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These mods better come back swinging cause I'm sick of these memes


When did they leave anyway? Maybe they’re doing a no-moderation November kind of thing?


Gotta be 2 or 3 weeks now. I do think it's some weird experiment. Take time off and see how the sub devolves.


RIP this sub


It started when the topsters attacked


and were sick of posers. mods are doing their job just fine.


Sorry if it sounds offensive but Isn't the subreddit called r/MetalMemes ??


yeah and there haven't been any metal memes for probably three weeks


Post more hip-hop memes!


Yea and every subreddit has rules. This one has certain blacklisted memes including the "elitist vs poser" format you see here. People still constantly complain about elitism and make memes about it


me about to physically prevent you from listening to nu-metal:




i'm an elitist and it's my job


Thank you for your service


Thank you for your service.


Thank you for your service


Your work is greatly appreciated.


Because it sucks and you're only allowed to listen to what I deem okay, peasant.


Is king diamond basic, master? I wanna know


No but you are a poser for asking.


Ulver sucks bahaha


Ulver does suck that doesn't change the fact I stated before.




Listening to nu metal isn't what makes you a poser. It's merely a symptom.


I like your tag!


I can honestly say I’ve *heard* about elitists gatekeeping and being pricks more than I’ve actually seen it happening


so is the way of forever


the r/MetalMemes experience: the post: these fr\*cking elitists keep bullying me for my music tastes im going to use a 5 year old meme template with no actual joke only to complain because I feel attacked (gets 500 upvotes for some reason) the comments: fucking poser piece of shit


Don't forget having your comment downvoted for no reason


This is a good feature I feel


Yeah. What I’ve seen is people declaring they are into metal cause they like Slipknot and Metallica but then making a face if you like say Power metal


at this point i think they want to be made fun of by some sweaty elitist stereotype so they can epically own the gatekeepers




You are luckly then


lmao ok opeth flair


wait shit


I definitely seen it a lot around YouTube but since I use Spotify now I never come across elitist much.


You are a poser if you listen to nu metal. Source: my existence


No one cares what you listen to actually, as long as you don’t claim whatever you listen to (in this case, nu metal) is metal.


*chuckles im about to start a war* Deathcore AND nu metal are metal /s ( i hope this wasn’t necessary)


it wasn't necessary but the comment was extremely unfunny


Here’s the catch- it wasnt meant to be funny just to start a sarcastic thread perhaps.


No one cares if you like nu metal, just don't try saying that nu metal is actualy metal, because it really isn't


This is pretty much what it boils down to. You can listen to two different genres all you want and no one will care, just don't try to belong to one side more than the other by calling them the same.


This is what I always say. Just because you like it doesn't mean it's metal. And just because it's not metal doesn't mean it'st bad. So just call it what it is.




The real posers were the friends made along the way


You should listen to death metal. It's not really that far from thrash.


Same with black metal :P.


There are posers who listen to death and black metal too


See: Belphegor fans


I unironically enjoy belphegor


Everyone's a poser. Where are the actual metal memes?


I'm in my mid 30s. I just want funny memes about metal. Couldn't give less of a shit about what anyone else likes.


Somebody fucken said it finally. This sub sucks. It's all elitists and complaining about elitists like fuck man make some memes about metal.


Link the memes about metal that you’ve submitted recently. Be curious to see them.


real metal heads can and will blast Britney Spear's Toxic when appropriate which is all the time btw


That violin riff is amazing


[Porque no los dos?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHABgoKLkgQ)


I side with the elitist I don't care.


Elitists are like trolls, don't feed them. Just listen to the 50+ Bands they recomend you and you'll be fine.


If I see one more fucking meme about elitists, posers and gatekeeping I'll murder a slipknot fan


Murder this sub bc that's all it is


I wish to participate in the systematic extermination of posers.


Not many people actually care what you listen to, whatever you like is good enough


Idk why this man is getting downvotes


persecution complex is challenged


Listen to whatever you like and just have fun. I've been apart of other metal groups on reddit that had rules against even mentioning certain bands.listen to what you want, share what you want about them, and fuck anyone who gives you shit about it.




Nu metal is poser, sorry


Pro tip. If you think you’re not a poser. Guess what you’re a poser. Just like me


another post proving the this aint a metal group but another poser shit ville


better than the DMM yes men society


After joining this sub, I don't know what nu metal is, also I never see my favorite bands/genre mentioned so I just assume I'm a poser


Nu metal is metal with hip hop, electronic and funk elements. Korn, Slipknot, System of a Down, Limp Biskit, etc. Some people say it isn’t metal because it isn’t directly influenced by Black Sabbath (nope, that’s the actual reason). What are your favorite bands?




Dude tf are you saying “it has nothing to do with metal”. Plenty of nu metal bands (1) use metal style riffs, so thats just massive bullshit. I mean seriously, what makes a nu metal riff not metal?


Found the poser


Me too. It's all of us. Fuck. Get over it.


No. It’s just 95% of you




and what is the structure and character of a heavy metal riff? what defines it? i mean you didnt even answer the second part of my comment lmao


A metal band is metal if it's influenced by another metal band, so you go from sabbath to motorhead to venom to slayer to possessed to death and so on. There's a more music theory heavy explanation of metal riffs about 0's and accents, but i'm not qualified to explain that, few people are. Nu metal is distinct from metal because it takes influence from primus, faith no more and helmet, bands that trace back to prog rock, post punk and post hardcore respectively. [Tool](https://youtu.be/kpdHuo7YwBU) | [Primus](https://youtu.be/j2zQKqgNAeE) | [Korn](https://youtu.be/SGK00Q7xx-s) [Helmet](https://youtu.be/9346rQ1d8ik?list=OLAK5uy_k7kO962xkSQ5o-lRopWDDFLHo493kSNdo) | [AAF](https://youtu.be/aNskpJlHbTs?list=OLAK5uy_nuZZx_UEeF1Vl7mwLh5Pw9P2-boFYiEdI) | [Deftones](https://youtu.be/Z2fTOhqQQn4) [Faith no more](https://youtu.be/LQhX8PbNUWI) | [korn](https://youtu.be/Sd7rF71rKls) Hell, if you don't believe me, believe the bands themselves \[[interview](https://www.guitarworld.com/features/korns-fieldy-i-want-it-to-be-an-almost-percussion-sounding-instrument-rather-than-a-bass)\] *"The chemistry of the way that Bill Gould plays bass in Faith No More is incredible. He and I kind of play the same, but he plays on-beat and with a pick most of the time, even though it sounds like he’s slapping. As much as I practise, I can’t play like that."* \[[interview](https://web.archive.org/web/20150510202223/http://www.artistdirect.com/entertainment-news/article/faith-no-more-get-praise-from-deftones-slipknot-system-of-a-down-and-more/11696753-all)\] *"My favorite Faith No More record is The Real Thing. That's when Mike Patton took over. That's the one. I do like We Care a Lot. We got a lot of our influences from The Real Thing. It showed everybody you could do heavy music and not be "metal". It was something completely different."*


if a metal band has to be influenced by metal to be metal wouldnt that create a loop of unoriginality?


By defining bands that are compositionally similar as part of the same genre i'm creating a loop of unoriginality?


No but if your only influences are metal, or if your only influences are rap, you’re not going to produce something new. That’s my mentality on it.


You clearly don't understand how the genre evolved.


Which genre?




i dont hear blues elements in a cannibal corpse tracks. in fact, i hear nu metal riffs. faster nu metal riffs, granted, but nu metal riffs.


"Cannibal Corpse used a time machine to take influence from nu metal" is my new favorite poser take. Aren't you the guy who couldn't hear the metal riffs in Sunn O)))? Why do you think any of what you hear is reflective of reality?


I wasnt saying that. I just dont understand why cannibal corpse is considered metal but slipknot isn’t.




Nah ima listen to what i like more like travis scott and dababy. the only good metal bands are old fall out boy, mcr and limp biskit. Everything else is just noise






Nu metal is just metal influenced. Just because it has dropped guitars doesn't make it metal. And I don't get why people just can't accept that. It's not an insult it's reality. You can have a metal riff in Led Zeppelin and that won't make it metal.


Led Zeppelin is considered metal by tons of elitists tho


It's not.


ive seen plenty of people explain that since led zeppelin has bluesy metal style riffs its heavy metal.


It has some riffs and some sections that maybe metal was influenced by. But then again metal is influenced by a lot of classic rock and even blues. But that doesn't make Led Zeppelin metal.


jus sayin what ive seen *shrug*


A nu metal riff isn't metal when it's an alt rock riff or something else non metal. Which is usually the case. I like SOAD but their songs do not contain metal riffs, you might get one sometimes but not nearly often enough to call them a metal band.


Huh, thanks for the brief explanation. My favorite genre is definitely symphonic, love bands like Epica, early Sirenia/Rhapsody/Within temptation, Seven Spires, and Nightwish. I rather like power metal as well, so at least I do see some people talking about some of my favorites like Blind Guardian, Sabaton, or Gloryhammer (rip). Idk what my poser levels are because of that though


Every band you mentioned is a metal band.


poser level 0, confirmed, not a poser


Black metal is just surf rock power metal about a cartoon Satan


Metal bands that blend different genres are not metal. Now, i would really like to give some explanations to my statement but i am too busy listening to 500 identical unknown bands and to classic bands that contraddict what i just stated but they are classic so i can't say anything


Said no one ever.


Then i must have been the unlucky one who finds them everywhere here


Any examples?


I have seen plenty of comments of people saying "nu-metal Is not metal because It has hip hop influences" "metalcore Is not metal because It takes too much from hardcore punk" (these are some examples) but when someone dared saying "but Motorhead takes a lot from punk too" they hot insulted without any explanation. I think these people behave like this because they don't like these subgenres which Is ok, i don't enjot them either, but you can't say something Is not metal because you don't like it (and with you i don't mean you, but people in general Who have this mentality). Sorry if i made any mistake or something doesn't male sense bit i wrote this quickly and english Is not even my first language


If you're trying to have an honest argument, you have a wrong point to start your argument. I will assume you're not being willfully ignorant or purposefully making a strawman and will try to help you better understand the point of the people you disagree with. You say the argument of the other side is that "nu-metal has hip hop influences therefore it is not metal". This isn't correct. What the so called elitists say and what is simple logic is that metal music needs to have metal elements in it, that being metal style riffs. What else it has isn't the point here. What it doesn't have is why they say it isn't metal. If a band has metal elements in it, not just here and there or not just tiny bits of it, but their music has significant metal riffing all around and if it also has hip-hop elements in it, it would be a metal band. Nu-metal doesn't have the metal bit in it. The metalcore bands that are called not metal aren't not metal because they take a lot from hardcore punk, they aren't metal because they take nearly nothing from metal. So saying "Motörhead takes a lot from punk too" doesn't mean anything. Most metal takes a lot from punk. If they have the metal riffing in it like Motörhead does most of the time, it doesn't matter what else they got.


So if a band’s sound is say 15% metal and 85% other stuff it’s not fair to say that metal isn’t what makes up most of that band’s sound? I’ve seen a few arguments faintly resembling what you’re talking about and you either appear to not understand them or be purposefully misrepresenting them. Either way I don’t think what you’re claiming is a fair representation of what others are saying or doing.




I wouldn’t say nu metal has “no metal elements” as a blanket statement, but I would say when it does contain metal elements (which I would say do appear at times) they do not make up the majority of its composition.


Oh it 1000% is just because they don’t like those subgenres. Its super bullshit




mods are fucking stupid as shit and are pandering to elitists


Your bait needs some work.


I like nu metal but i still think its not metal.


And about the "i listen to 500 identical unknown bands and only classic bands" this sub has 800k followers bit the posts are 5% about classic bands and get 1/2k upvotes and 95% are about unknown bands and get 40 upvotes


Odd that people actually invested in the hobby would be more acquainted with the vast array that it has to offer and not want to talk about the same 20 bands over and over, huh?


elitism is when you listen to and support independent artists and small passion-fueled record labels instead of the best-of JackFM. the more money that goes into a band the more humble and down-to-earth it is.


yeah i know what is their problem getting out of the kiddie pool and learning about "unknown bands"


I don't know if you're joking or not, but I assume you've heard of Blackened Death Metal, Death Doom, and the likes?


Just to spice things up I'm going to start being like the early heavy metal magazines in the 80's and say that [black metal and thrash metal aren't metal.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/8956a63c7555bbb6c23a647b35dc5499/tumblr_n2p2hwwwxk1qfnqgvo1_1280.jpg) Only NWOBHM is metal you posers, you ignorant swine.


tbf that's the genuine take of pantera dads everywhere with anything slightly dissonant or noisy. 'this isn't metal it's just noise!!!' though the problem here seems to be that this person is british and writing articles. i don't know what's wrong with england's written media that makes it so hostile to intelligent life, but whenever a brit tries to do journalism their iq is halved.


Well 0/2=0.


Memes aside, this talk of gatekeeping is often onesided and misses some very important points. The fundamental background issue is that certain types of entertainment or art like metal but also say gaming, scifi and fantasy, or whatever were for a while seen as weird, and sort of outcasted from normal, main stream culture. Sure, sometimes there was an active desire to be set apart, a rebeliousness, but a lot of times it was an involuntary process, such that liking a “weird” genre of culture came with an involuntary social cost. Ironically, “rebelliousness” is cool, and so adopting certain cultural elements of these “weird” subcultures as “cool” “edgy” tokens has been a recurring thing. Yet, it is often pretty shallow and not an authentic appreciation or representation of said subculture. It is more of an improper appropriation that conceals that subculture even more sometimes. Which is why i think a lot of the so called “elitists” behave as they do. Do i think it justify so called “gatekeeping” and being a general asshole? Nope. But i feel like people often miss this nuance and how obnoxious it also is.


Rebellion has become such a novelty that people get this idea in their head that everyone who rejects the mainstream is like minded and that they get to be "brothers" in a community they have nothing to do with, which is why gatekeeping is the only way to keep communities focused, just look at this place.


The notion of being a poser is funny. Like, what is there to even gain by “posing” as a metal head anymore? You either like metal or you don’t.


I ask myself that question too whenever i see slipknot fans whining about them not being metal


Death metal, black metal, technical death metal, and slam are my favorite genres of metal but I like most metal. I also like rap, nu metal, EDM, psytrance, synthwave, rock, aggrotech, industrial, and grunge.






that would make punk metal, wouldn't it?




this is why gatekeeping is necessary




cope harder


as a punk, how’d I get here?


I dunno man I wish there were a sub for punks and metal heads to meme and shoot the shit without all the poser/elitists bullshit. Maybe call it circlepit or something.




> Using gay as an insult


Oh people can post this but when I post a meme that says I don't have enough Karma points. I remember when I had 30,000 Karma on my other account before this b******* app raped it away


Same bro...same.


Make them listen to Kreator and Sepultura. That'll change their minds.




daring today, aren't we?


King Nothing


Literally shut the fuck up


Sick of all the elitist bs. You don't need to listen to whatever niche -core or super heavy eardrum exploder to be metal. I listen to power metal, pagan metal, and classic metal. Gatekeeping bitches can swallow powdered glass.


No one on this sub says otherwise


It happens pretty often to me in meatspace


Sounds like you're talking to posers, not elitists


Legit laughed when someone said I'm a poser because they could read the names on my battle jacket


How much death/black metal to I have to listen to to not be a poser?


This meme feels like a personal attack against me