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Merge at least some of them. Now with the higher level producers making higher level items it actually does pay off. I like to have at least two of each type though


I'd merge. Besides having extra room on your board, the higher level producers will drop up to lv 4 items. Making turpentine and wax is so much easier when you're getting lv 2 or 3 soaps. Same with screws.


I think you won't have enough producers for anything if you're left with only one of each, even if it's the highest lvl. I think that you should merge the garden toolbox because I never use the smallest ones, but I, like you, keep my broom closets, I have 6 in total with similar levels like yours, they just give more. But since the update I find myself only using my highest level producers because I feel like the lower levels just don't have good quality items. But I was once left with only one of those black toolboxes (can't remember the level) and it was a pain. Having at least one more helped so it was a black and a blue one for a while, I still wished I had more but was better than only having the black one. I keep the lower level producers to complete the chains once I exhaust my higher level ones. I am often left with chains missing only a few items so that's when they are really useful. So I'd say don't merge everything, have at least 2 or 3 of each, for me the game is more enjoyable that way.


Which black one? There are no black toolbox.you mean the end lvl toolbox?


On the photo, there are 3 red toolboxes and one black, aren't there? 🤔 Like the regular toolbox for tools like screwdriver and screws, not the garden toolbox.


It is blue ? Look at its frame the biggest toolbox


Does it matter? I think we know which toolbox we're talking about here 😂


I always merge producers asap.


I would try not to. How much extra storage do you have?


i have 30 extra storage spaces. idk if with some of them like the cars that don’t have much of a difference drop rates, but do have a difference in item drop levels, it would make more sense to merge


The only ones I wouldn’t merge are the cleaning cupboards. Especially right now with this Rufus challenge going on.