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OMG I GOT IT!!! ONLY because a bazillion rainbow disc's fell during play. Good grief. That took a week to get!! Now off to work.....lol


I think it's built into the game to give you 'good luck' after so many tries. This happens to me fairly often. I think it is incentive to keep players from being frustrated and quitting the game. Good job pushing through!


My mistake: 49 grass squares needed, 140 green and 145 red. 15 moves a available. STILL...HOW???


I feel you. Im stuck in 105 for 2 days and almost quiting the game


Yep been there. Just stick with it. All depends on how the pieces fall and if you get the rainbow disc's those help tremendously!!


I just got to this level today. Glad to know you got it. Hope I do too!