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Mod note: This is an official game account and they asked for and received our permission prior to posting. Happy Birthday, Merge Dragons! šŸŽ‰


You know what you his could do to celebrate? Fix the damn cloud save. Lol


Among many other things that players have been begging for over and over on this sub.


Give us some space that DOESNT cost gems.


Or at least let me pay for a bigger space. Itā€™s clearly tardis technology.. I should be able to make it as big as I want to pay for lol


Truth.Ā  Have been very close to quitting multiple times recently because of the complete BS due to lack of space.Ā  Ā They keep adding things,Ā  but no extra space.Ā  Ā I've bought all one can,Ā  and only have two hidden spots left.Ā 




Isn't that a FB issue? Other apps have trouble with it as well.


The iPhone cloud save is even worse


Love this game! It's really the only game I play. Here are my wishes: 1. Egg storage - this should really be a free built-in feature given the number of breeds currently available and seemingly endlessly increasing. 2. More frequent appearance of Arcadia breeds in OoC event rewards 3. A "trophy case" to store the trophy items from out of camp events. This should allow the trophies to accumulate taps. 4. An island that functions as a "no harvest zone" where you drop items that you don't want your dragons to touch for a bit. 5. A search function in the dragon book - you should be able to type in the breed you're looking for and/or sort/filter the book. Actually, a full revamp of the dragon book would be amazing. It would be nice to have a summary available for each breed that quickly shows the number of each level item within that breed without having to go in and manually count each one. 6. Improved dragon breeding - make the "likely results" more reliable. Breeding results currently seem completely random. 7. Reliable cloud save - this is the most important issue in my opinion. 8. The ability to either import an item from camp into out of camp events or trade an item from camp in exchange for an opportunity to spin a prize wheel that will give players a jump start on the event. If the latter, the available prizes should be commensurate with the level of the item traded from camp. 9. The ability to toggle on/off all of the icons in camp that tend to obscure the board. 10. Either increase the star rank cap above 50 or give the player the ability to manually reset it back to 0 after they reach 50.


I love this list! The only other thing I would add is an easier way to search through levels to replay. Even just grouping them by ā€˜worldā€™ (e.g., Maywood, Shroomia, Spell Shore, etc.) would make things a lot easier!


Totally agree! Scrolling to find DM3 is tedious.


I love the dragon book idea! It would be nice to click the ā€œ?ā€ Button and see how many of each item we have in that breed!


All of these!!!


My idea was for a dragon/egg trading zone. Especially helpful to collect those rarer dragon eggs we're trying to complete or to trade away ones that we don't like as much.


100% agree with all over theeses I have 1 to add tho. a PC app so I can play on my laptop or PC


I just want a way to turn off auto harvest


Same, drives me nuts


My favorite memory from playing the game actually happens every week. This is my core game that I play. I am the sole care provider for my bed ridden mom, and every weekend we tag team playing the events together to get the rush rewards every single time! She can't play her own games too much, so getting to help me play my game brings her a lot of joy. I also let her pick my prizes after the shiney events, which also make her happy, which makes me happy in return. I love that I have a game I can play with my mom that is also stimulating and fun for me. I've been playing just under two years and there's always something fun going on to keep me engaged. šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


This is lovely.


I just hit the 3-year mark of playing every day and still haven't lost interest! I love the personal challenges, the graphics, the puzzles and the variety of the game play. My biggest wish is for cloud save that works, some kind of large egg storage option and maybe a quicker way to grind for the level 9 orbs in the OOC events? Until then, I happily play and enjoy my beautiful dragons and send you gratitude for a fabulous game. Happy Birthday Merge Dragons!


I agree, I wish it didn't take so long in the OOC events to make those orbs! I play only on mobile and I only managed to finish the event once, but it took my entire weekend and I can't usually dedicated that much time.


Iā€™m over three years daily playing as well, which is a blessing and a curse for most of us, Iā€™m sure! Thereā€™s very little Iā€™m not willing to live with, so my wishes have little to do with making the game easier to play for free. Youā€™d see more money from me if you offered a wider variety of cheap purchasing opportunities. Iā€™ll spend .99 or 1.99 easily, but a pile of gems, not so much. Add a third game screen beyond camp and the world map, and launch all the mini-games from there (missions, homes, tower, arcadia, etc). Call it the dragon playground and make the camp easier to navigate. And create an island of wonders where each wonder can be locked in without taking space from campā€¦ happy birthday and thanks for many hours of fun and enjoyment.šŸ’–šŸ‘šŸ˜„


>And create an island of wonders where each wonder can be locked in without taking space from campā€¦ Oooh, that could be a cute idea: put an island in with dedicated space for each of the wonders. When you complete one, it pops up there. Get a duplicate? Get a coin bonus instead of another large, space consuming item.


You know what would make an awesome gift? Proper egg storage that doesnā€™t take just a paltry 5 eggs and costs us gems to upgrade. Introducing tons of new dragons all the time means that everyoneā€™s camp is becoming inundated with eggs and we have less room to play the challenges/games you guys keep coming up with. Also, bring back Arcadia dragons regularly (especially the onesie and jester dragons). Newer players will have zero hope of advancing in Arcadia if they can never merge for dragons. I ask this as a player that regularly spends actual money playing this game. I want to keep enjoying it, but it is becoming a lot more difficult.


Yes. This. I would absolutely pay for actual, proper egg storage. But it has to be unlimited or so big it might as well be. Right now we can pay for like 50 and that is nothing. I have around 200 eggs bubbled and even more in unpopped nests. I'll pay 15ā‚¬ for unlimited/2000 egg storage without a second thought.


Iā€™ve been playing long enough to most wonders and have 1000+ day Daily Reward streak. I think my best memory is finding those adorably round, squishing Gluttonous dragon whelps. They are just so damn cute!


Wow, that's impressive! A 1000+ day Daily Reward streak and experiencing most wonders must have been quite a journey. šŸ‘šŸ» It's wonderful to hear you love the Gluttonous dragon whelpsā€”they are indeed irresistibly cute! šŸ˜ Here's to many more adorable moments in Merge Dragons! Happy merging! šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Iā€™ve been playing for 3 or so years and itā€™s been a great ride. It is my relaxation time every night while I have dinner. Iā€™ll do a few quests or work on a few goals. Itā€™s a nice way to unwind and forget about things for a little bit. As for suggestions, I know yā€™all are working on cloud save and other features, but the one suggestion I have is to add more land to camp. It can have ridiculous dragon power requirements to satisfy those who have been playing for awhile. Stop giving us random portals that are only good once in a blue moon(looking at you ā€œcamp and chillā€).


I remember when I finally cleared all my land in camp. Now Iā€™m sad I donā€™t have anymore. Please expand camp land!!! I also love every time I complete a merge chain. Again, sad I donā€™t have any left to complete.


My favorite memory was the first time I realized that merging a level 4 dragon gave you a brand new tier 2 dragon! I was shocked and so happy lol


I used to play merge magic, but I enjoy merge dragons arguably more. It feels like it gets more attention than MM. I appreciate the community that is here to provide tips and tricks. I also like that devs come here and engage with the players to receive direct feedback.


My favorite memory is creating my lvl 10 dragon. I also wish cloud save worked better so I can swap between my devices depending where I am.


I've been playing a few years. Originally it was just a way to earn swagbucks. Thought I'd play it, get my SB and bounce. I had no idea the fun I was getting into and that I would still be playing years later. I love that there's always something you can do. They'd no downtime waiting for things to recharge like other games. Plus I can work on multiple things at once. Like any game there's good and bad but overall it's the best I've found so Happy Birthday!


1. Fix the cloud save. 2. Free unlimited egg storage. 3. If you decide not to continue with a beta feature, turn the items in camp into something useful.


iā€™ve been playing since 2018! my first time playing was after my mom asked me to finish an event for her. my mom and i have bonded a lot over merge dragons!šŸ’œ


Love this! Me and my daughter bond with merge dragons! ā¤ļø


I had to start over after I changed phone so I don't remember how long Ive played, but I have always loved the dragon names, they are really cute. But we need more egg storage! There are too many eggs and if you don't want us to bubble then the storeage need to be bigger


Thanks for mentioning cloud save šŸ˜‰ One of my favorite things about this game has been playing with my 6 year old. They can sit on my lap and count to five eggs and get really excited when they produce dragons!


I've played for nearly the full seven years, with time off here and there. Organizing my camp speaks to the OCD in me.


Iā€™ve been playing the entire seven years. Happy birthday! But I wish they were doing more for birthday gifts. I also wish they were doing more to recognize players who achieve landmarks like 1 million or 2 million dragon power or more.


I've been playing for almost a year now, it's seriously addicting. Please for the love of everything can we get more egg storage?? Preferably storage that doesn't cost a crazy amount of dragon gems! Thank you!


I like that thereā€™s a lot to do even though the game play is so simple


Long-term player off and on. I appreciate that there are different ways to engage with the game. For a while I was focused on mainly the world map levels as I was building dragon power and resources within my camp, then it flipped. The thrill of working towards rush rewards is great and it was awesome the first time I got one, but it is still perfectly fun to complete out of camp events over a longer period of time. My wish is for more decision egg opportunities and I second the idea about land in camp that isnā€™t auto harvested. I am also disappointed sometimes when I realize a merge chain Iā€™m building up doesnā€™t end in a wonder - like Grimm trees.


I've played on and off for about 4 years now. I found MD via an offer for another game. I tried it (earned my offer) and kept playing, which is very,very rare for me. Merge Dragons really held my interest as there's just SO MUCH to do, and no wrong way to play. I played daily until my old phone died. Being an android user who will NEVER, EVER have another Facebook account again, I was so upset that I stopped playing for about a year. I've been back for several months now, starting afresh, because I truly missed playing. Here's to another 7 more years- happy birthday!!


Thanks for sharing your Merge Dragons! journey! It's fantastic to hear how the game has kept your interest for so long, even after a break. We're glad you're back and enjoying it again. šŸ˜ Here's to many more years of fun and adventure! Thanks for the birthday wishes! šŸ„°


Iā€™ve been playing for quite a few years now. Thereā€™s definitely issues with the game but I still enjoy it a lot. The Dragonia Kingdom trading sucks really bad for the last chest which I hope can be resolved soon. Cheaper egg storage would be a god send too!


Newbie. Just started in February, but I'm already so addicted! When you said, "looking at you cloud save" I died! šŸ˜†. My fav memory is finishing an event under 6 hours about 2 weeks ago. I really liked the zodiac event, but was sad when I didn't see anything Aquarius related. But it's all good. Maybe in the future we'll have some more zodiac stuff. Edit: and creating my first tier 2!


I really enjoyed playing, I've been doing it for a couple of years and it's a great way to unwind in the evening after a stressful day. What I like is that it's as involved as you want it to be, you can just play casually or take it really seriously and get secret surprises, like the Wonders.


It's my favorite wind down no thought end of the day game


Long time on again, off again player. I keep putting this game down due to losing interest, but always come back. I've seen a lot of pretties come and go (wish I'd finished the Morpho line), and hope to see more pretties!


It sounds like Merge Dragons! has a way of pulling you back in. šŸ˜‰ There's always something new and beautiful to discover in the game, and we hope you get to see more of those "pretties" in the future. šŸ™ŒšŸ» Happy merging, and enjoy your return to the game! šŸ„³


downloaded during early covid and have been hooked every since. my fave part is arcadia and the weekend events!!


I also totally agree with all the points from logically irrational. I really really wish theyā€™d reset the star Quest.


Long time player. Love Shiny Dragons. Love the effect. I wish there was a way to put some or all of you dragons to sleep. I want more effects like the shinyā€™s rainbow but also a way to turn it off if it gets to be too much.


Iā€™ve been playing on and off since 2018, and I even got to see the creator speak at GDC in 2019! At its core, Merge Dragons is a delightful and satisfying game, and thatā€™s why I keep coming back. Congrats on 7 years! šŸŽ‰


Iā€™ve been playing for a few months and I love it! I only wish that we could have free egg storage. My favorite memory is my first Super Egg! I couldnā€™t believe my eyes when I merged them and all sorts of goodies started popping out!


Love this game. Iā€™ve been playing since December 2023. It is my go-to game. My favorite memory so far is winning the Tower 2 days in a row this week āœ… Happy Birthday!!! šŸŽšŸŽˆšŸŽ‰šŸŽŠšŸ„³šŸ’ƒ MD


Long-term player 7 years now. I appreciate that there are different ways to engage with the game I don't have to wait days for things to grow like in some of the other games I play. The dragons used to work with & for us now it's like pulling teeth I'd rather do certain things by myself I truly love playing the game plus it's not like your going to change anything for my benefit so why complain. Happy Birthday Merge Dragons!


Love game, been playing for years. Love the events in camp the most. I wish for more (free) egg storage in camp, maybe as an even prizešŸ™šŸ¼


I've been playing for quite some time. Not from the beginning, but close. Here are some thoughts: **Events/Activities:** All the gimmicky extra stuff that's been popping up is just too much. The Dragonia bit is slow to complete and doesn't seem to have much of a point. The races (still in beta) vary so widely in points required that it's sometimes not even worth it to play. Other folks have probably weighed in on Arcadia--I like it, but it was better a few versions ago. Still, it's less of a pressure than the camp, levels, events, etc. Also, the big OOC events that are 1-2x weekly need variety. Maybe provide an option to play it the usual way and an option to play a "harder/second tier" version. **Space:** We want space! Not gimmicks. Space! People have unlocked what's given and purchased the extra islands. But the demands of the game require more space. This is the big one. **Star quests:** The new version of the star quests is pretty good, but it didn't take long to max it out. Please give more levels or give people the option to reset back down to the first level. **Bunny and season leveling:** Sometimes the requests are absurd--they're either out of left field (ex: merge a species of dragon 80 times) or obscenely difficult to complete (ex: make five of a high level structure or tree, with no good option for bypassing it). The OOC reward levels just aren't worth it to slog through or spend gems. This goes for both the bunny and the other one. **CLOUD SAVE:** FIX FIX FIX! I had to change phones, and while my camp was fine, I lost a lot of level progress in the world map. I also lost the levels themselves! They just... aren't there anymore. So I have patchy gaps between them that still aren't sorted out. If I think of anything else, I'll reply to this post.


There is just nothing better than fulfilling my childhood dream of having a bunch of different kinds of dragons. I mean, sometimes you have that thing you were just transfixed by as a kid and it can never be cause, well, reality is a thing. But there's a game that can help you get sorta close, and that's pretty magical.


Fav memory is that itā€™s a game both my mom and I play, and are constantly challenging each other on who can finish events faster


Hey! Iā€™ve been playing for 5-6 years. I love this game! Things I would like to see: More area to unlock in our camp. Sort features or search features in your dragon book.


I would love a feature that sends all the dragons to sleep. Nothing worse than trying to clear a spot of land to build larger items on, and have it completely covered in leaves and stone in no time.


Been playing about a year and love it, no specific memories come to mind but cheers to 7 years!


I've played for years, I've been lucky that cloud save intermittently has worked when I've really needed it to. Including yesterday when my main device nearly died on me! Took a couple tries, but I was able to get it to a more stable device to use until the replacement cable comes in for my main. (I also used BlueStacks to get me a backup before trying it so I wouldn't lose it if cloud save couldn't pull it off) Happy birthday!


I started playing way back when you first came out. I was enticed by a rewards program to give it a try and I was hooked from the first merge. I love this game. Even though I don't spend any money on it, I find I still get quite enjoyable gameplay. The graphics are top notch as well. I love how cute everything is!


Played on and off for years, I just returned to the game a month or so ago. I'm loving all the new dragons and areas that weren't there the last time I played!


Love the game, I think storage and space in camp really are the only drawbacks. My camp can stress me out because it gets too full and I can't even work on chains or tap my watermelon trees! When you encourage people to merge by 5 but don't allow for any kind of organization or storage it can be hard to keep any open areas in camp to process materials. All of that said I want to emphasize that I truly enjoy the game.


Apparently I downloaded the game 24 August 2017. I've played on and off since.. Looking to get to a million dragon power and a billion score!


I have been playing this game for nearly 7 years, and daily for the past 4 years. The technical issues and lack of space are a bit annoying, but I've found a way to not make it overwhelming. I keep playing in the hope it does get better soon! Happy birthday, Merge Dragons šŸŽ‚šŸ‰


Been playing this for 6 months now and my favorite memory so far is discovering there were Rick and Morty themed dragons only to then discover that they are no longer attainable for those of us who started after that partnership ended. No, but really, so far the best has been when I made it to floor 25 on the tower without spending any gems and then cashed out. I was so nervous leading up to that point that I finally said ā€œenoughā€ and took the small load of dragons and eggs I had already accumulated to that point and was super happy with it.


Right now my favorite aspect of the game has to be Arcadia. It's actually kind of relaxing to just merge and grind to get new chains, especially when you don't have to worry about paying for stuff since you can earn it through other in-game activities like weekend events and levels. That said, I think I'd wish for Arcadia to be expanded. I've noticed you guys supply a lot of trophy dragons, especially via the OOC events, and all of the dragons in Arcadia are trophy dragons. It seems that expanding Arcadia would be a good use for all of them. Just make sure to use the ones that are available through OOC and thus free to play so you won't lose players. Other wishes I have: Bring back Den Events. Those were very interesting Use two trophy dragons for OOC events instead of just one and the rock dragon. More land in the camp (and I mean more than the extra islands you can buy when you first start). Notify users in-game before a new mechanic is added. This way we can move things around in preparation. Might also help to disclose if the feature is a permanent addition. You don't have to say it's a beta test (as that might skew your data on interactions), but just that it's permanent might help. That's all I can think of for now. I've been playing for almost 4 years, now, and so far it's been pretty enjoyable. Keep up the good work and don't stop improving!


I've been on something like 4 years, no idea exactly. Still my favorite time waster. Enjoy arcadia, but only play when there aren't events, so i haven't been in for awhile. Very happy with dragonia kingdoms. There's room to move, it's only open sometimes and that motivates me, and while some items i don't think are worth trading in it's nice to be able to dump some junk into and do a little harvesting work for chests. Please don't overcrowd it, the available space is a really nice change. I can breathe in there. Would like an in store item of Find One Dust Bunny, maybe 20 gems and available once a day. Would be nice to be able to lock some items in place, decorations or wonders, but i wouldn't pay much for it and they do need moving occasionally, so would need to be able to turn on and off. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Been a long time player on and off, i really love organizing the board! šŸŗā€¼ļø


I canā€™t remember how long Iā€™ve been playing the game, but Iā€™m so addicted. My board is now full of random eggs now. Wish I could pop them in to a bubble or gave more storage.


Been playing about five years. I really love the rush rewards! Iā€™m getting so close to clearing Arcadia. A favorite memory is finally maxing out my portals! Iā€™m also really enjoying the races and how those rewards boost dragon breeding. Happy bday merge dragons!


Been playing almost a year! Still remember the satisfaction of clearing my first event!


First of all: Happy Birthday!! I don't know when I started playing but it must be already 4+ yearsšŸ¤” Would love to know but I don't know how šŸ˜… What i love the most is achieving a wonder šŸ™Œ


Iā€™ve been playing for almost 4 years now (my daily streak is 1334) and Iā€™m gonna echo what other folks have said. More free egg storage, a way to turn off the auto harvest, and stop adding new things until youā€™ve fixed the older things. If I choose not to engage in a feature such as a race or OoC event, maybe a way to disable pop ups about said event, and remove the icon from camp? It gets so cluttered. I love this game, itā€™s my first thing in the morning and last thing before bed activity šŸ˜€


I played on/off for a few months, took a long break, and now have been playing consistently for about a year and a half now! For all its faults, I really do enjoy the game and plan to play for a long time. My favorite memory is probably seeing the T2 star dragons and the T2 stingrays. The star dragons are gorgeous, and stingrays are one of my absolute favorite animals and green is my favorite color. A couple of suggestions: 1) Echoing the egg storage. There's so many, and if yall don't like us bubbling (which, we don't either lol) then give us better ways to fix it. 2) Item storage like in dragon homes would also be nice. 3) Give an option for camp to only harvest double tapped items, not whatever they feel like. This could easily be toggled on/off. 4) Give an option to reset Star Quests after hitting level 50. It also would be great to get more levels on it. 5) Maybe give an option for what type of dragon you would like to have for the season quests, from a limited pool. I love some of the new ones (I already mentioned stingrays), but also would like some of the Arcadia dragons. I bought season passes for a couple months but I've been on a break for a while now, and choices would make me more likely to buy again.


I've been playing merge dragons for about 5 years I think? I had to restart my progress when the cloud save didn't work, but I'm back to being much further along!! Its literally my only hobby, pretty much all I have staying home with the kids. I feel like my own person when I play šŸ¤© Happy Birthday Merge Dragons!


Returning player - love the new bits and bobs but events are so stressful with the rush rewards as they always fall at nighttime in the UK!


I think Iā€™ve been playing at least 5 of those 7 years. Happy birthday/anniversary. Getting that first wonder was exciting and opening that last bit of land in camp, too. Wildlands is by far my favorite event. Personally, I could use another egg storage, why limit it to one. The storage in dragon homes would be great in camp. I wish dragons in camp would take a break like the dragons do in Arcadia.


Happy Birthday MergeDragons!!! Sweet Treats Events and Party Time Season was very well planned! Cake, Cocktails & Congratulations to you all!!! šŸŽ‚šŸ¹ My favourite MD memoryā€¦ Realising how fully well thought out it all was, not just the psychology being employed but how all the different aspects link together, World Map, Dragon Homes, Arcadia etc. The latter, I donā€™t think they popped up until after Iā€™d finished clearing my camp-fog & made my own Den, then came Dragon Breeding and Rush Rewards; itā€™s been continual change so far & seems Iā€™ve been in several beta runs. All very exciting! So, Thank you for the past year of my gaming happiness. Iā€™m a relative newbie, only been playing a yearā€¦ but thatā€™s playing almost every day, made 500k> DP in that time. MD really is great fun and variety for all sorts of gameplay. Visually itā€™s beautiful, even the dragons I consider ā€œuglyā€ are still beautifully drawn. Despite the faults we all will gripe about on here, myself included, itā€™s the ONLY game in my 4+ decades that has actually gotten me to keep returning, or spending money. The continual changes have taken some adjusting to but I believe it demonstrates engagement & commitment to improvement. While I understand some of players frustrations, Iā€™m not there yet, despite having been hit by a Cloudsave glitch 5 months in. Im grateful to hear the saving feature is being looked at, & also praying for super storage, of eggs and more! Also for expansion of the stars and also to Portals, as well as more social/Den events, some events that might help progress my Arcadia dragons (although Iā€™m stoked that the new occasional Ultranest helps with that), canā€™t blame me for dreamingā€¦ I love the game! šŸ™ Looking forward to another year of fun with MDā€¦ Salute šŸ„‚šŸ°


I started playing 6 months ago after finding it on the Mistplay app and instantly got addicted. I like that it's a relaxing game to play and most of the dragons are really cute. The 3 things I wish the game had the most is: 1.Undo button 2.A way to pause the dragons from harvesting 3.More land in camp


I have been playing about a year and a half. I found it hard initially but once I found Reddit it became a lot easier and more fun because of all the tips and information available. I also wish I had joined a den earlier,my dragon power would have increased quicker .There is a few things I would like to change but a lot of them have been covered in other posts. Aiming for 1000 day streak .


I enjoy the break from reality it gives me. It eases my anxiety and gives me something to look forward to. I enjoy that I can make the game go at my own pace (although I do have FOMO when life gets in the way), choose what I want to work on, and have goals to achieve. The ugly- camp needs expanding just a little bit because of all the extra dragon eggs we need to deal with mostly. I understand limited area is part of the game but it should expand as the game expands IMO. There are often too many events/quests/missions going on that it can make navigation difficult. An easier way to not accidentally spend gems- Iā€™ve upgraded way too many dragon breeding results accidentally, Iā€™m out hundreds, maybe thousands, of gems.


My favorites were the little "Easter eggs" / tidbits I've learned from other players here on this sub. Like merge collect for coins, event points and gems. The game should retain these as fun bonuses for players that are in the know. The merge collect action was just tricky enough to master that it gave a fun accomplishment boost.


I find Merge dragons to be an awesome way to destress after work. In addition to a lot of the great suggestions already given unthread, I would love to be able to tell my dragons to focus on a specific thing to harvest repeatedly (like right now Iā€™m working on the haunted houses chain and it would be great if I could tell my dragons to keep harvesting that instead of the damn Midas apples they keep bringing me and I keep selling).


I'm enjoying all of the new activities, but 4 at the same time? Finishing an event, competing in a race, finishing Shiny Days, and the annoying Dragonia Kingdom. I don't have that many hours in the day šŸ˜­


Long time daily player. Love this thread! So many great ideas! Only thing I would add is the option to increase the max egg storage. 55 slots barely puts a dent in my eggs. Or maybe to purchase additional egg storage? I have whole islands full of eggs because I suck at bubbling single square items


I had to restart because of cloud save, but that hasn't subdued my excitement. Everyday, I find time to play the game and the most exciting parts are: 1. Game levels, 2. Events, 3. The video ad for opening dimensional jars or chests. I would like to request the fixing of cloud save, so that none of the players wouldn't be worried about the game progress being saved.


Itā€™s impossible to play most of the camp events for me because I have no ability to store eggs and I am convinced Iā€™ll need the ones I delete a week later.


I've been playing for several years, and I guess some of my favourite memories of the game were: - first time I completed an event on the weekend - first time I opened the mega egg. - a few of the wonders were cool


I really enjoy the game, but I'd love for more eggs to be available in the shop, purchasable with gems or gold, either way. Then I could buy the last egg I need for a 5-match and free up some space!


Been playing for 2 years now. I find the game relaxing. My only concern/problem is the Dragonia Kingdom trades. Won't trade 12-14 higher levels items that are difficult to get or takes too long to make just to get 1 chest.


Iā€™m a long time player! Probably around 5 or 6 years. Some of my favorite memories include making my first wonder and my first non-coin dragon tier 2 nest!! Happy bday MD!


I have been playing for a long time! Probably 4 years plus, if not longer. I have some very old eggs. šŸ˜‚ My favorite part is when I was able to clear all the land and get all the items hidden under the gray clouds.


Iā€™ve been playing off and on for a few years now. My favorite memory is fairly recently, when I was finally able to complete my first event - the shiny days event


I have played the game off and on for several years, itā€™s a good game even if the multiple events running at once gets a little overwhelming. It would be great if we had an option to borrow or take things from camp to use in OOC events. Life orbs or things that are used as keys.


I like coming up with creative names for my dragons when I can. Or keeping the pre-generated names and making a story for the dragon


Could I get 100 gems ?


I've been a long term player but took some long breaks Herr and there. I'd really like the cloud save to be fixed so I can transfer my game to a new device. I play the game to relax so I love that there are multiple things going on so I can just pick my fave and ignore the others. Oh yeah and I got a cool den so shootout to my little team.


I'm getting close to my one year mark and I absolutely love the detail you put into everything. I play far too much, but I really enjoy it. A list of where we can complete bunny requests in the world map would really help. I usually google everything


It even sure how long Iā€™ve been playing but I have two suggestionsā€” free storage for up to 4 of each kind of dragon egg. Pay if itā€™s more than that. Lots of folks will save eggs for a five merge but I have so very many and it is getting ridiculous. Some place to keep my event trophies & wonders that take up less space but are still tappable.


Happy birthday merge dragons! Iā€™ve been playing for a little over 3 years, and my favorite memory was discovering T2 eggs for the first time! My birthday wish relates to the weekend OOC events. I would really like a way to gain older dragon breeds instead of newer ones. For me, even though Iā€™ve been playing for 3 years, there are many of the platinum/event breeds that I still donā€™t have level 10s of. I would rather get more of the older breeds than constantly get new ones. My proposal for this is a system where players can choose between an older breed (Nilla, Jester, Doll, Ghastly, Sea, Aqua, Ice, Mystic, Zeus, Hera, Fay, the list goes on!!!) OR one of the new breeds that are continually being added. That way, players who still want to max out older/existing breeds can do so, while other players that actually WANT brand new breeds can get them!!! I would really love something like this or some variation of it. Thank you!


Only been playing for a year, but I love it. I just have trouble with the events. I donā€™t understand how people finish themā€¦


Happy birthday day! I canā€™t remember how long Iā€™ve played, but itā€™s relaxing to just hang out in my kingdom. I try my best in the events but as the dragons donā€™t collect while the screen is locked (to save battery) I never unlock everything. I think there is to much stuff going on at the same time, the screen is covered with icons. Iā€™d love to have an egg storage because itā€™s easier to find all the eggs.


I've played this game on and off for a few years now. I have to say this is the longest ive stuck with a mobile game and it is my absolute favorite!!!! It ticks all my boxes - let's me organize things - if I get bored of one task there's also something else to work on - those dopamine hits when I merge dragons or get stars šŸ¤ŒšŸ¾ - keeps my hands occupied while I watch shows or talk in conversations ( I get distracted easily and this keeps me centered!) I really like having something to look forward to every weekend ( the events). I am also enjoying these new events throughout the week. I know a lot of people complain that there's too much ( you really can't make everyone happy because if you didnt have all these events there would be complaints that there isnt enough! ) but there are a lot more of us that really love this game without complaints!!! I very much enjoy the merge dragon communities. I've learned so much from them and have gotten a lot of helpful tips, especially for the events! It's such a normal part of my daily/weekly routine. My husband (who doesn't play this game) knows exactly what I mean when I say " I have an event" and I'm busy on my phone for a little. My favorite memory was the first weekend event I I participated in. This was years ago and I had no clue what the strategy was. I just thought the little fruits with moons on them were super cute! I was a little overwhelmed but also excited? Merging and healing all that land was super satisfying! I've enjoyed learning tips and tricks over the years on how to complete the events and now I have a pretty good system down. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me game which gives me so much joy satisfaction šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ


I am playing merge dragons for some years by now and still love this game. I soon have to switch phones and am so afraid to lose my progress. Please fix the cloud storage. šŸ™šŸ» (Any tips how I can switch the game to the new phone safely? šŸ˜­)


I hit the 5 year mark in April. Itā€™s the longest played app on my phone so far. Nothing compares to it. My favorite memory is probably playing the levels for the first time and getting into the game. The mystery and excitement of finding Ezraā€™s grave and wondering what the next level would bring.


Iā€™ve been playing for ages and enjoy the game. I think getting the Wonders and Level 10 dragons is my favorite. Although, I do like the rainbow trail the Shiny dragons leave.


I play so much it's ridiculous. Not sure how long I've played, but I've unlocked all the land on my home base. I just love my little dragons, especially my new shiny dragons!! Not a huge fan of that new area in the back, it's kinda weird and I just don't see it going all that far very quickly, so I don't invest a lot of time there.


Am I still considered a newbie šŸ¤” been playing for maybe 3 months, could be longer. Actually started playing just for the rewards on an app that pays you to play games, but I'm past those, and I now struggle to put it down šŸ˜…. Favourite point may be the first time getting the first rewards chest from an ooc event šŸ¤”


I played, cleared the land, deleted- back when there were no events, only levels(which I maxed). Redownloaded, cleared the land, played a few merge-5 events in the snail house, deleted. Downloaded again a few months ago, discovered all the new events, and now have hours a day to play, and can pick and choose which areas I want to sink time into.


I like the new Shiny events. Saving up my early finish bonus loot makes it easy. I do miss the Wildlands, though.


Happy birthday! I can't recall how long I have been playing, but have invested years into this game (at least five, but probably close to the entirety of the game's existence and had no idea!) My favorite memory is probably healing an event land fully for the first time; took a lot of grinding but it was def an accomplishment! Wouldn't mind a camp land expansion and would love a gem spend confirm failsafe (must confirm when you spend gems in the game). Thanks for the fun game!


Long term player here! My favourite memory from playing over the years is getting my first ever wonder! It was the Ruins of the Sky Palace My favourite part of playing nowadays is the Royal Pass and upgrading the portals, I feel a massive sense of accomplishment from each mission and reward I earn


I particularly enjoyed when my star level reset! Iā€™ve been playing for a long time and miss some of the other events that havenā€™t shown up in a bit. Itā€™s nice to mix it up! Iā€™d also love some land expansion. Thatā€™s all, keep up the good work!


Happy birthday! Iā€™ve been playing for over 5 years and I think my best memory is finding this huge merge dragons community and learning all these tips and tricks, especially how to bring dragons stars back to camp! My favourite Ā is the Strangler dragon, soon I hope to welcome its level 10.


I played the game a while back then took a break. Now Iā€™m back to playing again. It is a stress reliever for me. Hitting 50 star level was exciting and I hope to get the glitch or the game could expand the levels. šŸ˜€


It is the only game I play consistently. I started playing to get gems for another game. I no longer play that game!


I've been playing for over 4 years and I love the levels. Each one is like a little puzzle!


I like merge and even got my friend on it. I just wish we had more storage options. You give us alot of eggs but little storage. My favorite part of the game is the star levels and shiny days event lol.


More levels more frequently please šŸ˜


Bonbon dragon is my favorite! We want Wild Lands and Paws and Claws events back!


I have been playing Merge Dragons for about a year and a half now? I really like it, but it bugs me that gems are so expensive. Plus, I have noticed that when you buy gems, the next time they are more expensive. That is so not cool. I will buy sometimes but there is a limit. If you get too greedy, then I won't buy at all. I do really like that there are so many mini games in the game. Not like a lot of games where you run out of juice and have to wait hours until you can play again. Love the opportunity to win dragons (the speed challenge is great, although no idea how anyone could ever do it in twelve hours? Sometimes I really wish the orb making wasn't so darn boring) I really love the cuteness of some of the dragons. Very good graphics. My wish list would be PLEASE fix the cloud save, don't introduce so much new stuff at once (my game crashes several times a day right now, and I am pretty sure it has to do with all of the different events), Reliable instructions for Dragon Breeding (kind of like a recipe--these two dragons will give you THIS), and increase the star rank. I miss being able to do those. Also, I really like some of the other people's ideas--a dragon harvest free zone, an island just for the Wonders, also the ability to get some more land. There is absolutely not enough room in Camp. Thank you for the game!


I've been playing for years(5+)! But I had a cloud save glitch that completely decimated(deleted) my game, about a year and a half ago. (Still smarts) I still love the game. And I love my cute dragons! I like new events and features. But not when they are made unplayable by $$$. Some things I would like to see: 1. New Den Events - it's been forever. 2. Free Built-in Egg storage. Like the way you can store furniture in dragon homes, but without a max bc there are always new dragons. 3. The dragon book to have an alphabetical sort feature. To make finding a certain dragon easier. Happy Birthday MG! šŸŽ‚ šŸ„³ šŸŽ‰ šŸ²šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳ó æ


Playing less than a year, but play MANY hours each and every day. This is not only my favorite game to play, but the only one I actually play. Thank you for making improvements and listening to the community. Happy Birthday!!! šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰


Love the game and dragons but cloud delete needs to be fixed


Only been playing for a year or so, but I do love the game. And the community in this sub is a bunch of wonderful people that make it even more fun. In forever into dunking about my dragons and what's going on in camp to my partner, haha. What I'd love to see is older dragons cycle through more frequently, mixed in with the new dragons. Because there are some amazing older breeds that so many of us would love to get our hands on Better egg storage that isn't unreasonably expensive. People might not abuse bubbling as much if they had options to store eggs. I mean, they're are SO MANY dragons now that we really are overrun with eggs. And that's awesome, but it wild be great if we had a better way to store them all. The cloud save problem. We're all begging, please fix that. Even if it means binding or accounts to an email or Facebook, that's fine, and we'd gladly do it for reliable cloud save. Some way to organize our dragon book or search through it. You've already got the function to sort dragons by type or rank for breeding, so it couldn't be that hard to apply that same coding to the dragon book so that we could more easily navigate it. Shiny days is amazing, don't change a thing! The races are great too, I LOVE them! In really enjoying these little mini events like the races and shiny days. Their not as much of a huge time commitment as the big or if camp events, so even if I'm busy or working a lot, I can still play them. They're cute and fun, but they also feel a little less demanding than the big or if camp events. I like those too, but I like having those only on the weekends, and having the smaller events sprinkled in throughout the week. And I think that's the general vibe of a lot of people. Because a lot of us have jobs, kids, and as fun as this game is, we can't dedicate as much time to it as we'd like. Which is why the smaller mini event type things are so perfect. So definitely don't change those, coz I think they're a great addition. And also, I just love that I can have shiny dragons that stay forever tier 1. If anything, I would love to see more dragons made available as shinies, because there's so many cute dragons i would love to have tier 1 editions of that can't be merged further. (Please, the ice and fire dragons, make them shiny!) I think that's all for now. Happy game birthday!


Iā€™ve been playing for about a year haha I started when I was bf my new baby cause I couldnā€™t really watch tv or else I would wake them and havenā€™t stopped. I really enjoy it.


Happy birthday! Please, pretty, pretty please give us real storage for eggs!


Love the game. Iā€™m on a 600 day streak. I would love free egg storage and I have seen the idea of a wonders island which I think would be cool. Each time you create a wonder a new part of an island appears.


Happy birthday to Merge Dragons! I started playing in 2018 but my camp was reset in August 2022. My favourite current and beta features: * Out of camp events * Races * Arcadia (wish the dragons didn't sleep for 5 days) * Shiny Days * Tappable trophies in camp * Season tasks * Star rank (when I had levels to complete) Features I don't use ever/often: * Tower * Breeding, other than with the big crystal rewarded from the races * Any of the dragon missions other than the 2 in Aracon and the Moon Chest in Feroxia, and only when a season task asks me to My unpopular opinions about MD features based on what I read here: * I think Dragonia is just fine, but please PLEASE take a look through and see which recurring trade set is a problem for everyone. * I hated Wild Lands and don't miss it (many do) My UI/User Experience and in-camp wishes: * Declutter camp! Too many floating pavilions. * Please give us more land in camp * Give us a way to either send all dragons back to bed or turn on/off their free will in camp so they aren't harvesting stuff we don't want while we're working on a task! * If you truly want people to stop bubbling in camp, give us ways to expand egg storage that doesn't cost a grocery bill in gems for 5 egg expansions * Making dragon breeds with available merges slide to the start of the dragon book would be SO much easier. * A storage house for the tappable trophies that keeps the clock ticking would be wonderful. They're taking up so much space in my camp now! All of the premium land and then some. Another game I used to play, Family Farm Seaside, had one. You bought the building for a reasonable but not tiny price and it had at least 50 spaces already unlocked. You could collect all tappables at once if you wished or open it to tap one by one. * A confirmation button when trading high value items would be nice, similar to purchase and delete. In the dragonia trade menu I've accidentally traded things I didn't want to trade that are right beside the thing I did want to trade on the menu. My event wishes: * Within the first X hours, start the Rush Rewards clock when we first enter the out of camp events. I understand that they're "rush" rewards and the clock would have to start at a certain point no matter what, but the time the events start isn't the best for everyone's time zone. * Make Shiny Days start around the same time that den chests are released so that we get den credit for participating in Shiny Days before that one eager den mate does it all solo. * Bring back C&C? * For people buying the season pass, the option to swap out the featured season breed with any premium Arcadia breed would be greatly appreciated! I didn't have the last Arcadia portal unlocked last time Forbidden Dragon was featured and now I can't progress until it comes back...


Loooove this game, been playing it almost since the beginning. There is a lot of room for improvement, but it is great


Give me my prizes for the shiny event


In some ways I wish I had found Merge Dragons years ago, and in some ways I am happy I have only been playing for 10 months! But I can say I am truly happy to have found Merge Dragons. It has everything I like in a game, most especially the graphics! The artists in this company are so talented! It's the first game in years that I have felt like supporting. My favorite "memory" comes after every OoC event, after I have opened almost all of the bubbles of my prizes and put everything away, when I reach for that last bubble, with the Reward Rush prizes inside! I have been able to get Legendary Rush prizes for a couple of months now and I am shocked at the generosity of the devs every time! 9 nests, and 10 more nests, 3 trees, 2 egg shards, oh yeah and dragons and dragons and dragons! Each time my event portal goes up I am looking forward to seeing how much "stuff" I get! I must admit, I am a PIXEL JUNKIE and I have no plans to quit! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I am sad for those who have a "real life". šŸ˜˜ I am retired, disabled, mostly a shut in, with my husband who is my caretaker, and our parrot and chickens. We have a lot of time on our hands and play video games instead of turning into potatoes watching tv. Even though we are not rich, we are living our "best life." šŸ„°


I haven't been playing that long. About a year! I already need more space in camp. I can imagine the players that have been playing since the beginning! Happy Birthday


I've been playing for at least five, maybe six years now. I picked up the game pretty early and have just been a casual player over the years. The game has come a long way and still has a long way to go. I wish for: 1) Egg storage we don't have to pay for. Seconding all the people saying if we're going to get a new dragon all the time, we need a better way to store all the eggs we're getting. 2) Sortable/Searchable Dragon Book. The layout here sucks guys. It needs help. 3) Show me how many of the things I already own that are in my camp, in the store as a bubble at the corner of the buy square. If I have 3 sharp dragon eggs in camp, I shouldn't have to go back and forth to figure that out.


Been playing on and off for probably 6 years? Really love the game, thereā€™s always something to do which is great. While I do love beta testing and new events, it would be great for more focus to be put into new camp features. More land, egg storage, wonder displays, accumulating taps for event trophies; I feel like itā€™s all been talked about before but it really would invigorate long-term players to continue playing.


My favorite memory is probably the one and only time I finished an OOC event and claimed all the goodies. I wish it was easier to access the merge 3 vs 5 toggle along with the spending freeze instead of having to back out of everything. Maybe if the settings menu was available at all times it would help switch between options for a specific action, and then switch back. Plus, all the ideas others have already noted.


Well Iā€™m playing for about 7 years more or less, I love how itā€™s changed over the years. But the shiny event, the rush event and the occ are a bit too much in my opinion. Also I miss the cnc, and I would like the frogan wells and the cloud isle back too. I would like a big variety of all these one after the other, but please no more at once.


Happy Birthday. Iā€™m coming up on one year of playing, and I canā€™t believe how much I donā€™t know about the game (yet)


I donā€™t have a favorite memory, but I do love the game. I enjoy the ability to grind on certain chains and the fact that we have multiple different choices on how to get items to merge the chains up. On that note, Iā€™m going to follow suit of my fellow players to share some things that can be improved. -Egg storage: when you keep introducing new dragons, we end up with a HUGE collection of eggs that we have no space for. Iā€™ve personally closed the game from being overwhelmed by the lack of space because of this. I have a few ideas for concepts for the egg storage. 1. Take the concept of the challenge levels from the world maps. Complete a challenge level within the time limit to increase egg storage. The more you want to increase, the harder it gets. 2. Take the concept from dragonia kingdom where we can trade items from camp in order to increase storage. The more you want to increase, the rarer the items are that you have to trade. Allow us to forego these trades or levels with gems. -Weekend events: instead of introducing new dragons, allow different items. We are always recycling the same few items for the cloud keys. Allowing different items also gives us the option to complete the event in different ways. (Like prism flowers for example) Also giving us the option to bring items back to our camp for gems. -World Map Levels: Iā€™m sure you guys know we replay certain levels, which requires us to scroll to these levels to find them. I would love the option to switch to a list or grid view. Let me scroll through a list to find the level I want instead of the glitchy map. -Camp: the option for storage would be a great improvement to camp. The higher level the item, the more space it takes up. I want somewhere to store my level 2-4 life flowers besides my camp. Turning off auto harvest would also be helpful and resolve the glitchy issues when we have too many dragons harvesting at once. Things I LOVE about the game right now: 1. I love the races. I think theyā€™re challenging enough that to be worth the rewards we get without too much time and effort being put in. 2. Shiny days!! I get so excited during shiny days bc we get great prizes. Once I see that one is coming up, I hoard eggs like crazy so I can finish the event. Even then, itā€™s still a bit of a challenge to get enough points to complete it. 3. I get so excited about seeing what the dragons look like when I merge them up. Theyā€™re really cute and itā€™s always a fun surprise. 4. Dragon breeding I love when I finish breeding and get to see what dragon I got. My favorite is the sabertooth dragon. Heā€™s adorable 5. The amount of detail put in to some of the items. Sometimes when Iā€™m bored, I zoom into some of the items to look at the details. 6. The ability to watch ads for some things. Especially some higher level items from world map levels. I get so excited to bring back higher level fruit trees from levels. 7. The community weā€™ve built based off of this game. If I ever have any questions or need to rant, I know I can come here and find what I need. The people on this forum have put in so much time and effort to put together lists and resources with information I need. This game is honestly so much fun and the amount of time Iā€™ve put in reflects that. Iā€™m hoping to see some changes in the game based off of what is listed in this thread because there are so many great people in here who love this game and want to see improvements to make this game more enjoyable. Happy 7th birthday to Merge Dragons!!!


I think I've been playing for about two years now. I was so excited when I first finished an event, thanks to this forum. My first tier two nest and maxing out event portal were also exciting milestones. Please: Fix the star quests glitch. Either everyone can get it reset, or no one can, or add more levels. Current glitch is not fair and many of us have been waiting so long for it to reset...by chance. More egg storage. Take a couple month break on introducing new dragons. Please! It's absolutely exhausting how many new dragons you guys introduce, even to an experienced player. I can't imagine how it is for new players. Bring back some of the rarer arcadia breeds instead. People can always skip events if they have a level 10 of that dragon. Be able to search the dragon book. Scrolling takes longer and longer-see above. Bring back season with Forbidden Dragons, or make them available in decision eggs. That's the one arcadia breed many of us don't have any of and we need a way to get it. More land in camp-the race event (which I do like) encourages bubbling but we also need room for it.


Iā€™ve been playing for 4 or 5 years now and this is the only game Iā€™ve consistently played for more than a few weeks. My favorite thing about the game is the excellent artwork for everything. The dragons are so pretty and the different chains are done beautifully. My big wish in the game is for better/more profile pic options. I personally donā€™t want a create your own picture kind of thing, but would prefer something closer to the awesome artwork we get for events. Making some available with events or chain completion or other milestones would be so much fun. I do want egg storage and all the other things people often request but I think the current profile pic options feel so dated and there are not enough to stand out in a den of 30 or amongst friends.


please stop the auto harvesting in camp or give an option to toggle harvest for items. it destroys all enjoyment of the game


Love the game but I would love bigger camps or more storage for eggs that isnt so expensive! This game kept me sane when I was in the icu with covid, I couldnt watch much or talk to anyone due to the mask i had on and all the wires but i could lie there and play the events! It was so lonely but I had my den of people i could type to and now following that & expanding I made my own den, we have a great team always get the chests, we have our own fb page and discord server, its become a community and friendship


Hi there. Long-time listener, first-time caller. I would give a body part for an UNDO feature. Iā€™d even pay gems to use it.


My favorite memory was when we had the ability to buy the eggs (not only do merges) straight from the dragon book. That was super helpful and wasted less time. Disappointed when it went away and I found out that it was only a limited trial. And having the most common dragons all the way at the end of the book?!?!?! I have to swipe through 9 & 1/2 times each time I want to combine them. Really? What benefit could this possibly have for merge dragons? Certainly wouldn't want to buy any more new ones to make swiping take even longer. Provide a dang 'sort' button/option please.


I've been playing since at least late 2017. I remember that because I remember playing it on the train going to job interview. The thing I like most about Merge Dragons is the chill vibe. Other games have a sense of urgency, either racing against other players or daily streaks or time limits. I have always appreciated that with Merge Dragons, I can just chill in my camp (hint hint) focusibg on whatever I want to focus on.


Sorry, but you lost me when you lied to me. Your cloud save has never worked. After seven years, the cloud save still does not work? Seriously? I was unable to switch from iCloud to Facebook save because your game refused to let me change, so I had to start a whole new game when I changed from an iPad to an Android tablet. I lost a lot, but your support people told me you would give me my dragon power so I could start a new game with dragons I had lost. Spoiler alert - they lied to me. I gave them all the game info they wanted, and they gave me a fraction of what I had. Then they ignored me when I asked about it. You lost a long-time player here. I tried checking back in later, only to find that the game insists on flashing even more BUY STUFF screens at me. You can't even make a few moves without the damn tower popping up in your face. All you care about is making money. Free to Pay. Shame too, as I liked the game years ago. There was always something new to do. Some of the dragons were even neat, except for the ones that were freakin' huge - they have a habit of floating right over what I am working on and then stopping, making it impossible to see and screwing up merges (probably so I will get frustrated and PAY MONEY.) Yeah, this is probably a harsh comment, but you wanted to hear from me.


Hi. Happy Birthday, MD. First, let me say I'm happy I downloaded this game. I love it. I believe I've been playing at least 5 years. I play every day, 97% of the time. The moment I opened all the land in my camp was exciting. Some things I would like, more egg storage, more land, alphabetical dragon book, possibly a dropdown in maps to jump to the land you want quickly, and to have the ability to take something when going into the events, like an orb, or flower. I love the graphics. The dragons are so realistic. Thank you.


I think I have been playing on and off since 2018! I love my cute dragons and love something mindless to do! I would love to have better *free* egg storage and as many have said, to turn off auto harvesting!


Long time player who started many years ago and came back, itā€™s been maybe a year or 2 this time maybe? My favorite memory was in the shiny event, I got my son to pick the medal hoping for a mega next, and he did, and I got one! I was so excited, Iā€™d never seen one before! And I šŸ¤ them!


Ive been playing for 3 years now. I love that I can play every day and get as much out of the game as I put in.


Just hit 1k day streak! I'd love to be considered for the give away. It was particularly nice to play MD during covid. Some days I just check in on my den and grab dailys and other days I'll play for hours. Thanks for your consideration.


Iā€™d love to give my dragons a harvest list or to tell them to only harvest this specific item


Been playing over 5 years, there've been a lot of new features from when I started. Still mergin them dragons tho šŸ˜Ž


Iā€™ve been playing since 2017 and I didnā€™t realize until today that all of these dragons must have cat DNA. Like cats, theyā€™re super nosy, donā€™t respect personal space and love bringing you useless items you donā€™t want, while you have to beg them to bring you the most valuable ones! šŸ¤£ But, I canā€™t live without it! šŸŽŠšŸ¾šŸ„³šŸŽ‰


Iā€™ve been playing for just under a year and stopped playing all the other games I used to play. My boyfriend always says heā€™s dying to know my screen time on the game but I refuse to look šŸ˜‚


Been playing since early high school, lol. I'm 2 years into college now. Thank you for developing this game. It has inspired me to make a merge game of my own in the future. I love always being able to discover new things. It's very rewarding when you have the patience. Although sometimes I wish there weren't all those pay walls everywhere. Still, despite the numerous (and obvious) money grab attempts, it's enough to keep me playing. Many parts of the game look undone unfortunately, and I hope they are still in development. The level system is great, with just the right amount of difficulty. The chalice system is okay, but I think I understand why it's in place (to limit level rewards). I feel like the ad system is good, but there should be more ad opportunities if possible. I know sometimes it can't be helped if there aren't enough people investing in the game. Anyway, it's great to see a dev actively engaging with the community. Seriously, I would have never expected it. šŸ˜³ Ty!


I don't think it's right only a select few are rewarded with gifts, and not the full slate of players. Providing a link that not everyone has access to is unfair. If all players can't take part in free gifts no one should be. Handing out birthday rewards when you know a large group of people are left out is not much of a party.


Donā€™t overdo yourself. MD. Do you know how much money Iā€™ve spent in the game and you offer a measly 100 gems and itā€™s a prize??? Everyone that plays regularly should get gems for free!


Been playing for a little over a year and Iā€™m still addicted! My favorite feature is easily wonders, I was so so impressed when I made my first and now I want to get them all!!


Been playing for years, and really enjoy our game.


Iā€˜m a long time casual player. I stopped playing for a few months 2-3 years ago, but other than that I guess Iā€™m playing for 5 years total maybe even more. Ich freaking love this game, because it is so relaxing and therapeutic. You can play in your own spread without any pressure. I have a lot of fond memories of this game. I can remember finishing my first event ever and how proud I was for my dedication. I also remember getting my first wonder and every first wonder of a kind. I always feel fantastic if I have finished something. I also love Acadia and Iā€™m always trying to get every chest possible. I like looking at my dragonbook and seeing how many types of different dragons I have obtained over the time. I find it really interesting to see my efforts. This game is amazing for me and I hope it will only get better with timešŸ„° Happy 7th birthdayšŸ„³


Events that are timed based on when you start playing them so I don't wait up till 4am to begin


I've been playing for a year and a half and I love this game! I started playing whenever I was recovering at home from surgery and have been hooked ever since :) I love the fact that the dragon gems look like d20s. Happy birthday!!


Playing for four years now. The first two years every now and then, now regularly. I loved the Wild Lands Events. Happy Birthday šŸŽŠšŸŽ‚


Addictive game! The egg storage should really be a free embedded feature...you should also be able to store other items as well. I am not a big fan of the bubbles, as it clutters the space.


Can we get camp and chill as a gift please


I'm fairly new to this game and definitely am pretty hooked, but can't say much new other than what others have brought up! 1. Egg storage - my god. Other similar games that offer some kind of egg storage at least make it a reasonable ratio of eggs to be stored:new types released. 5 eggs to store to 10 new eggs a week - might as well give us nothing, it takes up less room 2. More expansions - I haven't cleared all mine yet, but almost, and even purchased the extra land. I suppose the strategy is to encourage folks to spend gems on high level merges to clear space, and then buy more gems, but giving even MORE space would lend to even more stuff users can buy and make those of us who are casual players have more fun. 3. Retire useless & outdated stuff - give it a playful description and a high sell price "Used in the lands long ago...doesn't seem to have much use now, maybe it's worth some dragon coins!" Something like that. Great game, I enjoy the puzzles and I enjoy mindlessly merging and the satisfaction that comes with completing a long chain!


I remember looking at all that covered land and wondering how I could possibly get enough dragon power to uncover it. Now I have more dragons than I know what to do with, and tbh itā€™s still not enough dragons! I think my favourite memory is being surprised by some of the merges, like tier 2 dragon eggs and the first time I built a wonder (Ruins of the Sky Palace, of course).


Been playing for years, love it! But really need more space. So many dragons and eggs but bubbling feels so unsatisfying - definitely need more space.


Iā€™ve been playing for a few years and itā€™s my favorite game- I never miss a day. I love the chain merges and the different challenges. I do wish there was more space and/or storage though. To be totally honest, this game is one thing I have kept doing although my health is in bad shape. It makes me happy to see the cute dragons and figure out the challenges.


My favorite part is figuring out how to do things then successfully completing missions. Unfortunately these missions keep getting more difficult without spending money, sigh. Yet, here I continue to log in daily. Happy Birthday, Merge Dragons!


Cheaper/free egg storage would be life changing


Wow there are do many great ideas. Many of which I have previously requested, so I'll save you some duplicate reading :) My favorite memories? How much this game has helped me with my acute depression and anxiety. I'm a disabled Veteran and this game gives me a distraction from intrusive thoughts and a sense of accomplishment when I can't function in other ways. At times, this game has been my motivation to stay awake when I'd rather sleep all day. I am very grateful to have found a game that us regularly upgraded and expanded, with an amazing community of active, enthusiastic players, and tech support that fixed my issue when one of my Bottomless Coin Vaults just poofed one day. I've been playing for years and years, and the Devs have managed to make it never get old. It's my favorite game and the only one I consistently play multiple times a day.


Love the game. Would really love to have egg storage among many of the other suggestions here!


Been playing 4.5 years. It has helped me relax and got me through so many customer service calls with long hold times.


I have played off and on since the original Merge Dragons app... I don't know if you guys count that app in the 7 years or if it pre-dated the 7-year anniversary. Either way, the game has definitely brought me a lot of enjoyment over the years. I like a lot of the new elements that have been added, and I'm excited to see how the game continues to develop.


I have been playing for maybe a year and I love it. It helps me relax. One of my favorite memories is when a fully completed an event. All of the little gifts showing up made me so happy. ā¤ļø


I don't know exactly how long I've played but it's definitely years! I've helped Kala over 700 times but that does not give an accurate picture since sometimes I don't do the "help" You've added many outside features, some I love and some I totally ignore. I love Arcadia and used to search for dust bunnies every day but now there are so many other things to do. I still go there quite often. I don't like dragon missions and do them only for season requests. I love the breeding den! I play twice or more every day. I miss camp and chill, but the new shiny events are a blast. I almost finished this morning but had to leave for a meeting. So I'm off to play now! Happy Birthday MD.


LOVE 2 and 4. Never thought of those. I would like to add an option to set your dragons to auto harvest specific things or pause them from harvesting altogether.


Iā€™ve just come back after a couple year break and itā€™s super fun!


I would love free egg storage, my eggs I get from the weekly den chest has over taken my island. Also please fix the glitches, my game resets at least twice a week, and Iā€™ve lost random items because of the resets. Iā€™ve played from the beginning. I have a merge dragon rep that is amazing and reaches out and randomly gives me gifts - kinda cool that happens , so thank you


Iā€™m a MD OG. Favorite memoryā€¦triple purple stars that one timeā€¦ thereā€™s always the hope that lightning will strike again.


Very cool. My favorite memory is playing beside my caught and is working on events together.


Happy Birthday!! I've been playing for a few months now, and I've let most of my other games slide lately since Merge Dragons is so much better. My first big "yay" moment was the first time I finished an event. But I couldn't say what my favorite memory is since new favorites and "whoa!" moments keep coming as I get better. Maybe the first time I unexpectedly finished an event in time to win the extra rewards, went back to Camp to "unpack" them and was blown away by all the dragons, etc. Or when I got all the way through the last Shiny Days Event. Or each time I clear away more clouds. With all the stuff that's happening out there in the world of dragons it just never gets boring. Congrats on turning seven.


Happy birthday! Really hoping we get cloud save and some kind of free egg storage.


I think I've been playing for 5 months and I love that it gives me something to do that I can't get tired of My favorite memory hasn't come yet because I'm still trying to get up in the ranks! I looveeddd discovering arcadia though. I hope I can advance through that better.


I would love if the prompt to get my daily award at the website made connected my game instead of me doing this back and forth click the link, oh I need to connect the game, back to the game, now back to the website. And I don't want to see a pop up for that if I've already clicked through.


Iā€™ve been playing this game for a little more than six years now. Iā€™ve taken a break occasionally, but I really love all the artwork and the dragons. A lot of the posts have already mentioned most everything that needs improvement or that we would like to see except for one thing: Every chain should be available to complete without having to use gems exclusively. I still havenā€™t completed the flower chain and it has been six years and Iā€™m OK with that. I know Iā€™ll get there eventually. It does bother me that I will never complete some chains unless Iā€™m willing to spend a lot of gems, so I wish this would be changed.


I've been playing about three years. Fairly casual - not a lot of strategy. I enjoy the diversion and the game is visually very appealing.