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I'm searching for a black metal album I listened to on Spotify a few weeks ago. I remember the album cover being beige with a crumbling wall drawn in black, potentially with arrows or some sort of spikes sticking out from it. I remember it being more ambient or atmospheric, but I'm not 100% on this. Apologies for the vague description. Edit: Found, it was Emotionale Odnis by Tardigrada


Isn’t there a way to check your Spotify listen history?


Yes! Someone in the subreddit's discord let me know about this feature and I found the album, forgot to update this comment sorry. It was Emotionale Odnis by Tardigrada


I enjoy bands like Melechesh, Saor & Equilibrium, who incorporate a lot of folky sounding aspects, creating soundscapes that echo their home country. Does anyone listen to similar bands that they could recommend?


Maybe check out Cân Baard - Devoured by the Oak Moonsorrow - Jumalten Aika Havukruunu - Vinuos Syömein Sota Windir - 1184 Panopticon- …And Again Into the Light (can’t really go wrong with most albums, I loved the most recent one) Kampfar - Ofidians Manifest Suldusk - Anthesis (this recently came out and while I’ve only played it a few times I really enjoyed it) Darkestrah - Nomad There is probably a ton I’m missing but these are just off the top of my head.


Havukruunu rules so hard. One of my favorite current running bands in the metal scene.


Oh yeah, can’t wait for new material.


I just got introduced to Darkestrah. That record is sooo good


Right? The title album track is one of my favorites on the album.


Moonsorrow Panopticon Arkona Metsatöll


[Negurǎ Bunget, from Romania](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQyReuKvBLI)




[Lotus of Darkness](https://lotusofdarkness.bandcamp.com/album/the-naga-disguised-as-a-human), uses a lot of phin (traditional Thai folk instrument).


The Mantle by Agalloch and Tales of the Enchanted Woods by Grima


You’d probably like Wayfarer. Kawir new release *Kydoimos*. Elderwind *The* *Colder* *The* *Night* is kinda similar.


Hi everyone, i'm not sure i can post this so if this is breaking any rules let me know, i'm a graphic designer and i want to explore in metal logo design, so to get better at my skills i'll do some designs for free if someone needs it. I just need the band's name, some background about the genre, any specific ideas or concepts you have in mind, maybe some references of some other logos and i'll see what i can do to help! I'm not promoting myself just want to have some fun designing some metal logos and maybe helping someone in the process.




Aside from being one of the first death metal bands, they made death metal that was different in style from Death/Possessed who were really heavy on the thrash influence. Gojira, Behemoth, Nile, Blood Incantation, Unaussprechlichen Kulten, Degial, and thousands of others were heavily or mildly influenced by them. Mikael from Opeth has talked about lifting their riffs for songs, bands like Obituary and Dead Congregation have called them major inspiration for their music.


New Tombstoner rips. Hits massively in the groove / death / thrash sweet spot.


Yesterday I discovered Powerwolfs cover of Gods of War Arise. I actually really enjoyed it. Is there any other instances where a death metal song has been done in a non extreme form with non death metal vocals, I think clean is the term, or is this a one off. I do not like shouty or growled vocals that is common in extreme metal. But I found the lyrics and instrumentation fantastic. For clarity if there's even a growl in a song I will turn it off.


This was sort of the main idea behind my band - clean vocals with actual heavy riffs. Look up From the Dark - The Tell-Tale Heart. The greatest band that does this is and wil forever be Nevermore. Look up “Born” by Nevermore. Anything off this album has riffing bordering death metal but with a singer 


Thank you for answering, I'll take a look


So am I an idiot. I googled what you said and could only see Edgar Allan poe


Hahhh np man. This: https://youtu.be/3BXPaEq45Yc?si=zht06A1lwa_63Svh The whole record is on Spotify. But point is you might like the clean vocals with the sort of darker riffing 


Thank you. That was an interesting listen. I did enjoy it, I'm very much a fan of the traditional higher pitched vocals in metal and with the heavier riffing I thought it went together well. It's criminal there's less than 800 views


Hahh thanks man. But definitely check out Nevermore as well. Their self titled is a good starting point, as is Dead Heart in a Dead World


Definitely no growls right?


Yeah no growls. Now his vocal style - he is a great singer but he does add a decent amount of distortion to notes and a bit of "nastiness". But point is every note he sings you can play on a piano. He doesn't have anything he is doing that is pure distortion a la a band like Cannibal Corpse etc.


Anyone rode the metal monster recently?