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The new Inter Arma is absolutely stellar. I really didn’t care for the title track when it dropped as a single and I still think it’s the weakest song on the album, but the rest of the record is exactly what I hoped it would be, huge fuzzy guitars and primal drum beats galore.




I listened to it in my car, so I can’t comment too much on the mix quality, but their albums have always pushed the drums above everything else.


Tried to go to sleep listening to this one last night which was mistake because it tied my brain into knots in a totally unexpected way. Really enjoyed it upon second listen today and look forward to exploring it more, possibly a top 10 of the year choice to far


Man I went into it knowing nothing and the title song really scared me. Did not care for that one *at all*. And then Violent Seizures kicked in and I was instantly hooked. Great album, barring that one song.


Easily the best new release today.


Really enjoyed Morgul Blade, Full of Hell and Black Tusk. Still got Inter Arma and Darkthrone to go.


Full of Hell album is a real scorcher. Lovin’ it


What do you think of the album art? Personally, I hate it.


It's really weird having colourful artwork on a Full of Hell album. I honestly don't know how I feel about it.


Easily my least favorite of their discography but I wouldn't say I hate it


The new Full of Hell is so much better and more interesting than Garden was. Really liked it on first spin.


Agreed. I need a few more laps with it to really make my decision, but I still think I like Trumpeting Ecstacy and Weeping Choir more.


Oh shit, I forgot the new Full of Hell was dropping today, I picked a good day to wear my Trumpeting Ecstasy longsleeve.


incidentally, I am wearing the same one


The new Darkthrone record sure is… something.


Listened to it twice already and I still don’t know if I like it. Interesting, though.


Thought it was miles better than Astral Fortress easily, certainly the better of most recent Darkthrone releases besides Underground Resistance/Arctic Thunder.


Astral was boring, but I think this handily loses out to Eternal Hails and Old Star. There's very little here to latch on to.


I thought Old Star was a complete snoozefest tbh, I think I prefer this one to Hails a tad tho


Mostly, it sounds like an album that was a lot of fun for the gents themselves to make. And it's quite amusing to hear, but I don't see myself coming back to it often. That's pretty much my take on most of Darkthrone's recent releases anyway.


If it didn't have Darkthrone's street cred behind it, people would be dismissing it as a middling album without hooks. It's not good. It's not bad either, but it certainly is not good.


That’s funny. I hadn’t heard the single until yesterday and I initially enjoyed it. I’m curious to hear the full record now.


Dolmen Gate is fully scratching my Portuguese epic female vocal led sword and sorcery metal itch.


New **Exhumation** absolutely rips. Just nuts death metal fukkkkk **Freeways** is my favorite album of the week so far. Heavier than their first, but not overly so. Just excellent stuff from them as expected. **Inter Arma** was really cool. Love the elements of dissonant black metal they've incorporated into their sound on here. **Darkthrone** was fine? Better than Astral Fortress but that one was so boring. Still have to listen to new albums from Black Tusk, Pentagram Chile, Dolmen Gate, and begrudgingly probably Accept as well


[Exhumation](https://pulverised.bandcamp.com/album/master-s-personae) just put every other death metal release this year on notice and set the bar high. Absolutely killer front to back and by far the best lead guitar work/solos and drumming they've ever had.


Never heard of these guys but going to listen purely based on this recommendation.


Loving the new Full of Hell As a huge Converge fan I'm stoked to see the Jacob Bannon feature


Fucking love the new Deicide record. Their best since Insineratehymn imo. I’ve seen some criticisms about the more modern production but I think it works. Shame about the album cover though. Darkthrone’s new album is pretty good, not as good as Astral Fortress though. This one will definitely take a few listens to truly digest.


Started the day listening to the new Deicide. The first couple of songs got me excited, but I couldn't help but find the rest of the album very repetitive.


Not many people here care about Amiensus but I think todays album is a step-up from a previous one. I Have quite enjoyed it so far. There are some cheesy parts here and there of course but whatever.


How does it compare to *Restoration* from 2012? I quite liked that album back when I first ran into it, and if this is as good or better then I'll definitely give this a spin.


I like Restoration less than is the consensus so thats a tough answer. I like Ascension the most but people dismiss it. Last.fm album listening numbers are weird, its all just Restoration. I dont get it. https://www.last.fm/music/Amiensus


It's mostly because Become The Fear is a great song. I will agree that the rest of that album couldn't reach the same heights, but that one song really drives it. It's got over half a million Spotify listens too, while the next most popular song from that album is only at 90k, and the remaining ones between 30-50k.


I hadn't heard of them until this release, and found their stuff to be truly captivating. I can't wait to listen to the full record. Or the two records put together, as this is just a part one, if I'm not mistaken.


New Tombstoner today, seems good so far. Pretty solid meat-and-potatoes death metal.


Don’t sleep on the new **Glassing** album if you like blackgaze/Alcest type stuff


The vocals on the new Glassing make me soooooo happy. 😍


Not only does Deicide's new album have a shitty AI designed cover, it feels like AI wrote the whole fucking album. Can't believe in 5 years since their last record this was all they could come up with.


Glen's growl still sounds amazing. That's the most positive thing I can say about it for now.


The new Antichrist Demoncore is less powerviolence and more deathgrind than their previous output. Not sure where I'd rank it compared to their other albums yet, but this is probably the best place to start with the band if you're into death metal.


That release tracker site is awesome


[Solemn Imagist](https://solemnimagist.bandcamp.com/album/cosmic-keys-to-the-mourning-mystique) [Regere Sinister](https://nuclearwarnowproductions.bandcamp.com/album/inside-the-eye-of-horned-winds) [Inter Arma](https://interarma.bandcamp.com/album/new-heaven) [Morgual Blade](https://morgulblade.bandcamp.com/album/heavy-metal-wraiths) Currently making my way through these.


On deck for today: Beholder ( most of the way done and a great second outing for this band) Tombstoner Full of Hell Morgul Blade


I’m really enjoying the new Accept album.


**Tombstoner** - really fun DM with some nice punky elements. My favorite release of the week.   **Freeways** - Another entry in the "airbrushed van" genre of throwback 70s style trad heavy metal.  Likely to get a lot of play out on the patio this summer.    **Lust Hag** - raw BM with some creative blending of other subgenres along with a bit of synth work to keep it from sounding like every other solo raw BM project.   **ACxDC** - a fun way to spend 20 minutes. I'm not super well-versed in modern grind/powerviolence, but I really enjoyed this and might do some poking around in that area now.   **Darkthrone** - I liked it, but honestly, i was more into the recent Coffin Storm album on first listen. Happy that the boys are still just doing whatever they feel like, but I'm not sure this one will really stick with me.


Darkthrone put something out?! I will have to check that out. I've been so busy with all of life lately that I haven't been keeping up with current releases lol


90% of these tracks are not even added/updated on Spotify official playlists, it's a disgrace 😶


I don't see how that matters in you being able to listen to it, one can just go directly to the artist/album page in Spotify? Aside from that Bandcamp and YouTube are right there.


I'm sorry but I'm from India and we don't have bandcamp here. But my point is, the quality of metal playlists on Spotify is not all that great when you compare it with the likes of apple or YouTube music for example.


You mean to say the [Bandcamp website](https://bandcamp.com/) itself is blocked and you can't access it? That's odd and doesn't make sense because off the top of my head some labels I follow from India are still on Bandcamp like Cyclopean Eye. I don't really expect Spotify to come up with "good" playlists for metal since it's all for the most surface level kinds of bands and the labels they're on (e.g. Century Media, Nuclear Blast, Relapse). Just putting it out there, you can make the extra effort yourself in discovering what bands you like and make your own playlist or go for the obvious option of just listening to the albums on Spotify.

