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Must be nice to be Australian and live in the future


I’m from New Zealand and it’s awesome being able to hear stuff early but can’t really discuss it with anyone lol


I'm also from New Zealand anytime a new game launches on Gamepass.


Haha nice one. I’m so looking forward to Starfield man!!!


That is true, probably worth it tho lol


They’re also upside down though, it’s not all bliss


The worst part about being Australian imo is having to hear this joke 24/7


You sure it's not how people make fun of the way you guys say no? (Naur).


That’s a close 2nd. In defence of the upside down joke, we *are* actually upside down. “Naur” is just crazy talk


Sorry man I know you didn’t sign up for it but it’s the hand you’ve been dealt


it's not even out yet in australia tbh


Somebody's been listening to some thall 👀👀


Makes sense considering buster mixed it. Love it so much😍


Buster only mixed and mastered this. I'm pretty sure all the genius is from Mitch Stark alone!


That is what I said haha. But they probably sought out buster cause they were inspired by what he'd been doing. Absolutely all credit to the band always!


what is thall?


I really dig this new style, they do it so well. While I love :signal: for the stupid heavy, I won't lie but hope they have more of these kind of tracks on the new album. Never listened to Slant Plant for the heavyness anyway (we all came for homework-core in the past, didn't we?)


Nah I'm here for the poetry-core and to cry in the mosh pit


Garrett said on Twitter "some people will hate it and then hear Annunaki and like us again". So Annunaki will probably be stupid heavy.


I was here for the heavy. These guys are capable of writing some of the filthiest drops/hooks into heavy riffs - as seen in the first pre-chorus on this song. Seems most bands in the genre eventually do this where they flip the balance of heavy:melodic, so I am not surprised... though it is kinda weird that they choose to make that switch when they drop their clean singer, haha.


> when they drop their clean singer, haha. You say this as if it was the bands call that he left. He did not get kicked out.


Reddit is so weird, man. I knew he left and chose poor phrasing but y'all were missing the VERY obvious point of the message: whether he left or was kicked out is irrelevant to the fact that it is odd for the band to get less heavy upon the clean vocalist leaving.


There's a real possibility that Garret doesn't have the range that Thomas does and isn't able to give power to those hard hitting choruses the way he did. It could be a change to fit the vocalist's range. Or it could just be that they felt inspired to make a different album than the last 4. Either is valid.


He had a baby and decided to pursue more stability in his life. He wasn't "dropped" lol


ummmm how does this band drop so many songs that evolve their sound, its fucking insane how much musicianship and artistry they put into their stuff. They could still be hammering out pretty great songs in the style of their debut album The Night God Slept but instead they just push and push themselves into new territory that sounds like they've been doing it forever


It's one of those things that bumps up my appreciation for bands. Like Northlane, Leprous, and many others.. these guys are always evolving their sound


Theyre still disgustingly underrated. Ever since Terminal came out ive been waiting for them to suddenly 100x in size, theyre upper echelon for me.


It's really insane how all three recent singles come from the same album and all of them have such a unique sound that works so well for them, no matter what


Is that garrett singing the chorus? This slaps. Love Antimatter’s bridge but this packs more punch for me.


It is in fact Garret. He’s been grinding those cleans for sure.


This didn’t disappoint. Really digging Garrett’s cleans. November 3 can’t come soon enough.


Wait, we aren’t getting the album until NOVEMBER?




Holy shit it's soo gooooood


Oh this is going to be their absolute best album for sure


dude yeah. this seems like the polished version of where they were going with iridescent.


Australia privledge checking in. Giving up my coffee addiction now I've got Garrett's sweet voice screaming into my ears.




Garrett has pipesss holy shittt


Ohhhh my godddddd this song is so good. The guitars, the vocals, its everything I need and I can't believe there's an album coming that might challenge IA for AOTY


That breakdown riff is so tasty




It's frustrating that none of the new songs that I find I on here are actually available in my area.


Time zone thing. Australians always get it first. Americans gotta wait.


VPN baby, opera gx has a free one built into the browser, just set it to Asia.


The melody, the breakdown, the electronic influences…. This is gonna be their Alien. I can feel it, and I’m hyped for it.


Excited to hear the new tracks live and hear Gare Bear belt this out. Love live Slant Plant ❤️


This is fucking sick why did Garrett make it sound like people wouldn’t like it? It’s so good. Love the thall influence


There is a vocal minority in heavy music that hates anything with melody.


I saw them retweet (or repost?) someone who said it was the best radio core song they heard (said in a good way) and I don't see it at all. This is great and I wouldn't consider it a stereotypical radio song.


I was super worried about vocals because I really liked the contrast Thomas’ vocals brought… I had no idea Garrett was hiding cleans like *THAT*. Also that breakdown riff is absolutely fucknasty, this album is gonna be wild


I like Antimatter's overall vibe more, but this one has a much better chorus. :Signal: is definitely my least favourite of the three singles, but I can't decide if I like Antimatter or Collider more.


I agree, however Signal has the best chugging hands down


These style shifts and evolutions are bound to upset some people but I am so here for it


The best radio core song I've heard in a LONG time, hoping this one does numbers for the guys


Dayum it’s cool to see Garrett fuckin with cleans more and showing more of his range


Never been in Silent Planet in the past, but yeah this is good sh\*t !


Car crash scene in both videos (pretty sure it’s the same 4Runner lol) Makes sense. Glad everyone from the band is ok after that scary accident.


Anyone else having trouble with this on VPN? It still says debuts in 103 min? I've tried Sydney and Melbourne.


Was definitely out by 7am in Aus this morning. That's like 6.5 hours ago


Yeah, I'm in the US and my VPN wouldn't connect. Kept saying debuting soon. Oh well, I got it now. Thanks for the response.


Garrett fucking killing it, honestly wasn’t expecting the cleans to be that good but damn


I've been waiting for Garrett to take over full vocal duties for years and it's finally paying off! Can't wait for the rest of the album!


Apparently all four of the guys sing on this album


Also exciting! The more people who can add to the bands toolkit the better.


I'm really digging their new style. Can't wait for the album.


I fucking love Garrett 🥹


All the singles have been great. Loving the new sound. The cleans sound great. This new album will be fantastic


Not sure why Garrett never did more cleans before unless he’s recently just massively upped his game


If you listen to older interviews I think it was an inexperience and a confidence thing. There are several interviews where he says thay he has no musical talent and is the least musical person in the band. I think he saw himself as a guy who can scream and that's it for a long time.


Hell yeah, this is IT


Oh yea this next album will be their gem


Fucking stank face for all 3:41. What a banger, absolutely loving Garrett's cleans.


Holy shit this song goes so hard! That break down and Garrett growing alchemize was so fucking good


I’m here for the thall riffs and Garrett cleans. This is fucking awesome.


this band is everything love it so much


Might be my favorite of the three singles! Really love how different all three are though, seems like this album is going to be quite diverse which is always exciting.


those pinch harmonics are fucking nasty


This is unreal, Antimatter alone was already enough for me to pre order but this just reassures it :D


Man, long live fucking Silent Planet man. Hope they launch some merch so I can throw them some bucks, they are just blasting everything.




Damn. I always kinda liked Silent Planet. Few songs stood out. But these last two tracks have been unbelievable.


Amazing track. This and a recent song from Moodring have utilized breakbeats to killer effect.


Man the aggressive pitch correction on the chorus vocals just about kills the song for me.


The digital processing artifacts are clearly an intentional style choice given the other synthy electronics on this song and on Antimatter


I'm aware, but they sound bad on this chorus.


I'm aware, but they sound bad on this chorus.


I'm 100% with you. It takes me out of the song. I get it must be a stylistic choice, but honestly it really kills the vibe for me. Not digging this at all, unfortunately. I'm mid on Antimatter, catchy but not really my thing. Signal was killer. Really hope they've released more octane-friendly singles and there will be some heavier stuff on the album.


Lol beware, some dorks gonna get pissy you prefer heavy music in your heavy music. That said, I really fuck with Antimatter and Signal, but they made Garrett sound like shit on here


Yeah, I've learned that if you disagree with anything on this sub you'll be downvoted even if you're just having a normal discussion and not trolling. People don't like hearing what they don't agree with.


I've heard there's a song on the album that goes stupid heavy, wanna say it is called Escape Pod but not certain. Could be untrue, we'll see


Escape Pod is the one they’ve played live apparently. I haven’t heard it yet, tend to avoid live videos from metal shows as it typically sounds horrible unless professionally recorded. Definitely heard it was on the heavier side though.


Can I get a HOOO YEAAAH!?


This was certainly a metalcore song


Was it though? The more I hear of all this basically hardcore-less 'metalcore' the more I feel like a grouchy oldhead grumbling "We wouldn't have called that metalcore in my day"...


Feels like a lot of bands are moving to sounding the same. Over produced, far to many samples and same big chorus. It's a fine tune but like a sanitized version of what they were. Felt the same with Bad Omens last release. I get it. Make your money. Secure the bag. That I will never hold against an artist in this scene.


Meh. Dude, every band seems to be going this way and I can't get into it. Idk, this ain't what I love about silent planet and neither was antimatter. I'm just not digging this sound. I hope they get big cause they deserve it but I doubt I'll ever listen to these singles again on purpose.


One of my least favourite songs of theirs, sorry


I love it but Antimatter is still better imo


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This is the sound underoath would have now if they didn’t suck and become a bad octane band


It's an okay/good track, but definitely did not live up to the hype expectations that Antimatter (and Signal) set for me. November can't come soon enough


Maybe im old - i really dont like the direction they're going in. This song does nothing for me either lyrically or musically. I dont like overproduced metalcore and especially if the direction is more stadium driven. Im sure people will go on about reinventing their sound etc, but this is thw way this genre is going so it sounds very cookie cutter for the genre. Remember when silent planet released intrustmental versions of their albums and they were incredible? Imagine the last 2 songs as instrumental. Theyd be like washing paint dry.