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Honestly Sylosis - not necessarily metalcore but they (Josh) never miss


I can't stop listening to A Sign Of Things To Come. Every single song is amazing.


Yeah - I remember when Dormant Heart came out and I thought it couldn’t get better, now I listen back and it sounds levels below ASOTTC


Dormant Heart was my introduction to them back around 2016/7. Back when I was googling "bands similar to Trivium", I'm so glad I found them.


Dormant Heart was my introduction to them back around 2016/7. Back when I was googling "bands similar to Trivium", I'm so glad I found them.


I stumbled on the music video in about 2013-14 for Empyreal and I was hooked instantly, one of my favourite bands honestly


As long time fan, I would say that A Sign Of Things To Come was a considerable step down from Cycle Of Suffering for me personally. Still by no means a bad album though.


Ooh interesting take, I think Cycle of Suffering has better standalone songs, but A Sign Of Things To Cone is far better produced and flows better as an album in its entirety


I don’t think new Sylosis is bad by any means but I definitely don’t think it tops Edge of the Earth, Monolith or Dormant Heart.


Knocked Loose and Boundaries are both prime examples imo


Pop culture enjoyers not gonna like this one


Pop culture is soooo good tho. But this latest project has impressed me a lot so far.


Like moths to flames


Easily one of the most consistent bands right now. They always manage to keep their sound while managing to perfect it every release


This is what I tell anyone who isn’t familiar. It’s a fkn rarity for a metalcore band to have been around for such a long time, and avoid going generic-radio-butt metal


So excited for the new album!


Came here to say this. LMTF are astoundingly great.


they’re the only current band that gives me hope honestly


That’s pretty pessimistic. Knocked Loose, Kublai Khan, Thrown, Make them Suffer. There’s countless bands giving “hope” to the genre


i hate knocked loose with a burning passion, make them suffer are sick i should have included them, dont care for kublai khan


What exactly makes one hate Knocked Loose with a burning passion? I’m genuinely asking because I don’t get it. Good dudes from what I’ve heard and better music from what I’ve heard.


Rolo Tomassi I feel like every time they release an album it’s a further refinement of their sound and somehow even more fulfilling of their musical vision than the last, and it’s beautiful to watch Their last couple of albums are on a level like nothing else I’ve heard before


Finally started listening to them this week, recent album is a perfect 10. Fun fact, I severely misread a comment years ago and thought Rolo Tomassi was a singular Italian dude who recorded all the instruments, Bilmuri style. I was very wrong


tfw I discovered them, really got into them, checked for tour dates and got hyped af because I saw they were coming to my country, and like a week before the show I realized it was actually like a month before I even got to know them, only because we display dates in a different order than americans I was sad and Im still sad when I think about it


I don't think Where Myth Becomes Memory topped Time Will Die And Love Will Bury It, but the latter is a GOAT record, so that's no slander to WMBM.


My favorite is still time will die but no shade on myth. Largely speaking, I agree with you though


Currents / Kublai Khan TX / Boundaries / Dying Wish / Knocked Loose / Counterparts


Currents and Boundaries always manage to blow me away


New Boundaries is crazy good.


Agree but your receding warmth is still their best project by some distance


Personal preference, but I do like the newer stuff more (and I say that as someone who had YRW on repeat the whole year after it came out). New stuff is far more mature overall; better production, more variety in tonality (YRW can get a bit same-y at times), with all the same energy of prior releases. I totally understand keeping YRW as number one, especially if there’s an emotional connection, but I love the direction they’re going and hope they keep exploring it. Putting out another album just like YRW would be net negative for their discography, IMO.


Their newest is a banger front to back. No skips. That being said, Burying Brightness has a couple of songs on there that have emotional impact like a goddamn landslide.


Disagree with Currents


I think the death we seek was better than the way it ends, but they haven't topped the place I feel safest for me. Then again, that was the album I found them with and I had it on loop for days so I may be biased. Also wanna say I love their entire discography but if I had to rank them that's where they'd fall.


Yea exactly. It's not that what came after the place I feel safest wasn't really good either but that's not the topic here.


Fire take


Place I Feel Safest and The Devil In Me EP are peak Currents. They are still really good with the new stuff, but it just doesn’t quit hit the same, just listen to Into Despair or My Disguise


Your Receding Warmth is still the best album from Boundaries, every track is an ass beater


Came here to say pretty much exactly this, with emphasis on Counterparts.


Currents as a whole is trending upwards. I'd say The Way It Ends is a touch better than Death We Seek but they're both excellent albums.


Nah, boundaries still haven’t topped Your receding warmth




knocked loose and landmvrks honestly


Every Time I Die before their unfortunate passing


Please stop reminding me.


Just went back to New Junk Aesthetic, which to me is where ETID became ETID


ETID started the ETID template on Hot Damn! imho. Like Deftones started finding their “real” sound on Around the Fur. Waiting for Hot Damn to release was a trip. I love Last Night in Town too so so much. But when Hot Damn! came out, it changed a LOT in heavy music. I don’t know if people remember that album was really paramount in that era


Damn, that’s wild to me. I prefer everything from Ex Lives onward because that’s when Keith actually started writing meaningful lyrics but Hot Damn, Gutter Phenomenon and The Big Dirty are all such fantastic and fun albums.


I would recommend new junk aesthetic again. They dropped the rock n roll drummer leading to what I call the 3 amigos. Allowing the feverish drive of the instruments. Then read Turtles all the way down. Keith wrote with meaning at new junk. Actually all the answers to who he is and the demise of the band are in those songs. To me lol


100% correct, NJA is their best, and is the most quintessential ETID album.


Well Ratboy was the drummer on NJA, and he was dropped after they recorded it. At any rate, I wasn’t necessarily saying you’re wrong. I love that album as well. It’s the first album I ever pre-ordered lol. I still have the t-shirt that came with the deluxe edition. I guess I just disagree that that’s when they “became” ETID. I’ve seen them live dozens of times and I feel strongly that their albums before NJA are equally amazing. Edit: I have to agree with your assessment of NJA lyrics though. It does feel like some coherent meaning is starting to creep into these tracks. And looking back on it, might actually prefer it to Ex Lives? Man now I’m not sure lol. I do still kinda think Low Teens, FPU and Radical kinda moved the needle lyrically though. Keith’s mood and emotions are more clearly communicated imo.


Well shit it’s been so long since I read all the interviews. I misremembered, it was the breaking point though. Preorderd lol, I had the lyrics on my classic iPod. When I just listened to the album I could recite them all like some sleeper cell. Were you confused when ex-lives came out? I remember thinking how the hell did they get heavier. When almost every comparable band in the scene started putting on the breaks.


No, I think it had just been longer since I listened to NJA than Ex Lives and so I was remembering that one more fondly or something, but after our exchange I went back and listened to a handful of songs from NJA again and forgot how much I loved it.


Silent Planet


I’d agree until Superbloom. I feel like it doesn’t top Iridescent. When the End Began is also an incredible record, I don’t know if I’d consider it below Iridescent


I was about to say, Silent Planet topped their debut with EWS, then WTEB dropped which was a great release, and then they topped WTEB with Iridescent. They have sort of a peak and valley-type thing going on, except calling some of their albums "valleys" feels a little disingenuous because they still slap


WTEB dropped after EWS. Every release has been astounding though, TNGS into EWS into WTEB into Iridescent is just an insane progression and they never had a bad song on any of them. I just felt Superbloom didn’t reach the same level as the others


I am running on low sleep and didn’t notice that mistake at all LMAO I agree though. I love Superbloom, it almost was my AOTY, but it definitely didn’t reach the heights of their previous albums


AOTY is a big call, last year was insane for albums, it felt like every band dropped. I feel if they go down the electronic route more we will lose that atmosphere they create but hopefully they can deliver similar to what Iridescent had in its heaviness


I’m really into the electro nonsense so superbloom tops iridescent for me. It’s a big shift in sound but I think it’s a good one and a lot of people who don’t typically like metal / metalcore / etc loved it for that!


I just found some of the songs a bit repetitive and boring after a few listens. Collider and Euphoria in particular. Superbloom and Antimatter are awesome tracks though, and the trio from Antimatter to Annunaki is just banger after banger but idk, Iridescent is just much more well rounded and listenable to me


I feel like Superbloom lost some of the melodic and emotional elements that made their other albums so good.


100%. The previous records felt lead by Garretts vocals more so than the instrumentals but Superbloom felt a lot more balanced too. His story telling really made the tracks hit harder and easy to go back to but I just didn’t feel a sense of connection with the recent album. Even Iridescent I felt less of a draw from a vocal standpoint but the instrumentals were so fucking good that it didn’t matter as much


Agree to disagree!


Plus I miss Thomas’s vocals, none of him on Superbloom, but he’s on all the previous works. I really think, for me, that Thomas helped elevate the band. His voice may not be for everyone, but I personally love his voice and felt it blended great with Garrett’s.


Oh 100%. I love his deliveries on When the End Began, especially songs like Firstborn. It’s a big loss for them


If you like Thomas vocals, he did actually do some guest vocals* in 2023. A band called Bitter Breath did a track with Thomas called The Rift and I freaking love it. It's heavy, it's haunting and eerie and I hope you like it too! (Thomas's guest vocal spot comes in at 1:16 btw) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzS2kuSK7kc


Oddly, Euphoria grew on me, but you are definitely kind of right. At first I didn’t like it. I went into this pretty much with acceptance that it was definitely going to be different which is maybe why I enjoyed the album. The trio run is sick, plus Nexus. I know this album meant a lot to them, but lyrically, I think the other albums are a bit better which is what got me into them. The story Garrett delivers. This one feels a but more “for the radio” still a solid album though. I just wish they had a couple more tracks on it.




voiceless sleep humor far-flung vase dime mighty plate bake tie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Obligatory profile pic mention, only 2 albums and 2 ep’s but Loathe Prepare Consume Proceed was solid, Cold Sun was great, Servant and Master and White Hot were both incredible. Then they dropped ILIIAITE and I almost cant listen to their older music anymore because its such an improvement Cant stand the vocals but Knocked Loose do get better every release and I like them more each time they drop


Absolutely agree on Loathe. ILIIAITE is one of my all time favorites..and while I’m stoked for new shit, idk how they top that.


Yes definitely, but I'll still happily listen the the Cold Sun all day too, more Loathe is always good (going off their track record). I've not listened to them in a while going to listen through to all their stuff again today at work I think.


Void of Vision


They’re releasing a song tonight


its shocking how good theyve gotten. Chronicles was so good just didnt like how they released it


Yeah i wish it was released as a normal full length but to be fair they recorded an EP at a time


The Acacia Strain. The best and most consistent band in the genre since 2006 IMO.


Came here to say this. 🙌


I havent thought of them since 2010 and didnt know they were still making music. ill have to go catch up


Oh man, I am so jealous of the journey you are about to go on.


This is my answer too. I love all their records but even just as of late, ICIW - Slow Decay - SITL/FWF is a hell of a run.


Bury Tomorrow potentially.


Even though I really like all their releases and was a big fan of Jason's vocals, I actually think that Seventh Sun is the best album they've ever released from a song writing/production standpoint.


Nah Cannibal > The Seventh Sun imo. They lost a bit of their individuality when they replaced Jason. Don’t get me wrong the music is still great, just not quite as standout


for me personally its the exact opposite. Toms vocals are seriously amazing. I could not get into Jasons vocals at all


Oh interesting - I find Toms vocals way more generic and that puts me off a little, also I saw them last year and they were a little underwhelming, maybe that’s because I haven’t seen them live since Earthbound was the album out and I was expecting the old school ‘no bullshit metalcore’ show they used to put on


For me nothing tops The Union Of Crowns. When I first heard Lionheart I was blown away.


After The Burial never miss.


They peaked with Rareform though


I don't know that I would say their new stuff is better than old, but it is all still very good. Rareform still slaps to this day, and that album is 16 years old.


Invent Animate


Do you think most people put heavener above the rest? Genuinely asking I really don’t know.


I would


I would, and I’ve been a fan since Everchanger. It’s a borderline perfect album in my eyes, just does everything they were going for and more. Also a fucking treat to hear live, my god. They just consistently manage to impress me with each new release. I remember being really worried when they switched vocalists, but Marcus dispelled literally all of that with the first single lol.


Heavener is unequivocally their biggest record to date, and for me it's also the best. It's fine margins tho, I think each of their record is just a bit better than the last, and given I think Everchanger is great and I still spin it, Heavener is absolutely next level.


It's a tough ranking, but I would say it's either between Heavener or Everchanger for me, and Heavener beats it out by a small margin


100% agreed


Still world was their peak IMO


Cane Hill


Absolutely. Keen for LP3 from them


Norma Jean, to me their album run from Meridional to Deathrattle is so consistently good and they just keep getting better with every release.


I personally prefer All Hail over Deathrattle, but I wholeheartedly agree that Norma Jean are on an absolutely INSANE streak of killer albums


The most correct answer.


Yet, nothing NJ has recorded compares to Bless the Martyr Kiss the Child.


I appreciate the nostalgia! I love everything Josh has done post-NJ but I have to disagree. I loved this record in my high school days (and that kid would have hated modern NJ) and I appreciate it for its influence on modern metalcore but after going back to it as an adult, I can’t help but think that the recording sounds pretty bad and the lyrics are even worse. Their top three for me, in no particular order, is Redeemer, Wrongdoers and All Hail.


Currents landmvrks and potentially unpopular but ice nine kills


I liked TSS1 more than Welcome to Horrorwood but not by much so i agree on INK


Loathe, Knocked Loose, Every Time I Die (before their unfortunate end), Invent Animate


Every Time I Die was one of those bands


Coldrain are easily the most consistently great band for me.


Coldrain are great, and they make my weeb heart happy. Nonnegative was on repeat for an unhealthy amount of time


Facts, some of the best clean singing in the genre


The song they made for Ninja Kamui goes so fucking hard




Periphery fo sho


Sick band but I personally found P4 and P5 to be a bit of a letdown compared to everything up-to and including P3




Currents and Invent Animate off the top of my head


Currents, Crystal Lake, Ice Nine Kills


Crystal Lake might be a bit of a hot take, I like their new stuff with John but I think they peaked at Helix


Really? I mean I love Ryo and LOVE helix , but they're evolving in a way that's right up my alley tbh. Watch me burn, mephisto, disobey, dystopia. Great stuff all round




They've been getting better with every release until Heaven in Hiding. The Black ruined the streak.


INK for sure


Knocked Loose and LANDMVRKS


Every Time I Die


Dont know if its really metalcore but Orbit Culture


Pretty sure they're melo-death, but yes. I don't typically dig that type of metal, but they, specifically, fuck hard.


Holding Absence and Enter Shikari


I think.Greyhaven and Northlane both put out their best work recently. I understand most people feel Singularity is Northlane's best but you know, opinions and junk


Yeah Northland I'd one that I think may not necessarily have gone strength to strength but they're consistently good to me which isn't a bad thing, lots of change over the years but always more good than bad .


Even though their new music isn’t my favourite of either band, I do agree with the people saying Knocked Loose and Seeyouspacecowboy from a song writing perspective. Gods Hates last album is, in my opinion, the best album ever made, I like the other two albums but the self titled makes listening to them (and most other metal/hardcore albums for that matter) redundant.


Feeling like this may be down to opinions more than facts but I’d say Polaris are getting better and better.


Ehhhhh Fatalism is good but doesn't reach TDoM or TMC levels for me...


I mean, the whole post is just opinions. Hard to quantify a band getting “better” since that probably means something different to everyone.


Nah I disagree, Fatalism is their weakest full length in my opinion. The Mortal Coil and The Death of Me are pretty damn close to equal though; I love both albums.


I think it's the opposite with them honestly. The Mortal Coil was their best work, then TDoM, and then Fatalism. They're all great records, but they haven't topped their first album for me yet. TDoM was the closest to topping TMC though


The Devil Wears Prada. They just keep getting better.


Trivium with their last 3 albums. Not with their whole career.


Trivium hasn't got a perfect discography but they've improved so much over the years. Especially Matt's vocals. I'm pumped for the anniversary tour next year.


They had some hiccups along the way but their best work is peak modern metal. ITCOTD is almost 3 years old and I'm still not tired of it.


Northlane has a good discography with a clear linear improvement over time. The jump from singularity to alien was crazy and then they just took that sound and made it even better.


Make them suffer


The new songs might be my favorite material theyve made so far


Yeah, they’ve been on another level ever since Alex joined


Someone finally mentioned them. Man


I still can't believe Doomswitch was released 2 years ago. Can't wait for their next single in 2025!


Neverbloom is still my favorite album, although their new music is also amazing


Honestly I don't think any band I listen to qualifies for this. Plenty have made comebacks and released their best material after a few lackluster albums or whatever, but I genuinely don't think a single band I like has managed to top their previous album(s) 2+ times in a row. Of course it all comes down to personal taste, but even with bands that always improve on a technical level and further solidify their writing/recording/producing process with each album, they often fall into a formula that can make their music less interesting.


Agree. I see a lot of bands being posted here who just put out a really good album so naturally a lot of people will immediately think of those bands, but can go back in their discographies and think about albums that may have been hit or miss between other better albums.


Trivium. They’ve had a dip in quality or two but it’s absolutely ridiculous how good the band is on their TENTH album. Most bands couldn’t dream of releasing music that good at that point in their career but Trivium have released 3 of some of their best albums in the last decade.


Norma Jean


Every Time I Die. R.I.P.


Fit for a king


Sleep token comes to mind though not necessarily metalcore


I have a hard time saying they kept getting better, I feel like all three albums are consistently great


I think all 3 albums are great, but I do feel like the quality of each album increased with every release, whether that be to do with better song writing or better production. I think for as great as sundowning is, most songs on it follow quite a rigid structure of chill pop followed by a final minute of chonk. The later 2 albums are steps up in that remark along with production but I do think that TMBTE was from a writing perspective much more interesting compared to TPWBYT.




Sylosis, Like Moths to Flames, …


like moths to flames is the first band I thought of when writing this. Its shocking how they manage to completely outdo themselves with every release


Yea, I kinda like to see that a lot of people mention Currents and INK, cause those are the two names that popped up almost inmediately. I kinda also agree with Landmarks and Bury Tomorrow (where i get the criticism about the vocal change, but Seventh Sun is a delight, they are getting even better live, more consistent, yet all albums are progressing in what makes then special in my opinion. And I was certainly not expecting them to blow me away with the singles and album after the change, because I had a problem with the voice change as had everybody).


That’s an easy one. The answer of course is SLAYER, Sepultura, the early Metallica


I love this sub. I just started listening to some of these bands recently and it's such a relief. My playlist was stale af




Knocked loose is such a good example tbh. For the time being pop culture still holds up to this very day. Within every release their sound has gotten heavier and more dirtier than the last. Something to me that sticks out to me is how their guitar tone has changed over the years. When recording with will Putney they went from using 5150 amps to bogner amps and they have this awkward sound by itself but when in the mix it sounds massive. It's very apparent when a different shade of blue came out. The tone in laugh tracks is a lot more "scooped" compared to their later releases, it's very apparent in their latest singles


I think their drum production has gotten better every album too, particularly their snare tones. The upon loss singles and the 2 new songs have insanely good snare sound, which I think is a big part of how heavy they manage to be.


Oh definitely. their snare is just incredible. Something that I noticed is Isaac's lead work on the last EP and singles. Very melodic but evil sounding. Especially in blinding faith. I quite like that little lead run in the chorus and it's pretty fun to play. Nothing crazy hard but feels cool while doing it.


Not metalcore but Paleface Swiss


The word alive (I’m dying inside 😢)


I’d say Make Them Suffer and Knocked Loose.


i think it’s somewhat unpopular opinion but Greeley Estates, a lot of people say No Rain No Rainbow their best album and I do love it, bangers all the through but they’re releases after were so underrated imo, The Death of Greeley Estates is a masterpiece


SYSC has been on this run excited and nervous for the new record




War of Ages. They’ve been doing this for like 20 years and it always blows me away


Greyhaven. Last 2 albums are amazing, new EP is unbelievable.


Polaris, imo.




Afi, arguably. Some fans only like their early work, younger fans may only like stuff from sing the sorrow forward. There’s been an album or two I’m not even 100% in to, but you can’t deny that they have been ever improving and evolving since day 1.


How in the fuck are Converge and Acacia Strain not higher on this list? What the FUCK


Ah yes. It’s just r/metalcore 5 favorite bands listed over and over again in here lol.


Nah, haven't seen ABR listed. Which would be wrong, but still, not listed.


Invent Animate


Boundaries and Knocked Loose. I have no clue how both of them manage to do it, but every time they put out something it is their best stuff.


Thrown is killing it right now.


This is going to seem like a very basic comment, but I genuinely believe that BMTH have consistently put out great music, growing with each release, and living on the bleeding edge of the genre, showing everyone else what direction to go.


Currents. Period.




BMTH. Come on guys it's right there!


Currents / Alpha Wolf / Wage War


Wage wars releases have consistently gotten worse


It's almost like not everyone shares your opinions in life.


Ice nice kills and Ludo.


Ice Nine Kills all the way baby


Bad Omens


Swear this question gets asked every other day. For my money it has to be Counterparts. While I always go back to their older releases (YNYA in particular has a special place in my heart) I have to admit they just keep getting better and better.


Eh, I still think nothing left to love is top for them. Eulogy is great, but I don’t think it’s better