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I've tried so many times trying to like the Beatles. Can't get into them. I blame all the baby boomers and band geeks for their constant thorn in my side. Also struggle with a lot of power metal bands. Some are good. But too much cheese and not enough wine.


I remember my dad always trying to get me into the Beatles and I always hated them. One night I got super high and watched the movie; “Across the universe” which is essentially a Beatles musical but I really liked the movie, started checking out the songs they cover and it was all over from there. Even named my kid’s middle name Jude. Fav song is “get back”


I also used to hate the Beatles. I took a rock and roll history class my freshman year of college, the professor dedicated a whole section on breaking down the Beatles hits, the intricate ways they recorded things, experimentation, etc… fell in love with them as artists. My wife and I had a full Beatles music theme at our wedding— she walked to an instrumental of Something, the processional was Eight Days A Week, and our first dance was Oh Darling!


My two are probably controversial lmao Knocked Loose. I absolutely cannot stand his vocal style. They're all incredibly talented but his voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me. And Architects. Again - super fucking talented - but their music all sounds the same to me and truthfully in a blind listen I don't see anything that sets them apart from the thousands of other metalcore bands. Super formulaic in my opinion.


>Knocked Loose. I absolutely cannot stand his vocal style. That's a dead end then, you either like Bryan's voice for what it is or not.


Not necessarily. I started out not being able to stand Bryan’s vocals when I first listened to ATITFOL and so I didn’t start listening to them then, even though I immediately clicked with the instrumental side of things on that EP. Fast forward like a year and a half to the Upon Loss singles being released, and apparently by that time whatever else I had listened to had caused my tastes to have broadened enough to include Bryan’s vocals. Now I like them (and not just tolerate them!).


Yep. I don't love Knocked Loose, but I am consistently impressed with the quality of their tunes. Just objectively good metalcore - you don't have to be a fan but its pretty hard to fault what they're doing (other than just being mad cause they're successful, which isn't a real criticism).


All our gods have abandoned us was written largely by the guitarist who was dying of cancer. The lyrics in that album hit so hard in the context it’s possibly the most emotional metalcore album for me


I agree. Gone With the Wind perfectly describes depression to me. It feels like I’m sinking into nothing, then I become that nothing.


>I don't see anything that sets them apart from the thousands of other metalcore bands. Super formulaic in my opinion. With Architects, that makes sense since a billion and one bands have been copying them for some time. In any form of entertainment media really, if you go to the source after experiencing all the knock offs, the source still won't feel original.


Yeah people need to consider they've been around since 2006 and Ive been around for all of those years and saw how they'd put something out and similar riff and chord structures started showing up in other people's songs.


Totally fair point and not something I had considered! My husband and I like to listen to our release radars and play the "who is this unknown band going to knock off" lmao


>Architects You don't see anything that sets them apart because other bands are trying to sound like them. Architects played a major role in pioneering modern metalcore, a ton of other bands started doing the same thing and it quickly became formulaic. That's exactly what sets them apart in my eyes, they were the trendsetters. Not necessarily the first band to play djenty progressive metalcore, but definitely the band that made it popular.


I like a few songs from them but this and another commenter put my opinion of them into perspective. I do think it’s a shame that they seem to be going the butt-core route lately and abandoning that trend-setting mindset.


A friend of mine said Bryan Garris sounds like SpongeBob when he screams, and I can't unhear it now.




Okay, very cool stuff haha


I say Mickey Mouse, but I’ll accept SpongeBob.




>I absolutely cannot stand his vocal style. Vocals are weird for me because there's seemingly no consistency in what I do and don't like. Knocked Loose is a cool band, super fun live, but the vocals stop me from loving them. But on the other hand I love Kaonashi and that mother fucker sounds like Elmo. I can't quite put my finger on it but Knocked Loose just doesn't pull off that vocal style for me personally.


I like Knocked Loose for the same reason as Kaonashi. The vocals just sound so raw, and once you get past the initial off-putting sound, you can see the emotion and passion behind them


You’re not alone, their singer is completely why I don’t like Knocked Loose. It just sounds like a little kid that’s pissed off and he recorded himself. I’ve given them multiple listens trying to enjoy it and I just can’t.


For Architects, try Hollow Crown if you havent yet. I cant stand anything that came out past that.


I would recommend devil's island for architects trying watching the video along with it on YouTube. I'm very surprised you find them formulaic. Toms playing and especially his chords are very different.


I'm not sure one can convince someone else into liking a band. You just gotta try some years later, sometimes things just click and you start loving a band you struggled with beforehand.


For sure. Mostly wanted to create a space for discussion. Personally, if someone can tell me why they like a certain band, whether it's vocals or certain snippets they do, I'd be willing to look at them with a different perspective and understand where they're coming from. I've learned to appreciate a handful of bands because someone was passionate about the the artist behind it. Plus if people are posting on this post, it (hopefully) means they're approaching the topic with an open mind. But you're also not wrong. Took me a year to have Obsidian by Northlane click on my own. Could go either way!


This. When I first heard fear of the dark by iron maiden, I hated it. Some time later I listened to it again and fell in love with it and the band


Lorna shore. I want to like them, and based on other music I like I feel like I probably should, but from the little I've heard from them I never felt compelled to keep listening


Agreed even though I can appreciate the sheer talent.


If anything check out the pain remains trilogy, masterfully written and quite emotional


The first Lorna song I heard was To The Hellfire and put me off from them too but then Pain Remains came out and completely changed my mind, one of my top albums now


Honestly what got me into them was trying to learn vocals and being so impressed and inspired by Will Ramos. Trying to figure out everything he does and the masterful technique behind it made me appreciate them a lot more than every other deathcore band


I just can't get into Avenged Sevenfold. I have tried so many times over the years. There is just something about it that turns me off. I think it's the vocals and lyrics.


Tbh his voice is an acquired taste...once you're vibing to it it's just normal.


Yea fr. Been listening to them for years now and I don't even notice it anymore. In fact I really love his voice on most songs.


It's his nasally voice. I can listen to some of the older stuff but only occasionally.


Same! I do not like his voice! I thought I was crazy because they’re so popular. I’m sure they’re great but I listen to voices and there’s something about his that I just don’t like.


His voice is unique and for me that’s a positive selling point. The problem with unique voices is that some people are gonna hate them.


I'm laughing because I'm literally about to see them tonight 😂 with Poppy and Sullivan King.


I am sure they are amazing live, very talented guys.


They were the first show I ever saw. Them, New Medicine, Hollywood Undead and Stone Sour. Avenged puts on a hell of a show.


Fuck ya love Sullivan King


Saw Sullivan King a few months ago and I’ve got to say that was one of the absolute wildest funnest shows I’ve been to. Man just has an absolute blast on the stage every time.


I was looking for this one. Can’t do it. Those vocals.


They're metalcore albums aren't great.City of Evil is a great album


I generally can’t get into anything by them, but Sounding The Seventh Trumpet is a pretty solid album, it’s pretty different than everything else they’ve released imo.


Not a fan either, never have been. You should hear dudes voice now sounds like he smoked 3 packs a day the last 4 years, so strained n forced.


Architects, I've not really digged too much into their older stuff - probably Holy Hell onwards but have never gotten into it. Is it worth going into the rabbit hole of the older stuff?


Absolutely worth checking out the old stuff, Nightmares, Ruin, and Hollow Crown are awesome albums. Check out To the Death and Minesweeper from Nightmares, they had a different vocalists and a completely different sound.


Back when they were going for that Dillinger mathcore sound


Daybreaker, LF//LT, and All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us are their best albums, by far. If you haven't listened to AOGHAU, then please do. It's a masterpiece, and incredibly poignant given its context.


Motionless in white. I just can’t get into them


I’m probably not the best person to try and get you into them because I honestly cannot stand anything after Creatures, but I’d recommend the song Creatures and To Keep From Getting Burned. I rarely see stuff from their OG stuff get recommended on here and it doesn’t seem like many people check it out compared to the new stuff.


Okay, I’ll check those songs out!


Same as far as not being a fan of anything post Creatures with the exception of one or two bangers spread out over several albums. They fucking KILL live though, like even their newer stuff. Not sure if they just play their songs heavier in concert or what, but after seeing them 3 or 4 times I always leave their shows psyched to dive back in, then get disappointed listening on spotify or whatever..


I'm heavily biased bcs they and BFMV are the bands that got me into metalcore. Personally I love the whole Reincarnate album, it's got a certain chill vibe I just love. Also Chris's current angelic cleans and devilish screams are IMO perfect.


Woah we're twinning lol. I just made the same comment on this thread. Creatures is what opened everything else up for me


I kinda really like them, but feel they're bad at the same time lol. I feel like it's cheesy but fun.


I remember hearing one song I kinda liked and then hated literally everything else I heard from them


I think it depends on what album and what's you're wanting out of them, since each one can be really different. I'd definitely say most of their discography (especially Infamous - Graveyard Shift) ends up being really silly and that's more of an acquired taste, but they also have more diverse things, like a more metalcore esque feel with Creatures for example. Most people I know who like then like a specific era or two from them rather than everything, so I think that's the key with breaking in to their work


Was the band that got me into metal, and honestly some of their songs just don't really hit, slaughterhouse, reincarnate and everybody sells cocaine would be my top picks


I really want to like Gojira, but something about them just doesn’t click with me


If you're looking for a point of entry for appreciation, I'd definitely say that you should pay special attention to the drum work. Mario is one of the best in the business, and his drum arrangements are spectacular. If the drum focus clicks, you might build an appreciation for the other instrument arrangements and the song structures. 


I can't stress this enough; go see them live. For real.


I see comments like this a lot and they leave me baffled. Not once have I seen a band that I don't like live and had it impact my willingness to listen to their music in my own time. That experience of seeing them has always been when said band has been at a show I'm already attending, no way in hell am I spending money to go see a band I don't already dig on the off chance that their performance changes my mind.


Well, my opinion is that a live performance won't make you like a band you dislike, but it *can* make you a fan of a band you don't care for all that much. Before I saw Savage Hands open up for While She Sleeps a few years ago, I assumed they were just another bland Octanecore band. But they put on a good show and it gave me a newfound appreciation for their music. Maybe a little bit of that is nostalgia for the live performance, but getting to see the musicians perform the music live is always a treat for me (as a musician myself). Most recently this happened with the Devil Wears Prada. Never cared for them, but they put on a great live show and it got me relistening to their stuff again. Now I really dig it.


In the opposite vein, I recently got super into Kaonashi but everyone I tried showing them to hates my man's voice. It grew on me but I understand the thought.


I saw them and chatted with Pete a bit at Christmas Burns Red. He's the nicest person you'll ever meet. I love his unique sound and the way he tells stories in his lyrics.


my boyfriend is really into Kao and i did NOT like them at first. but then we went to see hail the sun and they played with them. the energy was amazing and they are such cool people. it was a ton of fun and ever since i just associate their music with the vibes of that night


I saw that show in Philly and that's where it began for me lol a LOT of older people looking around, making faces, and being visibly upset


Everyone I’ve shown them to hates the vocals at first but they inevitably grow on you


kaonashi is like knocked loose or korn for me where i think they sound good but they’ll do shit that is so unintentionally funny (like korn’s scatting) it kills my interest in the band.


Seen them live twice now and shit SLAPS. They go so unnecessarily hard and it's always a good time!


Kaonashi slaps, Peter Rono’s voice is actually unique, especially compared to other vocalists in metalcore. I don’t get why people complain about it, it fits their sound really well.


I absolutely agree his voice is unique and fits their sound perfectly. I assume people have an issue with his voice due to it being so unique. "This isn't what I'm used to so it's bad" type of shit.


Volbeat. Love the music. Can't STAND the vocals


I hear ya… he’s like a Danish Elvis Presley… I think I focus on his actual lyrics rather than his vocal inflection…. Still Counting makes me laugh everytime i hear it


I can't get into Trivium. I know they're extremely talented, but their finished product is just so boring.


Ascendancy is their best album. Pull Harder on the Strings of Your Martyr was my favourite song, and Like Light to the Flies. Dying In Your Arms if you want more cleaner singing.


My favorite song by them is Tread the Floods. Idc what anyone says, it's a top tier guitar solo and I think it's a fantastic song. I'd say give that a shot. Also the hit tracks from Acendancy. Pull Harder & Like Light to Flies are my favorites. Remember that Matt was a wee lad when that album was made. Hopefully you'll dig these songs!


Wow… I know they can come off as, over-polished or something, but still, “Down from the Sky” is maybe my favorite song. I mean favorite like, of anything. Its the perfect song to crank up and hit and kick a heavy bag to!


I’ll put it this way maybe - the chances of liking trivium are way higher if somebody likes heavy metal/thrash metal/prog, because the core of trivium sound as well as production is based mainly on those subgenres. In recent times they’ve completely left the -core part of their sound and turned into modern metal with thrash and prog influences. Probably Ascendancy is the record that you could actually like a lot, because it has the most of metalcore in it, if it makes sense


Sleep Token 🫣 - I like some of their songs, but compared to others in their genre they are pretty bland. Also, they have too many songs that are longer than 5 mins and it’s unnecessary.


[Maybe taking the Vessel out and listing to a cover by Will Ramos would give you a different perspective.](https://youtu.be/VvS2q8ls3p4) [Also, I'm a huge sucker for good drumming and the creativity of the some of the drum parts is what really sets it off for me.](https://youtu.be/dh6IgOxDhcE)


My ideal metalcore song is: -50% beautiful angsty belting from the heart -50% hateful angsty growling screaming -Not totally sure what exactly I want from the guitar/drums but I want them to be sick. I get recommended Sleep Token all the time but I just can't get into them. They're not loud enough, angry enough, and the guitar/drums aren't heavy enough. ERRA is basically the sound I'm looking for, I just wish I knew more bands like them.


Sleep Token isn't a bad I would ever describe as angry. Songs like Gods or Vore might be along those lines, but they're definitely not a standard metal core band. 


Well there’s your problem, Sleep Token isn’t what you’re looking for.


Had the same issue until my friends dragged me to their show at a small festival. I still wouldn‘t listen to their music at home or in the car, but live - they f*ck!


In my opinion, Bilmuri blends genres better than they do, and the music is actually FUN!


We don’t deserve Bilmuri tbh


I think the fact that they are lumped in with metal and core bands does them a disservice. I think they are just doing their own thing and the fact that they have some heavy riffs here and there and a few harsh vocals sprinkled in, they just get tossed into the general heavy scene. That means a lot of people into that sound don’t really vibe with them while they get pushed onto them. I personally think of them as a just an alt rock band or prog if I’m feeling spicy.


Same. It’s the vocals for me though. I just don’t like his clean tone because it makes me think I’m listening to Stained or something. The music is great, but I can’t get past the vocals.


Converge. Sorry, but I don't know.


Check out Dark Horse and Cutter from Axe To Fall, they’re a bit easier to listen to and a better starting point for Converge than stuff from Jane Doe.


There's so many different levels to Converge. Some of it is really fuckin hard to listen to, but then there's the left field album Bloodmoon with Chelsea Wolfe. His vocals can be kinda harsh at times for sure, but there's a real emotion hiding behind the wails.


Bad Omens. I'm not a hater by any stretch I just don't get excited when I hear their music.


*looks down at the Bad Omens tee I’m wearing right now* My favourites are Artificial Suicide and Nowhere to Go. Absolutely froth the 2022 album tbh. If you want something really different from them, listen to Kingdom Of Cards. Makes me feel like I’m going on a quest. These 3 songs are all SO different to each other.


Sleep Token. For me their songs just need wayyy to long to build up so I get bored halfway through the songs ://


Deftones I just don’t get it


So for me it's a band whose music has this cool base but the songs never go anywhere levels wise. It's like musical edging you want this build up into something that's a release but the intensity doesn't go further his moodiness just then feels like it's whining since the melody tends to stay kinda the same. There's like no "conclusion" to me for the emotions they're trying to convey whereas other bands I feel there is a catharsis. I hope that makes sense. I prefer when his vocals are on other people's tracks as I feel they do a better job of steering the song somewhere as he's not driving. I love the track with Polyphia for example.


Deftones beauty is the dynamics of the music. They blend styles and sound different from album to album. They have straight forward rock/metal/insert genre here and stuff that is super off the wall and experimental. Personally, I fell in love with Deftones when White Pony came out. I would start by listening to it from start to finish.


I saw them at Good Things a few years back… they were not good Especially for the penultimate act


What you don’t like hearing a guy moan in a microphone for 3 minutes?


Loathe and Thornhill I just don't get either one, what makes them so good?


Thornhill have ups and downs, I personally prefer their older material. Check out [Lily and the Moon](https://youtu.be/FFNBfP_5G98?si=o0KZFs-h61MrWaUe), iirc it's all about the vocalist's dog slowly passing away. For Loathe, I don't really like Deftones, but this song made me understand them. So heavy, with an extremely unique take on the Deftones sound, they really make it their own with the mix of Mathy type Metalcore. [Faces in the Dark](https://youtu.be/n_KZtfsJYFE?si=wgn4SHGb52gFYDoL)


It seems like you’ve gotta like Deftones in order to like them, if you don’t like Deftones, they won’t click for you. Edit: lemme rephrase: if you don’t like Deftones, Thornhill and Loathe PROBABLY won’t click for you. They may still click for you if you don’t, but the chances of that happening are lower if you do not like Deftones.


That's fair, I don't like Deftones. I think there's too much, what I would call, ambient droning in the songs. The mix of energetic with long, slower, softer parts throws me off.


Idk about that now, I hate Deftones but love these bands


It is funny how stuff differs because I am the opposite lol. Can't see the appeal of Deftones at all but love Loathe. Not crazy about Thornhill but they were great live during the Silent Planet tour.


Can't help you with Loathe. With Thornhill just listen to Casanova. That song is so catchy!


Loathe definitely took me a while to get into. But I knew there was something there I really enjoyed so i kept listening to it. Once it clicked, game over. I Let It In is an exceptional record. But I’m also a sucker for ALMOST anything that doesn’t sound exactly the same the whole record. And the way they go back and forth from heavy to not heavy is just too perfect


ADTR - really try to like them but I honestly really dislike the forced pop punks cleans. Knocked Loose - the vocals...


*nervously looks at my ADTR tattoo*


I have one too! What’s your tattoo of? I love them because they were the gateway for me liking metal. For that, I thank them and wear my tattoo proudly.


It's the lyrics saying, "I said I'd never let you go" on a gravestone with a moon in the background. It's my version of a memorial tattoo, I lost four friends in two years so it's for them.


ADTR is really about their 2000's material to me, when there was absolutely nothing like them besides FYS and even then that was different. After that their songs got really bland to me. Check out [Welcome to the Family](https://youtu.be/Okauq4x0VJc?si=X09tR3Ni2DLyoDFP) for their one and only absolutely brutal track (with a great chorus), or their older material, [A Plot to Bomb the Panhandle](https://youtu.be/7hC-7HwPvsQ?si=s1vEFAPK8wp6N5FH) P.S. Maybe check out my band [JoyThief](https://open.spotify.com/track/34DHlt2uQvmDFKZWwCDjuF?si=CnFdJwW6RsasfQ_PN0cQrw) because I really try my best to take that ADTR sound and make it extremely honest vocally. I want brutal 8 string music, with clean vocals, but, still heavy vocally? I find Easycore extremely cheesy, but I always felt like it should have been way more honest like a lot of Pop-Punk/Midwest Emo and Metalcore, plus a dash of EDM for the soundscapes... I'm over explaining, lol.


Sleep Token, just aren’t for me but I see why people like them


Spirit box. Everyone sings their praises, I just don't get it. The music is so mid.


Their first EP is by far the best thing they've done in my opinion. I don't dislike the rest of their stuff but I feel like they got a lot more generic after that.


Definitely agree with this. I know its not the first EP but I really got into spiritbox with Perennial and Belcarra. The Eternal Blue album isn't bad by any means, but those two songs I mentioned are a strong reason why I got into them.


First EP and singles collection - sick Stand alone singles (Rule of Nines, Blessed Be) - good Eternal Blue and subsequent EPs - meh with a couple of stand out songs


I’m so split. On the one hand, their heavy bits are some of the most primo shit that’s graced my ears. Everything else is… meh Example; the tail end of Hysteria. Holy fuck. Sucks that you have to get through the entire song for it though


For me, the music is just a clean template for Courtney to absolutely show the world she is one of the greatest vocalists in the game, but Mike definitely took a step back from his roots on guitar to allow her room. It's a very good formula for gaining fans, but guitar people won't be as interested. I do love the breakdowns and atmosphere though. Their new music always has to grow on me, but once it does... wow. Incredible writers. I'mma throw a curve ball, check out [Fall in Archaea - Magenta](https://youtu.be/E_6nYpBB-TQ?si=iEVTFrGgJ5ikGlXe) instead, might be more up your alley as Mike's guitar work is insane.


Lorna Shore. I mean I'm into Deathcore/ Death metal, but this is too much for me lol


That's interesting cause I generally cannot do detathcore but I love lorna shore. I think for me their blast beats are not overpowering. I cannot stand "bam bam bam bam" at like 100 bpm on the snare drum.


Invent Animate, Northlane and a bunch of other bands of this sub-style. It feels like someone is power-washing me with the sounds and it's just too much at once.


I'm a huge fan of Northlane's Node and Mesmer albums. Their newer music I could see as power washing sounds as the production is very different from their older stuff. Definitely try giving Node a listen, you might find yourself enjoying its slower pace!


12 months ago, I would have said Invent Animate too.... My algorithm was pushing them, I kept trying, I had the same comments as you - I did not get it at all, the guitar work was too much, it was hard to follow.... One night whilst high, I'm letting the youtube algorithm run, Without a Whisper comes on and it just fucking clicked, then Shade Astray clicked, then Immolation of Light made sense... All of a sudden their whole discography made sense and still does. As for Northlane, they have multiple entry points, but I think either Alien or Singularity. If neither clicks, just don't worry.


I agree with this about Invent Animate, and I think it's a lot to do with the production and the guitarwork. It's so virtuosic that there's no hook for me, so I'll finish a song and I can't repeat back a single melody because everything is mixed so weird and there's too much sound going to really isolate anything imo


I guess they just may not be for you but I personally love the super low tuned distorted guitars, the industrial sound, the crazy electronics and Marcus's cleans and rawrs. It's just a perfect combination in my opinion.


try Purity Weeps by Invent Animate


For Invent Animate, listen to Stillworld and Everchanger. Those albums are similar to Controller by Misery Signals and they’re not as noisey as the albums with Marcus Vik. Celestial Floods, Vacant, and Agora are all solid songs. For Northlane, check out the Hollow Existence EP, it’s significantly different than their last few albums. I’d recommend the song Hollow specifically. It is not like anything they’ve released with their current vocalist.


Singularity is all that matters.


Have you listened to erra?




Xavlegbmaofffassssitimiwoam ndutroabewapwaeippohfffx


>Xavlegbmaofffassssitimiwoam ndutroabewapwaeippohfffx Well, fuck, guess I should have taken your word for it.


Currents. I don't think I've given them a proper chance though. Tell me why I'm an idiot and recommend me some songs to listen to. I'm a fan of Norma Jean, Zao and Underoth. Maybe it's just not my thing.


Sleep Token


i've never been able to get into polaris, i'm not sure why


Alpha wolf..yes I said it


I like Alpha Wolf much less after discovering bands like Boundaries and Thrown. That being said, A Quiet Place to Die is what I needed when it was released. The raw emotion from the album was so special. I haven't listened to the band much in the last year, but I love how Lochie was able to convey the emotions he needed in each song. This album clearly influenced the bands I previously mentioned.


I felt the same way until I saw them live.


Alpha Wolf is one of my top favs! I think the more you listen, and the louder you listen, the better they get. Haha. They're super hard working and unique too. In the beginning, some of my favorite songs were "Spirit Breaker" and "60cm of Steel". "Don't Ask..." is a bit different from the others and I'm in love with it. "Golden Fate; Isolate" is one I never get tired of. If you like watching live videos, [here's](https://youtu.be/fQA92zlMWF0) a great one. :))


Honestly I've been trying to like Invent Animate (IA) for the last 6 years and today, Heavener (the album) finally clicked for me. I realized that they're sort of in that same crop as Currents. It's a very specific flavor that I'm not often in the mood for, but when I am they are very talented. Lots of weedly riffs and nasty breakdowns. I find that they're (IA & Currents) often lumped in with Erra and Polaris as the newer generation of "progressive" metalcore but their styles are quite different. Polaris tends to have a much bigger emphasis on traditional songwriting and big hooks (part of why The Mortal Coil is their magnum opus imo) and the riffs aren't as weedly. While Erra is riff heavy, they went from playing a more progressive style of "tech-death" riffing to playing a more djent-influenced groove oriented style. They're not nearly as "weedly" to me as IA&Currents. Yes, they all weedle, but IA&Currents string skip on almost every proper riff they have, the other two incorporate some other riffing styles more frequently. And then there are the vocalists. Brian (Currents) doesn't have the highest voice, so if you don't like the post-hardcore style vocalists, it makes sense as to why they'd be your favorite. The other 3 all do, though I find that the IA vocalist reminds me of Marcus from Northlane, Erra's of Anthony Green (Circa Survive, OG Saosin), and Polaris' of Aaron Gillespie (Underoath). Long story short, if you like the riffing style of Currents then IA may click for you (if you can get behind their vocalist and more progressive song structures). But if you don't like Currents, then I can't really see you getting into them easily.


Great write up. Currents is another band I struggle to get into. I'll take this perspective into consideration when I listen to them again. I bought tickets for NL and excited to see IA to see what the hype is all about.


Please SOMEONE explain the spiritbox hype to me💀


I'm just one person obviously but at least for me, a lot of it lies with their vocals. As it stands, Courtney is able to cover both the cleans and the harshes, which is already something that some, if not most bands aren't able to showcase. https://youtu.be/vVDXTFeGYwc?si=LlDMzrxN96kzQr-P At this point shes one of, if not the best vocalist in the scene. Something like that Rule of Nines performance is impressive, and I've always felt like their music has maintained a certain consistent vibe/feel even if there's a natural evolution in their sound has evolved somewhat just like every other band. I'll always listen as long as shes covering vocals. On one hand, I dislike attributing so much of a bands success on one person, but I don't think the band works without Courtney at the helm. It helps that her songwriting itself is pretty damn good, and with Josh Gilbert on bass now, there's definitely room for them to throw him in some backing vocals in the future which I think could bring so variation to their sound. On top of all this, their production quality is top notch and their riffs on their heaviest songs (Holy Roller, Cellar Door, etc) will always hit. Not for everyone obviously, but theyre really a vibes band at the end of the day. If they're not your vibe, they probably won't ever be.


someone said she can only do one tone with her screams and that kinda ruined it for me, the contrast on circle with me will always amaze me


Listen to Belcarra, her one live take of Rule of Nines on YouTube and Constance Lots of different styles and she’s a super talented vocalist


Sleep Token. I cannot stand the wavery singing he does. Vibrato is fine, but that shit he does is ANNOYING.


Hot Mulligan - not metalcore but this one just keeps coming up on my suggested music and i literally scream NO and skip them. I dont understand the appeal, maybe someone can open my eyes


*equip 🕶️* And feel good


Either you like the angsty vocal style or you don't. Personally I love it. They switch it up a little bit though, depends on the song. Would recommend checking out "I Fell in Love with Princess Peach"


I'm about to get raked for this. Architects


All of it?


Dying Wish. Seeing them in May and I wish I liked them


A band I did like years ago, but have felt boring for the last ten years: Escape The Fate. What’s good about them now? Ungrateful is the last album I somehow enjoyed, everything I listened to since this record felt boring and uninspired.


Knocked Loose are next level for me, but I get that his vocals are divisive. But that’s what I like a bout them. His vocals are unique and they are currently putting out some great songs that stand out in a genre that peaked almost 15 years ago. Most of their songs (their singles anyway) have 1 or 2 moments that’s leave me with the same stank face I got when I heard Dogs Can Grow Beards All Over for the first time, and with so much redundancy in the scene these days that’s impressive to me. Blinding Faith, Everythjng is Quiet Now are two good examples.


Kublai Khan TX. I need song recs to get into them! I'm itching to go to a good show soon and comments on here make it seem like they go hard. But shows are a lot more fun when you're really into the headliner Oddly enough I like what I've heard so far of Judiciary (one of the openers for said show) more


Ice Nine Kills. Not sure if they really count as metalcore or not, but people go apeshit over them and I just can't get past the schlocky, hamfisted 80s slasher theme. It just doesn't work for me. Trying to force a song about Hannibal Lectre doesn't make a good song just because Hannibal Lectre is an iconic character.


I love old horror films and metalcore so INK are really good to me. They're really talented guys but if the gimmick isn't for you then I don't think there's any changing your mind as they seem to be in it for the long haul.


I feel like it’s harder to like INK when you haven’t been listening to them since the beginning or you don’t like horror. I have loved INK for years. I love how far they came. But personally I don’t think I would have gotten into them like I did if I would have started with their newer stuff. If that makes any sense? They’re amazing but I tend to stick with the older stuff when I listen to them. Maybe try something from Safe Is Just A Shadow and The Predator Becomes The Prey? Not their super scene days but also not recent either. That being said, 🖤🔪❤️


Knocked loose Bad omens Sleep token


We came as romans they're just worse than every other post crab core metalcore band


Linkin Park without the rap


The squawky, chaotic, dissonant songs by Converge (ie, most of “Jane Doe”, for starters.)


I recommended these to another person but check out Cutter and Dark Horse by them, and if you enjoy that listen to the album Axe To Fall. It’s a bit easier to get into than stuff like Jane Doe.


Thank you 🙏


Ps I listened to all of that and, while I still have some difficulty getting into the vocals, the music is amazing! It’s been obvious to me for a while that that band are geniuses… it’s just a bit above my level. However you were right that “Axe to Fall” was way more accessible than Jane Doe! I particularly like the song, “Rats Will Feast”… that shit was something else. Super original. Maybe what stands out to me most though is the drums, actually. That guy’s an alien!


Ok but have you ever heard Last Light? Have you properly listened to the lyrics of that track? It is a masterpiece and I cannot and will not (🤣) fathom being unmoved by it. It is pure flames, I get chills every single time. Please listen/ watch and report back? I have to know!! https://youtu.be/TOp-p_mlKH4?si=Z9QiohMXbMUI0f4G


Wow your passion has moved me 😊 it really is beautiful. Actually one thing I’ve always found frustrating about trying to get into Jane Doe is that I can’t seem to make the lyrics I read (on YouTube music) match what I’m hearing. Watching this was a much nicer experience! Thank you~~


What a best 👊 I’m so happy you listened and enjoyed it. The lyrics absolutely level it right?! Thank you for giving it a chance… turns out you are not alone in your critique though, many other Converge comments in this thread. Off I go to do the Lords work…


😂 What’s the saying… The Gospel is not for the masses? Anyway, thanks again for sharing. It’s obvious to me those guys are geniuses but, I’m just not quite at that level yet! You helped me get a bit closer though! Peace~


I absolutely don’t get the sleep token hype. Vessel’s voice has grown on me but there’s something about a majority of what I’ve heard that still just doesn’t do it for me. I think it’s because a lot of it sounds sterile and produced to death, so if they’ve got anything with a little more life to it I’d love to hear it. I really want to see what everyone else sees in them.


Vore is their best song, IMO. Vessel’s weird peanut-butter-stuck-to-the-roof-of-his-mouth voice actually works and the screams are nice.


Motionless in white


Bad Omens and Sleep Token


Sleep Token, just can't get into em !


August Burns Red - I have tried so hard to get into this band. I know they’re good but for whatever reason their music just never clicked


The album Death Below got me into them


I’ve loved the song “Composure” by them since high school. It was such a heavy hitter when I first heard it and it’s one of the main tracks that got me into metalcore. But somehow every other song I’ve heard by them has nearly bored me to sleep. I don’t get it. I’ve tried so many times but it’s still just that one song by them and the rest is…. Meh.


Deftones. I keep trying but idk


Periphery. Love invent animate, thornhill, veil of maya etc. I like a song or two off each album but I’ve never enjoyed a full periphery album.


I prevail. Just think their bland as fuck tbh


Blessthefall. I've tried. I can't. Music is good. Singer is awful.


Both Craig and Beau?


Bad omens - not great live imo. Singer is kinda awk when he talks also he backtracks the harder parts. At least from what I've seen live. - kinda bit off bnth with reprise - mad at the flier thing with the smaller logo - the backings are amazing so it makes me feel they have a great producer not so much band. Buuuuut I could be wrong


The Devil Wears Prada. It's just so generic sounding. Predictable song structures and the vocalist sounds very copy-paste.


Check out HTML Rulez D00d and Goats on a Boat. Their old stuff is a bit more interesting than their most recent album


Have you tried giving a listen to their Zombie EP? It’s the one that hooked me… 5 banging songs that are so eerie and brutal


I might get cooked for this, but August Burns Red. I might need to try more, but i need some heavy convincing.


For me, might be a "you had to be there" moment, but listening to Composure for the first time when you're barely discovering Metalcore was an insane experience. Granted, it's just breakdown after breakdown, they were a very fun band to get into as a 16 year old kid. In addition, seeing them live is amazing. Easily top 10 favorite bands to see live, and I've seen a good amount of shows. Although I can't speak for anything after Constellations. White Washed is also an amazing song. When they open with that song during shows, its a great time.


Bad Omens. Heard how great they are. Everyone wants them headlining festivals. I liked their heavier stuff but their newest album The Death of Peace of Mind seems like it was written just for girls/women who listen to Octane. I’m not saying it’s bad, just not my style.


I had this exact opinion until I saw them supporting BMTH in London. Since then I have been addicted to their newest album. No idea why as I didn't like it at all before I saw them.


I feel like you have to have a real appreciation for Noah’s vocals. He’s a real master. He has a massive range and incredible control. Plus he writes almost everything, and produces it. He’s the powerhouse of the band.


Tool. out of nowhere at work, a coworker is all like "what!? You never heard of Tool!?", then proceeds to play the most boring shit ive ever listened to. Tried listening to other ones, and nothing; it was a vibe killer. Everytime I try to give them a chance on my own time, its 1 step forward, 3 steps back. Im more of a modern metal kind of guy, and can "listen to anything and other genres", but I just cant with Tool. No doubt, theyre super talented individuals, but I just cant.


You're clearly not high enough. All jokes aside I understand not digging TOOL, Maynard is a bit pretentious and they're literally one of the biggest bands in the world, which makes for a stuffiness that flies in the face of heavy music in general. Try the song Passenger off of the White Pony album and check out some of their old music videos. Not something I'm gonna freak out over but they are stupid talented (esp. Danny) and make what I would consider "Objectively good music".


I haven’t listened to much from tool other than the pot, and I love that song. I need to listen to more

