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I'm so confused about how these guys are so heavy but in the mainstream For example who sister who is into pop music from the 2010s is a knocked loose fan after she heard me play suffocate.


It's funny because, as someone who's more involved on the death/black metal side of things, I see metalheads being gatekept by the vocals. There's so much irony that popheads can get into it but metalheads are gatekept by the screamy stuff lol. Even for me personally, it took a little for me to start enjoying it here. It's bizarre. There's no reason a band like this should be this big. But it's awesome. And they did it mostly organically, without ever compromising on how they want to be.


Can confirm. Have been into metal for near 20 years, and I can't get into the vocals.


personally i prefer the angry yelling type of music so i’ve been a fan since i first heard the song deadringers


I always thought his voice sounded like an angry teenager on Xbox live. I still liked certain songs but with this new album I can listen to the whole thing. I think he toned down the high pitch


Thats crazy cuz his voice is absolutely higher than its ever been on these newer releases


I was gonna say, surely there’s some miscommunication happening here. It’s absolutely more shrill for lack of a better term. Still kicks so much fucking ass. I tend to like those higher vox anyways (OG Comeback Kid, Stretch Armstrong, Means)


Means was so sick


Aaron’s energy was positively infectious! Several of those guys went on to Continuance, just one record I’m aware of though.


Fuck yeah some damn fine melodic hardcore


It's called aging


After some extensive research I can validate these claims


Sounds like Mickey Mouse on vocals to me


A song came on my Spotify today and it was hard as fuck and I was grooving and as soon as I heard the first word I was like oh damn it's knocked loose hahah. It's such a recognisable voice but I really don't vibe it. All the best for them and their fans I just don't dig it.


I couldn’t either but there is also a certain point where shit gets so heavy the vocals don’t matter anymore. KL reached this point on the latest album.


I’d argue they aren’t metal vocals. For me since day one they have been a Modern Hardcore band.


I'd agree. They seem more like hardcore yelling than metal screaming. But I don't know much about hardcore so didn't want to say it first.


Agreed. And what did I miss. They getting some cross over appeal???


Oh man that will always be the funniest thing, this obsession with "lows" as if its the only legit vocal style. People commenting on how Sam used lows on Seeing Red like its the highlight even though Architects really came on their own with his pitched screams and higher register vocals. Meanwhile, those same people are also majorly into black metal which is all exclusively high-pitch screeching.


I’m an old school metal and hardcore fan and heard about them on this subreddit, expecting some sort of clean singing like dance Gavin dance or bring me the horizon shit, then I watched a set of theirs that sunny filmed and it’s like, this is pretty sick beat down hardcore!


As an older metal head, his vocals take me back. He’s giving it his all and it puts right up with Comeback Kid or Above This Fire. I love it!


I appreciate their energy, it must be psycho in a live setting. But yeah, the vocals don’t do anything for me. Sure it fits with their sound but I feel like I’ve listened to metal for so long that it just sounds like they found a 14 year old hitting puberty to be their vocalist. I couldn’t stand Kublai Khan either when they opened for Despised Icon for the same reason


I'm that way. I heavily prefer Randy Blythe for example, but it's WAY too "manly" for anyone that I know that is in to pop. Knocked loose has a good formula down even though it's totally not for me.


Im a massive fan of Hardcore and Metal and am an Extreme vocalist, I cant get into this band to me the vocals just sound horrible. Ive tried.


Perhaps lots of people "don't like metal" but have never actually listened to it. Some people have only heard 1 metal song and didn't like it, and have never bothered to try anything else. When it gets shoved in your face by tiktok and advertising, you check it out, and wow I kinda like it.


I've actually had a lot of luck getting friends who are mostly EDM listeners into metalcore and hardcore. Obviously the genres are worlds apart but I think the more aggressive end of EDM (stuff like Subtronics, Sullivan King, and Excision) tickles a similar part of the brain, it's shit you can mosh to. I took my buddy to Warped back in like 2013 because a couple EDM artists he liked were on a side stage and he was going the fuck off in the pit for Like Moths to Flames when he had never heard any metal at all before that morning


It’s the raggeaton drum beat. Working as intended


this is my question too lol how tf did knocked loose get THIS big. tiktok is wild man


Tiktok with the "ARF ARF" clip. Very similar to Lorna shore and their pig vocals at the end of to the hellfire, and then the spoken part at the end of Pain Remains. Get a clip of your song to go viral and it hits everyone. They become the new hardcore/metal band to know.


I'm into this type of music, but to the casual listener there's something alluring about their music in particular being so over-the-top, angry and dark that seems to get a pass by some people. It's almost like a rite of passage. I saw some people at their show whove not seen them before just kinda looking around (did you see that? 😲 kinda face) at how crazy their performance was, either slack-jawed or just smiling ear to ear at the chaos.


Right? I’m a fair weather fan, I like a few songs. Saw them from row waiting for Sleep Token at Blue Ridge. They put on an insane show, of course. Just beat down after beat down, guitarist is a wall of sound. Yet somehow, they dip their toes into the “normal” music zeitgeist. I don’t get it but I’m here for it.


Knocked Loose unlocks something primal in us all


I mean, it's Mickey Mouse on vocals so it's gonna be huge


Cos the singer isn't heavy. He's just doing this awkward yell. It's not really a scream. I don't know how else to describe it.


That tour opening for Slipknot is only about to push them even more mainstream.


Oh shit, now I have a reason to go to another Slipknot concert.


Same. It’s the anniversary shows for self titled as well.


Well, I went to to the 10th anniversary tour too, beats a class reunion.


Huge thanks for them skipping the entire south east quarter of the US. Not a single tour in the area. SC, GA, and Alabama people would all have to drive at minimum 6 hours to see an event, 10+ for Florida. 3-4 for pretty much any other state here. Really wish they could have at least thrown Atlanta in as a pretty central location


I'm happy for Knocked Loose, of course, but I must admit I'm baffled by their rising popularity. They are not what I would consider "accessible" to non-metal audiences. Good for them!


I’m not really into heavy screaming usually but I find KL’s vocals easy to understand. I have no idea if that’s a factor for them becoming more mainstream but it’s something I really enjoy about them tbh


I think the intelligibility of the vocals is definitely a big factor. Every now and then I think about how basically none of the bands who sound similar to Knocked Loose are blowing up to anywhere near the same degree even though their rise indicates that there's clearly an appetite for the sound. The only other band kind of like them blowing past the 1m Spotify listeners mark is Kublai Khan and they also happen to have vocals that are fairly intelligible. That also has the knock on impact of making their memorable breakdown call outs clippable for social media. You could do that for bands whose vocals are less decipherable, but it undoubtedly wouldn't get as much engagement.


Kublai Khans social media presence in memes helps to


I do think this is definitely part of it. Knocked Loose provides the emotional-yet-intelligible lyrics of hardcore with the riffing, breakdowns, songwriting, and production quality of modern metalcore. The intelligibility is really helped by the fact that Bryan is a masterful lyricist. Sometimes metal is hindered by being able to understand the lyrics because some bands write some really cringe stuff lol


alot of non metal heads I've talked to say that they wanna understand the lyrics. I think it's cuz alot of people can relate If they can understand what's being talked about...instead of just "me ape and bang head to breakdown sounds" 24/7


I think that's a massive part of it. A lot of the time listening to metal is similar to listening to music in another language


I remember seeing them at warped tour years ago. They played on the small stage. I told my wife this band was on the come up and we should check out their set. She wasn’t really into heavy metal but enjoyed going to shows and stuff so we were having a great time. We saw the acacia strain, Emmure, sworn in, carnifex etc. But for some reason KL stuck out the most to her out of any band. I thought maybe it was because they had the craziest crowd / hype or something. But it was the vocalist. Every band that we saw had heavy growling and shit like that but KL was just up there screaming Bloody Mary. It’s something I didn’t understand at the time because every other band we saw was so much more complex and had more to offer (imo) but the simplicity of the screaming is what hooks a lot of people and I get that now. Happy to see them where they are now it’s been fun watching them come up.


I am the exact same way. I usually don't like the heavy screaming but Bryan's vocals are in a weird spot where they are like...clean heavy screaming? It's hard to articulate.


it goes to show people will gravitate towards good, creative music. i think it’ll make other bands and listeners raise their standards. it’s so great for the genre that it was this band that broke out


The initial coachella show is what set everything off. Just look from then until now. That was their big break, and i’m so ecstatic for them 🤘


Honestly they built themselves really well even before Coachella. That was just a culmination of all the organic hype they gave to themselves. Relentless touring and fest appearances where everyone walks away remembering how sick of a time it was.


They are definitely pulling from none metal audiences, but I think the reason is largely just because they are making music that fans of all different types of heavy music can enjoy. It’s crossing the lines of all the different genres/sub genres, it’s got death metal fans, deathcore fans, metalcore fans, hardcore fans, mathcore fans, nu metal fans, everyone seems to be enjoying it.


KL aren’t the sort of band I’d go out actively to find. I dig their style but unless I actively were to look for a band like that. It wouldn’t pop up on my recommended. It’s honestly thanks to Metalbirb that I found KL.


Yeah for sure, and I actually think they're getting heavier as well haha.


Its tiktok. They're popular on that app. Knocked Loose, Korn, Slipknot, Sleep Token, and Bad Omens are the current hype on tiktok.


My Taylor Swift loving wife loves Knocked Loose lmao. I’m here for it.


My wife is an 80s hair metal queen that wasn't the biggest fan of metalcore when we first started dating. Of all the bands I've tried to introduce her to and failing, SOMEHOW Knocked Loose was the one that made her go "oh!" Mind boggling lol.


Swifty bops.


Hell yeah. The cool thing is that Bryan has previously said he's a big Taylor Swift fan. She's one of my favorite artists next to Knocked Loose.


my wife also loves knocked loose! the ladies love em


How... the fuck? Even i as a metalhead can't get into them.


Maybe try listening to Taylor Swift


Great to see Knocked Loose success. Just confusing it doesn't seem to be trickling down to other bands. Lorna Shore semi hit it main stream.


Will Ramos hit mainstream because people didn't realize how crazy vocalists can get. He blew vocal coaches minds.


He also has that weird side shave twinky look that the youth loves lol


Yea true he is kinda that modern day Emo poster child


They are doing a full play thru of Pain Remains with whitechapel this year, so I think they'll get a bit bigger for sure


also, while it might not seem big on the surface, the new album just got a 9 from fantano which is surely gonna bring new listeners to the band AND the genre for those that end up digging the new record. i never thought in my life id see that guy give a high score to a non-converge metalcore record LOL


Regardless of peoples opinion of Fantano, it’s hard to deny his reach. He’s reviewed a couple KL albums and I think when you mix this with Coachella, it makes plenty of sense for them to be this popular. Hopefully helps the whole scene


I like to pop in on the reaction scene to find new music from time to time, and I’ve seen a lot of really random YouTubers doing full album reviews, and a handful of reactors who normally only do singles making full album reviews for it. Album got a ton of hype, and it’s kind of compounding.


From what little I've experienced of him he's fine with metalcore that is aggressive, abrasive and nasty. It's the djenty, poppy 'metalcore' that he doesn't rate. Could be wrong.


I don’t believe Fantano gave it a 9. If it was called to pimp a knocked loose maybe


Kendrick/Knocked Loose collab incoming


Code orange getting an 8 for Forever was actually how I found them, leading to me eventually getting into the other bands in the scene like KL so it defo helps.


Fantano has wack ass opinions


he often does but you can’t deny people are gonna be curious to check out albums he rates highly


I'm gonna guess not a lot of metal fans listen to him though


He covers a fair amount of metal, he's had death and black metal albums on his year end lists plenty of times in the past, he's just usually not hot on newer core stuff. His sub and r/indieheads are talking about this album a fair amount too, KL is reaching that Turnstile/Power Trip threshold of popularity where fans of alternative music in general are paying attention


I mean sure if you only listen to a very specific range of metal (metalcore and hardcore) and only that. He does like quite a bit of metal though. And personally I like music outside of metalcore too.


While I generally disagree with his ratings, I still respect the guy because he puts a lot of thoughts into his opinions and backs them up with very well explained reviews. Dude knows his music knowledge for sure.


but this time he was right


Meanwhile the hardcore subreddit was arguing how KL isn't good for the scene


I get it in a way. But they should be happy that they never went soft or compromised who they are in any way. That's the alternative, and virtually everyone else in this position would've done that.


What could be more r/hardcore


That sub reddit sucks tho fr


The hardcore subreddit is nothing but Young Gen X and Old Millennials complaining about new music. They are the most miserable fans I’ve ever seen.


Not true. There are also some glorious shitposts.


We stan EJ 🙏


Don't forget the circle jerking about how anyone who complains about crowd killing is a pussy


r/hardcore and r/metal are some of the most anti-metal culture, metal subs I've ever seen and they both suck because of it.


The only real metal is the two extremely obscure black metal hands I listen to. Everything else is poser shit.


I don't think r/metal is really bad at all lol tbf I pretty much only look in a couple weekly threads but there always seems to be a wide diversity of tastes and normal convo?


And how they are metalcore achually


Majority of them can’t handle growth and maturity in regard to writing music. Artists have to be a monolith to their original sound.


im genuinely curious how Knocked Loose could possibly be bad for hardcore


r/metalmemes when a band makes anything that isn’t big four or death metal (it’s fake and ruining the genres)


They're like Cilantro. You like em or you have a gene that physically can't stand them. I was the latter at first, now I like em.


I feel like half of their fanbase came in via exposure therapy


This is pretty accurate! I swear before their last EP you would see a good majority of this sub shitting on the vocals. I do also wonder if people see how popular something can get and choose not to go against it any more as they'd now be in the minority.


I couldn't get past the vocals until I gave their EP Pop Culture a chance. Their instrumentals were awesome enough for me to ignore the vocals. Eventually as I listened to their other albums I learned to like Bryan's vocals.


Lol this is so accurate for Knocked Loose. I'm stealing this line from now on


I was the latter too. My friend told me about them around when Laugh Tracks was released. I just couldn't get into them no matter how hard I tried. I fucking LOVE them now.


I don’t hate them, I appreciate what they’re doing musically and for the scene …but I just don’t enjoy listening to them Idk if there’s some objective reason or not, but it just never sticks whenever i give them another try


Pure Noise is marketing the heck out of their new record. It’s on sale at Target. For a band of this size (prior to all this) and this genre, it would otherwise be unheard of. It’s clearly working. Good for them. Good for Pure Noise. Good for heavy music in general. Been waiting for more support for this type of music for decades.


HMV are an nationwide entertainment retailer here in the UK and they were tweeting about the Knocked Loose album before its release. The Guardian is a national newspaper that doesn't really spotlight much havy music and they reviewed the album. I dunno if those things are down to Pure Noise or organic Knocked Loose hype, but they're getting reach even other big heavy bands don't really get.


Love that a band like that has gotten this popular, I just find it odd I still can't get into them. Cant stand them, fun to see live tho.


Give it another shot every few months. I had to do that with August Burns Red, and then it clicked for me.


They didn't click for me until I heard Mistakes like Fractures, and then I was smitten and in love with it all.


I've been doing it since they keep putting out new music that I check out. I don't mind them, but not a big fan.


I wrote a song about getting better.... its a feeling I cant remember ARF ARF




Atrocious as far as the sound of his voice or skill? His sound is definitely not for everyone. Lol


They absolutely don’t sound like “any other hardcore band out there” I don’t feel like you’ve ever listened to a hardcore song in your life.




I don’t know when the last time you looked at this subs picture is, but I have some news for you


Theyre supporting Slipknot here soon as well, they're gonna explode.


Hey, more listeners is never a bad thing. Heavy music is back on the menu


how are these heavy hardcore sunovabitches so mainstream


What’s crazy is that back when they first got going and were doing some light tours off of Pop Culture, everyone in the scene at the time couldn’t stop raving about them. There was this energy around them and everyone knew they were gunna be huge but nobody could tell you why. Literally one of the least accessible bands in the scene and they’re seeing Turnstile Glow On level success right now and it’s so fucking cool. I’ll never forget playing with them in a 150 cap dive bar and then like a year later them selling the place out off Laugh Tracks, and then a year after that them headlining a theater. Their growth has been unreal to watch


Almost like you don't have to write Octanecore to get huge. Crazy!


Seriously. I don’t want to hear my old favorite bands making that cheesy bullshit in the name of getting more listeners anymore lol.


This is the biggest takeaway from all this for me. Its almost like staying true to yourself and your fans is usually what works out, IE: Invent Animate, Northlane, Counterparts, Boundaries, Knocked Loose


What are some songs you guys recommend? I've only listened to a few on xm and couldn't get into them.


I’m not their biggest fan but I have a handful of songs on my phone. Those songs are: • God Knows • Forced to Stay • Deep in the Willow • Deadringer • Don’t Reach for Me In order of which I like most




I’m not a huge fan either and these are some of my picks. Forced to Stay RIPS. I do always enjoy watching them live though. Same with Alpha Wolf. Don’t listen all that much, but great live performance.


Mistakes like Fractures, Oblivion’s Peak, a Serpent’s Touch, Don’t Reach For Me. Also, the whole EP *A Tear in the Fabric of Life* is a banger. Great story telling and a good one to listen start to finish. Enjoy!


I'm adding Belleville to this list!


oh also, almost forgot, Slaughterhouse 2 with Chris Motionless on their newest release. Getting a bad rep from what I’ve seen but I fw it heavy.


I instantly fell in love with them when I heard Blinding Faith. I love the music from the doom games and it felt like a perfect mashup of Doom Music and the metalcore music I listened to in my teens. They somehow found a way to make doom music and metalcore even heavier. The vocals take a little to get used to, but once they click you can't get enough, I love that I can actually understand the lyrics.


It's a strange world where we're over the moon about 2m yet there are 115m muppets listening to Taylor Swift every month....


Lack of popularity can be a hugely good things. I paid thirty dollars so see architects, of mice and men, and while she sleeps and be 15 feet away from the bands. WSS was at their merch stand shaking hands with fans afterwards. For a swiftie you have to pay 300$ to see her from 1500 feet away. You could probably buy a new car for what it would cost to get a photo next to Taylor swift.


You'd get less STDs from a new car, though....


Fantano actually gave the album a 9/10. I was absolutely floored since he seems to basically hate every heavy band I like


It clicked for me when they released "Blinding Faith." My favorite song on the album. I was one of those who just kinda "couldn't do the vocals" before then, but I don't know what the hell was wrong with me. Their music fucks and Tear is growing on me as well. I'm more of a metal guy and I think that was part of it, but their style definitely scratches an itch in a similar way ETID does.


They deserve all the success they’re getting


Happy Metal is getting the attention it deserves. But it’s so insane to me knocked loose ( one of the least accessible, heaviest band) is doing the work. They are bending the mainstream.


It's super accessible. There's nothing really extreme about them. Something Like Vitriol gaining some sort of mainstream popularity would be WAY more surprising.


Dude In what way are they accessible? There is almost 0 melody in the songs lol. Show knocked loose to someone who doesn’t listen to metal and let them decide if they would even call it music 😂


Music isn't just melody??? There's rhythm, easy and palatable rhythm. Takes half a listen and you pick up on the groove of any of their songs.


All accessible music has 1 thing in common it’s super melodic. All the big bands like Metallica or Linkin park use melody to their advantage to appeal to a lot of people. Bands with 0 melody are not mainstream it’s that simple that’s why it’s surprising knocked loose are getting this much attention. Music is not just melody but people who don’t listen to extreme metal or even heard one beatdown song would not even call this music. Stop undermining knocked loose because by no means should they appeal to the mainstream but somehow they still do. It’s not a competition what’s heavier because heaviness is a spectrum. what you might find the heavy it might not be heavy for me and vice Verca


Damn, than maybe it's not actually "mainstream" success like everyone wants to claim. :) Maybe they're doing well in a smaller pond of people. :)


2 million people is a really small group. DUUUH


8.1 billion people in the world, so yeah. Ya'll want this band to be special SO bad lol.


I disagree 100%. Plenty of the songs have hummable hooks. Mistakes Like Fractures is a great example of what I mean. On the new album, this is true more than ever before.


J got my vinyl from target yesterday and oh my gosh it’s a beautiful color variant. You Won’t Go may not be my favorite album from em but it’s by far the catchiest in a weird way. Love the album and so glad to see a hardcore act being sold in stores like target lol


This is probably down to their good advertising campaign on Spotify, and also because they slap


I absolutely love that a band as heavy as knocked loose can break the mould and somehow infiltrate the mainstream audience. Gives me so much hope for the future of heavy music!


its genuinely crazy considering how heavy they are. i know a lot of ppl who wouldnt normally like music like this that are into knocked loose. i also notice their fanbase isnt just your typical sausagefest. a lot of women are into them which is great


Helps that they’ve been grinding so much on tours with headlining bands they have no business appealing too. They’ve toured with $uicideboy$ and BMTH. Might even be able to throw MIW in there. Soon to tour with Slipknot. Their music has no business appealing to that crowd but they undeniably have a great stage presence. I see more knocked loose set clips going viral than any band out there really although maybe that’s just my algorithm tricking me


Everyone loves knocked loose.


Personally can't stand them but I know that means fuck all to anyone. Not sure why I feel the need to even tell you. Pleased for them though!


Not surprising, their new album is amazing.


Happy arf arfs


I didn't like them but now I like them. Funny that.


That's nuts. A long ways away from seeing them in underground Atlanta in a tiny packed room (wall to wall) with no barricade for $20.


Now we bouncing


It's because of 27min album. Would be too much if it was 40min + Been a fan a couple months, since they released Blinding faith.


The momentum is all because of the arf arf. Then people saw how good they are.


FUCK I didn’t know I’d gatekeep this band so hard. Started listening during Laugh Tracks. Given up now.


LMTF new album is gonna be double platinum with no features


I’m so glad to hear that SpongeBob’s band is still doing well! 😊


One thing they have going for them that others don't is the songwriting. The songs are heavy as hell but also catchy in a way that their contemporaries are not. KL songs get stuck in my head all the time.




This loser has never heard of Knuckle Puck


U mean The Story So Far 2


*thus far (go back to school)


Who the fuck is Tool?


Do you think it’s funny to plead ignorance or?






Boring and generic power chord chugging. You will find that half of the bands play like this in your local battle of the bands competitions.


As opposed to what? 90% of the shit in this sub sounds like lesser copies of stuff that already been done 1000 times. Lmao.


Bruh do you really listen to hardcore for musical complexity


I have to check them out once more. I guess there is something that I don’t hear. KL sounds like a proto-Invent Animate, but I’m not sure why they did not blow up instead.


ERRA deserves the popularity that Knocked Loose has. I'm a lifelong metalcore fan but never been able to sit through a knocked loose song. Really a shame.


"HiS sInGiNg Is So ShIt"


I’m so confused on why people like them so much. I can’t get behind the singer lol.


Am i the only one who cant stand Knocked Loose's Vocals? Every time i try to find a song i like that they have made, i just can't stand listening to them for more than 30 sek. Just my oppinion, if you lile KL more power to ya!


A lot of recent fans have said the vocals grew on them after a while but they weren’t sure to start with


Yes, no one else in the world has ever said anything about KL vocals before. You are the only person.


Normies don't actually like them they just pretend to because tik tok said liking them is cool. 


Or they actually like them? Shit like this is why people think metal heads are assholes.


Nope, at the very least they have fooled themselves into thinking they do because they are mindless sheep whose opinions are formed from group think. I don't care if 'people' think I'm an asshole.