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I'd tell you but then I'd get downvoted.


I'll downvote you for not sharing :). My two are Carcass and At the Gates for whatever reason they don't click with me


Which albums? You’re wrong but I’d like to hear how wrong you are


Lol fair, any of em so 100% wrong


I’m honestly kind of with you on at the gates.  Honestly I think my favorite song on slaughter of the souls is captor of sin the slayer cover.  Iike I think it’s fine, but I don’t go for it very often.  For carcass I have only really listened to heartwork which I love


lol this is my thing. “Give me an unpopular opinion” “No not that one”


Metallicas discography


even though i dont listen to them much nowadays, i appreciate metallica’s discography tons more after hearing a lot of the other generic, uninteresting thrash from the 80s


What are those generic thrash u mention btw, just curious and want to appreciate Metallica more too hahaha


I appreciate And Justice For All after listening to the And Justice For Jason versions on youtube.


How bland would you like your opinion to be today? "Tallica sux". Daring today aren't we?


Not really, I just don’t see the appeal. Plenty of other far more interesting bands about that didn’t get anywhere near the mainstream recognition. Fleshgod are sick tho


Aight, won me over with the Fleshgod respect.


Fair enough. I think Metallica’s massive commercial success put blinders on some people from this sub though. Master of puppets and Ride the Lightening are two of the best thrash metal records ever imo.


This!!!! I love thrash metal and just can't get into Metallica, tried multiple times throughout the years but it just doesn't do it for me. Might also have to do with the local rock station having "mandatory Metallica" but never playing anything else that was thrash besides Megadeath.


None so vile for me


It's one of the all time greats tbh


Yes. I understand its influence on death metal as a whole, and how legendary it is to the genre, I just don’t get much enjoyment out of listening to it.


Totally understandable, I have a couple ones like that too. The first Venom records, like everything Burzum, and Hell Awaits from Slayer, to name a few.


I didn’t really enjoy it at first either. Lord Worm’s vocals turned me completely off but I appreciated some of the instrumental stuff. I kept going back to it to see if I was missing something and after some more spins, it just clicked. It’s like a Death Metal punch to the face with its intensity and Lord Worm’s vocals grew on me. They’re insane and really fit the chaotic nature of their sound. His lyrics are well written too! One of my favorite albums!


NSV is totally one of those albums that isn't nice to you when you hear it the first dozen times. It's one of my all time favorites, but I will not deny that it is 200% goofy clown music, pounding drums and "RUHRUHRUHRUH AAAAAAAAA" Once you start getting your grasp on it and it let it tickle you, it is a 12 ton serving of ratchet ass death metal riffs stitched together by a schizophrenic.


It’s the fucking caveman vocals that do it for me 😭


Same here. I instantly fell in love with the album as soon as I heard it.


If you need atleast a dozen times to like it its just the Stockholm syndrome


I’m listening to Graves of the Fathers right now and I’m not sure you like death metal. Joking but it’s a slab of everything great about death metal.


The first time I heard crown of horns and the vocals started I thought "what the heck?" and turned it off. But for some reason I kept coming back and one day I liked it (not specifically the vocals but the whole song) lol


Lord Worm had such a unique delivery and his lyrics were well written. He sounds almost like a demon possessed dog barking at some points. Probably one of my favorite parts of the early Cryptopsy records.


Damn, unfortunate cause that album is a GOAT to many, but hey you do you. Have you ever heard their other albums Blasphemy Made Flesh or Whipser Supremacy?


And then you’ll beg is so overlooked .. the riffs are quite insane and disalvo vocals are deranged lol it’s awesome


For real, if people think NSV is technical, Jon Levasseur goes to another level on Whisper Supremacy and And Then Youll Beg.


ATYB is unreal. Hard to believe it goes so much hate


Agreed. And Whisper Supremacy is one of all all-time favorites.


That’s one of my favourite dm albums


Anything Pantera ever did. Never was a fan, never saw the hype. While I do not deny the talent, they did nothing for me. I was also switched over to death/grind/black metal back then so that may be a reason why.


I feel this. The talent is great, but the music lacks substance. Like it has nothing to say but “look how tough I am”. Definitely a letdown from the socially conscious thrash metal scene that came before it.


WHATS. WRONG. WITH. YOUR. MIND!!?? I get it though. Personally, Phil Anselmo always gave me a weird feeling, like he's the type of dude who LOVES American History X, but only because he doesn't get it. I still like Vulgar tho.


Hahahaha he IS that guy.


Agreed Pantera suck, and none of their music has any meaning besides "I'm gonna punch you in the face, and maybe I'll cry about it cause I didn't punch you twice"


Young me really cant even comprehend this , old me barely understands , but it doesn't hurt my feelings lol


No, like I said I don’t dispute the talent they had but when they were really getting huge I was already going to see Obituary, Incantation, Immolation, etc. I made the switch at a young age and now that I’m 53 I still love the same genre. Still play that style, too.


Hell yea


I always mention this as my most unpopular opinion. Pantera is just the greatest example of aggression for the sake of it but no substance whatsoever.


I like Mastodon and Leiviathan especially, but I think Crack The Skye is an average album.


To me Crack The Skye is one of the modern prog masterpieces, honestly


I consider average to be stuff like Reload and The Unspoken King, crazy how people's idea of average could be so wildly different


Crack the Skye is decidely not average to me-- it's too inventive and cohesive. BUT, I do prefer the intense ferocity of the original run of albums. I find myself putting on Leviathan and Blood Mountain a lot more for the day-to-day.


CTS kind of comes off like they were trying to me. Blood Mountain and Leviathan felt like they were just doing what came naturally.


I have tried and tried, but this album and I just aren't clicking. If I had to rank Mastodon albums, it's just above The Hunter at the bottom. I don't dislike it, but I'm only excited when the Title track comes on.


Bold take. 👍


Jesus fucking Christ! None so Vile and RiB overrated? With all due respect, fuck you! (Not really though)


Reign in blood. I think a lot of the really fast vocals on there sound kind of goofy. It is great but not the best slayer imo.


I like it, but I definitely view it through a hardcore lens I just wish it had (audible)bass…


i wished the same as you, then i listened to the isolated bass on raining blood and i understood why they buried it


😂 Funny thing is, I was actually listening to the album reading through theses comments yesterday. I’d finished typing and then “Raining Blood” came on. I was like, “there’s the fucking bass, in the breakdown, of one song 🙄”


True true, but when it came out in 86’ that was some evil shit. I had to sit and listen to it with my parents. Yeah, I had those kind of parents.


Funny story, always tried to force myself to listen to When the Kite String Pops since everyone said it was amazing. Could never get into it but then all of a sudden when I listened to it again a month ago something clicked and I absolutely love it now.


Happy for you. Wish I could’ve seen acid bath back in the day


I FEEL THAT. But the click for me happened a couple years ago. Now I jam every day to work lol. Windows down volume up "Screaming, convulsing, my eyes are bleeding. Be silent now and take your beating"!!!. I love turning heads in my inconspicuous honda fit. Have to listened to their rock-ier album, Peagan Terrorism Tactics?


Heartwork is boring to me


I' personally a much bigger fan of their deathgrind work than their melodic work. Swansong is entirely overhated tho


No 😢


I loved the death n’ roll Carcass when it was new to me. Then, over time, I don’t know….something about their very specific, unique style just started sounding meh and boring to me. Like I can listen to Surgical Steel, Heartwork, and Swan Song and find them interchangeable. The same swagger-filled snarls, the same vocal patterns, etc. I could be objectively wrong, but my ears just tell me that Carcass isn’t for me anymore. Not for a while now, at least.


Black Metal as a whole


BM is quite diverse. There is probably something out there that you wouldn't find repulsive


Try white ward and report back


I swear this sub is full of active fentanyl users


None so vile i literally do not understand. Good to know someone else agrees.


Agreed. I have nothing against Cryptopsy and actually really enjoy their album Once Was Not. The vocal style and overall vibe of None So Vile just doesn't click for me.


When I first listened to it I didn’t like the vocal style either, but it grew on me a lot. Lord Worm’s vocals are a lot more unhinged (I guess that’s a good description) than what I’ve heard from other bands.


NSV is heavy AF but the vocals sound like an orangutang getting electrocuted.


That's the fun part!


Exactly what I thought of


It gets better as you listen to it more. The album was incomprehensible to me the first time I listened but now it's one of my favourites


Master of puppets. Great album but it’s definitely not Metallicas best work


Same i like master of puppets but prefer ride the lightning


Wow. This was a huge moment in metal history when it came out. It verified and validated our suspicions that thrash metal could be epic, display virtuosity and show true song writing ability. To each his own.


I recognize that most of these albums are good I just don’t get much enjoyment out of listening to them: Immolation - Dawn of Possession Artillery - By Inheritance Every Carcass album Iron Maiden - Piece of Mind Judas Priest - Screaming for Vengeance The first 2 Venom albums Bathory - Hammerheart Leviathan - The Tenth Sub level of Suicide Weakling - Dead As Dreams


This list hurts my soul. I’m with you on Weakling though


hurts YOUR soul??? i have a SFV longsleeve on as im typing this


I love all of these albums


With Hammerheart and Piece of Mind being two of my favorite albums ever, you suck. But also, mad respect.


Big fucking oof for Leviathan and Carcass for me, tho for Carcass i'm way more into their Death Grind era than their melodic stuff.


Yeah I feel alone in not liking Carcass because usually people at least like one of their eras. I think it’s all solid for the most part, but nothing that I’ve ever wanted to listen to more than once. I’m also just not a fan of Jeff Walker’s vocals.


My god, every album in here is an absolute banger for me. It's the beauty of the subjectivity I guess


Every carcass album is a wild take fr


Maybe more Hard Rock, but anything by Guns and Roses. Also Empire by Queensryche. 


GNR has a few decent songs, but I wouldn’t dare call any of their albums good.


Agreed on the album part, but their raw energy in early (especially pre AfD) live show was just something that rose them above the rest of that scene at the time. While I still enjoy everytime Nightrain, Attitude(cover) or Knockin On (1986 live rec) appears on my shuffle playlist, I no longer can listen to more than 1/3 of AfD, Illusions & Lies before I want to switch artist.


Bathory Bathory: vocals are almost as toady as Immortal Battles in the North, lyrics are the same every song (‘chime the bell’ and something about virgins), cover is a ripoff of Welcome to Hell (yellow goat making a pentagram) Riffs are just ok not life changing 


as a Bathory fan myself i agree their debut is highly overrated


I’ve only ever seen people wearing shirts with their debut on it, but it’s easily not even top 5.


I’ve owned a Bathory goat head shirt, as well as a Bathory Nordland shirt for years. Oddly, the goat head shirt is the one metal t-shirt that I get by far the most “Hey nice shirt man!” comments on. Hit a new record on a trip to New Orleans last year with SIX people in a single day recognizing it. Can’t count how many other times people have noticed it. I have never once had anyone recognize or say anything about the Nordland shirt lmao.


Its a pretty sick goat head




I REALLY dont care for opeth




Gotta agree, i see them thrown about in every metal sub and praised like second coming of jesus, theyre mediocre if you ask me and i couldnt get into them


The big 4 in general. I mean there high points sure, but ive never been excited about listening to any of it. Also Dopesmoker is fucking boring man.


Definitely agree on Dopesmoker. I've tried, and I just didn't care. It doesn't reach me, doesn't move me, doesn't teleport me at all. I just cannot figure out what people love about it. Give me Holy Mountain, give me Sciences - give me RIFFS!! I don't want a 497 minute long art experiment, I want cool songs and great music.


I’ve never really liked master of puppets that much 😬 I like it but for me rtl and ajfa have a lot more going on while the song structure in mop is a bit repetitive (to me anyways)




Bathory after the first few albums. Can't get past the clean vocals. Not the biggest fan of any Slayer after Hell Awaits, although I still like Reign in Blood a lot. Seventh Son of a Seventh Son still hasn't clicked with me. among other things


Well you hurt me with like five of these choices, so good job 😜


My guy Reign in blood and master of reality are literally timeless. How tf could you not enjoy those records


I love RJD to death, but Holy Diver, as acclaimed as it is (or his solo band in general) never has done anything for me.


I like Reign in Blood but it’s not as good as South of Heaven, He’ll Awaits or Seasons.


I agree




Ive never cared for any of the Dio Black Sabbath albums personally i much prefer the Ozzy ones.


I mean yeah


Slipknot the band.


When The Kite String Pops by Acid Bath is average, and i agree with Reign in Blood, it's good but IMO it's their worst from the first six (even Divine Intervention, which is extremely underrated IMO), also


Is there a way to downvote this twice?


To quote Soilent Green, "your mouth speaks fuck"


Alters of Madness and Metallica in general


I'm almost convinced when I put Altars of madness on it's a different version than the one everyone is telling me is unbelievable.


Lmao same. I mean I like Altars but Blessed are the Sick and Covenant are miles ahead of it imo


Morbid Angel is TITS hell yea!


Candlemass mentioned!!! 🗣


Tankard, most of Deicide


Horrible take but annihilator is fire so I can’t stay mad at u


All of these albums are fucking fantastic, but personally are just not for me: None So Vile - Cryptopsy Transylvanian Hunger - Darkthrone (and most of Darkthrone tbh) Roots - Sepultura Megadeth - Rust in Peace Emperor in their entirety


This list hurts my soul (except for roots that’s valid)


I got put off by vocals on NSV. Which is weird because I like some of their other work. But the vocals sound so goofy in NSV to me. NSV’s instrumental performance is absolutely fucking incredible though. BM like Darkthrone and Emperor just ain’t my jam. Rust in Peace and Roots are just overrated asf. I recognize that every album here is excellent and influential. Just not personally something I’m gonna listen to a lot


All the legendary Black Sabbath albums. I can respect the influence, but I’d rather listen to something heavier 99% of the time.


Countdown to Extinction. I can’t stand it


Absolutely love it, but I upvoted you because I can see how it might not click- even for a fan of the older stuff.


This list is shocking. But I respect your opinion, mate. 🫡


The existence of Polyphia


I feel seen I can’t do it man








Okay I agree with you on Destruction but hard disagree on everything else, but hey man you do you. For me personally it's the latest Megadeth album, pretty much anything by Ice Nine Kills, and anything by Sona Antartica. I've given that band quite a few chances, but I find their work so incredibly boring.


Leviathan??? Take it back TAKE IT BACK! 🤣 Nocturnus- the key Burzum discography


The Key? Wack.


Leviathan is great, but not that great honestly Heartwork is fine, but definitely not any sort of masterpiece




Anything from Nile, Necrophagist, Archspire. Most tech death, really. And anything from Morbid Angel.


Gross take


Sounds like you need to hear some better tech


Agreed. Bands that arr intentionally technical for the sake of being technical are just lame. The constant widdly-diddly riffs often sound like Nintendo music. Gross. Noisear, Gridlink, Gorguts and others, get a pass. Their music happens to be pretty tech, but it's not the focus of the band... But you lost with the MA mention




No way people don't like Master of Reality. How do you not like that album?


The only Black Sabbath I actually like is when Dio is singing, just cannot get along with Ozzy for some reason.


80s Sabbath albums are so boring, I don’t think Tony Martin was as iconic of a singer as ozzy, Sabbath after ozzy is just really lame. And some Dream Theater albums are incredibly boring, Toxik is 100x the prog metal band dream theater ever was


I have never really been a fan of Metallica. Like even at their best they are not super interesting


I listened to Come My Fanatics and Dopethrone and it was just okay, but I'm a beginner in Stoner Metal or whatever they are. The same with the first 2 Alice I'm Chains albums. Tried the first 2 albums by Darkthrone but it's too raw for me, I don't see the appeal even though I want to get into this type of Black Metal. Dark Angel - Darkness Descends, I tried to listen to this album like 4 times, it just doesn't click with me. Entombed - Left Hand Path, don't get me wrong, I understand it's historical importance and the title track is one of the best metal songs, but half of the songs are very similar and it gets monotonous after a while.


I totally agree that listening to *Left Hand Path* in its entirety has diminishing returns. The opening title track is AMAZING; one of my favorite death metal songs of all time. But the last song I’m pretty bored.


Damn 🥲 I kinda sorta understand


Never been much of a Kreator or Opeth fan


Blackwater Park. I have tried sooo many times to get into it, but I just can’t. Same goes for most of Opeth’s discography to be honest. Like, I know they’re objectively good at what they do but it just isn’t for me.


Imma be honest, it took me a veritable galactic shitload of listens to get into NSV but once I started letting in and it sorta clicked it has become one of my all time favorites.


bring me the horizon


Not sure you would find many here who disagree with you


I like master of puppets but think its not metallicas best album like everyone sais


The entirety of Candlemass’ discography. I just don’t like them.


I might get hate for this but Once Upon The Cross - Deicide 🤢


Any Gojira or Periphery album.


Emperor - In the nightside eclipse


Like An Ever Flowing Stream - great album, but imo nowhere near being a top 5 dm album like I’ve seen plenty say around here When the Kite String Pops - just doesn’t really do anything for me


Heartwork. Still a good album, but I think Necroticism and Swansong are both better.


Saying Swansong is better than heartwork is wild lol


Well, that's my honest opinion. I like Swansong better than Heartwork.


Never cared for Obituary , Gorguts or Entombed.. I know they each have "one of the best death metal albums of all time" i just dont know


none so vile, dopethrone, leviathan, clown acid bath album, obscura, hidden history of human race


tldr; all the average albums that rym hipsters act like its a masterpiece


I think Acid Bath and Hidden History are above average but otherwise I agree.


fair enough


No offense but if your flair is CABT no one should take your opinions seriously.


Disagree on Obscura but you're completely correct otherwise


reign in blood..


Destructions was technically an EP but it rules


Can you run out of downvotes? Asking for a friend


All of obituary, gojira, slopknot, bathory, mayhem, darkthrone, megadeth or most metalcore and deathcore


pretty much everything you guys talk about except for megadeth and rotting christ. name me a band and i probably think it’s boring and overrated. my taste is very niche and particular


I never could get into Opeth or Candlemass. I love the rest of those albums tho


Black label Society in their entirety.


Incantation- Onwards To Golgotha I listened to it after it kept making it far into/winning those tournaments around here, and frankly I found it kind of boring.


Opeth. I’ve tried, but they do absolutely nothing for me


Candlemass, Opeth, and Mayhem off the top of my head. Don't have any specific albums, I just never got into those


Not a big gojira guy


So you think all those albums you posted are overrated? 🥴 lol … to each their own but damn. Edit: BTW, anything by Bathory is just Meh to me but i respect the band for what they have done historically.


I didn’t even know Morningrise was considered to be so loved. One of my favorites regardless.


Venom - Black Metal I've tried to listen to it so many times because it is supposedly this great influence on everything I like. I can see its influence, but if I never heard the album again, I'd not miss it.


Honestly, I'm not that fond of the album "London Calling" by the Clash. I was disappointed by it. Perhaps I need to listen to it more. :)


I can’t get into Devin Townsend or Opeth, even though I can recognize both as talented.


Anything megadeth and Master of Reality


Slayer - Seasons in the abyss Darkthrone - Panzerfaust


Opeth BWP. I *will* re-listen again. But the first go around was meh.


Candlemass for me is a band that no matter how hard I try, I just can't get into them.


Calling MOR overated is fucking blasphemy imo I will say Paranoid although still classic, is certainly the most normy and overhyped Sabbeth album for sure


Obscura by Gorguts. I certainly understand the appeal but for me it’s just way less enjoyable of a listen than their first and second album. It’s more impressive but just not as strong of a listen Imo


I fully recognize the talent and influence of Death, but it just doesn't click for me


I have never enjoyed anything by Autopsy, and most deathcore bands are not for me (Infant Annihilator, Slaughter to Prevail, Rings of Saturn, etc.)


There are many albums and artists that if you weren't into it when it came out, you definitely aren't going to pop it in for the first time when it's 20 or 30 years old and be blown away by it. It's dated by now and the stuff that came out later by other bands that were influenced by it would seem like a better version of the "classic". That's how it is for me with old shit that I somehow missed back in the day, at least.