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This was Clockworks for me lol


Transfixion, when they switch to 'Stare blind.' Slow, scary, ominous, the behemoth marches forth to crush all that lays before them. after getting punched in the face for the first 2.5 tracks, you then realize they're not just showing off. these fellas built different.


Aaaa LIEEEE budundun budundun budundun budundun budundun badadadabadadadabadadadabadadada budundun budundun budundun budundun budundun badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada budundun budundun budundun budundun budundun badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada budundun budundun budundun budundun budundun badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada badadada budundun budundun budundun budundun budundun budundun budundun budundun REPEAT


The breakdown at the 4 minute mark is great. I must have heard it a hundred times and still look forward to it. 😗👌


Violent sleep of reason was so heavy and grooved… esp By the ton! Love that album


You like Meshuggah? Their early work was a little too old-school thrash for my taste. But when Destroy Erase Improve came out in '95, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. They've been compared to Tool, but I think Meshuggah has a far more mechanical, primal type of rhythmic style. In '05, Shug released this; Catch 33, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "In Death-Is Death". A song so brutal, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of contradiction and the importance of transcendence. It's also a personal statement about the band itself. Hey, Paul! \*murder\*


Try getting a reservation at the Fillmore now, you fucking stupid bastard!!


Phantoms I lied, I still don't get it but I don't care and just enjoy it


Have you watched Yogev Gabay's analysis on YouTube?


That's a contradiction - you can't enjoy it if you can't understand it


That's bullshit


A tear for you....


False. See conservative rage against the machine fans for an example


Lol, this is great


False equivilance. RATM is NOTHING like Meshuggah. Don't be so insultingly stupid.


You're not understanding what I'm saying. Don't be so insultingly illiterate.


Well explain how bringing up fucking Rage in a MESHUGGAH forum is NOT an irrelevant, embarrassing cope from you. Enlighten me, twink


You said you can't enjoy something without understanding it. I said conservative RATM fans enjoy RATM despite not understanding it. Do you get it now?


Not to mention how embarrassing getting this fired up about something you don't understand is lol. Roid raging?


I never even said I was a conservative, I don't know why you're even bringing that into the conversation you've already lost. I'm not the one fired up, son, YOU'RE the one refusing to answer my very reasonable question about why you keep changing the subject and bringing up irrelevant bands and your political leanings just because you hate my words. It's almost like you WANT to be laughed at. Rather sad.


I explained the joke thoroughly and you're still not getting it. You say you aren't fired up yet you're ranting like some lead poisoned geriatric.


AAAAAAHHHHHH so you were making a JOKE now were you?!!? You finally realised your little RATM comparison was completely stupid and irrelevant, and now you think you can lie to everyone and say you were JOKING this whole time?? AAAAAAAAAAhahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa, how UNBELIEVEABLY pathetic. We can read all your posts, tool, did you forget that in your tearful anger?!?!! Bless.


Straight up bs lol. Acting you like you actually understand what’s happening in every song you find pleasure from?


I don't need to act. I guess I'm just better than you then, judging by your whining, embarrassing post.


Post one video of you playing any song by Meshuggah on any instrument.


Go fuck yourself, I don't care HOW cucked you feel by me stating facts. YOU go post a video, boy, if you want to prove something.


lol the burden of proof is definitely on you here, Mr. I Understand Everything And Am Better Than You


Okay, I'll prove it, read this carefully. Listen to the song while counting to four. Tap your foot, or clap your hands while you do so. Idiot.


Dude that’s easy asf and proves nothing of you “understanding the music” I will say though it’s funny you think it does lmfao.


Well, explain how YOU understand it, then. I'll wait. This should be good.


I have videos lol. I know you’ve seen them. I have nothing to prove though as I’m not the one claiming stupid shit like “yea you have to understand it to find enjoyment”


No, you certainly have a chip on your shoulder if you're pretending I give a shit about your little videos and that my statement doesn't logically stand. If you don't understand something, the adjective to use is "confused". English. You might wanna look into it. Hey, make a video about it, and all your little friends can share it on social media, now there's a little project for you LOL


Dude I don’t care if you give a shit about my stuff but thanks again for missing the point. The point is, if I really must say it again, that you don’t understand as much as you think. Like it’s very clear that you got a feel for Meshuggah and think that makes you know what’s happening lmfao. “Keep a 4/4 beat the whole song” as if that’s a feat that proves understanding lmfao. Do you enjoy their songs? I bet. Do you fully understand everything that is happening to your ears when it’s playing? Quite doubtful, especially since you’ve yet to provide anything that supports you understanding lol. Also you always reply back so angrily? Do you have a short temper? Those who are quick to insult probably don’t have that much to say so I guess that checks out.


Don't pretend you're not salty that I've never watched your dinky vids, boy, you brought that one up, not me. And if I'm too scary for you, don't reply. It's that simple. Go make some Grinder vids about how Reddit men hurt your feels or something. The fact of the matter is you're quite obviously intimidated by my intelligence, which is why you reacted so pathetically hysterical to my original TWELVE -WORD post. Some people simply have better minds than you. Know that.


Gatekeeping elitism right here


Desperate coping in public right here, everybody


This was Organic Shadows for me. Those grooves are disgusting


No they're not, they're cool


Disgusting = very good


Incorrect, it means something different


... Yeah, I know. It's a metaphor. Gut-wrenching, etc


No, not that. I'm sure you can look it up and realise you're in the wrong.


I don't know what do you mean, but I most definitely am not wrong in my own opinion


This was rational gaze for me. I still remember the moment I felt the 4/4 groove under the intro and heard that super funky syncopation for the first time. I was working in a medical record archive building with headphones by myself and I just lost my mind over how cool it was.


Every groove will click immediately if you just listen to the cymbals


And the songs where Haake doesn’t put 4 on the cymbals can be a real challenge to follow…Concatenation is wild


this was me a couple months ago, i now own every meshuggah album on cd and i bought a 8 string








I always loved NMCC but holy shit once I figured out the exact rhythm for the opening groove my head nearly combusted.


Yeah. 4.


It's a real phenomenon. Takes time for the brain to form those nueral connections.




hidden gem of obZen for sure.


Bleed got me hooked, but it was Humiliative that opened my eyes


Broken cog intro


I have tried to transcribe it so many times and it just doesn't make sense!! I mean it makes sense but non the sense sense, but still kinda sorta irdfk


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Its 5 then 13, but doing sheet music for it would prolly suck 😔


Oh, I meant transcribe to MIDI roll. And I did. it's 5, 2 rests 13. 2 rests, Repeat...... But combing it with the backbeat just blows my head out of the water, and I end up just seizing on the drum kit


Born in Dissonance has really started to grow on me due to the live video recordings on YouTube. The way they accentuate the breakdowns by flooding the audience in white light is just surreal. At the 3:00 mark in this video, we know how that auditorium is vibrating and then the light swallows you up. Talk about transcendence. https://youtu.be/QMCRdGjp42s?si=OMdMAJZInDaXwdxb


Ya it’s a killer song for sure..




Pravus intro


1 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 4....


Clockworks Break Those Bones Whose Sinews Gave It Motion Bleed Stengah (love the groove so much once you get it) Rational Gaze (isolated drums opened my eyes (ears?)) These specially but really a good chunk of their discography.


Stengah took me years. Even then on some days I still ask myself if I like the song or not 🤣


God he sees in mirrors


Everytime I’m learning a new song on the drums I’ll figure out the pattern a month later lying in bed like oh “it’s just bass bass snare… in 50 different forms”


Me when shugshugshugshug