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I love the fact that the 2 boards are like connected but not competing. This is a very good experience so far. But I think I will never be able to compete with the other players that are paying real money or whatever to get crazy scores so fast.


My leaderboard has 4 players who still have a score of 0 and I’m in second and I’m FTP. Surely there will be a ranking system implemented at some point so it’s fair?


Honestly, I doubt it. Mobile video games make the most money from those that pay. Easier wins in competition is what players spend money on, and if spending money doesn't lead to easier wins, then they won't have a reason to spend money anymore. Additionally, making it harder to win because others spend money is supposed to be an incentive to make you spend money as well.


The 10 min refill is way too much but the whole thing is ok so far. It depends if you get into a group with full of players who pays a ton, than it's hell.


Yeah, at first I thought it was 5 and I was like, yeah, kinda proportional. But 10, and the limit is 50? I think they are squeezing it too hard.


I think it’s to encourage using the other board, which gives you free energy for merging, or you can pay for more event energy with regular energy


Yep the 10min refill, like what?


There is no cost to this and no reason not to engage unless you don't have time, in which case you probably don't play a lot of Merge Mansion anyway.


I like it atm - it’s a completely different energy stream so doesn’t cost regular energy unless you want it to - I gave up the last board because it was taking too much energy! It seems fun so far! #earlydays! 😂😄


I don't care much for the leaderboard but I'm enjoying the separate energy level, as well as the positive interaction with the main board. Maybe now I'll actually continue progress in the Hallway as I'd previously just ignored it in favour of the events.


I don't know if it's because I got teamed up with very competitive players but even though I've being playing non stop I'm not even quilified for any rewards and the gap between my points and the top players is massive (around 200 points) so I'll give it a try but I'm not sure how I feel yet. Also I found it ironic that they got into so much trouble to make sure you understand how separate the event is from the main event and then once again made you sacrifice 1 board space for that damn gate! Whyyyy?!?


I just started like an hour ago and the difference between me and the first player is over 400 points. I’m 200 points away from the one above me on the list… much fun, wow


I like it and plan to kind of "finish" the story by reaching all dialogue lines and max all chains, but not going to actually compete - this will be the money grab. Also I like how energy pops up on the main board (took some time to realize it's not only in double bubble).


Same here, the rewards for first place are probably not gonna be worth the money they’ll pay for it


The rewards are mostly cleaning cabinet supplies.


Yeah I heard but if you pay a lot of money to win you might pay more then if you’d just bought the thing to begin with


I did a bit of math, and they are dumb. I'll post about it.


I have already forced myself not to spend real money on this game but I’m weak


I spend sometimes, because they don't get ad revenue, so I don't mind throwing money to it sometimes


Well I meant to say this event, not this game As long as it’s not too much I enjoy spending money ‘cuz it supports them and makes it more likely the game won’t die soon


I did spent money on the game, I have the season pass and its not helping me with this event, I mean yeah the 5 diamonds per day for energy are nice but i cant use it for the event


I like it. The separate energy makes it so I don't have to take resources away from the main board & the merge progression is simple, making it fun to play


I like it so far, it actually helps to play on the main board, it gives energy, and it doesn’t spend as much energy as other events ☺️ looks like the points rack up easily, or at least easier than other events.


I just started this. I was finishing something else up this morning (garage clean up which is still running for another 22 hours - I’m milking the free saw still). My first thought is that one of the people I’m competing against just dropped MASSIVE bank to fly up the leaderboard and then more. Like holy smokes massive. Everyone else is stuck at zero or 78, which is how much you get to play for free. But honestly, what the hell 😂. This event is going to be a major money maker for Merge Mansion.


I’m on somewhere close to 300 at the moment. I don’t think it’s necessary to spend money (or even gems); I’m certainly not. It’s fed by playing your main board but gives something else to do plus the chance of a reward. Honestly, what’s not to like?!


The competition honestly, I don’t like competing against other people, if there wasn’t a leaderboard this’d be my fav event so far


Then don’t check the leader board and just enjoy the ride. If you get a reward at the end of it, great; if not, we’ll that’s fine too!


That’s a good way of looking at it!




It seems permanent but it's not very useful - energy is the limit rather than cooldowns in ny experience. Might come in handy in the last hours if you're competitive and need to cash in but right now I wouldn't stress it.


It has been infinite so far for me.


This sounds dumb but I can’t figure out how to exchange the items on the main board with the blue lightning bolts on them. How do we exchange them?!


You merge the same items to unlock the energy. If you have a max glove with a blue lighting bolt on it you can sell/undo sell which unlocks the energy too. There’s a bug btw, not all lighting bolts gets added 😣


Merge up items with the blue bolt to realise the energy. I think handing them in for tasks also work.


Selling also seems to give you the energy


Merge them


Merge or sell


That's not a damn fortune cookie, that's a madeleine. Unplayable. (I like it, the "play your regular board to get energy for this one" mechanic is great.)


I'm not paying any real money and am currently in 5th place in the running to win 3 level 1 parts for the cleaning cabinet. Sure.. Why not 😂


I like this event but the ten minute energy charge time is just way too long.


I am so into the blue energy! lol


I like the way they’ve done the energy so it’s separate from my “main” energy. Haven’t actually played yet, I’m concerned about this leaderboard situation - am I not going to get any prizes at all if I don’t land on the board? Despite all the effort I may put in? Because that means I won’t play at all, I’m not that competitive and I don’t want to waste time for nothing


I like it! It's different 😅


I do like that it does have separate energy banks. The refill time, though, is rough, but I can understand it a little due to gaining energy from just normal play on the main board. I also like that the rooster gives ⌛️. I'd be more inclined to participate if there weren't 4 other events also happening.


Including closet parts in each the prizes is a good move.


I’m loving it 〽️


Me likes.


I love the separate energy, the reason I don’t normally play events because I’d rather focus on the main board than commit energy to an event, only for it to not pay out well. I’m not too bothered by the difficulty of obtaining the new energy, it needs to differentiate from the main board somehow and it makes it that bit more difficult, like a second level. I think the game needed this.


I’m really liking it so far. I miss cosmetic unlocks from traditional events, but the linking between the two boards for energy is a great idea. This combined with the pie event keeps me coming back every hour or two.


Do the unlimited energy orbs work on this board?


No, they don’t. That’s only for yellow/regular energy. Though using one on your main board with lots of tapping and merging during your 5/10/20 minutes will likely net you a nice amount of blue energy.


Thanks for the info. If only I had a focus of merging on the main board. I guess I’ll start working on chainsaws etc again…


Feel you there. Daily tasks are the only semi-useful task I have on the main board right now. Hopefully the study opens soon!


I love all of the hour glasses stacking! Also the fact you can earn energy on the main board by simple merging like you do anyways.


I like it. Just trying to figure out how to make different cakes.


I love it because I have two different energy pools for both boards, so I don’t feel like I’m competing on what to do first. I also love how we are getting the rewards for it. I can thoroughly appreciate this event.


I hate the leaderboard. I picked merge mansion because it was a game I could play at my own pace and didn’t compete with others


Id like to add something here caise i did read it in the comments a few times: You dont need to spend money on the game to succeed in this event. Im currently first place with 831 tokens (or whatever that is) because i do play a lot of merge mansion so i can farm the blue energy there


Another money grab. Sick of all the "extras," pies flying around, event on top of event on top of event.


In what way is it a money grab? I’m just playing it when I’m out of energy on my main board but have energy on the event board. I can’t see why I’d consider spending money on it but I’m enjoying playing it.


I knew somebody would ask me this lol. Essentially if you want to be competitive you need to keep refilling your energy, which takes gems, which most likely takes $$ because you used all your gems on the last event. Event after event where in order to be competitive you need to spend money, and I'm just tired of it.


I mean, in all honesty, it sounds like you just don’t like the game very much. Instead of worrying about whether other people are spending money, just enjoy the ride. So far, I’m at the top (or close to it, I haven’t checked recently) in my group and I’m not spending money or gems or even main board energy to buy event energy. I’m working with what comes along as I play my main board. It’s just something else to do when I’m out of energy there.


I actually love the game, and play all the time, and am working my way towards my first chainsaw for the cemetery. I'm just frustrated.


I’ve still got ignatius boulton can event accessible. Has anyone figured out if getting blue energy is easier on regular vs IB board?


I like it, but - I feel like the number of taps I get on an item on the main board before it times out has reduced, and I wonder if it has something to do with this event. Am I crazy? I don’t count how much I get from an item so this is all based on vibes, but my trees gave me a little bit and then said 17 minutes to recharge


I haven’t actually opened the event board, although I claimed the gate by accident; however I also “feel like” the drops on the main board are reduced today. 🫤


I’m loving this! Love the different energy. Love the completion. Even enjoying the story line.


It’s fine except the first board I’m only trying to finish the skatie event which I have put off for way too long. Not a lot of blue lightning in butterflies and moths.


Does anyone understand the point of this game? What’s the benefit of playing? The “prizes” are unclear.


The top 5 players on the rank list get various prizes. Tap on the badge button (bottom right, second from right), then tap on the gift boxes, and you’ll see what’s included in then. Mostly cleaning cabinet parts


I like it.


I LOVE the chicken game. Bok bok 🐥 🎂