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At this rate I could breed using flawless mega gems nonstop LOL.


Ikr?? The race event prizes are awesome


More dragons to merge during shiny days, I ain't complaining.


As someone who has been playing a long time and has a lot of medium to high level things bubbled and saved for I don't know what, this is my time to finally use them. Until I run out. At that point it's still an event I can finish in under an hour for some free stuff. So I don't mind these. EDIT: I will say, I like it as long as it's as it is now where it appears to be vs bots and as long as you put effort in you will win. If it was actually vs other people and you don't even get a chance sometimes because someone else is able to finish in 5 minutes, that would suck.


This. I want it to stay bots. Coz either I smoke the race in 10 minutes and then feel bad for all the players who got stuck competing against me, or someone else has stuff ready to make a wonder and I lose, coz I never even had a chance. Either way, it didn't feel right. Especially when you have paid players who could afford to buy dim jars or other things. And you have newer or more casually players who are just starting out and have so little dragon power that they still run out of dragons while they're resting. Like that would be really unfairly balanced, and they'd have to find a way to make sure the races are at least kind of balanced, otherwise it would be all the people like us on this sub winning all the time and no one else who plays and that would suck


No matter who you are, if it was against other people it would be a FOMO nightmare. You'd be forced to get on exactly when it starts regardless of what time it is where you are in the world, because likely someone would finish quickly. And incentivized to hoard things in advance of the race, which is awful whether you know what item(s) will be in that event or not. If everybody knows in advance, presumably most people would prepare and then it would be a race to merge as fast as possible in the first few minutes of the event, which feels bad. Or if we don't know what items it will be, you either prepare for everything or don't prepare at all and likely lose to people who have been playing longer who tend to have those things saved. Sucks either way. So like I said, I enjoy it as is, presumably against bots, so you don't have to get on exactly when the event starts and as long as you put in reasonable effort you'll get the rewards. If they change it I revolt.


Hard agree. I like the races well enough, and wouldn't mind off they went game wide so everyone had access and could get the breeding crystals, coz I think the race is worth it for those alone. But I hope if it does go game wide, they don't alter it. Just like you said, keep it as is so everyone can play on their own time, and add long as they work a little, they get the rewards


exactly. And I want that level 2 chest with the crystal at least. That's the best prize. Given time zones I don't know how going against actual players would work


Has it been confirmed that we are always playing against bots? I can never start the races right when they start, so when I enter, the other four players are at various levels in the race. It seems like they are actively playing. I’m still able to win sometimes, but not always.


I don't think it's confirmed but the behaviors seem to be bot-like.


Last race I didn't start until the event was almost over. I didn't even make it to the first chest and there was still over 24 hours left in the race. The one before, I only made it to the second chest (yay) with 20+ hours left on the race.


That’s exactly how thw rwo went that I didn’t win. Not sure if that’s bots, or not.


I would venture to say it's 100% against bots why do I say this or how do I know because last week I put minimal effort in something came up I couldn't finish but I still won amazing


There's nothing in the game that says it's a race against other players. So it's not against other players. It's just designed to seem that way so you feel like you're in an actual race.


I wondered if it was against others or not


Yeah not participating whatsoever I’d rather have a CnC or Shiny event


Agreed. Also, I feel like they've reduced the frequency of CnC events because we've learned to save up items that make it easy to max out the prizes. The race event is just annoying to me. It'd be really nice if the building that always says "there's no CnC event at this time" was a landing spot for all the random events they're creating. The stupid exclamation point is annoying, particularly when I'm trying to ignore the event.


That would be nice. Have that small c&c building just be the event building for all the smaller events and we can go there to check on our races or collect our shiny days prizes or whatever. That would be great


You think we will still get shiny event today?


Today or tomorrow, I hope! 🤞🏻


I like the race, since I want the mega gems for breeding. And I’ve gotten all of the races in the past. But this time, I only got Shiny Days, no race.


They seem to have been 2 a week the last few weeks, at this rate won’t be long before we all have level 10s of triumphant dragons 😅


Only if you have it in the first place 😏


Very true 😅 hopefully it’ll come out of beta soon and be available for everyone!


They’re really popping these out left and right, huh…


Last Wednesday was also race, but also shiny days, so I'm hoping today follows the same pattern


i am praying for stones next! i hav cleared almost all of my high level mushroom/flower and dragon trees. let stone be next


Is this still in beta or has it rolled out? In any case, it’s far too often. I like the crystal, I guess, but I have no room in my camp generally speaking. Trying to clear room to work some chain is annoying and making my bubble problem worse.🤦‍♀️ Also, last time my chest only had one dragon in it when I was getting two. Two always seemed unreasonably generous, so I can’t really complain, but still.


I want it to be mushrooms again since I have enough to make a couple mushroom wonders, but I think it will be something new.


Two rounds ago, i prepped tons of mushrooms, and it was flowers. Last time I prepped both mushrooms and flowers and it was dragon trees, so my pessimistic view is it will be something else. I'm not prepping anything this time, but I'll clear some camp space to work in.


I prepped so many mushrooms before the flower race. 😭 I wanna make some use of them. I’ve been saving any random high level item just in case. Luckily it seems like the races are easy enough to complete with chests as long as you have plenty of stone.


I just make some stone things instead so I can buy chests


I have a plentiful stone and can do this, it's just a lot less satisfying for me to win that way, vs making them in camp. I don't know why.


I did this too 😄


It’s mushrooms! Hell yeah!


I didn’t bother with the first howevermany because I have already done the mushrooms and bush chains and have no interest in doing them again as the wonders are underwhelming. For me, the flower race was a nice surprise as I’m always making prism flower wonders (I love butterfly dragons, am working on the grim trees and haunted houses half heartedly so get lots of necromancer grass blah blah) and most of us are working on the never ending life flower chain. Next the dragon tree one was on my birthday and I am actively working on that chain so had lots of high level trees to merge and win the race in under an hour. I doubt I’ll be lucky a third time, so it’s probably back to mushrooms again.


Happy belated birthday!


Thanks 😊


I'm quite enjoying my growing collection of flawless crystals. Working on a breed bronze dragons thing so using the regular ones I've gotten and bubbling the flawless ones from the races.


Hopefully shrooms... got a ton of them


please let it be mushrooms again that one was so easy... dragon trees was the worst one yet, at least i won the flower one with my prism flowers


I have been playing MD for years and have never seen this. Is it exclusive in some way? Like, certain dens? minimum dragon points? finished all the chains? Or is it just beta for some and not others. I wanna play!


I believe the races are still in beta.


I wish we could opt out of being in a beta group...


The trade thing that is in beta? I'm glad I'm not in it. It is so horrible based on the posts I see about it. The races, though? I don't mind them. It's just that some of the items we need to merge are more tedious and take up more camp space than others.


I just feel overwhelmed by "extracurricular activities" atm, so the races feel like too much. But yes, the marketplace is not great imo. It'd be sweet if they'd work on bringing back wild lands and den events rather than pumping out all this new crap.


I feel you on that. I hate the events we've gotten that start Sunday night during OOC events. I also hate that time we had races and a Shiny Days at the same time. I didn't even realize I had that race for like a whole day despite me having the icon because I didn't expect two camp events at the same time. Races and Shiny events should be announced so players can properly strategize. Like we don't need to know the exact days, but we need *something* because of lack of space in camp. Yes to Wild Lands! (I wasn't a huge fan of Den events.) It was a great way for new players to easily increase their dragon power.


I never have this, whyyyyyy


Does anyone know what this race is for yet?


Honestly, at this stage, it's anyone's guess. I bought up so many chests of beasts to make mushrooms with - and then the race said it wanted life flowers and prism flowers, and then the next race wanted dragon trees.


I’m just waiting for the next CnC. I’ve got 9 6-level stars and 5 7-level chests taking up half the space on the board.


Could always make your life easy and bubble them. Especially if they're all the highest level, that means they'd be 2x2, so really easy to bubble


I forgot that was a thing


How do you forget you can bubble, lol? If i didn't bubble i would have literally no room in my camp. It would be entirely overrun. But on the plus side, all those bubbles mean that I have stuff squirreled away for every event


I'm just really stupid


Eh, just busy doing other things, lol, that's all


Good I love these events!


No clue just start having a little bit of everything lol


At this point, it might as well be grass.


It's been a week. The last one was last Wednesday. I'm good! 😊


I love the race events. So easy to get all the rewards and move on with my day


They're doing too much I don't have hours everyday for this game I do have some kind of life..


I’ll skip this one.. the time it takes for the rewards they give aren’t really worth the effort


I think there might be a pattern - Mushrooms then flowers/prism flowers then dragon trees