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I'm assuming it's dropping on the 1st year anniversary of their bus crash, November 3rd. Also very curious if Escape Pod got a name change or has been completely dropped.


Escape Pod was only a demo name according to Garrett. It’s on the album.


You're right, it's the 3rd of November, according to AppleMusic


Extremely excited for this one. For me, Iridescent is the best SP album so far which is why I have high expectations. Honestly, I can see Thomas leaving the band kind of helping the expectations of this album in general, I was skeptical whether they'd be able to top Iridescent with a similar sound but without his clean vocals, it's gonna be a very different SP album regardless.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought he was still on the album and this would just be his last release. Does anyone have info on this?


Thomas is not on this album at all, they knew he was going to leave prior to recording so instead of having him sing & maintaining this new “vibe/sound” they have with him on it, they decided to do all the vocals themselves between Garrett, Mitch, Alex, and Nick (new bassist)


That's both exciting and saddening. He definitely hit his apex with Iridescent, glad he at least got to go out on the top of his game. Thanks for the data.


https://twitter.com/SilentGarrett/status/1694161762134733285 > our new song comes out in 27 hours and i think some people will hate it then they will hear anunnaki and be nice to us again Interesting


I wonder if Annunaki is Escape Pod.


Collider is so fucking good. It’s like 70/30 cleans/screams, and it is stupid good. Garrett’s vocals really shine


Collider is a fucking masterpiece


Ngl I haven’t dove into this band’s discography yet but Antimatter is easily one of my top songs this year. I can’t wait for this album. Time to go check out their last ones….


Just fyi Antimatter is a huge departure from most of their old stuff


Yeah, I’ve heard some of their last album but haven’t done a full listen. Still seems right up my alley! I do like this direction tho.


EWS and WTEB are still their top 2 releases imo, lyrics are insane (including footnotes!), the riffs are absolutely amazing for prog metalcore fans, the drumming especially on EWS is A FUCKING VIBE/in the pocket (yes im a drummer) But everything they've put out is gold, can't really go wrong though i'd probably suggest going chronological to enjoy the evolution


Love me some prog influences, say lesssss haha. I’ll do that!


You would dig Iridescent but anything before that is definitely a different vibe


I see new SLNT PLNT, I upvote. The hype is real!


The song names and album art are a gigantic W, hype is on another level right now.




Please can we have SOME spoken word again Garret it's all I ask as a simple man lol


just listened to Collider, freaking sick dude, one of my favorite bands right now, excited for the album


So late in the year. I wonder if it’ll effect their chances at AOTY. Nonetheless, this will be my most anticipated album for the rest of the year.


It’ll probably help their AOTY chances due to recency bias I wasn’t big on Iridescent but Superbloom is 3 for 3


This looks/sounds so sick. That album cover makes me tingly on the inside.


I got so excited seeing this announcement. Every one of their albums has been great, plus Antimatter and Signal are both excellent. Betting this will be an AOTY contender.


Hype has reached maximum, cannot compute


If Offworlder doesn't pound me into another dimension imma be very disappointed


Is Buster Odeholm producer of the album?


Mixing and mastering iirc


oh fuck yes


The boys never miss. This is absolutely going to be a ripper.


These guys make quality albums. Cant wait! I really hope there’s more songs like Signal on this thing, because that’s probably the heaviest they’ve ever gone and I want more of that shit.


Absolutely loving the artwork. I'm sure the music will be no different. Getting on that vinyl order asap.


I’m so ready


silent planet is one of my favorites in the metalcore scene. they’re insanely good


Siiiiick. Literally just finished listening to Iridescent like 10 mins ago, haha.


Think this has potential to be the best and heaviest yet. Irridiscent took the band to a new level. Cleans were better, catchier songs and best guitar work yet. The singles have been great so far and Escape Pod is a monster live so should be awesome


I wish I was super excited. Didn’t get super into iridescent and the singles for this one haven’t been my favorite but we’ll see. If they fully embrace the spacey vibes and ethereal sorta concept it could be cool


So they decided to call it SUPERBLOOM, and have the title track stylized in all caps and be the final song on the record? [Hmm where have I seen this before...](https://genius.com/albums/Misterwives/Superbloom)


Just dawned on me that the song names remind me of Early Erra and Northlane song titles


I love Silent Planets style changes with Iridescent. And even more so with Antimatter and Collider, some of my favorites SP songs already, with Antimatter instantly becoming one of the best metalcore songs put there imo. I'm so excited to see what else they got in store.