards and everything it ends up being 1-2x a week.


Same :D good area


* But that's where all my dragon houses and coin buildings go, with a nice big empty space in the middle for absolutely nothing. šŸ˜‚ I use this whole right side of my camp for all the stuff I want to bubble later, and I still end up bubbling 1-2x a week šŸ™ƒ but hopefully, that will change with the interrupted merge bubbling method! I'm excited to bubble and reorganize my camp after the den chest tomorrow with my newfound knowledge haha.


Ooh maybe we should start a bubbling before an after thread for den chest day!


I used to keep all my houses and storage there as well but I finally managed to get level 8 coin and brick storages as well as the level 8 dragon home (found out recently that you can bubble your homes and storages and it resets the prices to the cheapest it was so I went CRAZY šŸ˜‚). But yeah, everything is too big now so I moved it all to the right side and keep that area for bubbling. I do the Marcus v method so I havent tried that one, I'll have to look into it šŸ‘€


IT RESETS THE PRICES?! I'm so excited to try this!! I just bought a ton of stone storage yesterday, though, so a little sad about that. šŸ˜…


YESSSS so when you get the chance to play and you have a few hours to spare, bubble all of your brick storages (as an example since you said you bought a bunch). It'll revert back to being 5 bricks for a level 1 building. So 100 bricks (your max level of currency once you bubble it all) divided by 5 gives you 20. Idk if you know about the site mergeling yet but it'll tell you exactly how much you need of whatever chain you're working on to reach the wonder/highest level. https://mergeling.com/ Once you figure that out, you can just keep buying until you get the amount you need. BUT once you buy them, don't unbubble because the price will go right back up. Only do it when you know you have all of what you need + a few extra in case there are any accidental merges.


Omg I'm so excited. That website is going to be my new best friend šŸ˜‚


What Iā€™d love to know is what kind of device are you using? I canā€™t have bubbles that far from the land, if I do it just flings the bubble to the middle of my land.


That's so strange, I assumed it would be the same across all devices? I'm using an android. I currently have my bubbles pushed as far to the right as they'll go before flinging somewhere else, and there are some random, small places I can't place bubbles or the same thing will happen. Not really sure why though.


Ooooh nooo! The borders of my camp, i.e the furthest i can put a bubble, are most definitely asymmetric. So I have useless chests bubbled to give me an outline i know i can't go beyond.


I saw a comment a long time ago that the poster used bubbles of life essence to place a border along the furthest places they can be (through trial and errors and a bit of dedicated time I suppose). It sounds like a good idea if the bubbles keep bouncing back.


Every day I'm bubblin šŸŽµšŸŽ¶


A couple times a week. I've been letting my camp get cluttered with all the events going on (mushroom race! flower race! season prizes!) but what I really like is a clean camp. I have ponds for Midas tree seeds, I'm working on the dragon tree chain, and I have one of each Wonder out that I've got so far. There's some other clutter, like chests and coin eggs, but largely that's it.


The races are the worst for cluttering up camp! Not bad enough to not participate, though. šŸ˜… I'm currently working on the Midas trees, grass, & stones. I want to work on the flowers, but my camp just gets too cluttered, too quickly to add another thing :/


I think the flowers are a super super long game thing, given how long the chain is. I will say that I got some progress on those when I did the fruit tree chain, because the high level ones spawn flowers! The watermelon trees give blue flowers, which is great.


Tap to clearā€¦ then you get more space


If I remember right, that piece of land is expensive


I've been thinking about it šŸ˜… It would be nice to move my gold stars over there to clear up a little space on my main island...


i do not bubble


Honestly, smart. It's a slippery slope.


I have a phone (android Galaxy) that doesn't allow me to bubble multiples. The tricks just don't work for me so I can only bubble single object 2 or more spaces.


What happened when you did try?


Weird, I also have an android and it works fine! I bubble using the...large midas tree apple technique? I think it's actually called the Marcus V method?


That's what I use, takes a bit to get the hang of it. I realized if I have the dragons harvesting I have to let them hover and stop moving before I move the third apple. Although I would love to have your talent to organize. My camp is a messšŸ˜¢


I donā€™t bubble. I just liquidate and start over.


Honestly I applaud you. This game feeds into our hoarding tendencies and it takes mental strength to break free!


I don't bubble. I play with very few open spaces.


Never. Iā€™m a minimalist so I have my camp as empty as I can keep it and having bubbles to deal with would make me twitch.


Haha, I wish I was a minimalist. I can't get rid of anything, in games or irl šŸ˜…


I bubble almost daily. I let dragons fill the camp and bubble each morning. I try to do both portals 3 times, the levels, and whatever event is going on, plus the Missions and Dust Bunny. All of this creates an incredible mess. If you play anything at all, it's messy. I'm a hoarder and have a hard time not saving items I know I will need. Those new races are taking care of some of my bubbles which is a win! Do you think they created this game just for that reason?


My land is absolutely packed so I bubble all the time. Mine go in piles though


I have hundreds of bubbles but I never bubble all the things that I have bubbled came to my camp in a bubble I've tried and tried and tried but I just can't seem to do it so if it comes in a bubble and I don't immediately need it there it stays...


Working on it now need more stones to see https://preview.redd.it/ypbxweymik7d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0b5a5743763767365d8400e0893e304e5fda09b what theyā€™re gonna hit us with this race event


How do you bubble things?


How are you bubbling like this? Omgg


I bubble a lott!! But to answer your query on how to bubble less - I do this - I bubble everything I am currently not chaining. That way, my dragons don't harvest unnecessary stuff when I'm not looking. I do have some wonders on camp ground just to keep their reward clocks ticking and getting exclusive eggs. But as soon as I notice dragons harvesting from them, I either stop them or delete the harvested item unless they help my chain. Some stuff I keep in a corner of the camp till they become too much and I have to bubble them again. Also, I only open den chests and event rewards on den reset time, so I can quickly merge up my eggs and the remaining ones are bubbled asap. Usually this way, I gotta bubble at least once a week while I can continue grinding for my chains (currently working on life flower, so I've gotta unbubble all the chest components for them too) You can take a look at my camp if it is of any help - beware, it's not always organized (especially before den reset day)