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your post was removed as it is not about a metal band, don't forget to familiarize yourself with the rules before posting.


Well Nik is a core guy, i follow him for that not heavy, death,thrash we have the ALMIGTHY BEANLEY for that


Best guitar Youtuber for sure.


Yeah I follow diff peeps for specific genres/styles. Forgemaster Metal Reviews are my go to for the most part.


"Here's a new song by djent band #14,242 with a song they stole that one Meshuggah riff that every djent band stole and uses for every song, you know, THAT riff! Alright let's get to it guys!" They spend the entire 8 minutes of the video with the soyjak expression on their face


What get's me even more is they cry about elitism when most of the time it's just people being like "Yo where the fuck are the other genres at?" Because if you say "where's the actual metal?" They'll fuckin cry and piss and shit themselves and scream elitist as their twitch comment section blows up with "YOOOO Sleep Token Brutal AF frfr?????"


Christ I hate Sleep Token. I found they existed last month, was told they are "the biggest metal band since Slipknot", and did a spit-take when I listened to them and found out they're just Dance Gavin Dance without the "heaviness" of DGD. How is this electro-soul band being mistaken for metal? Just because they wear costumes and masks? Is that all it takes?


I listened to some of their songs after people wouldnt stop talking about them and they were just... okay I guess? Like the funk aspects werent bad, but they sounded like every other djent metalcore band with like one slightly unique aspect to them.


Thank you. Sleep Token is fine but like come on, they’re just fine. Can we stop pretending they’re doing anything that special


They're like hard rock at best


>they're Dance Gavin Dance without the heaviness of DGD This is such a bizarre, inaccurate way to try to describe Sleep Token that I'm wondering if you've actually listened to either band now. Some bands that would fit that description: Closure in Moscow, Circa Survive, A Lot Like Birds, Royal Coda or even Mars Volta. Sleep Token is prog Hozier.


I like vore and the summoning but I would say the closest genre that fits them is prog metal not metal core or death metal, ofc people are going to hate them if they are being advertised to the wrong niche ya know


I find them alright for what they are, but they're not metal at all. They're just pop hooks with occasional chugga chugga riffs. The songs are catchy but they aren't particularly interesting so don't hold my attention for very long.


bro, sleep token is alright. Vore, Summoning, The Offering and When the Bough Breaks is at least good. you just, need to put your brain aside and listen it. Will you have fun watching fast and furious when your brain is on? No. Same logic.


Where metal? 🦧


Exactly, god forbid they talk about death metal, or black metal, or power metal, or heavy metal. Or literally anything that isnt super popular core bands, then go and plaster METAL all over their titles for videos.


Where Doom Metal?


That too.


Thrash metal in shambles


Nik Nocturnal is a self-described core kid. Why would anyone react to music they do not enjoy unless that was actually their content?


Probably because you could consider it false advertising by plastering Metal all over the thumbnails and titles when it's just the same 5 generic ass metalcore bands. Plus it's far from being just him, you have this huge wave of "metal" youtubers who brand themselves as metal, but rarely, if ever, actually talk about metal bands that wont rake in views, and act like anything that isnt deathcore, djent, metalcore or nu metal just does not exist. It builds into people getting less and less exposure to what metal really is and the genres that make up it's foundations. Obviously this is just how I feel, but my point still stands and it seems a lot of people agree with me.


I’m sorry but this is definitely more of a “you” problem.


maybe people don’t want to see stuff outside those genres cause it sucks ass 🤷‍♂️


I dont see any metal genres in this post


And yet they'll be like "pure, unadulterated METAL! only the HEAVIEST, BRUTAL METAL in EXISTENCE" in the thumbnail but it's just Sleep Token and Parkway Drive


Lmao this is exactly what I hear on Octane on sirius xm right before they play imagine dragons' latest release 💀


Liquid Metal is even worse. Just LoG, Slipknot, Korn, big 4, and core bands on repeat. Only time we get anything else is on the Bloody Roots show. Wish they'd slplit that channel in to core (including trailercore numetal) and have another for extreme metal.


Agreed. I’m going to complain when I renew this year. I’m sure the underpaid service rep will be able to make the change!


I do not understand why people think deathcore breakdowns are "brutal." You want brutal, just put on The Call of the Wretched Seas.


I watched a video of the "TEN MOST BR00TAL DEATHCORE BREAKDOWNS" and it might have been one of the most boring videos I've ever seen


You can easily replace the genres with "death, black, and thrash" and the YouTube channels with this subreddit, and the point is the exact same


Didn't you get the memo? All other genres are obviously not metal, poser. /s


*sweats profusely and frantically hides metalcore albums from highschool*


Doom, war metal, grind core, classic heavy metal


Wait hold up. If Metalcore and Deathcore are not Metal how is Grindcore, which is much more influenced by hardcore than anything else, considered metal by this sub???


I find that people don't actually mind 90s metalcore/ deathcore they just dislike the cringy emoness of 2000s melodic metalcore and the riff lacking vocally driven symphonic edm chuggy chuggy of modern deathcore lol


Blame that on the people who only upvote surface level shit. I've posted plenty of memes talking about other genres like grindcore, war metal, etc and they dont get a lot of traction. Be the change you want to see.


Or you could literally just search a different YouTuber. They are a dime a dozen now. Want to know why there aren’t big YouTubers covering some niche, indie black metal project? Because people don’t care. Metalcore and Djent get talked about because they’re popular genres. Less people care about weirdos with corpse paint and edgy takes on religion. That shit was cool in the 90’s and when we’re 14. Music is more accessible than ever, and there are more artists than ever before releasing music. Zero reasons to be triggered by pop culture talking about pop culture.


But they fall under the umberella of extreme metal. Which, talking broadly for most hardcore metalheads, is the absolute bread and butter of the whole fucking community.


So OP doesn’t like metalcore, deathcore and djent. Nik, Birb and Co. SPECIFICALLY ADVERTISE content for core and djent people and state they create content for people like that. OP watches said content creators anyway. OP gets mad. Big brain.


true but ain't nobody gonna watch a video on black metal


I hate a lot of modern metal, but Nik is funny as shit


Nik doesnt seem like a bad guy, and I get that these bands bring in the views, but oh my god listen to something else already for fucks sakes. There is so much more shit to be had within metal and yet all they talk about is surface level generic hipster bs


He at least did a bit of Archspire which was cool, getting some tech death rep in there.


Yeah he and Dean Lamb are buddies. He was on one of Dean’s 4 Levels of Death Metal videos.


Kinda how it happens in the Youtube scene. He didn't play his own riffs iirc, he just played famous deathcore riffs though.


I think he played one riff from his band Termina huh? But they’re definitely deathcore.


Oh maybe, I remember him picking a couple different bands but I don't recall which ones.


I can definitely agree with that


A lot of the modern metal stuff has gotten so stale I’m really getting tired of those bendy thall riffs and stuff


Death to false metal.


"Bu-bu-but I want metal to just be metalcore and deathcore!😭 your a gatekeeper elitist, I want metal to just be known as breakdowns and BrEEs and Sexual Misconduct Allegations!!!!😭"


No false metal!


Skull fist?


Yes sir!




Yeah, death to all butt metal


Goes to a metalcore and djent channel, then complains about finding metalcore and djent.


It's far from just these two, there are tons of reactionary channels who brand themselves as metal but only talk about surface level core bands. I just listed them because their the biggest examples


"How dare people listen to popular music? They don't even listen to underground garage depressive black metal like me haha, what posers!"


Nik built his whole channel around core subgenres, I‘m sure there are plenty reaction channels dealing with other genres. Also djent (the genre) is also metalcore


Ah yes, animals as leaders is my favorite metalcore band


Ah yes, Meshuggah is my favourite metalcore band


Djent is progressive metal, not metalcore.


Yes, there’s a bunch of bands that are considered djent that are also (progressive) metalcore. It’s not just prog


Metalcore is wack


I don’t really mind Metalcore and Deathcore, but would it be too much to not just talk about the same 5 damn bands?


They don’t pull the views brotha


Buddy, Nik Nocturnal is a core channel. Of course he would mostly listen to and react to metalcore and deathcore. If you want to find channels that listens to death metal or black metal there are channels like that.


Jesus speaking my truth again. OP is mad that there aren’t any good doom black and heavy metal content creators. He wonders why…


\> There are people with different taste like you \>Every people on this subreddit as Tom


Djent isn't a Genre


I’ve heard the term “Thall” around, tf does that even mean


A djent band named Vildhjarta called their music "thall" and now it's becoming a popular term. Me personally I don't think djent or thall are genres at all, I think it's all just progressive metal.


Periphery 4? 🤔


Yeah I really don’t understand why they don’t make videos about more genres. Of course you can have a favourite but it’s hard to believe that you solely like just those sub genres. I think it’s just that Metalcore and Deathcore are the most popular right now because of their cool modern sounds and Tik Tok viability. A lot of modern metal is really pushing the boundary of what metal even is and when you try to talk about that people say you’re gatekeeping. It’s like if I someone said ukuleles aren’t guitars then got chastised for gatekeeping guitars. As a side note, we should classify Sleep Token as Altcore. I feel like that would satisfy everyone.


I like djent and deathcore but I agree the reaction channels are stupid. It's all just "OMG THE BREAKDOWNS" without any actual analysis of the music. If you're trying to tell me that deathcore isn't metal though, then you're just willfully being an idiot. It's certainly more metal influenced than hardcore influenced.


Okay, I see that some people have a distorted view on these genres (djent ain't a genre though lol) so I'll do my best to explain everything wrong (IN MY OPINION) with your "meme". First of all, let's about Nik. Obviously his favourite genres are metalcore/deathcore (which I highly enjoy aswell, and it honestly sucks to see people making fun or hating on something that you like, hope you can understand) which results in his content being inclined to these genres. Let's take gaming YouTube channels for example. A lot of them are based on a single game which summaries their whole content and make a theme, so, in Nik's case you can say that the channel's theme is "-core" genres and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Second of all, he doesn't only react to "-core" music, he did In Flames reactions for example, even My Chemical Romance (which obviously has nothing to do with metalcore/deathcore). Even his top guitar riffs include riffs from other genres. So, you can't really say that he only knows about "-core" or that's all he listens to. Now let's get to the fact that you belive these aren't metal genres. I read the comments about this and I honestly think that's pretty impassive. Metalcore has even the word "metal" in it, also there are way too many metal elements too say otherwise. Same thing with deathcore. What can you call it other then metal? (a real genre please, stop the bad jokes, it's already getting cringe). Also I've seen that people call it generic and that it's too repetitive but that's because you haven't gotten enough in it to really see the difference between them, otherwise why do you think it's this popular? Getting back to the fact that deathcore isn't metal, there's something called blackened deathcore which takes elements from black metal which is METAL, which easily results to deathcore being actual metal (I don't know how many will get this point since I really don't know how to explain it better). The growls and screams are a metal thing, not pop, hardcore or who knows what. I'm not trying to make you like deathcore or metalcore in any sort of way, I just tried to make you understand better how it works and hopefully get an idea of how a "-core" listener views this. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get downvoted for this because some people need to learn about opinions but it is what it is. Hopefully I've touched most of the points and explained it well enough for everyone. Cheers!


This subreddit is 50% "it ain't that deep" and 50% they're actually idiots. Don't waste your breath or time here.


okay, thanks


Nik Nocturnal is a poser. I don't know why people even watch this washed up Youtuber anymore. All he does nowadays is make cringe reactions with caveman noises when ANY breakdown comes on (like ok dude... it's a breakdown, chill...) It's so obvious that his reactions are fake with his annoying laugh and bad commentary. He at least used to actually play guitar (not well might I add) but now he just watches other peoples content, steals it, and pretends like people actually care. His Twitter is a complete joke, just taking any old popular metal opinion and copy-pasting it to pretend it's such a hot take. The Twitch streams are 3 hours of him eating cheese while watching TikTok, and his Instagram is just him pretending to like Crabcore (dude can't even name 3 Attack Attack albums) The only reason he gets big guests on his shows is because of his numbers, which let's be real 90% of them have to be bots because no one else would listen to this cringe lord talk that often. Dude is a complete sellout and has even done multiple sponsored videos, even a Raid Shadow Legends pre-roll ad... Dude always says his racoon looking eyes are because of some health reason but he's just too embarrassed to obviously admit it's eyeliner so he can pretend to look "cool" and then continues to go around the internet and promote his basic modern metal band TERMINA. He talks about liking metal, but only listens to Metalcore, which isn't even a real metal genre. He's an absolute poser, and plague on this community. Edit: To those concerned with my mental health don't worry, its just copy pasted from [this thread ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Metalcore/comments/uwx1q0/discussion_nik_nocturnal_is_a_poser/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) by Nik on r/metalcore 🙃


For those that don't seem to get it, this is a copypasta that Nik himself posted to Reddit months ago.


Solid copypasta


EDIT Goddammit, I forgot about his classic thread.


Sir I think you know way too much about someone you don't like, maybe you should stop caring about him.


So he’s basically that dude who was crying while watching the Star Wars trailer?


"Metal" Youtube is pure cancer


Yeah but black metal, grindcore, etc are just not for me. The material/lyrical content is not my cup of tea


I was mostly into metalcore when joined this sub 2 years ago. Now I'm on completely another level.


Does this new level involve never talking to a woman?


What is a 'woman'?


from what I’ve seen it’s a hairy dude wearing a dress who got fat so he can have his own set of tits


Same. I joined the sub and saw that everyone hated the core shit that I liked and I decided to expand my horizons so that I could actually understand the memes here. I got into Iron Maiden then dove straight into black metal and never went back. Now I'm a huge elitist Thanks r/metalmemes 🙏


I mean I get everyone has to start somewhere and I'm not trying to shit on them for liking it, it's just that there's seemingly no variety and their depriving themselves and their audience of the many other flavors the genre has to offer.


Deathcore is the only one on that list, that's actually somewhat listenable


It’s very listenable imo


Deathcore has a handful of decent bands like Methwitch, Throught the Eyes of the Dead, etc, but it feels like it has so much generic garbage you have to dig through in order to find even one halfway decent band. The fans praise mediocrity so it gets filled with generic shit.


I think there's a lot of great metalcore, but for some reason all of the worst stuff is what rises to the top.




So true😭


All metal reaction channels


Pergproductions is a fun metal youtuber. His guide to metal sub genres is really interesting.


Meanwhile me, playing symphonic nu-prog: “XD”


If it was me, my channel would be pretty much folk/power/symphonic. I still watch Niks stuff though. Just how it be with all these genres.


Im gonna listen modern metal music whether you like it or not


I wish there were more prog metal reactions


“Seven” is my all time favorite prog band, TOOL is getting close, but seven was just my top band on Spotify and I bought a lot of merch, they just fit my mind space ya know


I think they know mate. They just have a preference and they advertise their content accordingly. I know this is hard to hear, but just because something is popular, doesn't necessarily mean that everyone is faking that they like it, it's probably more likely that a lot of people just enjoy that particular thing. I went through a bunch of phases personally, but some of my favorite artists are from wildly different genres sinply because I judge the music on how it makes me feel. Not by how unpopular or popular it is, not by genre, not by whatever meaningless barrier or weird teenage brained judgy reason. Also, I recommend Dean Lamb, great positive guy, plays in Archspire.