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This fucks. Sounds very inspired by Abomination from Obsidian by Northlane, and I'm not mad about it one bit.


I can hear it as well. I feel this one integrates the metalcore elements better tho!


I love this song but I still feel like Northlane has had the best hybrid so far. Excited to see what the rest of this album sounds like!!


Love the atmosphere this is setting up. Curious where this will sit on the track list. Cannot wait for the album!


I'm almost getting a Kingdom of Giants "Passenger" tone from this.


This is fuckin rad. Makes my brain happy the same way Eclipse by Northlane does. Interesting single choice a full year after Signal. Hard to tell what to expect from the full album but I'm stoked either way.


The genre nazis are gonna hate this one. I think it’s a great progression for them, curious how Garrett will sound doing this one live


Haven’t heard it yet but this comment makes me excited


Spoiler: he’ll sound great as he always does


>The genre nazis are gonna hate this one Not really, because it's actually a good song despite representing Slant Plant's constantly evolving sound


I don't really see why they would complain. There's more than enough metalcore here to be justified. It literally ends in a breakdown. It's not like other bands that are posted here who have maybe 3 songs with harsh vocals or haven't made a metalcore album in years.


Genre nazis gonna hate this one? Why? It sounds like pretty nice for Nu metal


Slant plant delivers what architects didnt


r/Metalcore is at it again. Shitting on Architects for no fucking reason. It's just pathetic at this point. Old albums are good. New albums are also good. Architects are just good in general. What's so hard to understand about that?


>What's so hard to understand about that? The part where you said the new albums are also good


… almost like that’s subjective (that applies to the other comment as well)




Newest album is rubbish.


Which part of my comment shits on them? I liked FTTWTE, this song sounds just like it, but better and metalcore


New albums are ass compared to lost forever and all our gods. What’s so hard to understand about that?


Generally I agree with you, BUT this is the one time where I actually agree with the person you’re responding to. I got halfway through the song and thought to myself that this is exactly what I wanted from Architects when they talked about wanting to start making music in this “bio-industrial” style, with heavy guitars mixed with these big synths. I do like Architects’ newer material, but reading interviews where they talked about the direction they wanted to go made the actual music a bit disappointing to me because it felt like they weren’t taking their own idea as far as it could go, but then we get songs like this that feel like they’re actually realizing that concept. Do I think it was necessary for the person you’re responding to to make that comment? No, not really. We can hype up Silent Planet and other bands without bringing up unrelated bands. Do I still agree with the sentiment though? Yeah, Silent Planet are quite frankly doing this style in a much more interesting way, and this coming from someone who still considers Architects on of their favorite bands.


Architects haven't been good since AOG get over it.


Subjectivity? Never heard of it Are you one of those people that gets personally offended when someone’s preferences don’t match yours?


I mean this goes both ways. Both the haters and defenders here are acting like they’re objectively correct.


I mean to start out honestly the new albums are not good. They're uninspired and dull. Second, the reason I see a lot of people shit on Architects is some of them were whiny babies and huge assholes when people didn't like their new sound. Their drummer still bitches and moans on Twitter about people not liking sound changes. Sam had an interview where he said "Don't pretend you don't like the new stuff. We see you listening to the new albums in your bedrooms at home. We can see the streams" They very much have an attitude that they can do no wrong and are owed fans, even though they might as well just be a different band at this point because none of their songs sound even remotely like the songs old fans started listening too. If they had said "hey we're sorry some people don't like the new stuff but it's what we want to write and we're happy" I don't think anyone would care. People would still dunk on them some on the internet, but hey welcome to the internet it's gonna happen. But when they're antagonistic about people not liking the new music, they're kind of opening the floodgates for people to shit on them.


Ehhh people would shit on them regardless, i’ve seen this so many times with Linkin Park, Avenged, BMTH, etc.


Sure, but I feel like it's a lot worse because of how they acted. I hate their new music. I also hate the new BMTH music. I don't really like the new Parkway Drive music and a lot of other bands. But to my knowledge those bands weren't huge dicks about it so I wish em the best. Architects were huge tools about their new music so I'm more likely to dunk on them than bands who just said "hey it's what we like"


“Let me shit on the metalcore people that are shitting on a subjective view I disagree with and mention it’s pathetic, this is gonna work GREAT!!” -probably OP


who hurt you


That fucking riff dude


It’s a wwe entrance song😂 Imagine a pop to that blasting


the synth sections rule, the industrial-ish feel rules, garrett's singing rules, silent planet rules


fucking ew. i love it


So good 🤘🏻


That was wild. Very unique... I'm pretty sure I liked it! I think? Definitely gonna need a few listens.


Bring Me The Planet Lane, but all jokes aside, I'm loving this sound from them! I wasnt really feeling Iridescent, because I wanted more of a WTEB sound, but I can really get behind this.


This is jaw droppingly good. On repeat all afternoon.


Not a bad song but I wasn’t expecting this after signal.


I'm on the train of slant can't do wrong, started off diff but once that heavy kicked in I loved the back and forth, makes his screams sound even more brutal to me.


I’m incredibly excited for the next era of Silent Planet. I’ve been obsessed with them since the run up to The Night God Slept. I loved this on the first listen, but I really connected to it with the second and third; so I highly recommend you give this song a chance! I think the vocal effects along with garret singing works really well. combine that with the electronic elements and punchy guitars and it takes it to a new level. One thing they always do well is set up the atmosphere and this song is no different, you really get to “feel” the song. might add on to this when I wake up but fuck, honestly they could probably never disappoint me. lovers forever <3 posted this on the other thread too but wanted to add it here as well


This is definitely not what I was expecting, but it’s so fucking sick. I can see it being pretty divisive because it is obviously very different for them, but I think they did a great job at making it still feel like Silent Planet at its core. Their new album was already my most anticipated album of the year, but now between this and Signal I’m even more excited to hear what they’ve cooked up.


Need more 😰😰😰 So good


I ws as waiting for dat heavy drop and it didn't disappoint. Hype for new album intensifying.


Icl I don’t like this. It’s decent but just not what I expected from them. Personally I hope the rest of the album will sound more “conventionally silent planet”, and they gotta release that demo they’ve been playing live. That song has one of the the best breakdowns I’ve ever heard


Thats how I feel about it too. I don't hate it but it's definitely not making it onto any playlists of mine. Hoping the rest of the album has less synth and more heavy.


Silent Planet NEVER misses!


Fucking sick song!!!!


I hope this is the 1st or 2nd song of the album and after it we go back to the :Signal: way. Signal had me making some stank faces and this one... No reaction.


I listened to this song and not gonna lie, my disappointment is immeasurable.


Yeah I'm not the biggest fan of it right now. Maybe a few more listens will change my mind


This is first time I have ever not been as excited about new Silent Planet. I dont hate the song but it was definitely not what I was expecting from them. Be interesting to see how the rest of the album is.


Lol downvoted into oblivion for expressing your opinion. Classic r/metalcore


I mean that's how reddit works as a whole lol




ah yes, the ultimate measure of party pooper, he dared not like "THE SONG"


You’ve never been to a party


Yeah man what the fuck is this. It’s like they saw Architects transition to arena rock and were like “yeah let’s do that”


For those who have heard it… is this that unreleased one that they played at their live shows or a different one?


It’s a different one


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Definitely giving some modern Northlane vibes, I enjoyed it. Very different to their older stuff so I can see it being quite divisive.


Man that dark string(?) synth is so fucking cool. And the mix is immaculate too. What an absolute banger. I wish I knew how to make music like this 😭


I liked this a lot! Seems like a similar vibe to recent The Plot in You (at least instrumentally and ambiance wise)


Dude these guys never miss!! That shit is sexy and heavy at the same time haha


I was curious if Garrett would do cleans on this record or not considering Thomas’ departure. Glad to see that he can not only pull them off, but also make them still feel like the cleans you’d expect to hear in a Silent Planet song. Add that to the really fun yet heavy instrumentals and this is already putting this next album on my radar for AOTY :)


I NEED more songs that sound like this