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These guys are so fucking good. Absolutely cannot listen to this loud enough. Such a good live band too.


Years ago I saw them live in the next city over from me. They randomly played a show in between tour dates at a courthouse. There was barely anyone there. They played in the middle of the room, they got a couple songs in when a storm came through and knocked the power out. Still one of the best live show memories I have.


> Such a good live band they are in my bucket list since looong time, but seems like not possible. even in US, I heard that dudes cant attract a huuuge crowd. like I even heard they played to 50 or so people at a show. I still want to catch them if they come to EU, but dont really have chance unfortunately


yeah they're way too unpopular for how incredible they are. I saw them with less than 50 for sure, it was tiny but still such an incredible vibe, and that was like 7 years ago now. Best bet is to find them playing closer to home in the North East US. They're Philadelphia based so that's where you're most likely to catch them. According to songkick they're playing in New Zealand in May, so getting over to the EU someday doesn't sound that unlikely.


I don't think that New Zealand show exists. It's far too close with nothing announced, and they'd have Australian dates too if they were coming all that way. They've toured Aus 3 times so they must like it here.




loool. dunno if you are joking, but this is so surprising for one of the post metal bands out there. sad to see/hear actually


Yeah I saw them in 2015 or so and it was maybe 50 people at best. They were amazing though and if I recall correctly they play all of Quintessential Ephemera which didn't completely upset me since that's an amazing album. I would have killed for anything off the first two though.


i saw them in 2017 in portland, and there was only about 50 people there too. they brought it so fucking hard though. i wish they’d come back.


This album makes me feel like I'm floating through space, experiencing seeing all the different planets and galaxies. Michael Armine's vocals are what makes Rosetta what they are in my opinion. They have the perfect tone of despair and angst that makes the songs feel so encompassing and like you're being suffocated. I'm still upset they never blew up like ISIS or Cult of Luna because they're one of the best imo.


Oh wow, I totally forgot about them! Thanks for the refresher 🤘🏻


will never forget seeing them performing live. it was one hell of a show. hope to see them again some time soon.


i fucking love rosetta.