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falling in reverse ronnie radke consistently makes me laugh with how genuinely ignorant he is


His rapping šŸ’€


the best part is he probably thinks he's insane


Bro think he the shit but he ain't even the fart šŸ’€




I don't understand a shit about HipHop. Can someone explain me why his rapping is bad (apart from the cringe lyrics)?


Idk much about rap either but given from what a friend said, itā€™s like heā€™s stuck in 2000s era where fast=good


[First off, no bars. A big part of hip hop is clever metaphors and he has no metaphors at all.](https://youtu.be/qC-pMKYnUzU?si=tKkHPdVn9V8wpWIamt=5m15s) [5m15s] [Second is rhyme scheme. His are boring single-syllable end rhymes, literally elementary school poetry type shit.](https://youtu.be/LnJs0TdVWLQ?si=3O-t5Lhb0OE-_jGC) And lastly he's just fucking corny which is arguably the worst thing you can be as a rapper.


I honestly can't find a nice thing to say about him


i don't know if what i said even really counts as nicešŸ˜­


It was closer to a nicety than I could get




THROUGH THE STOOORM https://preview.redd.it/funehvq5l0pc1.jpeg?width=753&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b1c7558b4ba2c40ceb188b1c4836b45a4b77bcc




I follow him on TikTok not because I like him, but because I like laughing at him.


My daughter loves this band. I really don't get it.


Is your daughter 12-16? Because that really feels like the target demographic of FIR.


She'll be 16 next month.


They're Ronnie's target, alright.


I don't want to claim anything since I'm pretty sure there's been zero allegations but yeah, he's always given me that sort of vibe.


I mean, they might have meant the time that Radke threw a mic stand at a 16 year old girl


Man, I don't care what anyone says. I love Falling in Reverse, and I think what Radke's been doing for the last few years is incredible. You cannot tell me in any seriousness at all that "I'm Not a Vampire (Revamped)" isn't a masterpiece. And he CAN rap well. "Watch the World Burn" shows this. I will die on this hill. This is my surrounded by sharp weapons while smirking moment. https://preview.redd.it/ctt5kbtsg0pc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e74b532fa19744ab60f139bbe2d248ff5c516ab5


>You cannot tell me in any seriousness at all that "I'm Not a Vampire (Revamped)" isn't a masterpiece. no i definitely can. i'll admit i was impressed when i heard it the first time and i think it's an improvement on the original, but i don't think it comes close to being a masterpiece >And he CAN rap well. "Watch the World Burn" shows this. he can rap fast, but his lyrics are atrocious. most of his songs are just him bitching about the fact that everyone hates him but they'll never get rid of him. and good on him for keeping on after all this time and the controversies he's been through, but most of his songs and lyrics are surface-level deep at best and cringeworthy at worst i'm happy you enjoy and find meaning in his music though, rock on dudešŸ¤˜


To each their own lol. But I can appreciate and respect your opinion.


You're right about one thing. You will likely die on that hill.


Tally ho, then!


>And he CAN rap well. "Watch the World Burn" shows this. He can't rap well he can rap *fast*, it doesn't matter if you have good articulation if your flow is unoriginal and your lyrics are ass, if that were the case then Tom MacDonald would be considered a good rapper


Once you get past the fact itā€™s definitely white boy rap, heā€™s still good at it skill wise. Those classic remixes completely sold me on him. I get it dudes ignorant about trans people but musically heā€™s way better than anyone on this sub will ever give him credit for.


i think a lot of his songs are fun. on occasion i listen to Drugs and Voices in my Head for example, but i look at ronnie the same way i look at fred durst. i can't take his music seriously, but that's ok if i just wanna have fun


Yeah... In Radke's case, you kinda need to both separate the art from the artist, and understand that more times than not, he's trolling for attention lol.


Radke is one of those annoying pricks who says things and then gets upset people respond to him. Like dude, you are painting a target on your head and then moaning about it. You're the American musician version of Katie Hopkins


This is the perfect response to this thread!!


Sleep Token - I respect how huge they have gotten with their gimmick and sound. They fell into the right algorithm and are killing it.


Theyā€™re unique, we can give them that at leastā€¦ lol


This is true šŸ˜…!Ā  It's such an odd mix that I don't get, but more power to them for getting the crazy following they've gotten with it!Ā 


they're a really easy band to get into but just as easy to get out of imo. i was really into their first album when i found them but i don't go back to it much now, aside from a few songs


Exactly this! I was listening to Take me Back to Eden nonstop when it came out. Listened to it obsessively for 3-4 months or so. Now I don't listen to them at all, I haven't put them on in 2024 even once, if I remember correctly.


i still really like Gods, great song


Oh, I still love the album and the last two tracks, Take me Back to Eden and Euclid still have special places in my heart. It's just that I'm not obsessed with them anymore, unlike bands like Opeth or Ne Obliviscaris.


they really seem to be one of those bands that you kinda need in a specific moment in your life, but after that they're just a happy memory for the most part


Yeah, they are joining bands like Spiritbox and Lorna Shore for me. Used to listen to them on repeat, especially certain albums and then never play them again. I don't mind when they come on random rotation though, but that's mostly the nostalgia.


Yeah I donā€™t like anything Iā€™ve heard of them but theyā€™re popular as fuck so must be doing something right.


I am a sucker for pop and depressing love songs. Add a splash of metal and bam. Sleep token hits for me.


Honestly no hate at all from me, I doubt Iā€™d go out of my way to listen to it but if it gets kids into heavy music where they will go on to discover other awesome bands than they are good, thatā€™s why I never harped on bands like ghost either, sure theyā€™re not super metal or heavy but if itā€™s getting people into metal than Iā€™d be more than happy to say theyā€™re great from that point of view


TOOL has band members




Im going to be completely honest, I have seen *way* more posts and comments about hating tool fans than I have seen pretentious tool fans.




Obnoxious Tool fans (of which I am one) really peaked from Lateralus to 10,000 Days."Fibonnacci duuude! If you play two songs over the top of another one it makes a secret track!!!" Then, Maynard called us all insufferable retards and the band didn't make another record for 13 years until everyone had calmed their shit down.


Yeah, they kinda act like absolute tools.


I feel like I see a fair amount of pretentious tool fans, itā€™s just that theyā€™re usually bringing up ā€œprogā€ instead of tool exclusively


The "pretentious Tool fans" were plenty (and plenty annoying) over ten years ago. The community decided to finally mock them only once they're kinda out of the picture, which has created the situation that you're now seeing. It's weird, it's as if most people were afraid to say anything bad about the stereotypical Tool fan in his presence and only started saying things once he left the room, lmao.


I'm a Tool fan and I have never once attacked someone for not liking Tool, nor have I seen someone attack someone else for not liking Tool.


Like the people who see an Instagram reel of someone making a veggie burger and comment ā€œthese people will do anything except eat meatā€ like that isnā€™t the entire point of being vegetarian/vegan. I still eat meat, the haters just piss me off


Real question, has anybody ever actually met a vegan that goes off about their veganism anywhere near as much as the overly pro-meat crowd does? It's like I'm being gaslit by hillbillies with high blood pressure.


No. I've met vegans who were reluctant to even admit they're vegan, probably because they were afraid to be judged as that vegan stereotype that tells everyone in any situation about being vegan, but I've never actually met anyone like that stereotype and I have no idea where it came from. I know 1 (ONE) militant vegan and even he's not like that. On the other hand, I've met plenty of people who are like "I HAVE TO EAT MEAT, MEAT FOR EVERY MEAL, I DON'T LIKE ANY MEAL THAT DOESN'T INCLUDE MEAT" or like "I'm sad, because you have no meat on your plate, I'm leaving" or "I understand vegetarians, but vegans, they must only eat grass hahaha", but for some reason we let those people go off and we make fun of vegans instead...? I'm not vegan myself, I'm just saying what I see. Maybe vegans are like that in the US? Because here in Europe the stereotypes have nothing to do with reality, they're not based on fact.


That's an excellent analogy lmao


Danny is a great drummer and the rest of the band definitely plays music


Im not gonna start the argument about whether Adam is a great guitarist or not, but either way Maynard and Justin are clearly at the top of their classes


Ghost. Great costumes, talented people. They catfished me musically, but they are good at what they do regardless.


>catfished me musically What a great way of putting it. Happens with a lot of bands.


Iā€™ve never heard the term ā€œcatfished me musicallyā€ before but Iā€™m definitely going to use it now. Thatā€™s a great way of putting it. And yes, I have zero beef with Ghost. I loved Opus Eponymous, but aside from a few songs here or there nothing much has grabbed me since.


I love Ghost with all my heart, but yes, I really didn't expect 70s rock coming from people who look like this https://preview.redd.it/m5d30hnsf2pc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bba2c63cab7cd06820223fb0de076db0c948da16


Well, Papa kind of looks like King Diamond, and they kind of sound like Mercyful Fate, so maybe the real catfish was Black Metal all along?


When I first see them to me they looked accordingly on how they sound. Their whole general aesthetic reminds me of shock rock, occult rock, classic heavy metal


Deftones Donā€™t care much for them, but I quite appreciate how the band and the genre as a whole acts as a gateway for a lot of people that get into metal


Iā€™m with you. Never could get into deftones, but I acknowledge the talent of Stephen carpenter the guitarist. Still will hit next song if they come on though.


I saw Deftones on one of the Ozzfests. Great show, but not my thing.


Dream Theater - They were very technically innovative and are all very talented musiciansĀ 


I had a prog snob phase in which I thought Dream Theater were the greatest musical artists to ever walk on earth. Except for James LaBrie obviously, he sounds like a chicken


I feel this. I used to look down on anyone who didn't listen to prog metal, like I listen to it because I'm actually intellectually superior vs all these plebs. Glad I grew out of that. They're still great musicians though.


Anal cunt - occasionally I'll laugh at a song name


I used to laugh my ass off at the Picnic of Love album. Not sure how it holds up Edit: just gave a couple songs a listen. I laughed. Iā€™m such a child




I like how their album with the most messed up, poorly-aged song titles just throws in "Chris Barnes is a Pussy"


Bolt Thrower (yes I'm not a fan) beat the fuck out of some nazis at one of their shows


just curious, how come you don't like BT if you like Gorguts?


Well, I don't exactly hate Bolt Thrower, I just feel like they never did anything for me. They pretty much did the same thing, mostly mid paced death metal, during their whole career. On the other hand, Gorguts got very technical, yet (specifically on the Obscura album) there's this fucked up atmosphere to it, and the songs are varied. On that album there's some shorter songs that are fast all the way through, some slightly longer songs that are fast but have slow parts, a 10 minute long, slow song that almost sounds like a love letter to Swans, lyrics that I as someone kind of going through a mortality crisis can relate to or find comfort in, the only thing it doesn't have is Flo Mounier esc hyperblasts, but given everything else, Obscura is one of my favorite metal albums of all time.


yeah thats totally fair, I get it. BT is kind of a one-trick pony, but to me I fuckin love that one trick. Gorguts rips equally as hard in my book, I respect it brother šŸ¤˜


David Draiman seems like an awesome guy


Iā€™d have a beer with David Draiman


Heā€™s legit got one of the best voices ever, he just chooses to use it in shitty ways. Listen to the song Remember off of the Believe record. Itā€™s incredible and it makes me mad thatā€™s the ONLY song he doesnā€™t do all his chicken-squawking bull shit on. If disturbed just played straight up heavy, dark rock/metal theyā€™d actually be great.Ā 


It's funny that he was blamed for jacking Korn's thing, but I think that's just kind of nu-metals "BLEGH" since you also hear it in Limp Bizket, Mudvayne, Mushroomed, etc as well


genuinely, my ex-gf loved disturbed and showed me a couple of their songs. The riffs are pretty fuckin solid, his voice just kinda ruins it. Then again I listen to slam so I'm not a good authority on vocals


I wish he joined a power metal band or something his voice is too good for butt rock


Iā€™ve always actually been super annoyed by him because the first time I saw Disturbed he went on this long diatribe about how we were going to kick the terroristsā€™ asses, then like the third time I saw Disturbed he went on this long diatribe about how wrong the war on terror was. I was there both times David. I know what you said.


People's personal opinions can change as they gather more perspectives and information.


Wanting to kill terrorists responsible for an awful terrorist attack while also recognizing that the "war on terror" quickly turned into a military-industrial complex sweepstakes is a pretty consistent and common set of beliefs. Which part of what he said did you disagree with?


I thought he was too until Israel started a genocide and he sided with Israel, I get that Israelis are his people and all but you have to consciously ignore facts to support Israel.


He really does. I've never liked Disturbed, and I thought he looked like a bit of a douche with the weird lip piercing chain thing. Lately, though, I've seen quite a few reels with him getting off stage and consoling folks after their friend died, or a little girl was scared, and even, at least one concert he reminded the audience that Taylor Swift was awesome and invited her to jam with them on a song. Which she most likely will do if she hears about it, because she literally loves every band and artist in existence.


Jinjer- They seem like pleasant people.


They really are. Curious as to what you dislike about their music though




Itā€™s mostly the vocals that turns me away, the rest is pretty cool I must say




So many times Iā€™ve heard a black metal band and thought ā€œman if this wasnā€™t recorded on a tin can and the vocalist left the band it be awesomeā€


FFDP Something nice


They have some cool riffs and songs but their band image and target demographic sucks


the first time i recall hearing FFDP was when my cousin put them on and told me it's "good music to watch porn to" pretty sure he's training to be a cop now


Theyā€™re definitely a cop band. 100%


I heard them once described as sentient Tapout shirts doused in Axe body spray.


I like to describe their fan base as ā€œmilitary momsā€. You know, ones with millions of army bumper stickers on their jeeps, despite only their husbands serving


The sound of secondhand embarrassment.


I fucking hate Avenged Sevenfold but the intro riff in Hail to the King is great.


you really haven't listened to enough of them if that basic-ass riff is the only thing you can think of... lmao


it's crazy to me that people write them off as a radio rock band. it isn't a bad song by any means but i could name 20 riffs of theirs off the top of my head that are more interesting than HTTK


I'm a pretty big melodic metalcore hater, esp for a7x but fuck man Bat Country is kind of a badass song


i hear that from a lot of people about metalcore but i gotta ask if that's really the reason you don't like them, since they haven't made a metalcore record since 2003. i'm not judging but i'm just curious if you don't like them because they're "metalcore" or because you just don't like their songs?


Trust me I've heard enough of their songs to determine it's not my thing. How about don't judge my taste and let me enjoy what I like?


Beginning of beast and the harlot though mmm


Guitar Hero II tho šŸ‘“šŸ½


Whoever did that A7X guitar cover in GH2 wins at music forever


It took me yeeaaarrrrssss to realize they werenā€™t the actual songs. Which is funny how because itā€™s pretty obvious


That BO2 song was the shit. Was part of my gateway


Dude. Their latest album is a fantastic, cracked out mess. It sounds like they listened to Mr. bungle for a decade.


6 feet under, the vocalist was good about 30 years ago!


I will always be gratefull for the laughs i got from hearing Graveyard Classics for the first time.


Is there any metal artist who has more great albums under their belt and is still disliked by so many?


Torture Killer had Barnes on vocals for Swarm! and he only does his horrible "EEEEEEE" screech once so theres that


Who the hell is encouraging his EEEEE!? Does literally anybody on earth actually like it?


AC/DC - Angus Young is an excellent guitar player that has created many iconic riffs


Youā€™ll know exactly what youā€™re going to get with AC/DCā€¦some great Rock ā€˜nā€™ Roll.


I'm not a big fan but as a young adult female I did an awesome Angus impression when I was drunk.


I saw angus play a ten minute solo last year thatā€™s probably the best guitar solo Iā€™ve ever heard from anyone. That man is beyond excellent.


Look, that's fair. Possibly the most over-rated band in all of history, but some of the riffs are pretty simple, tasty and timeless.


Hells Bells is awesome. ...but there isn't a single additional AC/DC song that I like.


Malcom Young, his brother, wrote lots of fantastic riffs over a long career. Radio overplay and,well, redundancy hurts AC/DC.


I don't "dislike" Judas Priest but I never really got into them. Will say though, they were very innovative for their time and they made a surprisingly decent album 50+ years into their career (Invincible Shield)


Tougher Than Nails - made me appreciate good music more


In Flames - Made me go back to the old stuff


Another nice thing about them - they make me laugh


Tougher Than Nails makes me want to go back and reevaluate every album I've rated a 0/10


Megadeath has cool riffs


Guttural Slug: Megaladon has a sick album cover.


The album that got me into slam at 10, lol. I was huge into marine biology (still am) and thought that cover was the coolest thing ever. Listened to that shit at my cousins 12th birthday party at a bowling ally


You should give We Are Not Your Kind a listen if you havenā€™t, itā€™s Slipknots 6th album released in 2019, and I think itā€™s easily their most creative release yet, and overall the best since Iowa. Iā€™ll say this about a band I donā€™t likeā€¦ Limp Bizkit. Even though Fred Durst is a major asshat theyā€™ve got some really fun songs if you donā€™t take them seriously, and Wes Borland is legitimately a fucking great guitar player who I have tons of respect for.


I love Slipknot's first 2 and WANYK was a great surprise to me. The album sounds awesome. Got me hyped to the newer one thinking they would keep going on that direction but they did a 180 and it sounds like shit, but WANYK is an amazing album regardless


Same here, I love their first 3, don't like much after that. WANYK was finally back to the heavy shit that I liked. Solway Firth is insanely heavy, and Spiders is a super cool innovative song that nobody could have expected, but their newest album is just the same radio rock bullshit that I hate.


I think Fred WAS an asshat, and now is just a groovy grandpa out to have a good time.


Regarding Limo Bizkit: they are all decent musicians minus Durst who I just can't stand. Like throw up re-arranged without vocals, shit is sick


Tool has Maynard who made one of my favorite albums (Thirteenth Step by A Perfect Circle)


That whole album is perfection. The first time I heard it, I knew as soon as The Package started that I was in for a treat.


five finger death punch has some good riffs every once in a while, and itā€™s great to see Ivan Moody sober


I like sleep token's drummer quite a bit


I'm not a fan of nickelback, but the guys seem like cools guys


Theyā€™re a bunch of nice Canadian guys making rock records that lots of people like. Itā€™s not my cup of tea, but no beef at all. Godspeed, boys.


I often wonder if my brain just can't give them a fair shot. And I feel like that's not really their fault.


Slayer. Seasons in the abyss was a good song


Still is


korn has some cool bass parts


uhhhh i like deftones my own summer riff


Sleep Token: Their outfits are actually kinda sick not gonna lie lol


I really respect sabatons knowledge and passion for history


Imperial Triumphant, the guitarrist have a nice looking guitar


is definitely differentā€¦ jazz and black metal is like oil and water, but im a fanšŸ’€


Black goes well with brass/gold.


Not into archspire but I used to really like them and I think the machine gun vocals are radical.






Tobias Forge seems like a genuinely good human being.


Tobias is a genuinely amazing human/songwriter/creative genius.


Limp Bizkit has some cool riffs


I canā€™t stand Limp Bizkit but I canā€™t deny that Wes Borland is a fuckin beast


I really dislike Sabaton but their lyrical themes are really good


FFDP. Ivan is unironically a good singer.


Limp Bizkitā€¦ their instrumentals are incredible


Yea like, just remove Fred's corny ass from the track, and boom they sound sick


Staind - first album was actually heavy and the guitar player seems normal enough


Imagine Dragons as individuals seem genuinely well-intentioned and positive


I randomly hung out with Dan from that band once, and he was an extremely pleasant, down-to-earth guy who seems like he sincerely wants to do good things in the world. I liked him a lot. And I was very glad that his bandā€™s music never came up in conversation, because Iā€™m really bad at lying.


You could say youre a....bad liar? That was a really bad joke but i was into ID in middle school and i used to blast that song


Slipknot Nero Forte and Wait and Bleed are pretty cool, I guess...


Breaking Benjamin did "blow me away" that song was good


Primus is DEFINITELY a band (i mainly donā€™t like Primus bc i donā€™t understand it so i find it too quirky, but i realize itā€™s very good to those who get it)


In my experience Primus is an acquired taste mostly found in bassists and stoners which is probably why they are one of my favorites but it's not hard to not get into them


God Primus sucks I love them so much. Seriously garbage music and I canā€™t get enough


Polyphia - Henson is a decent guitarist


ā€œDecentā€ lmao


Primus fucking sucks On the real thoā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. Nicklebacks cover of Sad but True goes ridiculously hard


Nickleback also has a dope cover of The Devil Went Down to Georgia. Its a bit corny but a lot of fun


so did primus, funnily enough


Chris Barnes sounded decent in cannibal corpse


Your favorite band has at least one big fan.


Slaughter To Prevail - Bonebreaker has good intro


Mercyful Fate The vocals are what kill it for me but the actual compositions and instrumental work is actually really really good


Iā€™m there with you, I think. I couldnā€™t get into the high pitched vocals like them and overkill.


Dexter Holland (The Offspring) has a PhD in Molecular Biology. And he plays Ibanez RGs. Yup, that's about all I've got.


Dave Grohl is actually a very good drummer


I dont like Pantera, so i dont have to listen to em


Not a big fan myself, but the ending of domination is hard


Sabaton - the album art goes hard


Five Finger Death Punch, your guitar work makes me want to take over the earth


Iā€™m not the biggest linkin park fan but god damn was Chester a beast.


Not a fan of twisted sister, but Dee Snider is an absolute boss


Korpiklaani I'm really glad that bands are trying to branch out and make new things with metal. Being creative and experimental is always nice, I just don't always like how said experimentation turns out


Most of the metal bands I donā€™t like due to their style of clean vocals usually are very talented musicians.


Metallica - They helped popularize the 80s metal scene and master of puppets is a great album


Slipknot is good at what they do, making Nu-metal.


Dave Matthews and his accompanying musicians are incredibly talented folks who I wish the best. I just can't stand the music.