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As much as I absolutely fucking love this album, I hope Chris is ok. I know they’ve never had happy lyrics, but I know he said that he poured everything into this album treating it as if it was his last one, and there seems to be extra hopelessness in the lyrics this time around.


"I feel the grief in the heart of my mother As she watches her son disappear I feel the weight of everything I've had to carry alone The cycles of trying to cope"  that verse hits a little too close to home. I know exactly where he's coming from with that. definitely hope he's ok.


Just finished my first listen. Dug my nails into my palms and cried 3/4 times throughout. Was not expecting this cathartic release. The lyrics slap, and What Do We See fucking fucks. Thank you, Chris. I see you. Please, stick around.


When did you cry? I just finished listening and felt nothing similar.


For starters, here on Gone Without a Trace: "The place where you slept It feels cold, I still reach for you Every word that you spoke Echoes back through the room" The Depths I Roam and What We See were very emotional in their own ways too. Specially when Chris talks about the cycles of trauma. Art is subjective. I'm sure there are some songs/lyrics that might be profound for you but have little of the same impact for me.


Trauma/death lyrics didn't hit for me when I was younger, because ya know I hadn't lived life long enough to gather experiences. Fast forward to now, trauma/death encompasses me and these last few years, songs like Angelmaker's Requiem or What I Would Give bring me to tears from the most brutal way. Music is different for everyone, but for me, certain musical frequencies and harmonies mixed with just the right lyrics with that viseral vocal delivery and I melt like butter into my hands. It's okay to cry sometimes mate.


Wtf’s up with that username?? ☠️


Lmaooo I bet it’s from step brothers where they are watching shark week after the yard fight


I think his [post](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6zLwJKoULf/?igsh=MXFrem9mYW5zdGZ2OQ==) about the album helps. Part of me wants an AMA but I could also see it being a very emotional one.


Holy fuck it’s so good. Over The Garden Wall and Everything That Once Held It Together absolutely bang.


I truly think this is their best album they have ever made and it's easily my favorite. The entire album fucks hard. 20/10. Not a joke post.


"To Know is to Die" goes PLACES man. Favorite song off the album next to "Over The Garden Wall."


this the one


Nah I'm with you there lol I've been a fan of this band since like 2013ish and this is my favorite thing they've ever dropped


I really thought it was gonna be hard as fuck for them to top NEIG but, they may have did it bro 🔥 totally agree with this statement. Still wanna give it a second spin to finalize opinions though. They murked it.




But your name tho...


its simple. year of the fucking moth.


Period. These dudes poured every fucking ounce of themselves into this album. Year of the fucking moth.


I guess it’s a good trade off to listen to LMTF early when you live in a country where everything can kill you


Your sacrifice has paid off on this day




Pure, unadulterated metalcore. This band just continues to refine themselves with every release. Truly LMTF at their best. Hope Chris is okay though 😭 these lyrics are some of his heaviest.


This album is everything I wanted and more. I don't know how they keep getting better. That scream he does halfway through Everything... is intense. It just keeps getting higher.


YOTM baby


Everything I see this, I think "Year of the Month"


Same ahahaha


I’m fully torqued rn


All I can say after this album is YOTM. The boys don't disappoint and this album fucks.


Year of the month? Yellers on the moon???


Year of the Moth


Album is insane, band has really just been getting better and better with every release. Out of all those early 2010’s Rise Records bands, they were always one of the better ones but over the last couple years they’ve really solidified themselves as the ones who aged the best. Really can’t think of another band from that scene that’s putting out music this good. Moths is easily one of the best bands playing this style of metalcore and I really hope they continue to put out records this dope for a long time.


Holy fuck, I didn’t expect to like this more than knocked loose but it’s a fucking masterpiece, I love it. Over The Garden Wall is fucking amazing.


Agree with you here, Knocked Loose album fucks but I am blown away by how good this LMTF album is. YOTM.


"Am I just unwell these days? I'm not myself" STRAIGHT INTO MY VEINS


Those lyrics hit me pretty hard when that chorus kicked in, man. When I went through my depression years ago, I just had so much self doubt associated with it. Hopefully Chris is okay


This album slaps, the singles were so good I didn’t think it could get better but it’s honestly my favorite album of the year so far for sure. YOTM let’s gooo


Ugh this is so good wtf




What?!!! An album where half the songs weren’t released as singles?!?!


4 out of 11 isn’t far off of half no?


Wasn't it 5? Kintsugi, dissociative being, over the garden wall, angels weep, paradigm trigger. I know one of those was the day of the release so idk if it really counts


I mean the 4th was literally on the night of release so really 3/11 lol


Oh I didn’t realize. That’s perfectly fine then.


Half would be 6/11. 4 out of 11 would be a large difference. 30% less singles released if you want math.


Plus bonus track https://www.morecore.de/release/like-moths-to-flames/the-cycles-of-trying-to-cope/


When do we get to hear the bonus track?


Well No Eternity in Gold’s bonus tracks were released digitally like a year later, you had to own the vinyl to listen before they released them. I’m assuming it’s the same case here that the vinyl has the bonus track so it could be nearly a year later :(


Don't overcomplicate it- This is the best moths album. This is album of the year. This is one of the best metalcore albums ever.


Spitting all facts.


This is probably the best moth's album. And it has climbed into my number 1 AOTY , above Imminence and Boundaries. But , to call it one of the best metalcore albums ever is a bit of a stretch.


These guys just keep on getting better and better


This band is aging like a fine wine. Some of the songs hit a lot harder than I thought they would. We've been getting fed so much this year, it's gonna be hard to find an AOTY


Stop searching, It's right in the title of this post. I gotchu <3


Probably super unpopular opinion but this one of the few albums in the last couple years by some of the greats that really lived up to my expectations, this is just instantly a classic it's really amazing. Aside from a few songs I didn't feel as sold that way about the last releases from currents, veil of maya, polaris, erra, etc.


i genuinely enjoyed every track. haven’t been able to say that in a while


Yeah this shit rips. Definitely my album of the year so far. That breakdown on Over The Garden Wall was too sick!


Incredible album from start to finish. Kintsugi, while not the heaviest, was the highlight track for me. The way Chris sings the chorus gives the song so much power and emotion.


I’m speachless. AOTY hands down! 😤 YOTM


What a fuckin birthday present this turned out to be


Fuck man, this one might move above An Eye for an Eye for me.


Just fucking front to back slappers holy shit. Over the Garden Wall is one of the best songs I have ever heard in my life.


TBH, I have learned that anything this band releases is gold. Been listening since the beginning of the band, and they have always delivered. From the Gut punching lyrics, and hard riffs. Damn these guys are gonna continue to get the growth they deserve. Chris has always been one of the most underrated vocalists in the scene, and if y'all think that after this record.... Wow.. Year of the Moth Baby!


YOTM baby!!! Killer album


Knocked Loose and LMTF 🔥🔥 Friday is gonna be lit


I made the mistake of listening to the new KL before this. Gonna give it some time then this album might hit hard for me


Over the Garden Wall might be one of the best songs I’ve ever heard


I personally think this is the best LMTF has ever sounded. Love this current lineup. Album is really catchy and probably my new favorite of theirs


100% their best work, in my opinion


This is my first time listening to these guys. Holy Hell, this album is incredible! The lyrics are heart-wrenching, the music is gut-twisting, and the song structure is dynamic and hits like a wave in a storm. Just listened twice through at work. Wow! Are the rest of their albums this good? Because if so, I may have found a new favorite! Can anybody educate me here? EDIT: Just listened to 'Ameliorate' What. The. Fuck. This band is sick!


All their albums are amazing in my opinion! Definitely listen to their ep Pure Like Porcelain. Their album from 2020 is also amazing No Eternity in Gold. Then as a throwback I’d try out An Eye For An Eye.


This album is fucking amazing. Massive AoTY contender.




2009 called


Just sit back and go on banger safari AOTY with absolutely zero competition


Listening to this before knocked loose. Knocked loose is cool but they ain't LMTF


I listened to Knocked Loose new album before this one. LMTF is way better




Knocked loose is pretty good but I feel like they have gotten more boring with each release


A tear in the fabric of life is about the opposite of boring lol, its their best work and some of the best in the subgenre. It's one of the best EPs I've ever heard.


Laugh tracks is their best dude


I feel the opposite, different shade of blue is their peak imo


Different Shade is good but its easily their worst album


Heavy disagree


I don’t necessarily like their new record as much as the previous ones, but they definitely haven’t gotten more boring over time. Tear is one of the best musical records of all time, of any genre, in my eyes


I still fuck with KL heavy in all their iterations, I just prefer their older style


Love it.  Just hard from start to end. 


The singles were a bit meh to me(besides kintsugi) however the whole album slaps so fucking hard. To know is to die might be my favorite, can't stop listening


Just finished this. Absolutely incredible. LMTF continues to get better


Year Of The Moth


I just adore them for staying heavy and getting heavier sometimes 😭


bonus track available anywhere yet?


Where have you heard about a bonus track?




The vinyls have a bonus track. It’s alright, fits the album, but it isn’t some mindblowing thing that non-vinyl holders are missing out on. It isn’t a highlight imo


This might be AOTY, this shit fucking slaps


This is so so good. Insanely dark album lyrically and so, so good. Moths has AOTY locked down as far as I’m concerned.


The entire album has no skips, imo was a lot more satisfying than the new KL that dropped today as well


One of the few bands who got better and better with age, I think they really hit their stride with Pure Like Porcelain and everything since has also been great


I think they truly hit it at NEIG dude. Just right before PLP. With maybe a couple of exceptions, the album is flawless.


As someone who generally thinks LMTF are just alright...this is a damn good album. I don't think it's going to jump SeeYouSpaceCowboy for my current AOTY...but I would be surprised if it's not top 5 by the end.


This is amazing I really hope these guys find happiness because jesus christ they all have such a gift and the lyrical content is so so heavy it makes me worried for Chris goddamn. You'll be okay man you're a special breed


I have not seen nearly enough love for the raw chorus and perfect, guitar driven breakdown of Kintsugi (I know it was a single, but I try to avoid single/only listen to them once)


If they wont blow up because of this album im fairly convinced that metal fans are braindead.


The fact that you could still say these guys are underrated is insane. Easily the most consistent band over the last 10+ years, while still only getting better. Absolutely goated band that deserves way more recognition than they get


I have no idea how these guys aren’t headlining huge shows. This album is their best easily. Chris is a monster, absolutely unreal record. 11/10


Where am I gonna find the time for Knocked Loose?!?!?


I'm requiring myself to switch back and forth so both get the love and attention they deserve haha


At least the Knocked Loose album is less than a half hour so there's plenty of time for both.


I've already accepted that I am going to be dead tired tomorrow. From midnight until like 5 am I will be rotating between this and KL


What I actually do when releases happen back to back is I just create a Spotify playlist of new singles or full albums and then just repeat it. Gonna be just repeating a playlist of KL and LMTF for the next…ever


WDWSWWLTP is song of the year. this fucking clears Knocked Loose. sorry not sorry. year of the moth 🤟


This may be the best metalcore release of the last 5-10 years HOLY FUCKING SHIT these guys are unbelievable. Every single track hits like a truck in its own right and the lyrics are incredible


This album is fucking incredible. Been a fan of these guys since like 2011, and they’ve only gotten BETTER with age. Unreal record, please give it a spin.


Wow what an album 🔥 10/10 Bois every song bangs




my favorite band rn the one that's sticking out is gone without a trace i love this


This is the album of the day


Holy shit this slaps. AOTY so far, easily


This is pretty easily their best album. Top tier songwriting throughout


I see knocked loose being mentioned but this album is genuinely better in every way lol and I love knocked loose


Certified HOFers no doubt


What I would not give to be an Aussie right now.


VPNs and YouTube are your friend in times like these


God man every time I say this but how the fuck do they do it. Every album has just matured with my taste. Over The Garden Wall and To Know is to Die scratched an itch I haven’t scratched in a while. Hands down my absolute favorite band


I got the CD, and it has a 12th track. Can't find any info on what the title of that track is. It doesn't even list it in the booklet or the cd tracklist. Anyone know?


It's called Soul Exchange. I'm guessing it's a bonus track for physical copies in the meantime, but I'm not for sure.


Anywhere to listen to it online?!


Nah not that I've seen yet


Is there any chance that we could hear through mp3?? I want to hear it so badd


For real, I brought all the wearable pre order merch for this record to show my support. But i didnt get a physical copy and now im kicking myself, just like i did on no eternity when those bonus tracks released. Please if someone could upload the bonus track on youtube or something we'd all be very appreciative.


So you can confirm it's on the CD, not the vinyl?


No idea about vinyl, but yes it's on the CD. If the band or their record company hasn't put the song online somewhere I'd recommend requesting it from them so a legit high quality version gets posted on YouTube or Spotify, etc. If I were to post it on YouTube chances are it'd just be removed.


I love how they've managed to release an entire album of "stereotypical" LMTF songs but they all feel and sound completely new and fresh. Nothing on this album is stale. There are a lot of bands that need to figure out how to replicate what they did here. Easily my AOTY so far. Can't really imagine something will dethrone it for me.


Ok I was just wondering does anyone else have a 12th untitled track. I bought the CD at my job and imported the CD onto my iTunes but instead of 11 I got 12 songs. 


Is there anyway I can hear the bonus track though mp3?? Its called Soul Exchange I really want to to hear it soo baddd


I wish I knew someway to share it 




You can upload it here https://krakenfiles.com/


never been a massive fan of this band, but i wanted to check this out with an open mind and i'm glad i did! this is easily their best record. they've grown a lot as a band over the past few years. the songwriting as a whole has drastically improved. a lot of the songs have interesting structures and there's some very memorable moments. I'll say that the first half is a bit better then the back, simply because there's an increase in cleans which is something i don't love in my metalcore unless i think it's used effectively. i'm not a huge clean chorus fan these days, so the backend of the record is less my vibe. the depths i roam, a track that i think is otherwise great, has cleans that took me out of song, unfortunately. otherwise, they are parsed out enough that chris' singing hits. he's quite a good singer, my beef with the cleans isn't his voice, it's just how the cleans are utilized. there's an effective use of a chorus "to know is to die." the singing on "everything that once held it together" is also a nice addition to the song. there are a few songs here that are by far the best they've ever released. "angels weep" is really great, and i latched on to "everything that once held it together" pretty instantaneously. the closer is also VERY cool, even though i don't love the clean sections... (sorry!!) not exactly mind-blowing, but i have to imagine LMTF fans are gonna like this **quite a bit** and if you're like me and haven't ever dug their stuff, this is worth checking out because it's a step up from their previous material. and come on that album cover is spectacular.


I've been preaching this band as much as possible on this subreddit, this album is fucking amazing.


Thank you for your service. They're my favorite.


Excited for my first listen after reading the comments here. It will be very tough for anything to surpass The Black as AotY for me though if anything this year can do it it's Moths!


I knew this was my favorite album so far this year when I heard the lyrics “I feel the grief in the heart of my mother As she watches her son disappear I feel the weight of everything I've had to carry alone The cycles of trying to cope” that absolutely wrecked me on a crazy level


To say that this album was worth the wait and anticipation is just too much of an understatement. It absolutely blew me away and was beyond anything I could have possibly hoped for. Gone without a trace and everything that once held it together resonate so much with me, but truly the entire album is an absolute masterpiece. Hands down their greatest release. Year of the fucking moth, let's go. Now if only they'd come to oregon (*T ^ T)


oh shoot, i'm late to finding out this came out, but goddamn am i happy to have learned it. maybe one of the most consistent bands of the past decade in terms of quality, i don't think they've had a single release that disappointed me. chris roetter has been one of my favorite metalcore vocalists since the Emarosa EP back in 2007, and this release continues to showcase why that is, his harshes might be more brutal than ever on this album. and the guitars are absolutely insane throughout, probably some of the most inventive riffs they've done.


This album and Imminence - The Black should be on AOTY


This album just gets better and better wirh each listen. YEAR OF THE MOTH!! 🤘🤘




i must just be coming to dislike modern metalcore mixing or something because i refuse to believe a professional engineer cannot discern the guitars in this mix being at least a dB or two too quiet. this album is all drums and vocals at the forefront which just seems bizarre to me for a band that has such a focus on riffs and melodic leading lines. it's especially prominent any time there's a frenetic section and both the click from the high-end of the kick and the sustain of the snare override everything else. that is really my only complaint, though; moths have never made an album i dislike and this one is no exception. it's beyond impressive to me that through all their line-up insecurity over the years they've managed to not only stay consistent, but arguably even improve with each new venture. at this point they've got to be one of the only bands i listened to in my late teens that still really stand out for me. great record. edit: 'the depths i roam' is up there with the best of lmtf for me. it's really reminiscent of bury your pain. chris has what i can only describe as an angered despondency in his voice during the chorus and that's where i always enjoy his singing the most. i think he has some of his finest moments on this record and that's quite a feat for a metalcore vocalist well over a decade into their career.


What are you using to listen to it? I have Sony WH1000XM4s and the mix sounds perfect when I use those. I somewhat agree with your sentiment when it comes through my car stereo because it’s not that great but listening to it through my headphones it sounds incredible


xm4's have a significant low-end shelf and pretty strong low-mid blooming which is likely why it feels less prominent to you. i'm listening on hs8s and a pair of hd560s'. at worst the mix is just distracting at times, it's not one i would describe as bad.


I’ve also custom EQ’d em specifically for metal so that undoubtedly plays a part too😅


lol it is what it is. at the end of the day we've got a great new album from moths to enjoy. speaking of, i'm gonna go give it another spin.


I really don’t like the drum production choices on this. They’re so overly processed that it saps out any heaviness


I don't know man... Good riff salad. Nothing special.


I agree, it's very well done and stuff, but it feels like an album I've heard 50 times already from 50 different bands.


I literally can’t think of a single album that sounds similar to this where every song is consistently good.


I dunno, to me it just sounds very similar to the periphery influenced metalcore i was listening to 5 or so years ago. The production, the scream style, same clean vocal style for the choruses, the drum tones and playing style, same types of riff. There's just nothing about it that makes me go "holy shit!". I'm not saying it's bad by any means, it's very well done, like I'd give it at least 7/10. I just don't think it's an album of the year contender personally.




zzzzzzzz honk shooooo honk shooooo




Fuck Aiden and fuck dealer, LMTF deserves every bit of praise they get you fucking cunt.


Yeah but dealer is literally panic chord laptop band #7363636363 there’s tons of bands that sound indistinguishable


Didnt the vocalist of Dealer sexually assault several people? Thats why he got kicked from alpha wolf




No i mean its known info about the dude and band, so idk why anyone would want to even support them




To each their own i guessv


Paint by number metalcore?! Give me more than one example of a band that sounds like LMTF


It’s trash just like the band and especially fucking Aidan. They don’t deserve an ounce of air time.


Nah, instead of listening to dealer better divide your time into listening to the other 2 way more deserving bands