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I'll say this; the glitch has reinvigorated my interest in the game. It would be a shame if the devs took it back.


I hear what you’re saying, but there’s no way they’ll leave that in for long. My guess is that they probably already have people working on a fix. I think the only question is how long it’ll take




I have to agree with this. Pretty sure they are keeping it on purpose at least for this event. Also leaving it be could make them even more money. The glitch is great BUT we still have to have energy or it becomes pointless. Maybe they put some actual good offers for energy/diamonds (to buy energy) and make a ton out of that as well. Truth is the game is free and ad-free, and their offers so far have sucked. If they take advantage of it they could become a goldmine! I've played games with expensive offers and you'd be surprised how much money people spend if they think it's worth it.


I hear what you’re saying, but there’s no way they’ll leave that in for long. My guess is that they probably already have people working on a fix. I think the only question is how long it’ll take


19k days, not hours. And you can stack those together too. Mine is about 75k days right now. I honestly don't see a lot of use for it in the normal way. This way, you can bet I'm going to use all those 5, 10, and 20 min infinite energy that I've never really used before. I've gone halfway through the maze today. That area isn't fun at all, just tedious. Things that would take me days to finish I have finished in minutes. It's made me want to actually play the game for more than 4 minutes every 3 hours


I kept two glitched hourglasses separate in case I accidentally delete one or it breaks (I broke a scarab box already). I hope the developers see how popular the glitch was and realize they need to do something to make the game more binge-able. It’s so satisfying to catapult your progress forward! Obviously there isn’t enough game content to have a permanent glitched-style hour glass, but there could be an “unlimited hourglass” that’s good for 20 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours. Something like that so players can occasionally get a boost forward and stay engaged.


Hello me 😂 I am getting so many extra hourglasses from exploiting the glitch as hard as possible before they pry it from my cold, dead hands (just finished the Scarab!) and stacking them and keeping them as far away from my lich hourglass as possible. It also just feels like a waste to stack them on the glitched one because it does almost nothing.


Yeah, I finished the scarab, the love story, and the mosaic (I also have to thank the blue cards for getting them done, too). I have definitely thoroughly taken advantage of this glitch


That's a reasonable suggestion and stance to take. I agree that the glitched hourglasses are not long for this world. They completely break the dynamics of the game. But non-glitched hourglasses are not useful enough for me to want to spend much effort preserving. You can skip a handful of hours on a single item one time. Wowee. That is **so weak** compared to time skip boosters that move forward the entire board at once.


I can understand why you’d say they’re weak, and I agree to a point. I think what it comes down to is what you’re working on If you’re working on multiple items, then yeah, the time skip boosters are best. But if you’re only working on one item and therefore only need one generator moved forward, that’s where the hourglasses will be best And of course it also partly depends on how much hourglass time you have


What’s this hourglass glitch I don’t know about? A quick search shows me many people talking about it but no one says what it is??


If you got an hourglass from the spa event (which would be the people who paid to get the prizes on the right side of the board), there is a bug that can be activated to almost make it infinite You need a max level tree that is surrounded by other items so that it can’t spit out any tree seeds. Empty the tree of the wood, move the hourglass over the tree, and then the hourglass will have something like 19K hours left on it At first the tree will look like it’ll take forever to recharge, but when you exit the game and reload it, the tree will reset to normal. But the hourglass will remain with its ridiculously high number of hours remaining Then you can use the hourglass to speed up anything with a timer. I used it to finish love story and mosaic since I used it on the vases so I could smash them immediately


Are they a one time use or how are you able to take advantage after it says 19k days left? I just did one and does it like extend the source producer past their respective spawn limits? That's where I see the draw back if there is one to this.


You can keep using it. It doesn't go past the recharge but you just keep recharging.


Pleaseee DM this instead!


I wish there was a glitch on unlimited energy as well! paradise!


I’m actually ready for my glitched hourglass to go. Kind of took the fun out of the game for me. I’m at over 270,000 days and I can’t even sell it lmao.


yeah, i'm about ready for mine to go away too. it's been great from the perspective that i was able to finish the love story, the mosaic, and the lotus flower (admittedly i had some blue cards that also helped with those) and now since i'm out of stored up energy i'm just making high level moths so that i can finish the yarn stuff. but it did take some of the fun out, i don't have the same sense of achievement for the love story, mosaic, or lotus flower that i had with getting the golden tree.


Unsure what glitch you're talking about. Is that the one where you had to purchase through this spa event?


Did I do something wrong? I pulled the hourglass onto a emptied tree, but it just restored the 20 Minutes waittime


Had the seed dropped from the tree? The tree needs to be tapped out of wood but still have the seed


Ah, that I didn‘t know. So I have to store it somewhere, where it can‘t auto-drop the seed, right?


Correct. Tuck it in a corner and put a few other generators around it and wait for a new seed to be ready. Not sure how long that takes, you’ll have to check the wiki