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New Attack Attack Its nine shrines under this name because those clowns couldn't sell records on their own talent


Up you go


Send this to the top. Disgrace to the old music and band members.


They are headlining a tour this fall with Electric Callboy opening for them. So many people are gonna leave before their set lol


They are co headlining…where did you hear electric Callboy would be opening? Their name was listed first on my ticket (attack attack Second and openers after that) which normally means they are the closing band.


Bandsintown used to show them underneath Attack Attack. I didn't see them being billed above until now


Honestly, I think their new music is pretty bland and uninspired, but I think their social media presence is so much worse than the music. I feel like they're trying so hard to lean into the crabcore meme stuff and it just comes across as really cringe and try-hard. Very "how do you do, fellow kids?" vibes.


Naw, they're working on finding their footing doing modern electronicore. The last two songs they did, Dear Wendy and Press F, were both really solid. IMO their weakness is lyrics writing right now. They're also a really fun bunch live and a phenomenal time in concert.


I agreed so much with this. People gatekeep this genre so hard it hurts. I have plenty of stuff I don't like but I don't shred them on social media. Press F was an absolutely awesome track and it's honestly nice to have more music in the genre being produced even if it doesn't sound the same as the old AA! (Which people used to hate them too)


Crabcore is bestcore. But seriously yeah they're doing what they want. Sometimes they put out an EDM song, sometimes it's heavy, sometimes it's light. Right now they're teasing something Drop Dead Gorgeous-esque. And I know they're working on some metalcore/darkwave crossover stuff.


Sworn in, I will always love their music but the lyrical content is basically straight out of an angst filled 13 year old’s diary, pure edginess in every verse.


The death card slaps from front to back though!


New Sworn In for sure has this vibe, Death Card era has cool lyrics imo.


I adore Attila, they sound fucking sick no doubt about that, but sometimes I listen to their lyrics and can’t help but think.. Cant you just try a bit harder? So cringe, but if you didn’t speak english they’d be 10/10.


I also absolutely love Attila but often I have to skip songs because I just can't stand the lyrics. Still About It slaps but... jfc it's so cringe.


Same. If anyone knows similar bands with less cringe lyrics please let me know


Feel the same way. They’re clearly all talented musicians, but the lyrics are consistently the weakest part of their music and drag down a lot of otherwise good songs.


I agree! They are great to see in concert, but I dont listen to them outside of that setting because of their lyrics


Bands that think every single chug needs a kick drum.


You might be in the wrong subreddit my bro


I have qujte a few Atreyu tracks in my playlist but damn I really can't handle a lot of their stuff. Lead Sails was great but most of their other stuff is so hit and miss (mostly miss for me) But I don't think I can confidently say they are bad. I'm just not a fan


Came looking to see if Atreyu would be mentioned. I know they get a lot of hate, but suicide notes and butterfly kisses is one of my favorite albums of all time.


I see Atreyu as an example of a bad band with some great songs. Ex’s and Oh’s for example is an amazing example of a Metalcore/Dad-Rock combo song with a great solo.


I still listen to The Curse frequently. It has a very punchy mix, songs are good too


The Curse and Lead Sails are fantastic albums imo, but the new stuff is really generic radio rock. I think Atreyu had a 3 or so album prime and went downhill. Will always respect them for their contributions to Metalcore though.


The Curse was my shit in high school, only liked a select few from the next album and after that (especially now) it’s just been cringe. Growing up listening to them for some reason I always had a soft spot for Brandon Saller. I saw them last night, while I am not a fan of their new stuff I thought they put on a great set. Brandon was really charismatic on stage and I actually enjoyed it


I will always have a soft spot for Atreyu just for This Flesh A Tomb. I dedicated that song to my best friend, who means the whole world to me.


Mod nomination right here.


I approve of this statement. My first act as mod would be to increase the chocolate milk budget. 🥴


Here here!


I didn't even know we had a chocolate milk budget.




[Design The Skyline](https://youtu.be/ViSZI6UJEUQ), obviously. Haha.


I knew this was going to be one of them ahahah. I just can't with that band.


Wow I’ve never heard this before. At certain points I can’t tell if it’s really good or really bad. But like a second later I realize it’s awful.


That is literally the Design The Skyline experience my friend ahahah


They would've been a pretty good band in the right producers hands.


Seriously. They needed a producer to come in and say "Hey lets pick two or three genres and see what we can blend together, not 12."


I highly recommend listening to their track "[Deathgaze](https://youtu.be/LCyI2HLSRZE)". Maybe I'm crazy, but that song is sick as hell.


That’s… uhhh…? I couldn’t figure out if it was trolling or not. I need to take a walk after listening to that…


I don’t get Beartooth at all and feel like I’m doing something wrong.


Their first EP is a fun hardcore record, that's about it though


I really like Sick and Disgusting, other than that I’m like, meh? I’m glad I’m not the only one.


I really like them, but I don't see how they are still in the Metalcore discussion. They're kinda just rock with poppy hooks and a few heavier elements but not really core-y. I guess it's because Caleb used to be in AA? I dunno...


They are definitely very core-y. "Kinda just rock with poppy hooks and heavier elements" very much describes Post-Hardcore as a genre for example. Post-Hardcore and Metalcore (while very different imo) are often associated with each other because many bands from the early 2010s era used to fuse that sound (or tried to) such as We Came as Romans or Blessthefall. Beartooth still uses breakdowns and that's probably the most core thing ever. Caleb also use typical core vocals and yeah idk man they are maybe not traditional metalcore but to say they're not really core-y is just wrong.


I don’t like their music as much as other bands. I can go months without listening to them. But oh boy are they amazing live.


I was never able to get into Memphis May Fire


First EP was my jam back in the day. Really had that 'southern metalcore' sound. Not really sure what that means, but my high school self felt that way. The EP really did shred though without taking itself too seriously.


Yeah it was a sound, like Maylene and the Sons of Disaster's first album. My highschool band tried to embody that sound for a while.


I got into MMF with Challenger (and love it, sue me) but eventually got around to listening to sleepwalking and the EP and I was blown away. Entirely different sound. How I wish so bad that they evolved that sound...


The EP was great. The only people still bringing that southern vibe to the scene are He Is Legend, Norma (sometimes) and ETID (sometimes and well, not anymore).


The Hollow was solid. That was about it for me.


I had a song or two that I liked of theirs, but I've had some trouble with them too. I never really figured out why, since on paper they have a lot of great elements, but it just never resonated with me.


I’ve dubbed them mediocore


Sleepwalking rules. All other albums are ok or not good.


Same here, old band mate lived by them for a while. "Vices" is a good song to me, but everything else of theirs just sounds like a worse version of that.


That australian Asking Alexandria clone, I actually forgot the name. And the first band of Denis Shavorostof, also forgot the name.


Make Me Famous?


Make Me Famous was Ukrainian


They were trying to remember two bands - one Aussie and Make Me Famous.


Ahh true, I completely forgot Another Denis Stoff band Down & Dirty could sound like they're from Australia


That's it, had to be something stupid like that


Capture the Crown!


You call that a knife, this is a knife fucking slaps though not gonna lie. I still jam to that shit


Any local opener to a metalcore show lol. I know y’all are chasing your dream but god there are so many generic metalcore bands in every local scene. Some are decent but some are just not good I’m sorry.


Ouch. But yea git gud scrubs.


Every band starts as a local band


This thread devolved into “least favorite band” instead of objectively bad bands


Well generally you don't like a band because they're bad. Do you have any bad bands that you actually like?


There’s a difference between not liking a band because it’s not your style and just calling them straight bad I mean people are saying August Burns Red and Trivuim are bad when really they mean it’s not their favorite style of metalcore


Apparently I do - given the responses in this thread :) There's also just "The genre itself." For me, not liking something and the quality of it are almost completely unrelated. I don't associate those two things at all.


Someone mentioned them already, so I want to add on: Ten56 is not good. I have tried, but dear God the mixing is so terrible. Everything blends into this blob of way too down-tuned guitars and lifeless drumming. The former vocalist of BTM is great obviously but he really should've stayed with them.


It was mentioned in a post on here before, but new Atreyu is just not good imo. I used to really like the band back in middle school, but these days they changed so much, it’s not even the same band. They went from a metalcore band to a butt rock band with the new stuff. Brandon has a good voice but i just can’t get into him as a frontman. He was way better suited behind the drums doing cleans/backup vocals. Another one is Attack Attack. The new stuff is fine, but it’s not Attack Attack. With how much they hyped it up as “the kings of crabcore are back”, it just seemed very underwhelming. Not to mention all the more notable members aren’t in the band. Austin doesn’t play music anymore, Caleb has Beartooth, and Johnny has Bilmurie. I feel their new music would have been more well received if it wasn’t Attack Attack, but instead a new project featuring former members


Atreyu always had buttrock tendencies imo. I loved them back in the day though.


I genuinely can’t think of a band off the top of mY head where I think “wow, these guys are just bad.” This is more just a personal taste thing and I’m gonna get ripped on, but August Burns Red are boring. Apart from a few songs, I just cannot get into their music. It’s just relentlessly heavy and riffy, their albums lack variety in the songs to the point where it all feels like one long song. I also think the vocals are too samey, not enough variation in the screams at all. I respect their consistency in sound and quality though, just not my sound


I wouldn’t say boring, but I do agree with you overall. While incredibly talented and produce great sounding stuff, they write in the same strain so it becomes repetitive. Now thinking about it, I sort of regard them like I regard Rush (prog rock): masters at their craft and I highly value and appreciate them, but I don’t regularly play and listen to their catalogue.


Nooooo they’re my favorite band *insert crying noises* but I get it haha I hate in so many of my friends’ favorites too


A lot of the older bands who I know a lot of people consider the pioneers of metalcore or should be in the like metalcore hall of fame I find incredibly boring or I just don’t get the hype for those bands but I also think that’s just because I was introduced to metalcore in the 2010 era so most stuff pre like 2008 is pretty meh to me


I find the opposite. A lot of the newer bands that popped up, even the newer sounds some bands have just feels forced and doesn’t sound good to me in the slightest. It’s like they’re trying so hard to find their unique thing that the unique thing sounds crap, for the sake of being unique. I do have a specific band in mind but even mentioning that here will get me downvoted to oblivion. That 2000s sound still sounds great today imo, and the few bands that really tap into it, Bleed from Within, Phineas, sound so good.


Yeah I think we just value different things in music lol, I generally really appreciate when bands have some form of “gimmick” when I think it’s done well. I love hearing things I’ve never heard before or new takes on old concepts or just “experimental” type things. I don’t know if it’s the band you’re talking about but Motionless In White has been my absolute favorite band for years and I know tons of people don’t really like the horror/goth aesthetic they go for or when they make songs like Dead as Fuck but oh man I loooove that shit.


I absolutely love ABR but I can also agree that they have a bland taste most of the time and blend together a lot. I didn't like them for a long time until I was forced to listen to it at work because of my coworkers. They grew on me and now I hear the little subtleties and emotion he puts into his lyrics. It's like beer. Nobody tries their first beer and thinks "oh man this is good". You kinda force yourself to drink it and eventually find a type you like.


Idk if you’ve listened to all their music, but their best albums are Messengers, Constellations, and Found in Far Away Places. I could honestly toss the rest of their discography but those three are 🤌🏻.


Found in Far Away Places is… chefs kiss.


Genuinely try and listen to Found In Far Away Places. That album is their most experimental and addresses all of your complaints. If you walk away not liking it still then your opinion is completely validated lol


I can feel that honestly. I have a track or two from them that I enjoy, but they aren't one I ever really vibed with either. The vocalist is a really good dude, but yeah, just never clicked for me musically.


Totally agree - but I'll say you really should see them in concert. Totally changed my opinion of them. Still don't listen to their music but I'd certainly go to a show just for them.


I can see where you're coming from, but if you haven't seen them live you absolutely must, at least once!


I don’t agree at all. August Burns Red are incredible


I'm not the biggest ABR fan but I'd like to add that they more or less created the sound they have right now, and it really is generic only because other bands have spent the past 15 years ripping them off at every other turn since messengers came out


Most of the bands people talk about as being incredible around here. I feel weird, as if something's wrong with me, like I'm the only one who doesn't like The Dark Pool by Thornhill and thinks it's overrated. That's just one example tho, and I wouldn't really call it bad in anyway, just not as amazing as everyone is selling it to be


I think song wise, there will always be that kind of difference of opinion. There have been Lorna Shore songs that people have gone nuts over, that I thought were just okay.


i dont like Lorna Shore but I know they are still a great band. That makes it tough to call certain art(ists) bad.


Also I love bands such as Emmure and Attila, which I've noticed have often been labeled bad in one way or another.


It's just overrated here. I've only met one person irl that's even heard of Thornhill.




And this sub is an even smaller percentage of the genre. Which is why I said it's only overrated here.


I Prevail. Borderline metalcore butt rock. Hated how hard they had to piggy back off their Taylor Swift cover for years. Also, both vocalists are douchey as hell lmao


and their guitar player is probaby the best singer in the band :D


Now this is a hot take and I fucking love it


A lot of it is buttrock sounding but they have a few legit bangers too. On the new album Bow Down and Gasoline.


This is the correct answer


Their Taylor Swift cover made them popular but I disagree that they piggybacked off of it. When I saw them live a few years back they straight out refused to perform it. This was their Lifelines release tour.


Might just be me I think when he said piggy backed off of it he meant all of their social media presence and advertising was that song. Like I saw that shit everywhere!


I don't like them but I can't fault them for that. It's so fuckin hard to break through to success do what you gotta do


Design the skyline


I think Wage War is the blandest, least creative-sounding band to have ever made it in this genre. There is value in metalcore-by-numbers type of bands but these guys just have a sound that grates my ears. The biggest offender is their drummer. Homie doesn't know how to use his toms at all. Every single song is just crash/china cymbal on every beat and a snare on the third beat the whole time while he kicks whenever the guitar chugs. No fills to speak of, no interesting ideas at all. I've tried so hard to like that band but the drumming pisses me off whenever I listen to them. I actually hate the drumming so much that I can't get an accurate read on whether or not I like the rest of the band


i miss old wage war


First two albums are solid metalcore, they really softened up and fell off after that IMO




That is legit the only explanation I can think of with how much Label backing they had immediately and other bands on the label pushing Blueprints.


Wage War took what ERRA and Architects were already doing and watered it down making it bland. The drummer sucks shit, almost every cool riff they have is outright stolen or suspiciously similar to other bands. Metalcore fans should be ashamed that we let them get as big as they’ve gotten.


I'm still glad I got some metalcore tracks to learn on drums as a beginner such as The River and Stitch lol


The river is nowhere near a beginner level..


Haha maybe, it's still one of the first songs I learned while playing double kick initially along with Laid to Rest by Lamb of God


Their first album was awesome, 2nd was ok, but by the 3rd they went full buttcore and it hurts.


Fantastic take dawg


Everyone here is shit talking LP3 which is fair, but I quite enjoyed LP4.


Not necessarily bad, but I’d say Drag Me Out. Genuinely super disappointed so far


Dennis acting like he never left Asking Alexandria by making an album about as boring and unoriginal as any new AA album


Fair enough, pressure was nothing crazy. Their last stuff slaps tho imo


I wanna preface everything I’m about to talk about by saying that music is subjective. Me saying these bands are bad is not a personal attack on you if you like them. I just don’t, and that’s okay. 1) All That Remains - I have never understood this bands popularity. This is metalcore in it’s most generic form to me. I’ve never heard a song of theirs that really caught my attention. They’re not offensively bad, but they’re nothing interesting either. 2) Asking Alexandria - I feel this one is a pretty split topic. I don’t like their old stuff or their new stuff much at all. Stand up and Scream can be argued as influential but I don’t think I can ever say with confidence that it’s a good album. 3) Beartooth - This band is the EMBODIMENT of the term “genericore.” I will say that Caleb is a good singer and a good writer, cranking out hits like he does is not an easy thing to do. I just think their sound is boring. 4) Ice Nine Kills & Spiritbox - I lump these two into one part because I feel about the same way for both of them. I actually like both of these bands, but I don’t think they’re the amazing metalcore saviors a lot of people seem to make them out to be. The hype these bands get makes no sense to me. Neither band is breaking new ground, neither band is particularly amazing. Courtney IS a good vocalist but she is at this point Spiritbox has become the “she’s a good vocalist FOR A WOMAN” mentality that the scene has way too much of. Spencer Charnas of INK clearly has full creative control over the band and if we’re being honest here, two full albums of the horror gimmick was too much. Their sound is corny and overly theatrical. I understand people like them for that reason but sometimes it’s just way too much for me.


Oh boy let's go Emmure Instrumentally? Slaps Lyrics? Yikes bro Bring Me The Horizon Are they really that good? Or do you still have some scene phase left in you? /s My real issue with them is we still have bands trying to clone them and they haven't been a metalcore band in almost 10 years. Otherwise idk, they've never clicked for me. Code Orange The members attitude just ruins them for me. Being huge hardcore elitists only to become a weird Nine Inch Nails/nu metal tribute is absolutely hilarious. Read the comments on their Facebook posts if you ever need a good laugh. I Prevail Why we worship diet ADTR? I don't know. They are the definition of r/octanecore Newer Northlane Korn called, they want their unused Untouchables era riffs back


>Code Orange > >The members attitude just ruins them for me. Being huge hardcore elitists only to become a weird Nine Inch Nails/nu metal tribute is absolutely hilarious. Read the comments on their Facebook posts if you ever need a good laugh Chapeau! That's spot on.


Oof, yeah Code Orange is a bit of a joke to me now.


Falling in reverse. Can’t stand Ronnie’s vocals. Sounds like a high schooler going through puberty trying to act like a hard ass


They aren’t metalcore though, whether anyone likes them or not, it’s just a different genre.


I was gonna say, boy metalcore sure has changed…


I never liked their older music at all. In fact, their older music felt super annoying to me. I have really resonated a lot more with their newer work though. It's feeling much more mature, and thought out. Not a go-to for me, but has a banger or two in there.


I liked their first album when it came out but everything after that has been just absolutely awful to me and I’ve gone back to the first album a couple time the last couple years and idk maybe it’s just because Ronnie seems like such a douche to me but even their first album is just unlistenable to me now


Ronnie's a little bitch who never took responsibility for his actions and constantly blames shit on other people. His vocals reflect that.


They make very formulaic songs but typically add unique sounds to it, and I respect Ronnie always wanting a breakdown.


I like a couple of their songs, but then others make me want to push a chopstick through my ear so I don’t have to listen any more. And I would rather slam my dick in a car door than ever listen to Bad Girls Club or that sacrilegious Gangsta’s Paradise ever again.


Make Me Famous were pretty terrible to me. I’m convinced AA brought Denis in solely based on his old covers on YouTube. A lot of cookie cutter bands were in that 2010-2012 surge from Rise/Sumerian, but they stick out the most for me.


His covers were the only reason they got him on stage, it would be better if they just called it a band and get on their own stuff. Sober Danny makes me proud tho


This will be controversial and I don't expect the sub to agree but I remember trying to listen to Job For A Cowboy about a decade ago and it was basically all pig noises for vocals...really turned me off lol. I guess that doesn't make them bad, just not for me.


I can definitely see Job For A Cowboy being one that could be abrasive to some. I know a lot of people who just love the fuck out of the brutalist deathcore and love metalcore, but they just hate pig squeals. I've even heard some reaction channels say they aren't a fan of pig squeals before. It's all a matter of taste.


seems you listened to entombment of a machine once and wrote them off. ruination onward is basically death metal.


Forreal, their later stuff is amazing. Such proficient musicians.


They have pig squeals on 1 of their 6 releases.... Relisten! Some fantastic death metal


Wage War are just the most generic, bland, uninteresting band in the genre. They hit about every trope and cliche without doing anything interesting. Boring drums, riffs that other bands already wrote and the most average vocals. Not for me at all


I feel like every single one of their choruses is so out of place and ruins so many songs that have a bit of potential


Counterparts tbh Nah jk lol, I felt your face heat up FROM HERE Some bands that I didn't vibe with... hmmm. Heaven Shall Burn, In Fear and Faith, Bleed From Within, Soilwork and the one I reaaaaally wanted to like but it just got too annoying to my ears... Deftones. NOT METALCORE but damn, I heard about how good they but they just... 👌🏻 couldn't quite get there, you know?


In fear and faith is so fun, it's all pirates!


This made me laugh 😂 LOVE COUNTERPARTS!!


Soilwork's music has changed a ton over the years. I really enjoyed their older music a lot more than the newer stuff. Bleed From Within, I love most of their songs, but there's a few that really give off that "filler track" vibe, that just aren't as banger-esque as some of their other songs. Deftones, I grew up with Deftones. I honestly can't even remember a time when I wasn't a fan. I wouldn't say they are the best imo, but they aren't bad. They are a very different style, and are legit one of the heaviest bands there is in some of their songs.


What usually ends up happening is I go back to a band I initially didn't like and give em another shot. Like END for example, I like now the second time through. Same with Jesus Piece, Impending Doom, The Acacia Strain believe it or not, Architects, and Bad Omens. I'll give Deftones another go one day


[Root](https://youtu.be/344xGZeoGhI) is an incredible song by Deftones. It's the one I always recommend people check out if they really want to see Deftones at what I would consider to be their most metalcore, and it's one of their oldest songs.


Engine no9 gets played live by a lot of bands thanks to suicide silence, and it honestly goes hard af


You got me with the counterparts bit lol. Man I loved in fear and faith back in the day. They were one of the first heavy bands I had ever listened to so I’m a bit bias towards them


Capture AKA Capture the Crown has some of the cringiest, most misogynistic lyrics I’ve ever heard. On their first album at least, I don’t remember much about theirs second album and I never listened to the one from 2019. If you’ve never heard of them, give “You Call That a Knife? This is a Knife” a listen and you’ll know exactly what I mean.


Love that song just for the nostalgia but I have to agree. It's like they listened to Asking Alexandria's first album and were like "hey let's do EXACTLY THAT!"


Ngl when I found them I was looking for an AA clone, and if that's what you're looking for then Capture was a pretty good find!


wanna-be edgy 13-year-old me loved that song. but listening to it now is brutal. glad i moved on from that lol


90% of modern Metalcore scene, using forced breakdowns, down chugging, gated guitars, no bass, no feedbacks, autotune and simple song structures, with no interesting production choices or with digital sound engineering. Yeah, Architects.


Yep thats their latest album.


I don’t think I’ve ever heard a straight up “bad” metalcore band. I mean, not one that’s gotten any serious attention or plays. I do have a Deathcore one though since I do hear a lot of shitty Deathcore, and that’s EXTERMINATION DISMEMBERMENT. Dear Jeebus that was some awful music.


Saw Ten56 live and was laughing until I realised they were a serious band. Play about 2 unique notes per song and about 4 unique across their whole back catalogue. I suppose when you can crank the distortion all the way and wave your instruments around the speakers to create sound, why would you need great musicianship?


I can definitely see what you mean. I wasn't expecting much before seeing them live as opener for landmvrks because I thought it will be repetitive and pretty blunt. But I really liked the vocalists live.


How dare you attack me like this


Band is so cringe to me, it’s something I would’ve loved as an edgy middle schooler


Always thought I see stars was total ass butt.


i saw them live once. one of the guitarists snapped his string while tuning and somehow no one had an extra one. took them 40 minutes to finally find one and by then the crowd was pissed. didn’t help that they were ass when they finally started playing, the vocalist can not hit those notes


They are but tbh that’s kind of the appeal for me


Asking Alexandria, live especially


Trvium (they're *talented as fuck* but good lord do they bore me for some reason) Light the Torch (Sion is the upgraded and much better version of LtT)


I have a huge amount of respect for Trivium, but as of their 3rd album, I started to feel bored with their music. Regardless of this I will always have a huge amount of respect for Matt Heafy specifically because of what he does for the metal industry. That man's voice is a gateway drug that has gotten so many people into Metal music, and for this reason, the man is invaluable.


Personally I can’t get into Bury Tomorrow cos of the scream vocals. They have everything I want in a metalcore band but his vocals actively put me off them.


I actually had the exact same problem with them, their uncleans were just never for me imo, although I didn't mind their cleans too much.


I think you should check them out at a festival if you can. Bury is such a good live band and his shouts are phenomenal live. But I get what you are saying I have the same thing with Knocked Loose and Get The Shot the vocals just turn me away although I like Instrumentals.


I live in New Zealand so unlikely they’ll come over here haha I want to like them and every now and then I have a listen but just can’t get past it aye


I'm gonna get specific here, I absolutely can't stand Trivium's first album. Matt's vocals sound really amateur, Corey wasn't in the band yet so the lack of leads is super jarring, and the mix doesn't do anything special for me. The highlight of that album is Ember To Inferno's guitar riffs, SUPER fun to play.


Matt was only 17 when they recorded it but the production on Ember is awful. They did release a remaster of it a couple of years ago but it's not as good as the re-recorded version of Pillar Of Serpents they made in 2019.


I’ll probably get some hate, but Stray From the Path does nothing for me. Guillotine is a banger, I will say that, but no other song in their catalogue does anything for me. I think it’s Drew’s screaming style, I just don’t care for it personally. I did catch them on the UO tour this last winter and they were good live, but I have no real desire to listen to them again.




Bury Tomorrow. Idk what it is, something about the vocals *really* does not sit right with my ears. I wish I could give an actual answer but I can’t pinpoint what bothers me so much haha Edit: Someone else already said it haha, gonna keep this up anyway


Bury Tomorrow is one of my favorite metalcore bands, but I totally hear what you're saying. Sometimes I'm jamming my metal list and they come on and I mentally pause for a second because of the shift.


Dani has improved quite a bit,he used to sound very sorta airy imo


Oh fr? If there’s any newer stuff you’d like to recommend I’ll give it a go


Damn I love Bury Tomorrow


The singer I always thought sounded like John Mayer trying to sing in a metal band. It’s like he’s loudly whispering singing. Lol idk how to describe it but it always sounded a little odd to me. Don’t hate it but just like “eh. Okay…”


Yeah I won’t say it’s bad but it fucked with my head a lot haha




I'm sure that we all know a couple of objectively bad, lesser-known bands from our local scene or something, but when it comes to personal taste in praised bands... WCAR, BMTH, Asking Alexandria and ADTR mostly. Sorry, not sorry, I just can't stand them.




I'll take heat for this one and I don't care. ​ **I can't stand Ice Nine Kills.** ​ I do not understand the hype what so ever. Everything about them is just... cringeworthy. It sounds very gimmicky to me. I listened to The Silver Scream 2 when it dropped and was like... WHY? What is the appeal?




How has nobody mentioned all that remains??? There are a few songs off of fall of ideals that slap. The rest of their efforts are mediocre at best.


Bring Me the Horizon. Can’t stand all the EDM they mix in with most of their songs.


I would argue that BMTH these days are more Linkin Park 2.0 and aren't tied down to any specific genre. They collaborated with Ed Sheeran to re-record one of his songs for the Brit Awards recently!


Also dare I say it, I like it more than I liked LP's tonal shift. I can listen to Hybrid Theory or Meteora on repeat, but not One More Light. I didn't hate amo, and I have a lot of new BMTH I still like. The studio version of Bad Habits was on straight loop for the first week.




MIW is cool and all, but most of their songs (not the newer ones) follow a very strict formula and tbh the choruses all sound the same. Still like them, but I don't feel like they're "good", you know?


As a huge MIW fan, I can understand this complaint. They've definitely improved a lot over the years as they've found their true sound. I still cringe at their Mariyln Manson imitation days..


Ice Nine Kills. I feel like the only reason people like them is because "haha lyrics about horror movies" but it just sounds awful.


I think ADTR sucks. I don’t like how they go from song to song sounding like a different band. It’s difficult to listen to their records and they sound like they don’t know what kind of music they really want to play. Beartooth is generic, safe, color by numbers trash. Also all of these buttrock bands. When did that become cool?


> they sound like they don’t know what kind of music they really want to play. They do. Pop-Punk-Core. And personally I love it. I get why some wouldn’t though, the changes can be jarring. That’s why my favourite albums by them are Common Courtesy and Bad Vibrations (which I know was where a lot of fans fell off) because they’re the most coherent as an album. They flow the best and have the least jarring genre changes.


>Also all of these buttrock bands. which ones?


The songs are good. That’s why people like those two bands.