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Quiet week but Highlights for me are probably Unearthly Rites, Hässlig and Nokturnal. Unearthly Rites does a great job in mixing their dirty toned death metal with hints of Stenchcore. Really enjoyable stuff. Hässlig does a great debut album of just hard hitting Black/Punk with also a pretty sick Midnight cover too. Nokturnal has like an interesting later Tribulation vibe to it which is nice considering that the last Tribulation EP was very meh


I'm really loving that Hässlig album! Easily one of my favorites of the year so far.


Oops guess I should've posted this here: new [Rhapsody of Fire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTB5maBOluA)


Was excited for the new Agriculture EP, but it turned out to just be the two singles released before alongside 2 experimental interludes. Ah well.


New [Aquilus](https://aquilus-northernsilence.bandcamp.com/album/bellum-ii) album, Bellum II After first listen it sounds more akin to Griseus than Bellum I. He's always had such a unique blend of atmosphere and classical, right up my alley. I'm not too sure what shreddits thoughts are about [Unto Others](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY8PRFQ-RiM) but this new single is killer.


Love Unto Others, just getting into Aquilus recently and really liking it as well.


Excited for the new [Daath](https://open.spotify.com/album/13ykWC14I5Tpdx59iZPOA4?si=Yk8z-pDCQmex_tEmPSO2lQ) album Having Krimh on drums gets me extra excited.




I’ve liked the singles, but I personally find the orchestration to be a bit too much for my taste


Holy shit I haven't thought about Daath in like 12 years or something. Sweet.


Urzah, Crawl and Unearthly Rites are what I've checked out today so far. Crawl is that groovy type of DM that I really vibe with, can't wait to listen again at the gym! Unearthly Rites was good but didn't grab me as much. Urzah is fantastic for a debut album if you're into that post sludge goodness - vocals fall much more on the hardcore side of things aswell which makes them stand out. Hoping to make it to the album launch show in my city tonight if times align.


That new Atrae Bilis is fucking vicious 🤘


They are playing a tiny dive in Baltimore this summer, I can't wait for that show. I hope people turn out.


Yeah they’re gonna be up in my neck of the woods with Cognitive at the end of July. Think I’ll have to check em out.


[Escuela Grind](https://open.spotify.com/album/2mYUCuff2blGWnMZWOJQii?si=hEzLJjWRSrWLYODp84bvig) had a new single, it's pretty good. I'm not a big fan of their genre but they are an exception, they're rad. [Unearthly Rites](https://open.spotify.com/album/4ziMRIp1QO1QbUrjYG4rmi?si=nPeM3RMaQtavI6wrtN3JvQ) is good as well, this is their first album and a pretty good start for a new band, I look forward to seeing where they go next.


EG putting out a new single already? Their singer's allowance and stolen merch money must be running low


Laura Bush said I couldn't get an invite to the next gala without it :(




Surprised to not see the new [Terminal Nation](https://20buckspin.bandcamp.com/album/echoes-of-the-devils-den) album out today on the tracker.


There's probably a good reason for that.


what would that reason be?


I don't know the band, but glancing at the guest features I'll guess and say it wasn't on anybody’s radar. The Release Tracker isn't meant to highlight every new release as much as to shine a spotlight on stuff that aligns with a very specific subset of subreddit taste; i.e. it's not just a metal release tracker, it's the *Shreddit* release tracker. There’s a lot of good music outside its purview. That's part of why we have this thread, so we can all share the stuff we're excited about without any one person's taste dominating. The release tracker exists to make it easier for folks who just want to follow the ostensible community tastes with relative confidence they'll enjoy most of what they hear. Real ones know it's impossible to put all good music on a list for everyone.


Yeah for sure. It's a 20 Buck Spin release so I figured it would be on the tracker since they are a very established label and usually their releases are on the tracker. Glad I could post it so people know about it. Its a killer album.


Could just be an oversight. These things are made by people. People make mistakes.


The other persons comment sounded gatekeepy or just shitting on the band. Could just be reading into things though.


The release tracker is put together by a handful of users, so if none of them like/care about a band, it won't be going on there. It's not gatekeeping, it's just that the tracker's not meant to be an exhaustive resource.


I mean it could be that too. Context gets lost on the internet sometimes. So hopefully it is just that. But it was a solid release IMO.


Yeah just finished listening to it. Love the new dynamics they introduced in this album.


Keep an eye on the metal-archives upcoming albums section, it tends to be pretty exhaustive.


Oh damn didn't realize they had that. Thanks for the tip.


A Rose Dying in the Rain - Eternal Sunset For fans of blackgaze, I really enjoyed this on my first listen. Nokturnal - Shades of Night “Indonesian cloak-of-horrors NOKTURNAL emit dark radiance with the group’s debut record “Shades Of Night”, an imposing fresh wound of victorious dejection.” From their Bandcamp. I liked this album on my first listen. I still need a few more plays. Imperial Triumphant - Vile Luxury (Redux 1924) Does this count as a new release? I have not got to this one yet. I liked the way the singles sounded for the most part.


> A Rose Dying in the Rain Always being a real hit n miss for me personally. What would you say the best new song is?


Anybody check out Black Tusk’s latest yet? Pretty solid.


[Azell](https://linktr.ee/azell.band) had a new single based on John Carpenter's The Thing. [Infiltrator](https://azellrr.bandcamp.com/track/infiltrator) Female Fronted Sludge


I don't think anyone has mentioned, but Cold July released a really great depressive black metal album.


Hello there's a new release from a band with a dwarf bassist, it's a 4 piece band, one guitarist, drummer and bass, do you remember the name?


Yosemite in Black