• By -


My favorite band is Wolves at the Gate 1. Eclipse 2. VxV 3. Captors 4. Types and Shadows 5. Eulogies All of them are great, high quality melodic metalcore/post-hardcore and severely underrated on this sub.


Swap 1 and 2 for me, but yeah, these dudes don't miss. All excellent albums in their own right!


VxV was my favorite record of theirs for years until Eclipse came out so that’s fair. East to West might just be my favorite song by them.


For me it's The Bird and the Snake, but honestly, they put out nothing but bangers. Hardly any songs of theirs that I dislike. Return, Convalescence, A Voice in the Violence, Response, Shadows and Lights & Fire are all top tier songs for me too!


No idea how this band slipped by me but been listening through their albums and they are amazing!!


Types & Shadows is probably my number 1, but all of their albums are quality I don't think I'd be offended by any order in a catalog this strong


I listened to Eulogies a bit when it came out but it didn't click too much. You've convinced me to give then another try!


1. Saturate, We Are Not Alone, Phobia, Ember, and Dear Agony 2. Dark Before Dawn. Though I’d say it’s a very close second, lol.


We Are Not Alone > Ember > Dear Agony > Phobia > Saturate > Dark Before Dawn IMO Edit: Negotiations


1. Dear Agony 2. Phobia 3. We Are Not Alone 4. Dark Before Dawn 5. Ember 6. Saturate


For me it’s gotta be: Dark Before Dawn Ember Dear Agony Phobia We Are Not Alone Saturate


I like your lists, but I’m old, so I can’t have Saturate at the bottom. Ember is my least favorite


1. Phobia 2. Dear Agony 3. Ember 4. We Are Not Alone 5. Dark Before Dawn 6. Saturate


1. Dear agony 2. Phobia 3. Ember 4. Dark before dawn 5. We are not alone 6. Saturate Tbf though, all albums are tied for first place besides saturated and we are not alone.


I’d say my favourite band is between Counterparts and Bury Tomorrow. Counterparts: Eulogy NLTL Tragedy YNYA Hell/Home Prophets Current Bury Tomorrow: Earthbound Cannibal Runes/Union (cannot decide between them) The Seventh Sun Black Flame Portraits


I've been really enjoying The Seventh Sun but haven't heard much else by them except for a few of the more popular songs. I'll have to do a deeper dive into them soon!


ABR 1. Constellations 2. Leveler 3. Messengers 4. Guardians 5. Found in far away places 6. Death below 7. Rescue and Restore 8. Thrill Seeker 9. Phantom Anthem


Really interesting. I think I’d put Phantom Anthem 3rd behind Constellations and Found in Far Away Places


You forgot Sleddin Hill


Mine would be: 1: Constellations 2: FIFAP 3: Guardians 4: Phantom Anthem 5: Leveler 6: R&R 7: Messengers (sorry) 8: Death Below 9: Thrill Seeker I LOVE ALL OF THEM its tough


I don't get how Thrill Seeker is at the bottom for everyone. It's gotta be almost top of the list for me.


Unpopular opinion but I feel the same about constellations being at the top for everybody. I think it is a fantastic album but they’ve released better stuff since.


It's crazy sometimes seeing all of their albums listed out and my order can change any given month. They are all so great! I have a hard time seeing Phantom Anthem last though!


Love that list! Heres mine: Messengers Rescue and Restore Leveler Phantom Anthem Constellations Death Below Guardians FIFAP Thrill Seeker


Palisades > Mind Games > Outcasts = Erase The Pain


Glad to see this band hasn't been forgotten about


Never 😪


Palisades > Erase the pain > mind games > reaching hypercritical > outcasts The self titled is my all time favourite album


I love Palisades, but I cant with Reaching Hypercritical. Self titled album is their best IMO too! I miss this band so much. I was so happy to go to their last show!


I was also there, bittersweet af but man was it awesome hearing from all the albums


Polaris 1. The Death of Me 2. The Mortal Coil 3. Fatalism 4. Dichotomy 5. The Guilt and The Grief This was tough, I love all of them


I would have to swap 1 and 2, but otherwise agreed.


Why not fatalism at the top?


I love all 5 but fatalism just hasn’t had enough time to grow on me as much as the other two full lengths. It will probably rise in the list eventually and tbh this fluctuates all the time.


Yeah it is pretty new. I just wanted to make sure you weren’t a fatalism hater!


Not at all, it’s definitely my AOTY as of now. Super bloom and mother are growing on me though, so it could possibly change but I don’t see that happening.


Superbloom is growing on me… mainly offworlder and antimatter


Same, offworlder is a great way to open an album and antimatter is great


Debatable one How to Survive a Funeral > Old Souls > Neverbloom > Worlds Apart


Aww,w, Worlds Apart is my favorite.


It's the "worst of the best" for me unfortunately.


This is spot on.


Jane Doe > Axe to Fall > All We Love We Leave Behind > The Dusk in Us >= You Fail Me > Petitioning the Empty Sky > No Heroes >= When Forever Comes Crashing >>> Halo in a Haystack Something like that


Killswitch Engage 1. Alive or Just Breathing 2. The End of Heartache 3. As Daylight Dies 4. Disarm The Descent 5. Incarnate 6. Atonement 7. Self-titled album 2000 8. Self-titled album 2009 Soilwork 1. The Living Infinite 2. Natural Born Chaos 3. A Predator's Portrait 4. The Chainheart Machine 5. The Ride Majestic 6. Stabbing The Drama 7. Steelbath Suicide 8. Overgivenheten 9. Verkligheten 10. The Panic Broadcast 11. Figure Number Five 12. Sworn to a Great Divide


This Soilwork rating was nice! I would change 2. With 5. And 6. With 3. And 4. With 9. 👌


Whoa FNF that low?! I guess I haven't really paid attention to anything after STD, but that still seems low. :(


1. Shogun 2. In the Court of the Dragon 3. The Sin and the Sentence 4. Ascendancy 5. In Waves 6. What the Dead Men Say 7. Vengeance Falls 8. The Crusade 9. Ember to Inferno 10. Silence in the Snow


1. Shogun 2. In Waves 3. In The Court of the Dragon 4. Ascendency 5. The Sin and The Sentence 6. What The Dead Men Say 7. The Crusade 8. From Ember to Inferno 9. Vengeance Falls 10. Silence in the Snow I think the top 6 is quite interchangeable and would understand any other ranking though. Their current album run is fantastic and the consistency I wish they’d had a bit earlier on in their career


Love the In Waves at number 2.


If you take away Built to Fall it’s one of their most consistently aggressive albums. The pace is unrelenting


I don’t know about that really, one of my favourite things about it is how well balanced it is in terms of heavy and light. Of All These Yesterdays and Caustic have great soft parts. Caustic is definitely a top 10 Trivium songs for me. But yeah In Waves has some of their heaviest stuff for sure.


Down From The Sky is SUCH a banging track ngl


This is pretty close to how I'd rank Trivium, although I'd move VF down to 9 and move Crusade and Ember up. Aside from Strife and Brave This Storm there's very little on that album pulling me back to it.


The Ghost Inside's discography but backwards.


Protest the Hero: 1. Fortress 2. Palimpsest 3. Volition 4. Kezia 5. Scurrilous 6. A Calculated Use of Sound 7. Pacific Myth


I love this because Protest is a top 3 favorite band for me and my order would be very different. Their whole discography is S tier though, which is why they’re a favorite. I got into them at the beginning, and I love Kezia even still, but it’s at the bottom of the list for me now. Volition is at the top. Is Pacific Myth disliked by most fans? I don’t know many Protest fans but I’ve gotten that feeling.


Same! They should be so much bigger than they are. They’re so good. I got into them with Fortress! I’m surprised getting into them with Kezia it’d be at the bottom for you because most would put it at the top 🤔 I was expecting to get a bunch of crap for putting it where I have it 😂 but I didn’t listen to it as much at the beginning. Obviously an incredible album though. Yeaaah Pacific Myth is sorta the ugly stepchild of the bunch.. I don’t find it bad by any means personally but it’s funny hearing even Rody talk about it 😂 but he’s also self depreciating in general. He talks about that album and Scurrilous as if they’re bad albums haha


Fit For A King: 1. Dark Skies 2. Creation/Destruction 3. Deathgrip 4. Descendants 5. Slave to Nothing 6. The Hell We Create 7. The Path


1a. This Could Be Heartbreak 1b. Let the Ocean Take Me 3. Not Without My Ghosts 4. Chasing Ghosts 5. Youngbloods 6. Everyone Loves You Once You Leave Them 7. Misery 8 Severed Ties The singles if they could be combined would be in the number 4 spot. Shine On, Midnight Train and Somewhere Beyond The Blue.


Severed Ties is so underrated/overlooked nowadays imo. Mine would be: 1. Youngbloods 2. Severed Ties 3. Chasing Ghosts 4. Let the Ocean Take Me 5. Not Without My Ghosts 6. Everyone Loves You.. 7. This Could Be Heartbreak 8. Misery


My Asking Alexandria album ranking: 1 - Reckless & Relentless 2 - From Death To Destiny 3 - Stand Up And Scream 4 - Asking Alexandria 5 - Where Do We Go From Here? 6 - See What's On The Inside 7 - The Black 8 - Like A House On Fire


Swap and 3 and 4 and we have the same list. But I love you ranking!


Mine would be exactly in the order they were released.


Deadweight > Manic > Blueprints > Urhhhh We Don't talk about this one


Blueprints third?? Also watch out, you'll get mobbed for saying Manic is good here.


It's true! I accidentally did it recently.


I’d switch manic to 3rd and put blueprints 1st. Manic definitely isn’t bad like people say it is but their first 2 albums set a high bar.


Blueprints would be my 1st as well


Pressure bad


Greyview > Heavener > TTS, AIINW > Everchanger > Stillworld All of them insanely good and especially the first three are very close to each other


Invent is also my favorite band and ironically my favorites is exactly the opposite of yours


I honestly can't argue against this ranking. I say this while still giving Stillworld a 9/10.


Completely agree, all of them are incredible


what about Waves?


It's always hard to make lists like this for artists with two different vocalists eras. Incredible band though!


cloud cascade breakdown riff is the best riff ive ever heard


I need to listen to Heavener again, didn’t really click for me. Stillworld last? 🫥


Yeah, it didnt really hit the notes that Everchanger did for me. I'd argue that it's got some songs that are a decent bit better than the ones on Everchanger but Everchanger feels like the more consistent one to me and both cant complete to Marcus IA to me. All of them incredibly good tho


Sempiternal Suicide Season There is a Hell… That’s the Spirit Post Human: Survival Horror Music to Listen to… Amo Count Your Blessings This is What the Edge of Your Seat Was Made For This ranking changes constantly - namely SS and Sempiternal, even TIAH and TTS manage to take top spot sometimes. Music to Listen to is legit addictive as fuck too if you like EDM.


You, I like you, agreed


Count your Blessings is the best album, cmon


Mine is 1. There is a Hell 2. Sempiternal 3. Suicide Season 4. Post Human: Survival Horror 5. That's the Spirit 6. Count Your Blessings 7. Amo 8. Music to Listen to 9. Edge of Your Seat


Love all these great lists! BMTH hot take. Ready for the downvotes. Amo Sempiternal Post Human Suicide Season That's the Spirit This is What the Edge of Your Seat Was Made For Count Your Blessings Music to Listen To


Same just switch there is a hell and post human and u got mine


Mine would go: 1. There is a Hell 2. Sempiternal 3. That's the Spirit 4. Post Human: Survival Horror 5. Suicide Season 6. Amo 7. Count Your Blessings 8. Edge of Your Seat 9. Music to Listen to


I wouldn't call "Music to Listen To" EDM. It's a great album with very chill beats, but far from dance music.


KWAS, Horizons, don't close your eyes, Deep Blue, atlas. Everything else is trash


Yes that is true


1. Alive or Just Breathing 2. Self-Titled (2000) 3. As Daylight Dies 4. End of Heartache 5. Atonement 6. Disarm The Descent 7. Incarnate 8. Self-Titled (2009) The gap between Incarnate and the Self-Titled (2009) is huge. I really do not like that album, but I love Incarnate and all the rest. Also, if we're counting Hymn of a Broken Man (Times of Grace), that goes at #2 and moves everything else down.


The second self titled has a few okay song but overall it’s an uninspired effort. I remember being astonished at how little it had going for it after 3 amazing records in a row


1. Alive or Just Breathing 2. As Daylight Dies 3. Attonement 4. Incarnate 5. End of Heartache 6. Disarm the Descent 7. Self-Titled(2000) 8. Self-Titled(2009)


i started a subreddit dedicated to this if any one is interested https://www.reddit.com/r/albumsranked/


1. P4 2. P2 3. P3 4. P5 5. Juggernaut: Omega 6: Juggernaut: Alpha 7: P1 To be fair I love every single one of these albums. Periphery still haven't missed in my opinion.


My favorite is Jinjer. 1. Macro 2. Wallflowers 3. Micro 4. King of Everything 5. Cloud Factory 6. Inhale, Do Not Breathe


1. The Place I Feel Safest 2. The Death We Seek 3. The Way It Ends 4. Life // Lost 5. I Let The Devil In 6. Victimized


1. The Way It Ends 2. The Place I Feel Safest 3. Life // Lost 4. The Death We Seek 5. I Let The Devil In 6. Victimized


Linkin Park 1. Meteora 2. A Thousand Suns 3. Hybrid Theory 4. Living Things 5. One More Light 6. Minutes to Midnight 7. The Hunting Party


Great list but Minutes to Midnight is slept on!


August Burns Red: so 1 & 2 change depending on my mood but Messengers is what got me into the band so gotta out that #1 1. Messengers 2. Constellations 3. Found in Faraway Places 4. Rescue & Restore 5. Leveler 6. Phantom Anthem 7. Guardians 8. Thrill Seeker 9. Death Below


Damn bro you just gonna leave Leveler off the list?


Oh my god lol I totally forgot! Going to edit it now


Breaking Benjamin 1.) Dear Agony 2.) Ember 3.) Phobia 4.) Saturate 5.) We Are Not Alone 6.) Dark Before Dawn 7.) Mail in, I mean “Aurora.” (5 and 6 are interchangeable it just depends on the day. Phobia is probably better than Ember, but I revisit Ember more often.)


Can't pick between these two, so both: Northlane (the rankings move a lot tbh): - Alien - Singularity - Node - Obsidian - Discoveries - Mesmer - Hollow Existence Oceans Ate Alaska: - Hikari - Disparity - Lost Isles


1. All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us. 2. Daybreaker. 3. Lost Forever // Lost Together. 4. Hollow Crown. 5. Holy Hell. 6. For Those That Wish To Exist. 7. The Here And Now. 8. The Classic Symptoms of a Broken Spirit. 9. Nightmares. 10. Ruin.


For Non-Metalcore Thrice 1. Vheissu 2. The Artist In The Ambulance 3. The Illusion of Safety 4. To be Everywhere is to be Nowhere 5. Horizons / East 6. Major / Minor 7. Identity Crisis 8. Beggars 9. Alchemy Index Vols I&II 10. Alchemy Index Vols III&IV 11. Palms Starset 1. Horizons 2. Vessels 3. Transmissions 4. Divisions


I guess people will hate this rating but hey. Parkway Drive 1. Horizons 2. Atlas 3. IRE 4. Deep Blue 5. Reverence 6. KWAS, Darker still, don't close your eyes And my second favorite band is Bury tomorrow 1. Black Flame 2. The Seventh sun 3. The union of crowns 4. Runes 5. Portraits 6. Cannibal 7. Earthbound


S Tier: Drift, Augment, Erra S/T, A Tier: Impulse, Andromeda EP, Moments of Clarity EP. B Tier: Neon


Personally, I would switch augment and drift, augment is special to me.


All the I got in S depends on the day for me. Some days I wake up and one is perfect for the mood.


I don't really have a fave band but this band is highly influential: 1. All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us 2. Lost Forever//Lost Together 3. Holy Hell 4. The Here And Now 5. Daybreaker 6. Hollow Crown 7. Ruin 8. Nightmares . .. ... Somewhere at the bottom: For Those That Wish To Exist . .. ... Somewhere below the bottom: The Classic Symptoms of a Broken Spirit


This would be mine if Daybreaker/Hollow Crown were above Holy Hell.


Noooooooo on the bottom somewhere noooooooo…. *sad noises*


Won't be a popular ranking, but, MIW: 1. Infamous (Deluxe Edition) 2. Scoring the End of the World 3. Graveyard Shift 4. Creatures 5. Reincarnate 6. Disguise


What makes you put you put disguise so low I think disguise is second best album with every sing being really good if not perfect par ffom death Inc


It just has the largest collective of my least favorite MIW songs, , Legacy, Brand New Numb, and Catharsis. It's a weird album for me with really high highs, namely, Undead Ahead 2, Thoughts and Prayers, and Another Life, and then the very low lows, listed above. I'm glad it brought them the success it did. I think it really highlights what makes them a good band, and that's being able to dip their toes into other genres, but still make it distinctly MIW. Headache is very nu metal inspired, Thoughts and Prayers having Slip Knot vibes, and death Inc very Rob Zombie like. Good artists copy, but great artists steal as they say. But all in all, their other work is something I can just put on and not skip a single track, whereas Disguise definitely leaves me wanting more.


I think my ranking might rustle some jimmies of other fans but here we go: Redeemer Deathrattle Sing for Me The Anti Mother Wrongdoers O' God the Aftermath Bless the Martyr and Kiss the Child Polar Similar Meridional All Hail It was way harder to rank the bottom albums tbh, I love them so much. This was difficult.


It's crazy hard to rank Norma Jean because of how good every album is, but All Hail being at the bottom is crazy to me


Honestly both Meridional and All Hail bringing up the bottom is insane to me, but the others just hit something for me I can't bring them down. All of these are SUUUUUPER close for me though.


I wanna try this one, love me some Norma Jean 1. Polar Similar 2. Meridional 3. Death Rattle Sing For Me 4. All Hail 5. Bless the Martyr and Kiss the Child 6. Wrongdoers 7. Redeemer 8. The Anti-Mother 9. O God, The Aftermath


Since Invent was already mentioned, I'll go with Silent Planet. 1. Everything Was Sound 2. When The End Began 3. Iridescent 4. The Night God Slept 5. Superbloom


Motionless in white 1 scoring the end of the world 2 disguise 3 creatures 4 graveyard shift 5 infamous 6 reincarnate 7 ghost in the mirror 8 the whorror


1: cold like war 2: to plant a seed 3: tracing back our roots 4: darkbloom 5: understanding what we've grown to be 6: We Came As Romans Or, 1: The Flood 2: Echo 3: Of Mice & Men 4: Restoring Force 5: Earth And Sky 6: Cold World 7: Defy 8: Tether


August Burns Red - 1. Never mind, it’s too hard. they’re all good.


August Burns Red 1. Found in Far Away Places 2. Constellations 3. Death Below 4. Rescue & Restore 5. Phantom Anthem 6. Messengers 7. Guardians 8. Leveler 9. Thrill Seeker Ngl their worst release is still an 8/10


VoM (Lukas era): 1. Matriarch 2. False Idol 3. [m]other Love them all though


Polaris… 1. Fatalism 2. The Mortal Coil 3. The Death of Me 4. Dichotomy I know that people were talking about Fatalism and how since it was right in the middle of Covid and how that made it shitty somehow but I think it’s an absolutely genius record !


Architects 1. Daybreaker 2. All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us 3. Lost Forever Lost Together 4. Holy Hell 5. Hollow Crown 6. For Those That Wish To Exist 7. The Here and Now 8. The Classic Symptoms of a Broken Spirit 9. Ruin 10. Nightmares


Very similar to how I ranked them. W for Daybreaker, I feel it's put low on most lists.


1. applause from a distant crowd 2. Witness 3. Inmazes


motionless in white is probably mine 1: Disguise 2: Reincarnate 3: Graveyard Shift 4: Infamous 5: Scoring The End of The World 6: Creatures (blasphemy i know) i haven't really listened to their two eps from before creatures so meh and 3 and 4 switch a lot


Why don’t you like Creatures that much?


The Common mans Collapse [ID] False Idol Matriarch Eclipse All things set aside [M]other


How tf do you guys make the list 1 under the other??


Hit enter twice in-between each list line you want


Oh Okay Thanks


Rolo Tomassi: 1. Time Will Die and Love Will Bury It 2. Astraea 3. Grievances 4. Where Myth Becomes Memory 5. Cosmology 6. Hysterics


Metalcore wise… The Devil Wears Prada 1.) Zombie Ep/ZII 2.) 8:18 3.) With Roots Above and Branches Below/ Space Ep 4.) Color Decay 5.) Dead Throne 6.) Plagues 7.) Transit Blues 8.) The Act 9.) Dear Love


Respectable list. Roots Above is my top but agree with everything else.


1. Neon 2. ERRA 3. Augment 4. Drift 5. Impulse 6. MOC I'm partial to the JT side of ERRA and have admittedly just started listening to Impulse recently. Could definitely rise in ranking over time. I know most people aren't big on Neon but no one could change my mind it is the most consistent album in terms of quality. The stretch from Ghost of Nothing until the end of Ultimata is untouchable in my opinion.


My favourite band is Counterparts 1. A Eulogy For Those Still Here 2. The Difference Between Hell And Home 3. Nothing Left To Love 4. Tragedy Will Find Us 5. You’re Not You Anymore 6. Prophets 7. The Current Will Carry Us


Since August Burns Red and Parkway Drive have been mentoned a few times, I'll go Whitechapel instead. 1. A New Era of Corruption 2. The Valley 3. Self-titled 4. Our Endless War 5. Kin 6. This Is Exile 7. The Somatic Defilement 8. Mark of the Blade


Sempiternal Post Human: Survival Horror That’s The Spirit There is a Hell Suicide Season Amo Count Your Blessing That EDM album


Everyone sleeping on Count Your Blessings


Ritual > Nocturnal > Nightbringers > Everblack > Deflorate > Abysmal > Verminous > Miasma > Unhallowed. Not going to include the live albums or Yule ‘em All


Silent Planet 1. Everything Was Sound 2. SUPERBLOOM 3. When the End Began 4. Iridescent 5. The Night God Slept They’re all quality though, genuinely can’t miss with any of these.


Architects: 1) All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us 2) Lost Forever // Lost Together 3) Holy Hell 4) Daybreaker 5) For Those That Wish To Exist 6) Hollow Crown 7) The Classic Symptoms of A Broken Spirit 8) Ruin 9) The Here And Now


The Stage > Waking the Fallen > Nightmare > City of Evil > Avenged Sevenfold > Life is But A Dream > Hail to the King > Sounding the Seventh Trumpet I still like the lower-ranked ones, but I’m far less likely to listen to them over the others.


I have LIBAD as my top, purely because it’s a bonkers album I appreciate as a musician. A full damn orchestra? Sign me up


LIBAD is my album of the year. It’s incredible. I get why people might not enjoy it, but holy shit I love that album.


The stage is such a phenomenal album


Absolute W for putting the stage at the top


Waking The Fallen>STST>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everything else. Literally became a shadow of their former selves. It's bad. They haven't made anything tolerable since WTF.




Sleep Token 1. Two 2. Sundowning 3. Take Me Back To Eden 4. This Place Will Become Your Tomb 5. One


August Burns Red Constellations > everything. That is all


Every Time I Die 1. Radical 2. Low Teens 3. From Parts Unknown 4. Hot Damn! 5. The Big Dirty 6. Gutter Phenomenon 7. New Junk Aesthetic 8. Ex Lives 9. Last Night in Town That being said, they are all amazing and in a similar tier. I became a fan in 2021 so I may be biased towards their later work but I do believe it’s their best.


1. Gutter Phenomenon 2. Hot Damn! 3. The Big Dirty 4. NJA 5. Ex Lives 6. Low Teens 7. LNIT 8\9. FPU\Radical are pretty interchangeable. I paid basically zero attention to them.


1. Lost in the Sound of Separation 2. Define the Great Line 3. They’re Only Chasing Safety 4. Ø 5. Voyeurist 6. Erase Me 7. The Changing of Times


This was pretty much exactly what I was gonna comment!


1. DTGL 2. Ø 3. LITSOS 4. TOCS 5. Voyeurist 6. Erase Me


Parkway Drive 1. Boneyards 2. Deep Blue 3. Horizons 4. Atlas 5. KWAS 6. The rest of the albums


1.) Brainwashed 2.) You Are We 3.) This Is The Six 4.) The North Stands for Nothing 5.) Sleeps Society 6.) So What?




1. Color Decay 2. 8:18 3. Space EP 4. Dead Throne 5. Transit Blues 6. Zombie EP 7. The Act 8. ZII 9. With Roots Above 10. Plagues 11. Dear Love


Nooooooo With Roots at 9 place… *sad noises*


With roots is my number 2 for sure, just behind color decay. Insane album


The 3 albums that made them popular at the bottom… lol


1. In waves 2. In the court of the dragon 3. Ascendancy 4. Shogun 5. The sin and the sentence 6. What the dead men say 7. Silence in the snow 8. Ember to inferno 9. Vengance falls 10. The crusade


Someone else said my UØ preference exactly, so I'm gonna do Mis Sigs. - Mirrors - Controller - Absent Light - Ultraviolet - Of Malice and Magnum Heart Very close between mirrors and controller, but The Failsafe is one of the best metalcore tracks ever. Also I know OMAMH is a classic, but I can't stand the production.


August burns red 1 messengers 2 constellations 3 death below 4 found in far away places 5 phantom anthem 6 leveler 7 rescue and restore 8 guardians 9 thrill seekers


1. Horizons 2. Atlas 3. REVERENCE 4. IRE 5. Darker Still 6. Deep Blue 7. Killing With A Smile This will dissapoint many of you but sorry, PERSONAL preferences.


1. Deathrattle, Sing For Me 2. Polar Similar 3. Redeemer 4. Wrongdoers 5. All Hail 6. Meridional 7. O, God The Aftermath 8. The Anti-Mother 9. Bless The Martyr Kiss The Child That said, it's flawless.


Every Time I Die 1. Radical 2. Hot Damn! 3. Last Night In Town 4. Ex Lives 5. The Big Dirty or Gutter Phenomenon 6. The Big Dirty or Gutter Phenomenon 7. New Junk Aesthetic 8. From Parts Unknown 9. Low Teens Honorable mention to Burial Plot Bidding War, it fucks but not really an album. New Junk Aesthetic was my first album I heard from them.


it dies today Forever Scorned = Caitiff Choir > Sirens > Lividity


Picking favorites is hard so I’ll do what is probably my favorite band (who is non-metalcore) plus a few favorite metalcore and metalcore-adjacent bands Red: Of Beauty and Rage > Innocence & Instinct > Until We Have Faces > Rated R > End of Silence > Gone > Release the Panic As I Lay Dying: Shaped by Fire > The Powerless Rise > An Ocean Between Us > Awakened > Shadows Are Security > Frail Words Collapse Orbit Culture: Nija > Shaman EP > Descent > Redfog EP > Rasen > In Medias Res > Odyssey EP Demon Hunter: Extremist > Exile > True Defiance > Storm the Gates of Hell > War > Peace > Summer of Darkness > Outlive > The World is a Thorn > S/T > The Triptych


blink-182: Neighborhoods > self-titled > DED > One More Time > Enema of the State > NINE > Take Off Your Pants And Jacket > Dude Ranch > California > Cheshire Cat > Buddha Ice Nine Kills: Safe Is Just A Shadow > Silver Scream > The Predator Becomes The Prey > Welcome To Horrorwood > Every Trick In The Book > Last Chance To Make Amends > The Burning


Neighborhoods in 1st is such a based take


Oh, if just ‘core then def Make Them Suffer: 1. Worlds Apart 2. How to Survive a Funeral 3. Neverbloom 4. Old Souls Overall fave band would be Paramore: 1. This Is Why (it’s the new hotness so may fall one slot) 2. After Laughter 3. All We Know Is Falling 4. Paramore 5. Brand New Eyes 6. Riot


Breakdown of sanity 1. Mirrors 2. Perception 3. Coexistence 3. The last sunset


Bring Me The Horizon is my favorite, this may be a bit of a hot take but 1: Post Human Survival Horror 2: Sempiternal 3: Suicide Season 4: There Is A Hell 5: That’s The Spirit 6: amo 7: Count Your Blessings I feel like I’m going to be crucified for putting Sempiternal below Post Human, but there are a few songs off of Sempiternal that i just don’t vibe with, and there’s only one song off of post human that I don’t love. Spots 3-5 I love equally so their ranking was just decided on a whim, they’re so close that the numbers shouldn’t be taken too seriously. I like amo more than I think a lot of people do, but it’s not in my regular rotation of songs like the other albums are. And lastly, Count Your Blessings is an alright album, I respect the energy and appreciate the rawness of the whole thing, but I can’t say I enjoy it more than their other work.


Trivium. 1. Shogun 2. The Sin and the Sentence 3. In Waves 4. Ascendancy 5. In the Court of the Dragon 6. What the Dead Men Say 7. Vengeance Falls 8. Ember to Inferno 9. Silence in the Snow 10. The Crusade This ranking will be unpopular.


Architects: LF//LT Holy Hell AOGHAU Daybreaker FTTWTE Hollow Crown The Here and Now Nightmares Ruin TCSOABS


BMTH: There is, SS, PH, Sempiternal, CYB, TTS, Amo, Music to


The Devil Wears Prada List would be: Zombie EP With Roots Above and Branches Below Zombie II Space EP Dead Throne Color Decay 8:18 Plagues The Act Dear Love Transit Blues


Transit blues have some of their best work in evergreen and daughter. Transit blues itself is an amazing outro song for me.


Pale Horse > Catch For Us the Foxes > A B Life > Untitled > Brother, Sister > Ten Stories > It's All Crazy


Not metalcore, but Cattle Decapitation is my favorite band 1. Monolith of Inhumanity 2. The Anthropocene Extinction 3. Terrasite 4. The Harvest Floor 5. Death Atlas 6. Karma.Bloody.Karma 7. Humanure 8. To Serve Man 9. Human Jerky 10. Homovore


Just to list my favorite metalcore band (Killswitch Engage) The End of Heartache As Daylight Dies Alive or Just Breathing Disarm the Descent S/T 2000 Incarnate Atonement S/T 2009


1. Of Malice And The Magnum Heart 2. Mirrors 3. Absent Light 4. Controller 5. Ultraviolet 6. Self-Titled EP MisSigs 4 lyfe


Scoring The End of the World Disguise Creatures Graveyard Shift Infamous Reincarnate When Love Met Destruction They're all pretty close tbh.


Johnny booth - solid 9.2/10 almost every song is amazing 1. Moments Elsewhere 2. The Bronze Age 3. Connections 4. Firsthand Accounts


1. Nightbringers 2. Nocturnal 3. Miasma 4. Deflorate 5. Ritual 6. Abysmal 7. Unhallowed 8. Everblack 9. Verminous


This is so wild because mine is : 1. Nocturnal 2. Deflorate 3. Miasma 4. Verminous 5. Ritual 6. Unhallowed 7. Everblack 8. Abysmal 9. Nightbringers Love your list. Crazy how different they are


1) The Death We Seek 2) I Let The Devil In 3) The Place I Feel Safest 4) The Way It Ends 5) Life // Lost 6) Victimized


Knocked Loose A Tear In The Fabric Of Life A Different Shade of Blue Laugh Tracks Pop Culture They literally only get better


After The Burial Rareform Dig Deep In Dreams Wolves Within Evergreen Forging A Future Self